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Claim: Evidence: Reasoning:
A statement or conclusion that Data and observations that are Justification connecting the evidence to
answers the original appropriate and sufficient to the claim, showing why the data is
question/problem with scientific support the claim. evidence using scientific principles.

Using the bullet points, write your claim in 5 words, your two main pieces of evidence, and your reasoning in 5 words.




Now, using your bullet points above, write a full conclusion. Use the headers as a guide and write in complete sentences.
Each bullet point above should be at least one sentence.

(INTRO) In the experiment we (summarize experiment in 1-2 sentences):

(CLAIM) Our/my claim is (turn your claim bullet point into a sentence):

(EVIDENCE) Our/my evidence is (turn your evidence bullet points into 2 or more sentences):

(REASONING) This evidence supports my claim because (turn your reasoning bullet point into 1-2 sentences explaining

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