Aircraft General Knowledge - System Design

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Pe ere or male ceca Gee ‘The principle of damage tolerant structural design of an aircraftis based on the: © Cavsbiltytowithstand a certain amount of weakening of he structure without v catastrophictalure © Replacement of parts after a given number cf eyclos orhours of use « @ Fattthat there is no needto inspectthe structure © Monitoring ocrtcal parameters andthe replacement pars if limt value is exceeded A fail-safe(damage tolerant) s/stem is one that, in the event offailure, responds in a way hat will cause no harm, or a ioast minimal harm, to othar devices or dangorto porsonnel. Itachioves thie by providing redundancy through backup systems. Damane tolerance is a propery of a structure relatinoto its ability to sustain defects safely unti repairs can be put in place ‘The approach to engineering design to account for damage tolerance is based on the assumption that faults can evistin any structure and such fauits get worse with extended usage ‘This is commonly used in aerospace engineering to facilitate the management of the extension of cracks in sliucture through the application ofthe prinoples of actue mechinics, whereby a stucture Is considered to be damage tolerant if a maintenance schedule or program has been implemented thatwill resutin he detection and repair of accidental damage, corrosion andfatigue cracking before any such damage reduces the residual strength of the structure below an acceptable limit eres hentai) Question Statistics Times Anawered: 4 Average Scere: 50% Assessment: Ble ees) Pe un ea cd DRC a Rea ee ete eee ens 3. The component is removed at the end of the calculated life ime ornumber of cycles. 4 The design is based on the principle of redundancy of components. Sn ae ee eae cud Afall-safesystem is one that, in the event of failure, responds in 4 way that will cause no harm, oF atleast minimal harm, to other devices or canger to personnel. It achieves this by providing redundancy through back-up systems 4.18 correctas itspecifies redundancy by having more than one load carrying component. 21s incorrect as it only specifies one load carrying compenent 2.18 incorrect ast specifies safe lif desion, 4 is correctas itdiscusses redundancy of components. Ee ula rt a Cele Pale} Question Statistics (Leave feedback on question) Times Answered: 4 Average Score: 75% ich our vdeos arn about bece Findus 01 Find us on V Pe ere or male CLE cee neeacaaed Flag Question ©) ‘The principle of the safe life desian of an aircraft is based on the: @ Redundancy ofthe stucture orequipment © Capability towithstand a certain amount of weakening ofthe structure without catastrophicfalure @ Replacement of parts after a given number of cycles or hours of use © Monitoring ocrtcal parameters andthe rep'acement of pats ita limit value is exceeded, @ Previous Question Reece Th Findus 01, Find us on ch our vdeo Learn about bece FaceDook witer on YouTube 8 protessional pi Peedi nes one mcd Pe ere or male GEL cero Gee ‘The principle of the safe life desian of an aircraft is based on the: @ Redundancy ofthe stucture orequipment x © Capability towithstand a certain amount of weakening ofthe structure without catastrophicfalure @ Replacement of parts after a gven number of cycles orhours of use Vv © Monitoring ocrtcal parameters andthe rep'acement of pats ita limit value is exceeded In Safe Life Designproducts are designed to sunive a specific design Ife, and to repiace those products, once a certain number of sycles (ora period time) has beenreached. The technique is employed in criteal systems which are elthar very diffcultto repair or may cause severe damage to life and property in. the event of critical falure. Such systems are normally designed to work for several years without requirementfor any repairs. This sometimes means that pracucts will have to 02 replaced once the design life has expired, even though they may still have considerable fe aheac of them. Eee neki erty Question Statistics (Leave feedback on question) Times Answered: (Post to ATP Forum) ‘Average Score: 25% Findus 01, Find us on ich our vdeo Learn about bece Facebook Twitter on YouTube 8 professional pi See ea eee eee ee Pe ere or male Caan cere nena Flag Question ©) ‘The principle of damage tolerance in structural desian of an aircrafts based on the: Capability towithstand a certain amount of weaksning of he structure without catastrophictailure © Factthat there sno needto inepecttho structure @ Replacement of parts after a gven number of cycles or hours of use. © Monitoring ocrtcal parameters andthe rep'acement of pats ita limit value is exceeded, @ Previous Question Reece Th Findus 01, Find us on ch our vdeo Learn about bece FaceDook witer on YouTube 8 protessional pi Peedi nes one mcd Pe ere or male Ee ceed Gee ‘The principle of damage tolerance in structural desian of an aircrafts based on the: © Cavsbiltytowithstand a certain amount of weakening of he structure without v catastrophictailure © Factthat there sno needto inepecttho structure @ Replacement of parts after a gven number of cycles or hours of use. © Monitoring ocrtcal parameters andthe rep'acement of pats ita limit value is exceeded Fault Tolerant Designis 2 design that slows a system to continue operating, possibly at = reduced level (also known as graceful degradation), rather than falling completely, when a partof the system falls. ele le aol ee lool ee) Question Statistics (Leave feeaback on question) Times Answered:3 (Post to ATP Forum: Average Score: 100% Findus 07 Find us on Watch our videos n about bece Facebook Twitter on YouTube professional pi pee ee ee Renn henna Pe ere or male CaaS creme ea cad Flag Question ©) Se UE acon @ Replacement of pats after a gven number cf cytes or hours of use © Resundancy ofthe structure or equipment @ Monitoring of ertical parameters and the replacement of parts a limitvalue is exceeded © Capability towithstand a certain amount of weaksning of the structure without catastrophictailure Findus 01, Find us on ch our vdeo Learn about bece FaceDook witer on YouTube 8 protessional pi Peedi nes one mcd Pe ere or male Ge cee Gee Se UE acon Capability towithstand a certain amount of weaksning of he structure without x catastrophictailure © Roduncany of the stucture or equipment. Vv @ Replacement of parts after a given number of cycles or hours of use © Monitoring ocrtcal parameters andthe rep'acement of pats ita limit value is exceeded A fall-safesystem is one that, in the event offailure, responds in 2 way that will cause no harm. or atleast minimal harm, to other devices or ¢anger to personnel. Itachieves this by providing redundancy through back-up systems elec le Paella) Question Statistics (Leave feeaback on question) Times Answered:3 (Post to ATP Forum: Average Score: 22% Findus 07 Find us on Watch our videos n about bece Facebook Twitter on YouTube professional pi pee ee ee Renn henna Pe ere or male Caan eaca ald Flag Question ©) Which of these statements about structural design principles are correct or incorrect? 1 The damage tolerance principle takes cracking of the structure into accoun De eee eure cn @ lis correct, is incorect © A iscorect tis correct @ lisincorect lis comect © lisincorect lisincorect @ Previous Quest Findus 01 Find us on ‘Watch our veos Learn about bece Facebook Twitter on YouTube a professional pi Pe ere or male GE cea Gee Which of these statements about structural design principles are correct or incorrect? 1 The damage tolerance principle takes cracking of the structure into accoun De eee eure cn @ liscomect, iis incorrsct x © lis correct, tis correct v @ lis incorect lis corset © lisincorect lisincorect In Safe-Life Designproducts are designed to survive a specific design Ife, and to repiace those products, once a certain number of es estemely <= Siive [noProbabiiny ——>aos [0s sar [aos re [Recuirenent (see note 2) ht of Ty range i provided re nz relrence The applicant isnot required ta priarm a quaiietvesnalyels a aubeantine By ‘hats numerical criteria has been met for Minor Failure Conditions. Current anspor category aereplane products are regarded as ‘9rd amply by using current commonly acceped industry practice Pe ere or male Cease cen eaca ced Flag Question ©) According CS 25 the worst effect of a catastrophic failure on the aeroplane could be: @ Slight reduction in functional capabilities or safety margins © Hutloss. @ Sionifcant reduction in tunctional capatiities or safely margins © Larse reducion in tunctional capatilities or safely margins Ce Findus 01 Find us on Watch our videos Learn about bece Facebook Twitter on YouTube professional i emetic Pe ere or male Gece) Gee According CS 25 the worst effect of a catastrophic failure on the aeroplane could be: @ Slight reduction in functional capabilities or safety margins x © Hutlocs v @ Sionifcant reduction in tunctional capatiities or safely margins © Larse reducion in tunctional capatilities or safely margins (Referto Digaram) View Image Assessment Statistics 7 Correct of 22 Score: 31.82% Question Statistics (Leave feedback on question Times Answered:2 (Post to ATP Forum! Average Score: 66% Findus 01, Find us on Watch our videos n about bect Facebook Twitter on YouTube A professional pi mete a rece tee ee hee ae Pe ere or male CaaS A cee neeaca ced Flag Question ©) Te RSA cree oO neue @ Slight reduction in functional capabilities or safety margins © La1g2 reducion in functional capatilties or safely margins. @ Hutloss © Sionifcant reduction in functional capabilities or safety mergins Ce Findus 01 Find us on Watch our videos Learn about bece Facebook Twitter on YouTube ‘professional pi emetic Pe ere or male GEE ceed Gee Te RSA cree oO neue Slight reducton in unctional capabilities or safety margins, x © atv reducion in functional capabilities or safely margins. v @ Hutloss © Sionifcant reduction in functional capabilities or safety mergins (Referto Digaram) View Image ae cil Peele del PSE el nea Question Statistics (Leave feedback on question Times Answered:2 (Post to ATP Forum! Average Score: 22% Findus 01, Find us on 1 videos n about bect Facebook Twitter on YouTube A professional pi mete a rece tee ee hee ae Pe ere or male aa ARS crane eaca ced Flag Question ©) De RS ere en eee a Sionificant reduction in functional capatilities or safety mergins © La1g2 reducion in functional capatilties or safely margins. @ Slight reducton in tunctional capabiities or safety margins. © Nocftect on operational capabilities or sat, Ce Findus 01 Find us on Watch our videos Learn about bece Facebook Twitter on YouTube ‘professional pi emetic Pe ere or male Gi ceed Gee De RS ere en eee a Sioniicantreducion in unctional capatiliies or safely margins v © Lave reducion in functional capatilities or safely margins. Siiont reduction in functional capabilities or safety margins. © Nocftect on operational capabilities or sat, (Referto Digaram) View Image Eee ci le eee le del OL eel Nay Question Statistics (Leave feedback on question Times Answered:2 (Post to ATP Forum! Average Score: 100% Findus 01, Find us on Watch our videos n about bect Facebook Twitter on YouTube A professional pi mete a rece tee ee hee ae Pe ere or male CaaS cena eaca cad Flag Question ©) DR RSA cree Ue ee ue @ arse reducion in tunctional capatilities or safely margins © Sight reduction in functional capatilitios or safety margins @ Noettect on operational capabiities or safety © Sionifcant reduction in functional capabilities or safety mergins Ce Findus 01 Find us on Watch our videos Learn about bece Facebook Twitter on YouTube ‘professional pi emetic Pe ere or male Greece ed Gee DR RSA cree Ue ee ue @ arse reducion in tunctional capatilities or safely margins x © Siiaht reduction in functional capabilities or safety margins. v @ Noettect on operational capabiities or safety © Sionifcant reduction in functional capabilities or safety mergins (Referto Digaram) View Image Ease ici E eee le dol Leet a) Question Statistics (Leave feedback on question Times Answered:2 (Post to ATP Forum! Average Score: 22% Findus 01, Find us on 1 videos n about bect Facebook Twitter on YouTube A professional pi mete a rece tee ee hee ae Pe ere or male CaaS teen ea alee Flag Question ©) According CS 25 the worst effect of a catastrophic failure on the occupants of an aeroplane excluding Se een Ld © Mutipleataties © Phisical discomiort @ Serious or fetal ijuryto a small number of passengers or cabin crew. © Phisica distess, possibly incuing injuries Ce Findus 01 Find us on Watch our videos Learn about bece Facebook Twitter on YouTube ‘professional pi emetic Pe ere or male Gece rae Gee According CS 25 the worst effect of a catastrophic failure on the occupants of an aeroplane excluding Se een Ld © Notipletataties v © Phisical discomior. @ Serious or fetal ijuryto a small number of passengers or cabin crew. © Phisica distess, possibly incuing injuries (Referto Digaram) View Image ae cil Reel le del Peel a Yad Question Statistics (Leave feedback on question Times Answered:2 (Post to ATP Forum! Average Score: 100% Findus 01, Find us on Watch our videos n about bect Facebook Twitter on YouTube A professional pi mete a rece tee ee hee ae Pe ere or male CaaS creme eaca cad Flag Question ©) Te ST ec on en Cee Ck ced Se een Ld @ Phisical discomiort © Serious or fatal injuyto a small numberof passengers or cabin crew. @ Prysical sistess, possibly incuding inunies © Mutipietataties Ce Findus 01 Find us on Watch our videos Learn about bece Facebook Twitter on YouTube ‘professional pi emetic Pe ere or male Gee ceed Gee Te ST ec on en Cee Ck ced Se een Ld @ Phisical discomiort x © Phisical distress, possibly incuding injuries. © Munpietataities © Serious or fetal njuryto a small number of passengers or cabin crew. v (Referto Digaram) View Image Assessment Statistics 9 Correct of 27 Score: 33.33% Question Statistics (Leave feedback on question Times Answered:2 (Post to ATP Forum! Average Score: £0% Findus 01, Find us on Watch our videos n about bect Facebook Twitter on YouTube A professional pi mete a rece tee ee hee ae Pe ere or male CaaS cee neeaca cad Flag Question ©) De SA cet on kee ce Le e ce T Geen Serious or fatal inuryto small number of passengers or cabin crew. © Physical distress, possibly incuding injuries @ Phisical disconvont © Meonvenience Ce Findus 01 Find us on Watch our videos Learn about bece Facebook Twitter on YouTube ‘professional pi emetic Pe ere or male GE) Gee De SA cet on kee ce Le e ce T Geen Serious or fatal inuryto small number of passengers or cabin crew. x © Physical distress, possibly incuding injuries v @ Phisical disconvont © Meonvenience (Referto Digaram) View Image Assessment Statistics 9 Correct of 28 Score: 32.14% Question Statistics (Leave feedback on question Times Answered:2 (Post to ATP Forum! Average Score: £0% Findus 01, Find us on Watch our videos n about bect Facebook Twitter on YouTube A professional pi mete a rece tee ee hee ae Pe ere or male Cae e Scene eea cas Flag Question ©) ‘According CS 25 the worst effect of a minor faiure on the occupants of an aeroplane excluding fight Geen @ inconvenience © Physical distress, possibly incuding injuries @ Phisical disconvont © Setious or fatal inuryto a small number of passengers or cabin crew. Ce Findus 01 Find us on Watch our videos Learn about bece Facebook Twitter on YouTube ‘professional pi emetic Pe ere or male GR Gee ‘According CS 25 the worst effect of a minor faiure on the occupants of an aeroplane excluding fight Geen @ inconvenience x © Physical distress, possibly incuding injuries @ Phsical discomiont v © Setious or fatal inuryto a small number of passengers or cabin crew. (Referto Digaram) View Image Assessment Statistics 9 Correct of 29 Score: 31.03% Question Statistics (Leave feedback on question Times Answered:2 (Post to ATP Forum! Average Score: £0% Findus 01, Find us on Watch our videos n about bect Facebook Twitter on YouTube A professional pi mete a rece tee ee hee ae Pe ere or male CaaS irene eats Flag Question ©) Se ee Ue en @ Redundancy ofthe stucture orequipment © Replacement of parts after given number ef cycles or hours af use © Capabiity to withstand a certain amount of weakening of ne structure without catastrophicfailure © Monitoring ocrtcal parameters andthe rep'acement of pats ita limit value is exceeded, @ Previous Question Reece Th Findus 01, Find us on ch our vdeo Learn about bece FaceDook witer on YouTube 8 protessional pi Peedi nes one mcd Pe ere or male Gee cee Gee Se ee Ue en @ Redundancy ofthe stucture orequipment x © Replacement of parts after given number ef cycles or hours af use © Capabiity to withstand a certain amount of weakening of ne structure without catastrophicfailure © Monitoring ocrtcal parameters and the rep'acement of pats if lmitvalueis Vv exceeded (One defnition of On Consition Maintenance is: “the examination of these agpects of an installation that, are predictive of pencing failure, followed by performance of prevertative maintenance actvities beiore occurrence of total failure.” This means that certain critical components are monitored as part of a Planned Preventative Maintenance cycle ané replaced on a cycle andlortime basis, Assessment Statistics 9 Correct of 30 Score: 30% Question Statistics (Leave feedback on question Times Answered:2 (Post to ATP Forum! Average Score: £0% Findus 01, Find us on Watch our videos n about bect Facebook Twitter on YouTube A professional pi mete a rece tee ee hee ae Pe ere or male CaaS cena Caled Flag Question ©) In the context of airframe load path philosophies a fail safe component is: © Acomponertinat has a design fatigue ife such tat tne probability of falure in that lifes assessedas remota © Acomponertthat has two operating conditions, safe and unsafe, and ic designed 0 that following a falure tis in the safe conaition @ A component incorporated in alarge aircraftwhich is designed so that, following its failure, the remaining structure can withstandreasonable leads without failure untl the damageis detected © Acomponertthat does net affectthe structural stength ofthe aircraft ck ay Findus 01, Find us on Watch our vdeos Learn about becc Facebook Twitter on YouTube 2 professional pi ede Cae ce er nee Pe ere or male Gnesi Gee In the context of airframe load path philosophies a fail safe component is: © Acomponertinat has a design fatigue ife such tat tne probability of falure in that x lifes assessedas remota © Acomponertthat has two operating conditions, safe and unsafe, and ic designed 0 that following a falure tis in the safe conaition @ Acomponentincorporated in alarge aircraftwhich is designed so tat, following v its failure, the remaining structure can withatandreasonable loads without fallure untl the damageis detected © Acomponertthat does net affectthe structural stength ofthe aircraft Carey ecg on Afail-safesystem is one that, in the event offailure, responds in a way that will cause no harm. or atleast minimal harm, to other devices or canger to personnel. Itachieves this by providing redundancy through back-up systems eres ea eet rye kr Question Statistics (Leave feedeack on question) Times Anewered:2 (Post to ATP Forum Average Scere: 0% Findus 01 Find us on Watch our vdeos Learn about bece Facebook Twitter on YouTube 2 professional pi ee ee el ee Pe ere or male CaaS creme eea ald Flag Question ©) eerie ns @ Hes paralletioas paths © Maybe used during a deciared numberof cycles or fight hours @ 1s <0 sttong hat t will never tal during « dectared time period © shouldnave enough strength curing the whole lifetime ofan aicrat Ce Findus 01 Find us on Watch our videos Learn about bece Facebook Twitter on YouTube ‘professional pi emetic Pe ere or male GE) Gee eerie ns @ Hes paralletioas paths x © May be used during a declared numberof cytes or fight hours v @ 1550 strong tnatit wil never fai duning @ declared time period © shouldnave enough strength curing the whole lifetime ofan aicrat Ce eer In Safe-Life Designproducts are designed to sunive a specific design Ife, and to replace those products once a certain number of cycles (ora periodoftime) has beenreached. The technique is employed in critical systems which are eltner very cimcuitto repair or may cause severe damage 10 Ife and property in the event of critical falure. Such systems are normally designed to wark fr several years without requirementfor any repairs. This sometimes means that procucts will have to b= replaced once the design lite has expired, even though they may stil have considerable life sheac of them. Des ee entry ae nro Question Statistics Times Answered: 2 Average Score: £0% Findus 01, Find us on Watch our videos Learn about bece Facebook Twitter on YouTube professional pi ee eee econ Pe ere or male CaaS cena caa Flag Question ©) OT ecu eae anc Es © Abpe of construction for small aircraft only © A construction which is suitable for aercbatic tight @ Adpe of construction in wnich the load is carried by other components ia part of the structure fails © A simple and cheap tpe of construction Findus 01 Find us on Watch our vdeos Learn about bece Facebook Twitter on YouTube a protessional pi eine a Pe ere or male Gee ce Gee OT ecu eae anc Es © Abpe of construction for small aircraft only * © A construction which is suitable for aercbatic tight @ Adye of construction in which the load is carried by oiner components if part of Vv the structure fails © A simple and cheap tpe of construction Previous Ques Tea Afail.safesystem is one that, in the event of failure, responds in a way that will cause no harm or atleast minimal harm, to other devices or canger to personnel. Itachiaves this by provicing redundancy through back-up systems Assessment Statistics 9 Correct of 33 Score: 27.27% Question Statistics (Leave feedback on guestion) Times Answered: 2 (Post to 471 Average Score: £0% Findus on Find ve on Wateh our videos Learn about bece Facebook Twitter on YouTube professional pi eet eae eter ken tna

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