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“Ruthless” Diction Writing 

Use the lines provided below to write one well-structured paragraph analyzing one specific word that the author
uses in his story to create the mood. Remember that the mood is the way you feel as a reader, so why is the
author using your word to create that mood? Successful paragraphs will name a specific mood, choose one
specific diction word, and explain how and why the author uses it to establish the mood.











4 3 2 1
Use textual evidence to Student can identify and Student can ind and Student inds some Student inds little to no
ind details and support explain textual evidence explain text details which details to offer an analysis evidence and offers no
analysis of a text, which clearly supports an mostly supports an of the text. Inferences or support for analysis of a
including how & why analysis. Can reason, infer, analysis. Can ind connections are not clear, text. Little to no
individuals, events, ideas and connect the event some/most inferences but are somewhat inferences or connections
develop over a text. details and its impact on and connections and identi ied, if unknowingly made or they are surface
the text. reason some impact on done. level.
the text.

Analyze structure of a Student can easily Student can identify Student struggles to Student shows little
text, P.O.V. and identify all points of most points of structure, identify structure, devices, ability to identify and
techniques/devices used structure, devices, POV devices, POV. In luences and POV. In luences and analyze structure, devices,
to determine its in luence and its in luence clearly, are understood and analysis are shown, but and POV. Offers little to no
on a text. coherently, and of the analyzed, but lacking weak with skill lacking. analysis or in luence.
highest level while coherency, clarity, or some
showing in depth analysis skill.

Produce clear and Student masterfully Student pro iciently Student somewhat Student shows little to
coherent writing that produces clear and produces clear and produces clear and no ability to clearly and
adheres to organization, coherent writing, showing coherent writing, showing coherent writing, with coherently write. Errors
style, and conventions. a high level of skill above a solid grasp of the skills some grasp of the skills causing distraction are
and beyond the required required. A few errors are required. Multiple errors throughout the paper and
style. Errors are minimal present, but errors are are distracting, but overall cause little
to none. not distracting to topic is likely understood comprehension of the
understanding. by the reader. reader

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