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Introduction to CSE

Dr. Gaurav Varshney

Introduction to Basics of Computers (4 Hours)
1. Software
a. Application Software
b. System Software
c. Operating Systems
2. Hardware
a. CPU
b. Memory
i. Memory Hierarchy
ii. Cache (Locality of Reference)
c. BUS
3. How program is translated into bits and stored compiled or executed
4. How a program is compiled
a. Process of compilation
b. Program execution
5. C to Assembly to Machine Code
a. Basic Registers and Instructions
b. How function call stack works and how registers rbp rsp edi eax works
c. Examples (godbolt)
Number Representation (1 Hour)
1. How a number is represented in a base
2. Binary Octal Hexadecimal Decimal and other bases
3. Number representation theorem
4. Conversion from a base b to base 10
5. Conversion from Base 10 to base b
6. Conversion between bases
7. Examples in assembly and machine code.
Programming Languages (1 Hour)
Programming Language

Generation of programming languages (1 GL to 5 GL)

Compilers and Interpreters

Syntax and Semantics

Data Types: Primary, Derived and User Defined

Introduction to CPP

Header Files and Namespaces

C++ Introduction
How Macros work. What is the meaning of # in a C++ code. Role of .h and .cpp

How to include multiple files in a cpp project

How namespaces work? How to define a namespace and use it in another file.

Signed and unsigned variables in CPP

Unary, Binary operators in CPP

User Defined Types: Enumerations and Structures and how to use them.
C++ Introduction
Pointers: Single and Double pointers * and & operators

Arrays and referencing arrays via pointers single and double

1. Pointers to integers and primitive data types.

2. Pointers to arrays: Arrays of Pointer, Pointer to an Array
3. Array name as pointer
4. Two Dimensional Array and using name as a pointer
5. Two dimensional array and array of pointers
6. Dynamic arrays via single pointer and double pointer

Reference in CPP

Storage Class and Scope: auto, register, static.

Functions: How to define a function. Pass by values, Pass by pointers and reference. Function pointers

Iteration and Recursion, Loops

Class and Objects in CPP.
1. Const pointer values and references (passing constant pointers and references to functions)
2. Exception Handling in CPP
a. Try catch and throw
b. Std::exception class and standard exception classes.
c. Classes and Objects
i. Constructors Destructors(Copy constructors, parameterized and default constructor)
ii. Object Creation Destruction
iii. Static data members and member functions
iv. Friend functions
v. Function templates
vi. Class templates
3. Concept of Inheritance
a. Base Class Derived Class
b. Access specifiers role in inheritance
c. Constructor calling, object creation, object destruction sequence
d. Calling parameterized constructor of base class via derived class constructor
e. Function overriding

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