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Grammar Exam - UPC

1) I always eat something ______ night.

a. on
b. at
c. in

2) What ______ she like to do?

a. does
b. do
c. a
d. are

3) I didn’t _________ soccer because I was sick.

a. playing
b. plays
c. play
d. played

4) I don’t really like milk, but I always drink ________ juice.

a. are
b. many
c. much
d. a lot of

5) I am not sad.

a. I don’t either
b. Me too
c. I’m not either
d. I can’t either

6) I’m interested ______ a third language.

a. in learning
b. at learning
c. on learning
d. learn

7) A: Is Carlos working next week?

B: Yes, he is. He ________ very busy.

a. is going
b. goes
c. is going to be
d. was

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8) I studied yesterday _______ my exam.

a. passed
b. to pass
c. pass
d. to passing

9) A: What do you do with your old shirts?

B: I give them to charity, but my mom gives _______ to her sister.

a. theirs
b. her
c. hers
d. their

10) A: What ______ when the mailman arrived?

B: She was playing videogames.

a. was she doing

b. was
c. is she doing
d. did she do

11) What is he going to do after _______ his homework?

a. he finished
b. he is going to finish
c. he’ll finish
d. he finishes

12) It’s terrible to be bored, but it’s ______ to be hungry.

a. better
b. worse
c. more good
d. good

13) A: Have you ever visited Ica?

B: Yes, ______.

a. I haven’t
b. I ‘ve
c. I did
d. I have

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14) When I was younger, my parents always made me _______ my hands before lunch.

a. to wash
b. washing
c. washed
d. wash

15) A: What are you doing at night? Do you want to go to the soccer game?

B: That sounds good! Let’s go. ______ to your house at 8pm.

a. I’ll go
b. I’m going
c. I go
d. I’ll going

16) My exam is in a few hours, so I ________ study right now.

a. should
b. had better
c. ought to
d. had better not

17) My girlfriend is someone _________.

a. I love a lot
b. that I love, too
c. which goes to work everyday
d. who like cookies

18) If I ________ go to the market, I’d stay in my house.

a. have to
b. don’t have to
c. wouldn’t have to
d. didn’t have to

19) A: How much did you pay for the tickets?

B: I can’t remember how much _______ for them.

a. I pay
b. I paid
c. did I pay
d. I did paid

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20) I ____________ at BCP since 2011.

a. worked
b. have been working
c. am working
d. work

21) I went to my English class yesterday. I was really ________!

a. bored
b. bore
c. boring
d. boredom

22) I saw America Noticias yesterday, but nothing interesting _________.

a. showed
b. is shown
c. was shown
d. was showing

23) How did I end up _________ English?

a. taught
b. teach
c. teaching
d. am teaching

24) This is an interesting convention. A lot of topics ________.

a. is discussing
b. are discussed
c. discussed
d. are discuss

25) When you are a kid, you can get in trouble _________ “hi” to your relatives.

a. by not saying
b. saying
c. by saying not
d. by saying

26) He _____________ for the exam, but he was too tired, so he didn’t study.

a. study
b. is supposed to study
c. was supposed to study
d. is studying

Página 4
27) The exam has finished. Now, the students are having their tests ________ by the

a. checking
b. not checked
c. checked
d. to check

28) Andres is so late! He should ________ a taxi instead of a bus.

a. not have taken

b. haven’t take
c. take
d. have taken

29) If I had gone to the stadium, I probably ________ a good time.

a. would had
b. had
c. would have had
d. had had

30) Many people prefer to take a taxi ________ taking a bus.

a. because of
b. instead of
c. in spite of
d. due to

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1. b
2. a
3. c
4. d
5. c
6. a
7. c
8. b
9. c
10. a
11. d
12. b
13. d
14. d
15. a
16. b
17. a
18. d
19. b
20. b
21. a
22. c
23. c
24. b
25. a
26. c
27. c
28. d
29. c
30. b

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