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We, in Pakistan are breathing in a culture which, for no better description can be called
the culture of corruption. It has permeated to every facet of our life. Not a single
institution is without it's black sheep whose number is ever on the increase. As a matter
of fact of fact, we seem to be developing immunity towards corruption. Indulgence in
corruption is no longer looked upon as an immoral or shameful act. Rather a person
who does not avail the opportunity to amass wealth is looked down upon as either a
coward or a fool. The cultural cycle is complete and we are in the grip of it's spiral.
Religion and moral codes or examples of earlier heroes of honesty have failed to
produce any healthy influence. Currently, according to Transparency international,
Pakistan is the 46th corrupt country in the index of corrupt nations.


1. Petty corruption: includes nepotism and favoritism.

2. Routine corruption: involves common malpractices such as " gifts": or "parties"
to get a favour.
3. Chronic corruption: involves shameful patronization and promotion of all sorts of
corrupt deals.


Corruption has crept to every department of the country. Police, Judiciary, WAPDA,
Education, Health, C & W, Customs and Excise, Income tax(FBR), Accountant General
Officials, Army Officers, PTA, Journalism etc. Federal and provincial governments do
corruption in awarding contracts in privatization, the allocation of import quota, the
regulation of cartels e.g. The last Sugar Crisis in the country.


Following are the main causes of corruption in Pakistan:-

1. Rehabilitation and Settlement Of The Refugees:-

In Pakistan, with it's inception, Corruption originated from the rehabilitation and
settlement of the refugees. Those who had the zeal and zest of national service from
the sense of dedication, patriotism and religious obligations. As there were scarce
resources and the government servants involved in rehabilitations were given arbitrary
powers. This power created opportunities for the officials to promote their own interests
at the expense of miserable masses.
2. Afghan War Against Russia:-

When the capitalist powers of the West decided to wage war against Communism and
Afghanistan became the battlefield, a huge sum of money and ammunition came to
Pakistan as Pakistan was to play the frontline state role in the war against Russia.
Approximately more than 10 billion dollars were given to Pakistan by the Capitalist
powers. Unfortunately, most of this aid was usurped by those authorities who were
directly or indirectly related to Afghan War.

3. Political Instability:-

Corruption prevails in those regions where there is no peace, no writ of the state and
where there is no stable government. Pakistan, unfortunately, has been a place of
political intrigues, politics of opportunism and obstructionism. Ultimately, democracy
could not get its roots in Pakistan. In such a scenario, the ruling elites involved in
corrupt practices, not only to fill their own pockets but also to buy out persons in order to
facilitate their voracious aims.

4. Discritionary Powers Of Public Officilas:-

According to Roseau: "Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely."

Wide and discretionary powers to the public officials provide incentive for corrupt
behavior. These make them little accountable. Judges, Bureaucrats and politicians have
access to control the valuable benefits of private citizens. They can impose costs over
them and their business. Public officials are usually tempted o use their positions for
private gains by accepting bribes for their posts. Private influential individuals may have
been getting undeserved projects through paying handsome amount in bribe to the
concerned officers. Thus, a necessary condition for corruption is that public officials
have rewards and penalties at their disposal.

5. Policy Environment:-

Corruption also stems from policy environment, either on the top or at the bottom of the
hierarchy. Pay offs are frequent to the lower level officials charged with collecting tariffs,
provide police protection, issuing permits and the like. When corruption is endemic,
these officials may create additional red tape and delay to include even higher
payments. According to Qaiser Bengali;
" Every year more than 5oo billion rupees laps in Pakistan due to corruption in the civil

6. The Dependency of Politicians on Bureaucracy:

Politicians depend on bureaucrats for their political standings. The culture of politics in
Pakistan is characterized as mushroom of political and agitational politics. Thus the
government becomes in shape of alliance and the same the opposition. All the political
parties in the government try to recruit more and more of their supporters in the
bureaucracy. This is the example of "administrative corruption". Political leaders are
more prone to corruption as they need resources for financing their election campaigns
and also for maintaining their social status.

7. Low Salaries:-

Civil and military officers are also likely to involve in corruption due to their low salaries.
As their costs and expenses are exceeding their salaries.

8. Poverty:-

Poverty is also one of the main cause of corruption. The economic conditions of our
country have always been shabby. Inflation, as ever, is on the rise. There is a lack of
social safety network. All these compel a common man to indulge in such unlawful

9. Ineffective Law and Procedure:-

There is no deterrence for the corrupt. It is coupled with discrimination in

implementation of laws.


1. Moral Degradation:-

Corruption tends to moral degradation. The culture of corruption has plagued the
society to the extent that it has become a way of life. Values and norms have changed
and new values orientation is undergone. It puts us on the threshold of the cross roads
of values. The generation, in all walks of life, emanate from assumption of power and
corruption of values. Corruption leads to corruption. Corruption of liberty leads to liberty
of corruption. It initiates every type of fraud, jealousy, deception, negligence and
exploitation of the vulnerable and weak segments of society. It breeds inequality and
injustice in the society. It denies the basic human rights of freedom, equality and fair

2. Mistrust and Suspicion;-

When there is corruption, there is mistrust and suspicion. People lose faith in the
integrity of Public administration as it becomes inefficient due to the violation of merit.
Furthermore, they lose their faith on the state and its representatives. Thus, these facts
cause damage to the social fabrics of the society. In consequence, democracy is put at
stake and the nation becomes vulnerable to be exploited by the anti-Pakistani elements.
Resultantly, the writ of the state will be shaken.

3. Slow Economic Growth:-

Corruption leads to slow economic growth, coupled by deceleration of the development
in the state. It impacts the private sector as there is no transparency. In consequence,
investment is discouraged, whether it is internal or foreign. It impacts the public sector,
as there is scarcity of resources. Thus, it creates despair, insecurity and detracts
people's constructive objectives.

4. Corruption Leads To Exploitation:-

Corruption leads to exploitation because the living standard of people becomes very
low. As corruption retards economy and poverty alleviation and public service delivery.
Thus, it leads to all sorts of crimes and violence. Rich and poor gap gets widen. Poor
are exploited by burgioses (big businessman) class for their own aims
5. Brain Drainage:-
Brain drainage is the direct effect of corruption. It will become harder to locate men and
women of ability and integrity in the public life. Capable people prefer to go abroad and
serve other nations with their ability instead of suffering in Pakistan.

Pakistan is in the midst of economic and security crisis and has earned a bad image in
the world community. So, curbing corruption is necessary to get it's due status on the
International front to improve the quality of life of it's people. The following steps are
needed to be taken in order to root out corruption in Pakistan:-

1. Making Accountability Mechanism Independent of Executive:-

In the past many attempts were made to uproot corruption but all in vain. Critics opine
that in the past, people were targeted and not facets of corruption. NAB (National
Accountability Bureau) was established to substantiate the commandment of Allah but it
became a kingro court. The anti-corruption Act is still on the Statute Book (Constitution),
The Public Representative Office Disqualification Act 1954 is still in vogue. General
Ayub, Zia and Musharraf introduced their own anti-corruption programs but they all
aimed at throwing out the politicians and not the corruption.
The reason is institutional weakness in the anti-corruption plans. For instance, the drive
against corruption has suffered a setback due to it's control being wasted in the
executive. This applies to all watch-dogs; from the Anti-corruption to the National
accountability bureau. The need is of an accountability mechanism outside and
independent of the executive at the same time.

2.Curtailment of Powers and Making Government Officials Accountable:-

It is a historically proven fact that neither politicians nor bureaucrats should have
discretionary powers. In a country like Pakistan where the head of the state to a pity
assistant considers discretionary powers a matter of life and death. This resulted in
temptation to corruption that ultimately corroded our whole Islamic values. Therefore,
the powers of the administration and politicians from top to bottom must be curtailed.
Along with, Inter-departmental and Intra-departmental accountability system must be
strengthened. There must be penal laws with strict enforcement for the corrupt

3. Transparency:-
Transparency, honesty and fair play are the pre-requisites for any state to progress. In
order to make Pakistan a corruption free state, it is inevitable to introduce a
transparency and merit culture in all its departments. No room should be provided for
favoritism, gifts culture and bribery.

4.Empowering Parliamentary Oversight Committe:-

Democratic government is still the best policy even if it's leaders are less austere and less
capable than non-political guards or experts. A democratic system has it's own correcting
mechanism. Parliamentary oversight and fear of losing the confidence of people makes it
more efficient. Parliamentary oversight committee which is empowered to revive all the
actions of the government, big cartels and bureaucrats. Only then the corruption could be
minimized in the country.

5. Increasing the Salaries of Public Servants:-

Corruption is a socio-economic problem. In the past, it has been treated only as a legal and
administrative issue. Good rumination(salary) to the public servants and merit-oriented
bureaucracy should be the norm in the country. There should be social justice and equity
among all citizens of the country. The pay structure of the public officials must be realistic.
Their salaries should be adequate to meet their needs.

6.Mass Awareness:
To minimize corruption in Pakistan, there is a need of a comprehensive campaign on media
to bring awareness in the people. The propagation against corruption could play a vital role
in uprooting corruption in Pakistan. Civil societies can also play a vital role in minimizing
corruption in our society.

A comprehensive campaign based on determination against corruption in order to restore
the trust of our nation should be initiated. At the same time, we must look seriously into the
socio-economic factors that have immensely contributed to a corrupt culture in our country.
We need a system that deters corruption now and in the future. Once corruption is rooted
out from Pakistan, then progress is it's fate as God has bestowed it with both human and
natural resources.

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