Name: Yuri Marcela Garzon Vanegas DATE: 24/03/2020

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DATE: 24/03/2020

A) Complete the following sentences with there is / there are in the affirmative.
My name is Annie and I live in a very big house. There are twenty-three rooms in my
house, but there are only twelve bedrooms. I live in one of the rooms on the third floor.
In my room, there is a huge bed and there are nine
windows. My bedroom isn’t small. On my bed there are lots of pillows, and there is
my cat, Fluffy. In my closet
There are many toys, and there are
also many clothes. I don’t have a bathroom in my bedroom, but
there is a bathroom next to my room. Also in my house there are
two kitchens, a big dining room and three living rooms. The house is really big!

B) Complete the following sentences with there isn’t /

there aren’t.
1. There isn’t a flight from here to London.
2. There aren’t any movies that I want to see in the cinema.
3. I’m very hungry, but there isn’t any food in the refrigerator.
4. We want to go to the concert, but There aren’t any tickets.
5. There isn’t any money in my bank account so I can’t pay the bills.
6. There aren’t seventy minutes in an hour.
7. In my neighborhood, There aren’t any children.

C) Describe your neighborhood: What is there in your neighborhood? What doesn’t


In my neighborhood there are many houses also there are many families inside them, there is a park, there are many
cars, and there is

Supermarket, there is a restaurant, there is a building with a pool, there are many children playing football, there are
some old people, there
Is a church

D)Create sentences using there is / there are and the

following words:

1. Gym bag There is a Gym bag on the table.

2. Socks There are a pair of socks in the bed.
3. Ball There is a ball in the park.
4. Bike There is a bike on the street.
5. Water There is a water bottle in the kitchen.
6. Food There are many food in the fridge.
7. Oranges There are many oranges in the table.
8. Sneakers There are a nice sneakers in the store.
9. Towel There is a towel in the bathroom.
10. Chair There is a chair in the room.

Photocopiable © 2011 Rob Woodward – - Classroom and Personal Use Permitted

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