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NIM : 30718029


( TUGAS TGL 2 APRIL 2020 ) Preparing for parenthood

Taks 4

Write 10 questions and its answers based on the text above.

1. The usability group format that is
Answer : In order to allow exchange within a group and opportunity for every member to
participate and learn according to her or his needs, the group should consist of no more
than 15 members.
2. how many session plans are suggested for pair sessions?
Answer : seven session.
3. Why mothers and their partners should be invited in content of sessions ?
Answer : To say which areas they hope will be covered in order to satisfy their needs and
also to state which additional subjects would interest them
4. why mothers and their partners are invited to decide on content ?
Answer : the mother and theit partners should be invited to say which areas they hope
will be covered in order to satisfy their need and also to state which additional subjects
would interest them.
5. When was the definition of childcare discussed ?
Answer : When midwife answers the mother’s questions about child care during
6. what education can be obtained at the hospital in education during pregnancy ?
Answer : The booking visit is an excellent opportunity for the midwife to describe the
aims of antenatal care and to give the mother an overall concept of what to expect. She
can help the mother to become aware of how valuable constant care of herself will be to
her unborn baby.
7. Mention 2 minority groups of pregnancy !
Answer : The monther having twins or triplets and the mother who is to have planned.
8. What is the preparing of psychological?
Answer : For prospective father and mother, the pregnancy until delivery will be a
special experience. However, the extraordinary experience will be felt when couples
become parents. So before have children should discuss the changes and challenges of
life that will be experienced so that prospective parents are ready with all the possibilities
that will happen.
9. How many members meet in each group ?
Answer : No more than 15 members.
10. Mention minority groups of pregnancy ?
Answer : 1. The mother having twins or triplets
2. The mother who is to have planned caesarean section

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