2020 Assignment 4 Fea

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Vels Institute Science, Technology and Advanced Studies (VISTAS)


Assignment No.4


Part A

1. Define Heat Flux

2. What is meant by Steady – state heat transfer?
3 Name a few Boundary conditions involved in any heat transfer analysis?
4. What are the modes of heat transfer?
5. Define Heat transfer.
6. Write down the expression of shape function, N and temperature function, T for one
dimensional heat conduction element.
7. Write the transient heat conduction equation for a one-dimension problem. (Nov 2012)
8. Write the differential equation for Steady-state heat conduction.
9. Define conduction?
10.Define convection?

Part B

1. An aluminum alloy fin of 7 mm thick and 50 mm long protrudes from a wall ,which is maintained
at 120° C.The ambient air temperature is 22 ° C. The heat transfer coefficient and thermal
conductivity of the fin material are 140 W/m 2K and 55 W/mK respectively. Determine the
temperature distribution of fin.

2. A steel rod of diameter d = 2 cm ,length L= 5 cm and thermal conductivity k= 50 W/m ° C is

exposed at one end to a constant temperature of 320 ° C .The other end is in ambient air of

temperature 20 ° C with a convection coefficient of h = 100 W/m2° C .Determine the temperature at

the midpoint of the rod.

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