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Present Continuous. Negations & Questions.

Good morning, my dear friends. Welcome back to English lesson!

Шаг 1. Choose a correct sentence. (отправь фото с выбранными предложениями)

1) She is sending a message to Billie.- She sending a message to Billie. -She is send a
message to Billie.
2) Come on, the film's starting.- Come on, the film's start.- Come on, the film is start.
3) They don`t drink tea now. – They are not drink tea now – They are not drinking tea now
4) I have a great time here in Paris. – I am have a great time here in Paris. - I am having a
great time here in Paris.
5) It`s raining now. – It raining now. – It is rain now.

Шаг 2. Watch this video

Remember! Запомни!

Am/is/are + Ving am/is are + not + Ving Am/is/are+ Subject+ Ving

Affirmative Negation Questions (общие вопросы)
I am playing I am not playing Am I playing?
You are playing You are not playing Are you playing
He is playing He is not playing Is he playing?
She is playing She is not playing Is she playing?
We are playing We are not playing Is it playing?
They are playing They are not playing Are they playing?

(V – глагол, Subject - подлежащее )

Шаг 3. Make these sentences negative and ask general questions (общие вопросы)
1. She is taking photographs right now.
2. Mike is swimming in the sea at the moment.
3. We are going for a walk right now.
4. Susan & Peter are playing beach volleyball with us.
5. Alisa and Dima are cooking dinner now.
6. I am taking a shower now.
7. Lisa is dancing with Michael right now.
8. The children are riding their bikes at the moment.

(write the sentences down and send a photo to your teacher).

1. 5 предложений из Шага 1 – письменно. Фото
2. Шаг 3 – предложения записать в отрицательной и вопросительной формах. Фото
3. Проспрягать глагол eat в Present Continuous (как в Шаге 2 – глагол play )


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