Panagiotis Asvestopoulos (English-CV)

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Asvestopoulos Panagiotis (20/06/1990)

Ionias 25, Nea Smyrni, Athens, 17121
Tel: (210) 9311835, (210) 9312222 | mobile: 6942680793 | Skype: panagiotis.asvestopoulos
Military Service completed


2017– 2018 ReGeneration Finalist – ReGeneration Academy | Excelixi S.A.: Center of Sustainable Entrepreneurship

Diploma Digital Marketing Young Practitioners

An educational program with practical knowledge and skills on Digital Marketing, that includes:
75 hours in-class teaching + 30 hours of e-learning in:
2-Day DigiCamp

2017 - 2018 Panteion University of Social & Political Sciences

Postgraduate diploma (M.A.): International Relations and Strategic Studies,

Department of International, European & Area Studies, Average Grade: 8,25/10

2015 - 2018 University of Piraeus

Postgraduate diploma (M.SC.).: B.R.I.C.S .''Economy – Society – Foreign Policy’’, Average Grade: 9,6/10
Summa cum Laude
School of Economics, Business & National Studies, Department of National & European Studies

2008 - 2015 Panteion University of Social & Political Sciences

Bachelor degree in International, European & Area Studies, Average Grade: 7,6/10
Major academic specialization: International Relations
Minor academic specialization: International Law & Institutions

 Honorary distinction for the reception of the 1st place in both Α' and Β' Semester in the final Exams of B.R.I.C.S.
Postgraduate program ''Economy – Society – Foreign Policy''
 Participation: Scientific Conference with topic: ''Refugee Crisis & Brexit – Political Rhetoric, Media and State
Image'' (October 2016)
 Participation Summer School: ''European Integration: 60 years later - State of the Art'' (September 2016)
 Participation Summer Seminar: ''Europe and its Neighborhoods: Geopolitics and Human Flaws'' , Tinos ( July
 Presentation: Scientific Seminar with topic: "Uneasy Neighbor’s: The European Union, Israel and Palestine"
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva , Israel (April 2016)
 Participation in a Scientific Conference with topic: «Strategy of communication and Mass Media in Elections
Campaigns and in International Relations» (November 2015)
 Educational seminars in INTERAMERICAN insurance group and degree holder of Insurance intermediaries -
Certificate in level Β (June 2015)
 Participation: ''The globalization phenomenon and the impact of regional powers on the international system.
India and China case studies'' (November 2011)
 Participation: ''Liability protection for the international community for the confrontation of the humanitarian
crisis in the 21st century – Dimensions, Challenges, Perspectives'' (December 2011)
 Participation: ''Galatasaray Euroforum Model European Union Conference, Istanbul (April 2010)
 Participation in a Scientific Conference with topic: Copenhagen 2009 - The environment in the vortex of global
crisis (February 2010)
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 Participation in a Scientific Conference with topic: ''60 Years from the Declaration of Human Rights - Future
challenges'' (February2009)
 Participation in a Scientific Conference with topic: ''Status of the states in an internationalized environment:
Opportunities and Perspectives for Greece'' (February 2009)
 Participation in a Scientific Conference with topic: Reforming E.U. (April 2009)
 Graduation with the highest Honors in high school


a. Export Officer Seagull SA (November 2019-Present)

b. Geneva Global Accounts Mediterranean Shipping Company (July 2018 - November 2019)
c. Co-founder of B.P.A. - Solutions (Web Design, S.E.O., Social Media Marketing)
(September 2016 – October - 2017)
d. Secretarial and Customer support in a renovation company (2015-2016)
e. Researcher in European Center of Research and Training in Human Rights and Humanitarian Action, Institute of
International Relations, Research Team B.R.I.C.S., University of Piraeus (2016)
f. Internship in ''Medecins sans Frontieres'' - Research on the immigration policy of the European Union (January
2012 – June 2012)
g. Scientific associate of professor Κ. Koliopoulos (primary research & text translation)

 English: Highly proficient in spoken and written English, Certificate of Cambridge Proficiency
 German: Very good command in spoken and written German, Goethe-Zertifikat B1
 French: Very good command in spoken and written French, Delf Β2- Diplome d'Etudes en Langue Francaise
 Chinese(Mandarin): Basic knowledge in written and spoken Chinese, coursework ''Chinese language &
culture'', class of the postgraduate program B.R.I.C.S. – H.S.K.- 2


 Computer Skills: Advanced knowledge of MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint, MS Project, good
command of STATA

 Skills: Diploma in car driving, participation in various university teams

 Interests: amateur chess player (various in nationwide Championships - 15 medals), amateur reader,
basketball, football (member of sports clubs) , Film - Stage Director seminars

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