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Fundamentally về bản chất

Pursue theo đuổi

Evade tránh

In terms of = about

Desire mong muốn

Despise ghét, xem thường

Thus do đó

Physically về thể chất, diện mạo

Preverve giữ

Integrity liêm chính

Diploma bằng cấp

Miserable đau khổ

In return đổi lại

Hyper sensitive rất nhạy cảm

On a roller coaster ở trạng thái không thể điều khiển

Applicable áp dụng

Destroy phá hủy

Overlook không chú ý tới

Trivial tầm tường

Vital rất quan trọng

Respect sự kính trọng

High social status đị vị xã hội cao

Work at cải thiện

1. How do you usually if your friend asks if you are happy?

My friends is not ask me: “are you happy?”. They usually ask me that “how are you nowaday?”

I always answer that: everything is good or I’m happy. Although I have some problem make me sad, but I
don’t want bring bad news to another people. My propblem, I have to hanlde.

2. Are you satisfied with your current life? Why or why not?

Acctually, I have a happy family! I love my wife, my children. I love my job too! I communicate with a lot
of people, go sightseeing so many places in VN, good salary. Tobe honest, sometime I am so busy, I feel
disappoint. But, you know, that is life, everything is not always good for you. So, I can say I’m happy.

3. What is your secret for a happy life? Is it applilcable to other people?

I think, to be happy, you have to some routine in your life. You need wake up early every morning, do
exercise, write down all works you must do and arrange it from very important to not important. You
are taking up read books, sightseeing some places, learning yourseft…oh, you must have good friends.

You should spend time for your family, do chore, play with your children.

4. Does money make people happy? Or does the love of money destroy their happiness?

I don’t know, but when you are poor you are miserable, it’s true. When you have a lot of money, I am
not sure you happy or not. You can’t negative that, money can't makes us happier. However, money
helps you get good service: education, medical and so on. You can helps poor people. If I can choice, I
want to be a rich man.

5. How do your friends make you happy? When do they disappoint you?

Friends are always by my side to share good and bad times. We speak together about work, love, family
and so on. Friends helps me feel better when I have a bad time. But sometimes they make me
disappoint. Example, they borrow my money and delay pay it to me.

6. Do you think knowledge makes people happy or unhappy?

I think, knowledge makes people happy. Because, you can understand a lot of things, people admire
you. You can join in gameshow on TV. Example, “Who is a milionare?”. You can answer allmost of
question, you win, you have money, admired, popular and ofcourse you feel happy.

8. A certain man is handsome….

I don’t think so. This man, like everyone else maybe is happy or unhappy. I know some famous people
who handsome, rich, intelligent…they have beautiful wife, terrific children. But they still divorced. So,
we can’t speak that they are happy. Anyway, i am sure that man is more happier.

1. How often do you feel tired? What do you do at those time?

When the weather is change, sometime I feel tired.

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