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UPH Teachers College


School : SD Alam Raya

Subject : Art and Craft
Semester/Class : 2/VI
Topic : Poster
Date : 23th April 2020
Time Allocation : 35’

BIBLICAL CHRISTIAN WORLDVIEW: Worshipful Expression (How do we express our

admiration to God and His creations?)

God is very expressive and creative. As His creations, we were created to reflect His
expressions and creativities within many forms. Our expressions and creativities should also aim
to glorify God and magnify His name in every corner of this created universe.


o Composition, communication, self-expression, illustration.

o Through the composition of colors, images, and writings, we can express ourselves as a form
of glorifying God and His greatness in the community.
o Illustration of pictures can be a communication tool for us to convey the greatness of God
and increase the creativity possessed.

o Why do I need to communicate with other people?
o How can I compose colors, images, and writing well and interestingly?
o How do I express myself in the community?

2. Show honest behavior, discipline, responsibility, courtesy, caring, and confident in interacting with
family, friends, teachers, and neighbors as well as the love of the motherland.

3. Understand factual knowledge by observing and asking questions based on curiosity about himself,
God's creatures and their activities, and objects they encounter at home, at school, and playgrounds.

4. Understand factual knowledge by observing and asking questions based on curiosity about himself,
God's creatures and their activities, and the objects they encounter at home, at school, and


2.4 Demonstrate the ability to cooperate and interact using local languages in the surrounding
3.1 Get to know perspective pictures, posters, batik, and sculpture.
4.3 Draw a poster in accordance with the requirements for delivering certain information.


2.4.1 Demonstrate cooperation in making posters.

3.1.1 Using poster drawing techniques and principles.

4.3.3 Make a poster with the theme of the figure and inventor.

DIAGNOSIS Cognitive : The students have an understanding of the

Student knowledge and attitude
material, objectives, and definition of posters.
Affective : Students can work together with class members.
Psychomotor/skill : Most students are not able to draw smoothly and
neatly. Only a few students can draw smoothly, neatly, and have authentic
Affective 1. Students should able to combine pictures and write through
Psychomotor/skill making poster proportionally.
2. Students should able to compose 4-5 colors appropriately.
3. Students should able to write the information through making
poster in 5 column briefly.
Affective :
1. Students should able to collaborate with group members through
making poster minimum category is good.
Skill :
1. Students should able to prepare tools and materials used in making
poster correctly.
2. Students should able to make the informational text on a poster
through making poster appropriately.
3. Students should able to complete poster making through group
work correctly.
4. Students should able to design a poster through group work
TEACHING & Teaching & Learning Strategy: Cooperative strategy; Interactive
LEARNING instruction strategy
Teaching & Learning Method: Coaching method

Activity Procedure Materials Time

OPENING  Students begin the class PPT 3’
Gaining attention
with prayer. Projector
Transfer learning goals (its
 Students pay attention to LCD
correlation with the
information given) the learning objectives to be
achieved, namely drawing
 Students are reminded of the
rules and regulations in class by
PRESENTATION Presentation : A3 10’
Explain information Papers
 Students are asked to review the
Use concrete (and non-
material that learned at the Pictures
concrete) examples
pieces of
Check understanding previous meeting by the
 Students pay attention to
the topic presented about the
principles in making posters.
 Teacher says, "Children before
we start to draw a poster, I will
deliver the principles of
making posters, which are" :
1. Balance. It means that
images and writing can be
symmetrical or
asymmetrical, depending
on the concept and theme.
2. The flow read.
Systematic and easily
captured by readers.
3. Emphasis. The elements
in the poster accentuate
each other.
4. Unity.
5. Impression. It means
that the poster must
deliver messages that
appropriate to the
 After hearing the explanation,
students will conduct guided
practice that will be directed by
the teacher with the
explanation that delivered
 Each table will get a sheet of
A3 paper, pictures, and pieces
of paper containing information.
 Students directed to listen to
the explanation and asked to
follow it.
 Teacher says, “The first thing to
draw a poster is to determine the
theme. Then, make a sketch that
matches the specified theme. The
picture that I gave to you is an
example of the poster illustration
that we will make. Now, you can
glue the picture as the picture
that you have made.”
 The students glue the picture
on the paper.
 Teacher says, “Second, the
composition of images and text
information is usually around
20% text and 40% images. Leave
space blank in your picture to
give a simple impression and an
emphasis on information.”
 Teacher says, “Third, make the
title that interesting,
contrasting, direct, and
 Teacher says, “Fourth, for the
text information section, each
column is better composed of 7-
10 words. The maximum number
of columns contained in the
poster are 5 columns. You can
see the text of the information
that I have given. Please glue all
the information following the
rules that I have given.
 Teacher says, “Finally, you can
use the combination of colors in
posters around 4-5 colors. It is
better not to use too many
colors because it can be fused
and not too contrast with each
 All students complete the
given exercise. After that,
students would be directed to
INDIVIDUAL PRACTICE • Students directed into their 20’
Aim of readiness
groups according to
Type, time and feedback
predetermined group
• After the students are in their
groups, they asked to show the
tools and materials prepared.
• Students are given
information sheets about their
• Students are given procedures
form how to draw a poster.
• Posters can be finished
outside the classroom and
would be collected at the next
CLOSING  Students recall the material 2’
A review of the lesson from
they learned and present them
The informing of results from the together.
teacher  Students get feedback from
Re-check understanding
the teacher.
 Students tidy things up.
 Students close the class
with prayer.
(please use another page)

(please use another page)

Kusuma, Y. (2009). Trik paten poster keren.
Jakarta: Grasindo.
Purnomo, E., & Haerudin, D. (2017). Seni budaya
kelas 8. Jakarta: Kementerian Pendidikan
dan Kebudayaan.

ASSESSMENT: Assessment is done by making poster. The making poster assessed in the realm of
the affective, cognitive, and psychomotor using a rubric (Attached).

Acknowledged by,

Teacher School Principal

Nanik Margaret Tarihoran Rosmawati Sijabat

Attachment 1

Poster Making Rubric

Group :
Name of Members :

I. Affective Domain

Assessment criteria
Affective Aspect Very good (4) Good (3) Adequate (2) Less (1)
Students Some students Some students Lack of
communicate communicate communicate communication,
clearly and unclearly, students unclearly, some mutual
unambiguously help each other, students does not misunderstanding,
with each other, each student gets get assignment in each student does
Cooperation all members help an assignment with the group, only 1- not help each
each other, each the same value. 2 student(s) other, only 1-2
student gets an help(s) student(s) do(es)
assignment with his/her/they the assignment.
the same value. friends.

Final Score :

x 10
II. Psychomotor Domain

No Aspect Criteria 4 3 2 1
1. Tools  Pencil/pen Complete Complete Complete Complete
and  A3 paper 4 criteria 3 criteria 2 criteria 1 criteria
 Ruler
 Dye (Crayons, pencil
colors, watercolor)

2. Text  The sentences are concise Complete Complete Complete Complete

 The sentences are simple 4 criteria 3 criteria 2 criteria 1 criteria
 The sentences are
interesting and informative
 The color of the text
matches the image and
background so it can be
3. Design  Interesting images Complete Complete Complete Complete
 Images match the theme 4 criteria 3 criteria 2 criteria 1 criteria
 Balance image and write
 Drawings or writings
made without the help of

4. Effort to  Collected on time Complete Complete Complete Complete

complete  Orderly 5 criteria 4-3 criteria 2 criteria 1 criteria
 Clean
 Attractive and Informative
 Balance

Final Score :

x 100
III. Cognitive Domains

3 2 1
No. Rated aspect
The proportion of 20% text, 40% ˂ 20% text and ˃ ˃ 20% text and ˂
images and writing pictures 40% pictures 40% pictures
2. Color composition 4-5 colors 6-7 colors 8-9 colors

3. Number of text Max.5 column 6-7 column ˃ 7 column

columns (Each column
consists of 7-10 words)

Final Score :

x 100

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