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EXERCISE [v4] by Henrique

1. Rate A is high and rate B is high too.
2. Rate A is high and rate B is high as well.
3. Rate A is high and rate B is also high.
4. Both rate A and rate B are too high.
5. Neither rate A nor rate B is too high.
6. Either rate A is high or rate B is too high.
7. Rate A isn't high and rate B isn’t either.
8. Rate A is high along with rate B.
9. Rate A is high and rate B is high accordingly.
10. Rate A is high and rate B is high as well. Either increase is harmful for the citizens.
11. When it comes to rate A and rate B, they are both too high.
12. To date rate A is still low.
13. Thus far rate A is still low.
14. So far rate A is still low.
15. Up to now rate A is still low.
16. When rate A is high, even rate B is high.
17. Rate A is high, even so rate B is high.
18. Even though rate A is high, rate B is high.
19. Although rate A is high, rate B is high.
20. With all increases in these rates, a protest demonstration is eventually programmed for next week.
21. The increase in rate A is by far the highest in comparison with the other rates.
22. Rate A is too high. So, rate B is too high too.
23. Because rate A is high, rate B is high.
24. Rate A is high because rate B is high.
25. Because of rate A, rate B is high.
26. Rate A is high because of rate B.
27. On account of an increase in rate B, rate A is high.
28. Although rate A is high, rate B is high.
29. Rate A is high, but rate B is high too.
30. Rate A is high. However, rate B is high too.
31. Since rate A is high, rate B is high.
32. As rate A is high, rate B is high. However, there is no increase in rate C yet.
33. While rate A is high, rate B is also high.
34. Before the increase in rate A, rate B was increased.
35. Rate A was increased before the increase in rate B.
36. After the increase in rate A, rate B was increased.
37. Rate A was increased after the increase in rate B.
38. Rate A wasn't increased until rate B was increased.
39. In spite of the increase in rate A, rate B was stable.
40. Despite the increase in rate A, rate B was stable.
41. Rate A was increased in spite of the fact that rate B was stable.
42. Rate A was increased despite the fact that rate B was stable.
43. Rate A is high due to an increase in rate B.
44. Rate A is high owing to an increase in rate B.
45. Rate A was increased, and an increase in rate B was the expected outcome.
46. Rate A was increased as a result of an increase in rate B.
47. Rate A was increased in the thirties. Meanwhile, rate B was stable.
48. Significant increases in several rates were recorded , namely rate A is 20% high, an increase of 25 per cent was shown for
rate B and rate C was also increased.
49. Significant increases in several rates were recorded, i.e. our everyday lives were altered by those increases.
50. If rate A is high, rate B is high as well.
51. Provided that rate A is high, rate B is high too.
52. Granted that rate A is high, rate B is high too.
53. Given that rate A is high, rate B is high too.
54. Rate A is high. Moreover, rate B is high.
55. Rate A is high. That is why, rate B is high.
56. Unlike rate A, rate B is increasing.
57. Whenever rate A is increasing, rate B is increasing.
58. Rate A is increasing. Yet rate B is increasing.
59. Rate A is increasing. Rate B is increasing too. In addition to both increases, there is an increase in rate C.
60. Rate A was increasing in the nineties. Rate B was increasing too. In addition, there was an increase in rate C. In short,
there was an improvement in the quality of life in the nineties.
61. As far as we know, there was an improvement in the nineties. Yet, the situation remains troublesome.
62. As far as quality of life is concerned, there was an improvement in the nineties.
63. Rate A was increasing. Rate B was increasing too. Besides, there was an increase in rate C.
64. Whereas rate A was increasing, rate B was decreasing. By the way, there was an increase in rate C.
65. There was an increase in rate A, notwithstanding an increase in rate B.
66. Rate A is increasing and rate B is increasing too. Hence, there is probably a connection between them.
67. Rate A was increasing by 5% in the 50’s. Indeed, this was the greatest increase in the century.
68. Rate A was increasing by 5% in the 50’s. Actually, this was the greatest increase in the century.
69. Instead of an increase, there was a decrease in Rate A.
70. Rather than an increase, there was a decrease in Rate A.
71. Instead of the expected increase, there was a decrease in several rates in the eighties. For instance, rate B.
72. Instead of the expected increase, there was a decrease in several rates in the eighties. All in all, the eighties were a very
difficult decade for the middle class.
73. Rate A wasn’t increasing. Instead, it was decreasing.
74. Rate A wasn’t increasing last December. In fact it was the same the whole year.
75. In addition to an increase in rate A, there was also an increase in rate B.
76. Rate A was increasing last month. Nevertheless, it wasn’t increasing too much.
77. Rate A was increasing last month. On the other hand, it wasn’t increasing as much as expected.
78. Rate A wasn’t increasing last year. On the contrary, it was decreasing a lot.
79. Whereas rate A was increasing, rate B was decreasing.
80. Rate A was increasing last month. By contrast rate B was decreasing.
81. Whereas rate A was increasing, rate B was decreasing. We were not affected, anyway.
82. Rate A was increasing in northern countries in the 60’s. Conversely, it was increasing in southern countries in the 70’s.
83. Rate A was increasing last month. Rate B was therefore increasing.
84. Rate A was increasing last month. Thus, rate B was increasing.
85. The government is increasing rate A so that rate B also increases.
86. The government is increasing rate A irrespective of the stability in rate B.
87. The government is increasing rate A regardless of the stability in rate B.
88. On the one hand rate A is increasing. On the other hand rate B is decreasing.
89. The government is increasing rate A just in case rate B increases.
90. The government is increasing rate A in order that rate B increases.
91. Unless rate A increases, an increase in rate B is not expected.
92. As long as there is no increase in rate A, an increase in rate B is not expected.
93. As regards to the government, they are not doing as much as we expected.
94. As to the government, they are by no means doing as much as we expected.
95. As for the government, they are by no means doing as much as we expected.
96. Concerning the government, they are by no means doing as much as we expected.
97. Regarding the government, they are by no means doing as much as we expected.
98. Unless otherwise proved, rate A isn't increasing as much as expected.
99. Of course there is a connection between both rates, otherwise these data are not reliable.
100. There is a connection between both rates, or rather, we think so.
101. There is at least some connection between both rates, otherwise all of our conclusions are wrong.
102. First of all, the government is increasing rate A. Secondly, they are increasing rate B. Finally, rate C is being increased by
almost 100 per cent.
103. At first, there was no concern about rate A for months. But, as the situation was deteriorating, the necessary measures
were taken and the rate was lowered to its usual level at last.
104. As early as 1920, the catastrophe of the eighties was, so to speak, foreseen by that theory.
105. Apart from the increase in excess of 10% in rate A, there was nothing economically relevant in the forties.
106. To the extent that rate A was increasing, little was done concerning the other rates.
107. There was an increase in rate A as well as an increase in rate B. The former is easily explained by contextual factors and
the latter challenges any reasonable explanation.
108. There is no reasonable explanation in that there are no causal factors for such an increase.
109. Whenever there was an increase in rate A, there was a decrease in rate B.
110. Whoever is in control of rate A is also in control of rate B.
111. Wherever rate A is measured its value is the same.
112. Whatever the value of rate A is, rate B is the same.
113. Regardless of the place where rate A is measured, it is the same.
114. As a matter of fact, we are not interested in these rates at all!!!

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