My Experience Traveling Abroad (Script) : Past Simple and Present Perfect

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My Experience traveling abroad

In this file, you have to create the script or dialogue for your “experience
traveling abroad”. Example: one member of the group (the friend who traveled to
USA) arrives at the airport and two friends (the other two members of the group)
are waiting for him there. When he finally arrives, his friends start asking him some
questions about his experience. In parentheses write the location. Example:

(In the airport)

Friend who traveled to USA: ¡Hello guys! It’s been a long time.
Friend 2: Pablo, we can’t believe you are here.
Friend 3: We missed you a lot.
Friend who traveled to USA: Well, but I’m here again.
Friend 2: So, where have you been all this time?
Friend who traveled to USA: The last six months, I’ve been in different cities of
Friend 3: ¡Really! And what did you do there?
Friend who traveled to USA: Well, first of all, I ………

Now, make your script or dialogue. The text must contain 250 words at least.
Use past simple and present perfect in most of the dialogue. Do not add

Friend who traveled to USA: Full name

Friend 2: Full name
Friend 3: Full name

Start you script or dialogue from here……………………………………

My Experience traveling abroad

(In the airport)

Friend who traveled to Europe: Hello friends, I'm glad to see you! it was a long trip.

Friend 2: Juan, we thought you would not return.

Friend 3: Yes, we miss you very much.

Friend who traveled to Europe: I also missed them and I am happy to return.

Friend 2: What cities did you visit during the trip?

Friend who traveled to Europe: Visit different European cities like Paris, Rome,
Barcelona and Prague.

Friend 3: Fantastic! And what was the city that you liked the most?

Friend who traveled to Europe: Paris, I always wanted to know the Eiffel Tower, but
the architecture of Rome is perfect and what city would you like to visit?

Friend 2: Last year I traveled to the United States, but I plan to make my next trip
with my son to the Holy Land.

Friend 3: I want to travel to the United States and in the future to Europe

Friend who traveled to Europe: I would like to plan a trip for the three of us, it would
be a lot of fun.

Friend 2: I agree, we haven't shared for a long time.

Friend 3: Where was our last trip?

Friend who traveled to Europe: I remember it, it was a family trip, our families
organized it, it was wonderful
Friend 2: Guys the taxi arrived

Friend who traveled to Europe: Juan Diego Medina

Friend 2: Leidy Martinez
Friend 3: Bibiana Alvarado

Mi experiencia viajando al extranjero

(En el aropuerto)

Amigo que viajó a Europa: ¡Hola amigos me alegra verlos! Fue un viaje largo.

Amigo 2: Juan, pensamos que ya no regresarias.

Amigo 3: Si, te extrañamos mucho.

Amigo que viajó a Europa: Yo tambien los extrañe y estoy feliz de regresar.

Amigo 2: Que ciudades visitastes Durante el viaje?

Amigo que viajó a Europa: Visite diferentes ciudades europeas como Paris, Roma,
Barcelona y Praga.

Amigo 3: ¡ Fantastico! ¿Y cual fue la ciudad que mas te gusto?

Amigo que viajó a Europa: Paris, siempre quise conoser la torre Eiffel, pero la
arquitectura de Roma es muy perfecta y ¿que ciudad les gustaria conocer?

Amigo 2: El año pasado viaje a Estados unidos, pero mi proximo viaje lo pienzo
realizar con mi hijo a tierra santa.

Amigo 3: Yo quiero viajar a Estados unidos y en un futuro a Europa

Amigo que viajó a Europa: Me gustaria planear un viaje para los tres, seria muy
Amigo 2: estoy de acuerdo, hace tiempo que no compartimos.

Amigo 3: ¿Donde fue nuestro ultimo viaje?

Amigo que viajó a Europa: yo lo recuerdo, fue un viaje familiar, nuestras familias lo
organizaron, fue maravilloso.

Amigo 2: Chicos llego el taxi

Amigo que viajó a Europa: Juan Diego Medina

Amigo 2: Leidy Martinez
Amigo 3: Bibiana Alvarado

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