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BIDDING DOCUMENT TERIOR DEVELOPMENT We OF BuMTH, ANCH OFFI DRUK PNB BANK LIMITED CORPORATE OFFICE, THIMPHU Contents INVITATIONS FOR BIDS (FB). SECTION I: INSTRUCTION TO BIDDER (17. ‘A: GENERAL. 1 Scope of Tender - 2 Corrupt Fraudulent Collsive or Coercive Pacis 3. lige Bier. searemereen 4B She VBR nn = B. CONTENT OF BIDDING DOCUMENT. 4. Contents of Bidding Documents 5. Clarification of Bidding Documents 6 Amendment of Bidding Documents. : (C. PREPARATION OF BIDS. x E 7. One Bid per Bidder. Bid preparation cost = 9 Language of Bid Ei = 0. Documents comprising the Bid = Hi. Laterof Bid and Schedule. =e ? 12 Alternative Bid 3 13. Bid Price and Discount 14. Currencies of Bid and Payment 15, Documents comprising the Technical Proposal. 16, Documents establishing the Qulifstion ofthe Bidder. zi 1 Bid Valid 5 18 Bid Securiy 19. Format and Signing of Bid _D. SUBMISSION AND OPENING OF BIDS 20. Sealing and Marking of Bid... - 21, Bid Submision Deadline 2 Late Bide 23, Modification, Subsiuion or Withdrawal of ide 24, Bid Opening £. TENDER OPENING & EVALUATION, = 25. Confident S 26 Chariton. a 27. Bilder Conctng the Bank 28. Determination of Responsiveness. : 29. Non Conformtes,Emors and Omissions : 30. Evaluation and Comparison of Tenders = ML 31. Bank's Right acop of Reject any oral. 12 F. CONTRACT AWARD. iS 2 2 32, Award Criteria, y es 33, Later of Intent fo Award th Conrad Notification of Award. 12 3. Complains S 12 SECTION 2. BIDDING DATA SHEET. ‘General Bidding Document Preparation of Bids Submission and Opening oF Bis. Award of Contact renee SECTION 3. EVALUATION AND QUALIFICATION CRITERIA. Evaluation SECTION 4. FORMS OF BIDS & QUALIFICATION INFORMATIO} 2 Table of Forms... o 2 - a FORM: FORM OF BID =a aa Seas FORM: QUALIFICATION INFORMATION... aap FORM: LETTER OF INTENT 7 FORM: LETTER OF ACCEPTANCE sso 18 BANK GUARANTEE FOR BID SECURITY 19 SECTION 5, GENERAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT nssvsnsvssvswonnnvnnenee20 1 eg nate 2. Tmteepetation & Documents Forming the Conract 3. Corrupt, Fraudtent,Colusive or Coercive Practices 4. Governing Language and Law. 5 Engineer's Decision =. 6 Delegation nn = — a ® 9. ‘Communiations and Noises. a Sub- Contacting Contractor's Personnel. an ae ‘Welle of Laborers & Chil Labor = Safety, Security and Protection ofthe Evironment ‘Acces tthe Site Documents, Infomation. Property Possesin ofthe Si Commencement of Works. Completion of Works. zi Program of Works : : Early Warning : ~ 3 Compensation Event. a [Nom Schodled tems of Works Schedule of Works Payment Cerificate. Payments and Corency Ligiated Damages, Performance Security Price Adjustment Completion 31, Conetion of Dect 32, Taking Over. 33, Final Account. BA Termination. : 38. Payment upon Termination 36, Release from Performance. 37. Force Majeure. . 38 _ Settlement of Disputes SECTION. CONTRACT FORMS. BEBEEEBR PERRREBREREBRBB Form: ss Form? a a Ey Form-3ssn 3 [BANK GUARANTEE FOR PERFORMANCE SECURITY. 33 BANK GUARANTEE FOR MOBILIZATION ADVANCE... 34 SECTION 8, BILL OF QUANTITIES (B0Q) wsncwnnnny —| SECTION 9, DRAWINGenvnnennnnnnnnnny INVITATION FOR BID (1FB) DRUK PNB BANK LIMITED INTERIOR DEVELOPMENT WORKS OF BUMTHANG BRANCH OFFICE, INVITATIONS FOR BIDS (1FB) NATIONAL COMPETITIVE BIDDING Date: ly 31,2019 Bid. Druk PNB Bank invites bids for the “Interior Development works of Bumchang Branch (Oice” detailed inthe tbl. The bidders may submit id forthe Tllowing work package. ‘Bidding documents (and atonal copes) may be downloaded fromthe www sukonbbank.b ‘Bids must be accompanied by bid security of 2% ofthe quoted price dav in favor of Druk PNB Bank Limited, Corporate Office, Thmph. Bd security wil have to bein any one ofthe forms as specified in the bidding document sd shall veto be vali or 30day=, ‘Bids must be delivered t9 Administrative & Finance Department (AFD) onr before 3.00 PM ‘on 14 Aust, 2019 and wil be opened on 15® August, 2019 a 11:00 am nthe presence ofthe Didders who wish to attend SECTION 1: INSTRUCTION TO BIDDER (ITB) A: GENERAL 1. Scope of Tender T.1 The Bank, as indicated in the BDS issues this Bidding Document for the procurement of Works as speified in Section I.1 (Bank’s requirement): The name, ‘deniicaion and identitication of his bidding are provided inthe BDS. 1.2 The success Bide wll be required to complete the Works within be Time for ‘Completion sated in the Special Conditions of Contract (SCO), 1.3 Throughout his Bidding Documents; (@) The tem “in writing means communicated in writen form with poof of csp (©) Ifthe context so requires, singular means plural and vice vers; nd (©. "Day" means calendar dy. 2. Corrupt Fraudulent Collasive or Coercive Practices 2.1 Bank requires the Bidders to observe the highest standard of ethics during the implementation of procurement proceedings and the exceuton of Coaats under public funds 2.2 In pursuance ofthis requirement, the Bank shal, a. exclude the bidder from particpation Inthe procurement proceeding concerned or reject a proposal for award: and 1, dtlare 4 biddee ineligible, either indefinitely of for a stted peiod of ime, from Patcipation in procurement proceedings under public finds: 231i, at anytime, determines that the bidder has engaged in carupt, feaudalent, ‘collusive or coercive practices in competing for, or in executing a Contract under the publi funds. 124 The Bank defines, forthe purposes ofthis provision, the terms st forth below as follows: ‘2 “corre practice is the offering, giving, reeiving or soiiting,diretly or Inet, of anything of value o influence improperly the ations of another party’ (6 “Frauulentpractce is any itetional ct or omission including misepresemation, that knowingly of recklessly misleads, or atemps to misled, party To obi 8 financial or ther benefits oto avoid an obligation, «“eollsive practice isan arrangement between two or more partes designed to achieve an impeoper purpose, including a infuene inpropeey te ations of another pay: 4 Coorive practice“ impairing o harming or threatening o ips or ham, diretly ‘orindresty, any party o the property ofthe party to inuence improperly the actions of apy. 2.5 The bidder shal he aware ofthe provisions on faud and corruption sted in GCC Clause Band GCC Sub-Clause 3421). 2.6 The Bank requies thatthe bidder has an equal obligation not to slic ask for andor use coercive methods to obtain personal benefits in conection with the sail rocedings. 3, Eligible Bidder 3.1 Bidders ofthe categories specified inthe BDS are eligible to partie in this bidding process, 3.2 The Bank shall invite Bids using the Open Tendering Method (National Competitive ‘Biding) or inited ender 8 apliable 3.3 The bidder shall meet the gualieation quirement stated inthe BDS Site Visit 3.4 The Bidders, at thrown esponsbility and rik, encouraged ovis and xamine the Site nd uinalnfemation tha nay be nocesary fr epring the idan entering into a Cora for ‘erfamance ofthe Works The coats of sing he Site sul be ate Bes own expense B. CONTENT OF BIDDING DOCUMENT 4. Contents of Bid Documents 4.1 The sections comprising the Bidding Document are listed below and should be ead in conjneton with any Amendment ssbed in accordance with ITB Clause 7. PART 1, Bidding Procedures + Sesion I> Insretons o Bidders (ITB) 4 Scetion2: Bidding Data Shet(BDS) + Section 3: Evaluation and Qualification Criteria Seston 4: Bidding forms Section 5: General Conditions of Contract (GCC) + Section 6: Special Conditions of Contract (SCC) Sesto 7: Contract Forms + Section & Bill of Quantities & Speciiations + Section: Drawings 4.2The bank isnot responsible for the completeness of the Bidding Document and their Addenda, i they were not obained dizetly from the soures stated by in the Invitation foe Bis 4.3 The Bidder is expected to examine al insrctons, forms tems, and specifications inthe Bidding Documents. Failure to furnish al information or dacumentaonrequced bythe Bidding Document my result in he ejection ofthe bid. 5, Clarifiestion of Bidding Documents S.A prospective Biderrequiting any clarification ofthe Bidding Document stall contact the Bank in writing atthe Bank's adress indiated inthe BDS. 6, Amendment of Bidding Docements ‘6.1 Atany time prior to the deadline for submission of Bid, the Bank may amend the Bidding Document by issuing addenda and extend the deadline for the submision of bids a its be funds 532 In pusuace of this requiemeat the Bank shall (@) & exclude the Contactor fom partition inthe procurement procetingsconcemed or ejecta proposal for award and () declare 2 Contmctr inci, ctr indefinitely of for & stated prod of time, fom ptipation n procurement proestings unr pic fad 5.3 The bank eines, fr the pups ofthis proviso the ems tft below solos; corrupt practice" isthe offering, giving, receiving or soliciting, dicey or indestly, of anything of value to influence improperly the ation of another pat 1, “traudatent practice” is any intentional act or omission, noling«mireresenttion tht Knowingly recklessly misleads, or tempts to mislead, «party wo obttin a incl ot cater benefit orto aid an obligation; ‘& “eollsve practice” san avangement batweon two or more artis designed to achieve an improper purpose including tinuence improperly the ations of anoter pay: and 4. “Coercive practice” i impairing or harming, or treatening to psi harm, directly of inet, any party or the property ofthe party to influence impropey the actions of & pat. 34. The Bank requires thatthe Clients personne have an eau obligation not tosis, ask for andor ‘se coercive methods to obtain personal benefits in connection wih the sad proceedings. 4 Governing Language and Law 4.1 The Contract as wells all earespondoce and dcumens relating tothe Catrat exchanged by the Contac, shall be writen in English unless otherwise stated inthe SCC. The Coast hl be over by and interpreted in asordance withthe lw ofthe Kingdom of Bhua Engineer's Decision 5.1 Bxcet where oterwis specifically tae in the SCC, the Engine wil dsid Cotractusl mates ween the Bank and the Contactor in th rl as representative of he Bank. 6 Delegation 6:1 The Enger may delegate any ois dts and esponstilis to his eresenave, afer nosing ‘he Contraco, and may cancel any delegation, without retroactivity afer nti the Contact. 7. Communications and Notices. 741 Communications between Parties pursuant 1 the Contact shall bein wring to the address specified in the SCC. A notice shal be efetive when delivered or on the note's effective dat, whichever i ater 8. Sub- Contracting s {8.1 The contractor shal not be permite to subcontract any pat ofthe works inthe whole or in pat 9. Contractor's Personnel 9.1 The Contractor shall employ the key personel named inthe Schedule of Key Personnel, 3s refered inthe SCC, to cat et the functions tated in the Schedule o other personel approved bythe Engineer 10, Welfare of Laborers & Child Labor 10.1 The Conractr shall provide proper accommodation to his shores and arange rope water supply, conservancy and sanitation wangements atthe siti accordance with evant egulaions, rules and orders of the Bank, 102 The Contactor shall comply withthe applicable minimum age, abor ws and requirements of including applicable weaties which have been rrifed by) the Goverment ¢ Bhutan regarding Izardous forms of chil Inbor 11, Safety, Security and Protection of the Environment 1.1 The Contractor sal troughout the exceution and completion ofthe Works ad the remedying of any defects therein () have fl regard forthe safety ofall persons ened tobe upon the Site and keep the Site and ‘the Work in an orderly state: (©) provide and maintain atthe Contractors own cos all lights, guards, fencing waning sins and ‘watching forthe protection of the Works or forthe sey on-site and (6) takeall reasonable tps to protest the environment on and ofthe Site sndto avoid damage oF nuisance to persons oro propery ofthe public raters resulting fom polation, seo ther eases ising asa consequence ofthe Contractors methods of operation. 12, Access tthe Site 12.1 The Contactor sal allow the Engineer and any person authorized by the Eginecr acces 10 the Site and to anyplace where work in connection with the Contract i Being cared out ois Intended tobe cared a 2 13, Documents, Information. 13.1 The Contactor shall furnish othe Engineer allinfomatin, schedules, calelaton and supporting documentation that may be requested ot. 14, Property 14.11 contrat is terminate by the Bank because ofthe contractors default, the contractor shall not be allowed 10 remove any materials on the Site, Plat, and Temporary Works wnt the ‘materi amicably resolved, 15.1 The contractor shall provide surance as satin the SCC 152 The Contractor shall deliver polices and cerifcates of insurance to the Enginer, forthe Engineer's approval, before the Sta Date 15.3 Ifthe Contractor doesnt provide any ofthe polices and enifctes rege the Bank may effet te insurance which the Contractor should have provided and recover the premiums the Bank has paid fom payments eerwise de othe Contractor o,f 0 payment is due the payment of the premiums shall bea debt de, 16, Possession of the Site 16.1 The Employer shal date(s) specitid in the SCX ve possession of he Ste, or prs ofthe Site, to the Contactor on he ‘Commencement of Works 1741 The Contactor may commence execution ofthe Works onthe Start Date or oter such date «as specified inthe SCC, and shall cary out the Works in an expeditious manne 172 If the Contractor fis to commence the works within the above stated paid, the Employer ‘ay at his sole diseretion, terminate the Contract nd forfeit the Performance Security, ny 1%, Completion of Works 18.1 The Contmctr shall complet the Works within the numberof days stated inthe SCC fom ‘the date of commencing the Works onthe St 19, Program of Works 19.1 Within the time stated in the SCC, the Contractor shal submit othe Enger for approval a work program. The Contractor shall submit woth Engineer for epproval an uated Programme st Intervals no longer tan the esod stated in the SCC. 20. Barly Warning 20.1 The Contractor shall warn the Enginoe atthe earliest opportunity of specific likely future ‘evens or circumstances that may adversely affect the quality ofthe work resut in increas othe ‘Comtrat Price o ely inthe extcution of the Works. 2 21. Compensation Events 21.1 The following shall be Compensation Evens 4 The Bank doesnot give acces to the Site or part ofthe Ste by the Site Posesion Dat stated in the SCC; and ifthe payments delayed pursuant Cause 25ofthe General Contons of Contract (GCC). 212 If a Compensation Event would prevent the work being completed before the Intended Completion Dat, the Intended Completion Dat shall be extended, appropri, by the Engineer 22. Non-Seheduled lems of Works gj 22.1 The Contractor shall be paid for nonscheduled items of works only when the Engineer {approves such works anda the ate and inthe manner tated inthe SCC. 23. Schedule of Works 23.1 The Schedule of Works will ontain ates forall tems fr the consrustion inching temporary ‘works, installation, testing, and commissioning work to be Soe by the Contraco. 232 The Contactor shall be pai forthe quantity of the work done atthe rate inthe Contrast ‘Agreement foreach item. 23,3 The Contactor shal be entirely responsible for all es, dates, Hoense es, and othe such levies imposed outside and inside Bhutan. 24, Payment Certifeates 24.1 The Contactor shal subi tothe Engineer monthly statement ofthe estimated vale ofthe ‘work executed les the cumulative amount certiied previously. The Enginar shall check the {Contractor's monthly statement and ceri the amount to be pa othe Contato 24.2 The vale of work enceuted sal be determined bythe Enginer. 243 The value of work excuted shall comprise the value ofthe quantities of the items inthe Schedule of Works completed 24.4 Theva of work executed shall include the valuation of Variations, Cetifed Day works nd Compensation Evens. 24.3 The Enginer may exclude any item certified in previous cetfeaeso rece the proportion ‘of any item previously certified in any cetieas in the light of ater information 25, Payments and Currency 25.1 The Bank shall pay the Contractor the amounts eetfied by the Engineer within Ftsen (15) ays ofthe date of each cetiae 25.2 The Bank shall make Advance Payment (mobilization and secured advan) tothe Contractor ‘of the amounts and by the dates stated inthe SCC against provision by the Conrator of an ‘unconional Bank Guarantee, (Form 4) 25.3 The Contactors tous the advance payment ony to pay for Equipment, Pant Materials, ‘mobilisation expenses required specially forthe exeetion ofthe Cont, Te Contractors demonstrate that the advance payment as been used inthis way copies of invoices ‘or oer documents othe Bank, 4 25.4 The advance payment shall be repaid by deducting proportionate amouxs from payments ‘otherwise due tothe Contractor following the schedule of completed perentags ofthe Works on ‘payment basis. No account shal be taken of the advance payment ors repayment in asessing “aluations of work done, variations, claims o any amount payable de o Tare to complete the ‘wor, 26, Retention 26.1 Bank sal et ‘un the completion. 26.2 0n completion ofthe whole of the Works, half the total amount retained shall be repaid to the Contractor, the remaining half when the Defects Liability Period has passed andthe Engineer hs ‘eified that all Defects nied by the Engineer to the Contactor before the end of his period have boon comected from each payment de to the Contactor the proportion stated in the SCC the whole ofthe Works 27, Liguidated Damages, 27.1 The Contractor hal py liquidated damages tothe Banka the ate per day stated in the SCC foreach day thatthe Completion Dati ater than the Intended Completion ts forthe works oF fo any par thereof. 28, Peformance Security 28.1 Upon Notification of Award, Performance Security shall be provide to the Bank in the ‘mount nd form stated in the Contraet Forms (Form )- The Performance Security shal be valid ‘Unt date fiten (15) days from the date of sue ofthe Cerificate of Completion 29, Price Adjustment “ubjet topic adjustnent during the perfomance ofthe Contac 30. Completion 30.1 The Contractor shal request the Engineer to issue «Certificate of Completion ofthe Works, andthe Enginer wild so upon deciding thatthe work is substaally completed ot Defects 31. Correct 51.1 The Engineer shal pve notice wo the Contactor of any Defects beer the end ofthe Defets Lisilty Penod, which begins at Completion, and i defined in the SCC. The Defects Liability Perio shal be extended for as lng asthe Defects remain fo be corrected 531.2 the Contractor hasnt corected Defect within he time spefe inthe Engineer's notice, ‘the Engineer wll assess the cos of having the Dfetcoreced and the Contactor will ay this 32, Taking Over A Centeats of Completion 2s 322 The Contractor shall supply the Engncer a detailed account of the total amount tat the ‘Contractor considers payable under the Contact. The Eniner sal ety any final payment tht is due tothe Contractor within twenty-one (2) days of teeing the Contact's acount iis ‘some and complete 32.3 The Bank shall effect payment ofthe final account within thiy (30) dys from the date of ‘xrtiation bythe Enginet. 3, Fina Account 33.1 The Contactor shall supply the Engicer a deed account of the total amount thatthe Contractor considers payable unde the Contact. The Enginer sal certian inal payment that se tothe Contractor within te (1) days of receiving the Contactors account ii is correct and complet, : 32 The Bank sal effect payment of the Final account witha fen (15) das from the dat of| ericson by the Engines. 34. Termination 54.1 The Bank by giving fen (10) days written notice of default to the othe pay, may terminate ‘the Contract in whole orn part if the other party causes fundamental breach of Cana 24.2 Fundamental breaches ofthe Contract shall include, bt shal not be mite he following: (@) the Contractor tops work for more than tiny (30) days when no soppage of work is shown onthe current Programme and the stoppage has not been authorised by the Engineer (8) the Contactor has delayed the completion ofthe Works by the number of days for which the maximum amount of Liguiated Damages can be pais (©) the Contractor, inthe judgment o the Bank, has engaged inthe Engineer gives notice that lure to crest a particular deft sa fundamental breach of Contact an the ‘Contractor fais to comet i within a reasonable period of time determined by the Engineer: (8) corrupt or fraudulent practices, as defined in GCC Clause 3 n cmpsting fo o in ‘excouting the Contract: and (©) payment crite bythe Engineer isnot pa tothe Contractor ty the Bank within Fite (5) days of th date ofthe Enginerscerifet, 543 The Bak andthe Contractor may at any tne terminate the Contract by givngnotce othe other party ieithor ofthe parties Becmes bankrupt or otherwise isalvent, In such ever eeniaton il be without compenston to any party’ provided that sich termination will mit predice ov affect any Flat of ston or remedy tht has accrued or will acre othe ther pat. $344 Notwithstanding he above, the Bank may terminate the Contract for onvenions, 345 If the Contracts terminated the Cotractor so stop work immediatly make the Site safe and secure and hand ver the Site tothe Bank as soon a reasonably posible 38, Payment upon Termination 35. Ifthe Contract is terminated because of furamental beach of Contrast y the Contractor, ‘he Engine hall sue a certificate fo the valu ofthe work done and Plant and Material ordered less advance payments eeived up tothe dat ofthe issue of th etic a ‘o apply to the value ofthe work nt complete, as inetd in the SCC, 1352 If the Contac i terminated forthe Bank's convenience o beeause of fanamental breach ‘of Conrat by the Bank, the Contr shall be ented to payments for comp tod works andthe ‘materials tat have boon brought othe site forthe purpose ofthe works, bt To used as cried ‘by the Engnce afer adjusting any payments recived by the Contacto. 36, Release from Performance, 36.1 Ifthe Conracti raat by the outbreak of war or by anyother event nil outside the ‘onto ofthe Bank, the Engineer shal cei thatthe Contact has ben stud The Conrctor Stall make the Sit safe and stop work as quickly as posible, ater receiving his cetfiae. The ‘Contractor hall be paid forall works cated out before stoppage of work and ay work cried ot sfterward to which commitment was made ; 37. Force Majeure 37.1 For the purposes of this Contract, “Force Majeure” means an exeptonal event or 8) For the purposes ofthis Contact, "Force Majeure" means an exceptional evento cieumstancs 1. which, having arisen, such Party could not reasonably have avoid or overcome, and © Which isnot substanally attributable tothe other Par. 137.2 Force Majeure may include, buts not limited o, exceptional events or crcumstances ofthe kind Tisted below, o longa conditions () 1 (8) above are satis: (@) war, bots (whether war be declared orn) invason at of foreign enemies, (6) rebellion, terrorism, sabotage by persons other than the Contractor's Pesoael, revolution, Insuretion, military or usurped power, o civil wa, (©) ot, commotion, disorder, strike or lockout by persons other than the Contractor's Personnel (4) munitions of war, explosive materi, ionizing radiation or contamination by radioactivity, ‘xcept as maybe atibtable fo the Contractor's se of sich munitions, exphsivs radiation oF radioactivity and {e) Natural catastrophes suchas eanhguake, huriane,yphoon or volanie ast. 373 However force majeure shall no include the Following ) inal ‘snowfall 1 arikes in otter counties ‘© nonaailbliyof labourer and materia such as timbers, boulders, sind, other materials 4. Dificty and risky tein and remoteness of it 34, Settlement of Disptes 38.1 The Bank nd the Conractor shall se tse best efforts to sete amicably al disputes arising ‘out of orn connection with this Contactors interpretation, 38.2 Any dspue between the parties to the Contract that may not be ste! amicably will be refered to Aitation atthe initiative of ithe ofthe partes. 38.3 The Aitaton shall be conducted in asordance with the Acitation Rue ofthe Kingdom of ‘Bhutan in fore 2 SECTION 6. SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT “Instruction or completing the Special Conditions of Contract are provided eed, nt notes inal mentioned forthe relevant GCC Clauses 3 Clause | Amendments of, and Supplements to, Clauses in the General Conditions of et Contract GCC 1.1(a) | The Contractor is fame, adres and mame of authorised representa). GCC 1.1() | The Employers Drak PNB Bank Limited, Thimphu, Bhutan GCC 1.16) | The Engincee is Mr Torin, Viow President GCC 1.108) | The Intended Completion Date forthe whole ofthe Works shal be 4 days GCC 1.10) | The Site is oeted at Doing Town, Bumtbang. GCC 1.1¢m) | The Works are dismanting of bricks and wooden wal, tel shuters Including ts sposal, mating new rick walls including plastering & painting wood works with [MC tinbers. wooden paneling tn rooms, electrical works, plumbing form work for ‘the strong room, sel works, RCC works, providing an making doors et (details ‘sper BOQ) {GCC 2.24 | The additional document forming pa ofthis Contract ars [No addtional documents”) GCC 41 | The Language governing he Contrast shall be nih GCCS1 | The Engineer shall obtain specific approval ofthe Employer bere taking any ofthe following ations: 1 2 GCC71 | The addresses for Communications sal be: onthe Mr Dori Phunsho, Vice Presiden, AFD. DPNBL, Thimphu Forse Contractor inser name, address and comat deal]. GCC9A | The Key Persomel of the Contractor re: [specif only for higher value work] gcc 1st For inswance purposes the spe of cover required shal be: The contractor stall be responsible for the insurance i) GCC 164 | Possession ofthe sit shall e within (7 days rom the date of signing the Contract. GCC 1741 | Commencement of work sallbe within (7) dys fom the date of handing over possesion of the St ‘GCC 181 | Completion of works shall be within 45 dys fromthe date of sgning ofthe contrat agreement “GCC 19.1 | The Contactor shall submit the fst work plan within 5 days afer signing the ‘eva | Contac and shall update the work plan evry two wecks during the period ofthe Contact. GCC 221 | (Emer here the agreed rates for non-schedled items of work frown, fot known then make the statement "The rates for nowschedued lems of works shall be ‘detcrmined by the Engineer”. NA GCC 252 | Anadvance payment of /10 % ofthe Contract Prie wl be made othe Contractor ‘vthin () days of Comat signing date, GCC 261 | The Retention shall be [10% of the Contract rice GCC 27.1 | The tiqudated damages for te whole ofthe Works are [0.1076 pe dy. “The maximum amount of liquidated damages fr the whole ofthe Works i 10%) pevent ofthe initial Contact Pres. GCC 31.1 | The Defects Liability Period sal be minimum six (6) montls, | ‘GCC 38:1 | The percentage t0 apply to the valve ofthe work nt complete, representing the Employers adona cox ir competi the Werks, 20 pore ote ale | work nr completed wp 0 a maximum of 10% af the inal conrad prie » SECTION 7. CONTRACT FORMS “This section contains forms which, once completed, wll form put ofthe Contct. The forms for Performance Security and Advance Payment Securiy, when egued, sal onl Be completed by the siccessfl Bidder afer Contract avard Contract Forms Fo Tile Fom-1 Notitction of Award Form-2 ‘Contact Agreement Fom-3 Bank Guarantee for Performance Seeuriy Fom-4 Bank Guarantee for Advance Paymes 30 Form-1 NOTIFICATION OF THE AWARD Contract No: Date Te name and adress of Conractor] “This is to notify you that your Bid dated fisert date] for the execution ofthe Works for “Interior Development Works of Bumthang Branch Office forthe Contract Price of Nu amount in lures ‘and in words, as conected and modified in acordance with the Insrvetons bidder is hereby accepted by the bank. ‘You are requested to proceed withthe exccution ofthe Works on the basis that tis Notification of ‘Award shal constitute the formation of a Contract, which stall become binding upon you furnishing Performance Sscuty within five (5) days andthe signing the Contract Agreement within ive (5) dae We attach the Contract Agreement and Special Conditions of Contract for your perasal and signature. Signed same of Procaring nts] Date: 3 CONTRACT AGREEMENT Form-2 ‘THIS AGREEMENT, made the [dy] of {month [yar] between [name and adress ofthe Bank] (hereinafter eae “the Employer”) ofthe one part and (name and aires of Connactr)(ereinaer called "the Contractor") ofthe oter part WHEREAS, the Bank invited Tenders for cenain Works, “Interior Development Works of ‘Bumthang Branch Office” and has accepted a Tender by the Contactor forthe sxcuton of those ‘works inthe sum of Ngultum [er amount in igres and words, herenaler called “the Contract Price [NOW THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH a follows: < |. Inthis Agreement, words and expressions shall have the same meanings a are respectively signed to them nthe General Conditions of Contact hereinafter refered 2 The documents forming the Contret shall be interpreted in the following one of priority (2) The signed Contract Agreement; ©) Theleter of Accepiance, {@)_Thecompleted Bid frm as submited by the Bidder; {@ The Special Conditions of Contact, {@) TheGeneral Conditions of Contact; (0 Specitcatins| (9) The Drawings; and (0) Any other document sted inthe SCC as forming prt ofthe Cont, 3. In consideration ofthe payments tbe made by the Bank to the Contato as heeinafier ‘mentioned, the Contactor hereby covenants wih the Bank to execute and exmplte the Works tnd to remedy any defects therein in conformity inal respects with the provisions of the Contact. 4. The Bank hereby covenants to pay the Contactor in consideration of the execution and completion ofthe Works andthe remedying of dfets therein, tbe Comat Pie oe such other Sumas may become payable under the provisions of the Contract tthe times and in the manner ‘reseribed by the Contact, [IN WITNESS whereof the Paris thereto have caused this Agreement tobe exceed in accondance ‘withthe laws of Bhutan onthe dy month and year ist before writen Forthe Employer For the Contactor Signature Print Name Title inte pe cane) /S'// ‘aes 2 Form-3 BANK GUARANTEE FOR PERFORMANCE SECURITY Contact No: Date To: ‘ {Name and address of Employer] PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE No: We have been informed tat fname of Comractor} (hereinafter called “the Contract") has undertaken, pursuant t9 Contact No [reference number of Contac] dated [date of Contract (hesinafrealed “ihe Contac’, the execution of “Interior Development Works of Bumthang Branch Office” under the Contact. Funthermore, we understand performance guarante according to your conditions, Contracts must be supported by a [At the request ofthe Contractor, we (inter hank name) hereby irevocably undertake to pay 30%, ‘without calor argument, any sum or sums nt exceeding in oa an amount of Ns [inert ames ‘Figures and tn word] upon rospt by us of your fist writen demand accompanied by a writen Statement thatthe Contractors in beach ofits ligation) unde the Contact conlions, without you neon o prove o show grounds or easos for your demand ofthe sm specified thers. “This gurantee valid wot (date of vi of grant same, we nt ese a abe ‘mentioned office any demand for payment under this guarance on ot beer that date Signature Signature 3 Form-4 BANK GUARANTEE FOR MOBILIZATION ADVANCE Contract No [Name and addres of Employer ADVANCE PAYMENT GUARANTEE Nos Weave been informed that fname of Contractor] (hereinafter called “the Conratr" has undertaken, pursuant to Contact No. [Reference umber of Comat] dated [date of Cont] (hereinafter elle “ine Contact) the execution of works ofthe “Interior Development Works of Bumthang Branch Otic” under the Contac. Furthermore, we understand that, acow by abank porate. 10 your conditions, Advance Paymentsmust be supported [A the request ofthe Contractor, we fnser the name ofthe Bank hereby inevocably undertake to pay ‘you, withou evi or argument ny sum or sums na exceeding inal an amount of, ner amount in gues and in words) upon reccipt by us of your fist writen demand accompanied by a writen statemcat thatthe Contractors in breach ots obligatin() unde he Contact conions, without you needing to prove or show rounds or reasons for your demand of the sum speified therein, ‘We farther agree that no change, addition or other modifetion ofthe terms of the Contract tobe performed, of of any of the Conraet documents which may be made Between the Bank and the Contracts, sal in any way release us from any liability unde this guaratce, and we hereby waive rouge of any such change aon or motion ‘This guarantees valid until (date of vl of guarantee) consequently, we must netve athe above mentioned ofie any demand for payment under this guaante on o before that da Signature Signature SECTION 8. BILL OF QUANTITIES (BoQ) _ (APPROXIMATE) BILL OF QUANTITY ‘SLi | Description of tems unit | aty ate_| Amount (Nu) 1_| Dismantling of brick walls sft 350.00 2__{ Dismantling of wooded walls ny 45.00 3_| Dismantling of stel shutters ie 600.00 Dismaniling of electrical items Lump sum Ls i brick wall in et a 385.00 Pil plaster works 1:4 | sft] 1500.00 Piling wood works with MC 1 | rimber oft 460.00 8 | Pnofwooden paneling in rooms | sft_| 1100.00 Pi electrical wirings as required at 9 | site fixing the require items 1s 10_| Plumbing’ 1s 11 | Paintings s_| 2700.00, 12 | Form work forthe tong room [sf 280.00 13. [ MS steel work 10mm dia ig 30.00 ROC 1:1.5:3 forthe strong 14 | panitions eft 110.00, 15_| Strong room including laying | eaeh 1.00. collapsible door at the main 16 | Soiree cach 1.00 35 SECTION 9. DRAWING

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