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Lecturer : Gatot Murti Wibowo, S.PD, M.SC

Arrenged by

Name : Shonia Ghina Zahara

NIM : P1337430219137
Class : 1D



Title of scientific paper :

 Title of scientific paper : The influence of different technique factors on image quality of
lumbar spine radiographs as evaluated by established CEC image criteria (Almen,


In this study we have investigated the image quality of lumbar spine radiographs taken after
recording technical and physical parameters. Two technical parameters were altered, tube
voltage (70 kV and 90 kV for the anteroposterior (AP) projection and 77 kV and 95 kV for the
lateral projection) and sensitivity of the film-screen system (sensitivity class 400 and 600). In
total, 85 images were included in the study. Entrance surface dose (ESD) was measured using
thermoluminescent dosemeters. The mean value of ESD for the different technique groups varied
between 1.9 mGy (90 kV, sensitivity class 400) and 4.6 mGy (70 kV, sensitivity class 400) for
the AP projection, and between 6.4 mGy (95 kV, sensitivity class 600) and 20.4 mGy (70 kV,
sensitivity class 400) for the lateral projection. Image criteria given in the "European Guidelines
on Quality Criteria for Radiographic Images" were used to assess image quality. Two evaluation
methods have been employed. A straightforward scoring of fulfilled image criteria, and visual
grading analysis using the structures defined in the image criteria. The latter method provided a
sharper distinction between groups of images taken using different radiographic techniques. The
average number of fulfilled image criteria for the AP projections varied between 0.74 (90 kV,
sensitivity class 400) and 0.87 (70 kV, sensitivity class 400). For the lateral projection this
number varied between 0.79 (95 kV, sensitivity class 600) and 0.84 (77 kV, sensitivity class
600). This study shows that image criteria are useful tools in clinical studies of image quality.

 Question :
1. What is the best possible title for the abstract?
2. What is the background or the introductory sentence of the abstract?
3. What are the objective of this study?
4. What is the researchers doing in this study?
5. What are the results of their study?
6. What is the conclusion of their study?
7. What are the new emphasize and important aspects that clearly state in the concluded
sentences of this study?
8. Identify the parts of the chosen abstract based on “the standard form of writing an
abstract” !

 Answer
1. The best possible title for the abstract is The influence of different technique factors on
image quality of lumbar spine radiographs as evaluated by established CEC image
2. The background or the introductory sentence of the abstract is investigation of the image
quality of lumbar spine radiographs taken after recording technical and physical
3. The objective of this study are to determine the effect of different technique factors on
image quality of lumbar spine radiographs
4. The researchers investigated the image quality of lumbar spine radiographs taken after
recording technical and physical parameters by using some image criteria
5. The result of the study is The average number of fulfilled image criteria for the AP
projections varied between 0.74 (90 kV, sensitivity class 400) and 0.87 (70 kV,
sensitivity class 400). For the lateral projection this number varied between 0.79 (95 kV,
sensitivity class 600) and 0.84 (77 kV, sensitivity class 600)
6. The conclusion of their study is image criteria are useful tools in clinical studies of
image quality.
7. The important aspect of this is technical parameter (KV, sensivity of the film screen
system), the evaluation method of image quality and the Entrance surface dose (ESD).
This is also emphasized on the result of image quality between different image of lumbar
spine radiograph
8. Identifity :
a. Objective and background
Its also showing the background of the study, that showed in the sentence "In this
study we have investigated the image quality of lumbar spine radiographs taken after
recording technical and physical parameters"
This abstract is clearly showing the objectivites. Its proven by so many facts and
data's that delivered in this abstract, such as : "Image criteria given in the "European
Guidelines on Quality Criteria for Radiographic Images" were used to assess image
b. Material and methods
The materials and methods in the proposal is also completely delivered by this
Such as : "Two evaluation methods have been employed. A straightforward scoring
of fulfilled image criteria, and visual grading analysis using the structures defined in
the image criteria. The latter method provided a sharper distinction between groups
of images taken using different radiographic techniques."
c. Benefit of the study/expectation of the study
The abstract is also give the obvious benefit and the conclusion. This study shows
that image criteria are useful tools in clinical studies of image quality
d. Keywords
(In this abstract there is no keywords)

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