Vincent Van Gogh: Sun Owers (F.458), Repetition of The 4th Version (Yellow Back

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Vincent van Gogh

“Van Gogh” redirects here. For other uses, see Van by bold colours and dramatic, impulsive and expressive
Gogh (disambiguation). brushwork that contributed to the foundations of modern
art. His suicide at 37 followed years of mental illness and
Born into an upper-middle-class family, Van Gogh drew
as a child and was serious, quiet and thoughtful. As a
young man he worked as an art dealer, often travelling,
but became depressed after he was transferred to Lon-
don. He turned to religion, and spent time as a missionary
in southern Belgium. He drifted in ill health and solitude
before taking up painting in 1881, having moved back
home with his parents. His younger brother Theo sup-
ported him financially, and the two kept up a long corre-
spondence by letter. His early works, mostly still lifes
and depictions of peasant labourers, contain few signs
of the vivid colour that distinguished his later work. In
1886 he moved to Paris where he met members of the
avant-garde, including Émile Bernard and Paul Gauguin,
who were reacting against the Impressionist sensibility.
As his work developed he created a new approach to still
lifes and local landscapes. His paintings grew brighter in
colour as he developed a style that became fully realised
during his stay in Arles in the south of France in 1888.
During this period he broadened his subject matter to in-
clude olive trees, cypresses, wheat fields and sunflowers.
Van Gogh suffered from psychotic episodes and delusions
and though he worried about his mental stability, he of-
Sunflowers (F.458), repetition of the 4th version (yellow back- ten neglected his physical health, did not eat properly and
ground), August 1889.[1] Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam drank heavily. His friendship with Gauguin ended after a
confrontation with a razor, when in a rage, he severed part
of his left ear. He spent time in a number of psychiatric
hospital, including for a period at Saint-Rémy. After he
discharged himself and moved to the Auberge Ravoux in
Auvers-sur-Oise near Paris, he came under the care of the
homeopathic doctor Paul Gachet. His depression contin-
ued and on 27 July 1890, Van Gogh shot himself in the
chest with a revolver. He died from his injuries two days
Unsuccessful during his lifetime, considered a madman
Wheatfield with Crows, 1890. Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam and a failure, Van Gogh became famous after his suicide
and exists in the public imagination as the quintessen-
Vincent Willem van Gogh (Dutch: [ˈvɪnsɛnt ˈʋɪləm vɑn tial misunderstood genius, the artist “where discourses
ˈɣɔx];[note 1] 30 March 1853 – 29 July 1890) was a Dutch on madness and creativity converge”.[6] His reputation
Post-Impressionist painter who is among the most famous began to grow in the early 20th century as elements of
and influential figures in the history of Western art. In his painting style came to be incorporated by the Fauves
just over a decade he created about 2100 artworks, in- and German Expressionists. He attained widespread crit-
cluding around 860 oil paintings, most of them in the ical, commercial and popular success over the ensuing
last two years of his life. They include landscapes, still decades, and is remembered as an important but tragic
lifes, portraits and self-portraits, and are characterised painter, whose troubled personality typifies the romantic

2 2 LIFE

ideal of the tortured artist. 2 Life

Main article: Vincent van Gogh chronology
1 Letters
See also: The Letters of Vincent van Gogh 2.1 Early years

See also: Van Gogh’s family in his art

Vincent Willem van Gogh was born on 30 March 1853 in

Groot-Zundert, in the predominantly Catholic province
of North Brabant in the southern Netherlands.[16] He was
the oldest surviving child of Theodorus van Gogh, a min-
ister of the Dutch Reformed Church, and Anna Cornelia
Carbentus. Van Gogh was given the name of his grand-
father, and of a brother stillborn exactly a year before his
birth.[note 2] Vincent was a common name in the Van Gogh
family: his grandfather, Vincent (1789–1874), who re-
Van Gogh in 1873, when he worked at the Goupil &
ceived a degree in theology at the University of Leiden
Cie's gallery in The Hague.[7] Theo (pictured right, in in 1811, had six sons, three of whom became art deal-
1878) was a life-long supporter and friend to his brother.
ers. This Vincent may have been named after his own
great-uncle, a sculptor (1729–1802).[18]
The most comprehensive primary source on Van Gogh is Van Gogh’s mother came from a prosperous family in
the correspondence between him and his younger brother, The Hague,[19] and his father was the youngest son of
Theo. Their lifelong friendship, and most of what is a minister.[20] The two met when Anna’s younger sis-
known of Vincent’s thoughts and theories of art, are ter, Cornelia, married Theodorus’s older brother Vin-
recorded in the hundreds of letters they exchanged from cent (Cent). Van Gogh’s parents married in May 1851
1872 until 1890.[8] Theo van Gogh was an art dealer and and moved to Zundert.[21] His brother Theo was born
provided his brother with financial and emotional sup- on 1 May 1857. There was another brother, Cor, and
port, and access to influential people on the contemporary three sisters: Elisabeth, Anna, and Willemina (known as
art scene.[9] “Wil”). In later life Van Gogh remained in touch only
Although Theo kept all of Vincent’s letters to him;[10] with Willemina and Theo.[22] Van Gogh’s mother was a
Vincent kept few of the letters he received. After both rigid and religious woman who emphasised the impor-
had died, Theo’s widow Johanna arranged for the publi- tance of family to the point of claustrophobia for those
cation of their correspondences. A few appeared in 1906 around her.[23] Theodorus’s salary was modest, but the
and 1913; the majority were published in 1914.[11][12] Church supplied the family with a house, a maid, two
Vincent’s letters are eloquent and expressive and have cooks, a gardener, a carriage and horse, and Anna in-
been described as having a “diary-like intimacy”,[9] and stilled in the children a duty to uphold the family’s high
read in parts like autobiography.[9] The translator Arnold social position.[24]
Pomerans wrote that their publication adds a “fresh di- Van Gogh was a serious and thoughtful child.[25] He was
mension to the understanding of Van Gogh’s artistic taught at home by his mother and a governess, and in 1860
achievement, an understanding granted us by virtually no was sent to the village school. In 1864 he was placed
other painter”.[13] in a boarding school at Zevenbergen,[26] where he felt
There are more than 600 letters from Vincent to Theo abandoned, and campaigned to come home. Instead, in
and around 40 from Theo to Vincent. There are 22 to 1866 his parents sent him to the middle school in Tilburg,
his sister Wil, 58 to the painter Anthon van Rappard, where he was deeply unhappy.[27] His interest in art be-
22 to Émile Bernard as well as individual letters to Paul gan at a young age; encouraged to draw as a child by
Signac, Paul Gauguin and the critic Albert Aurier. Some his mother,[28] his early drawings are expressive,[26] but
are illustrated with sketches.[9] Many are undated, but do not approach the intensity of his later work.[29] Con-
art historians have been able to place most in chrono- stantijn C. Huysmans, who had been a successful artist
logical order. Problems in transcription and dating re- in Paris, taught the students at Tilburg. His philosophy
main, mainly with those posted from Arles. While there was to reject technique in favour of capturing the im-
Vincent wrote around 200 letters in Dutch, French and pressions of things, particularly nature or common ob-
English.[14] There is a gap in the record when he lived in jects. Van Gogh’s profound unhappiness seems to have
Paris as the brothers lived together and had no need to overshadowed the lessons, which had little effect;[30] in
correspond.[15] March 1868 he abruptly returned home. He later wrote
2.1 Early years 3

Van Gogh’s home in Cuesmes in 1880; while there he decided to

become an artist

Gogh ate frugally, avoiding meat.[41]

To support his religious conviction and his desire to be-
Vincent c. 1866, about 13 years old come a pastor, in 1877 the family sent him to live with
his uncle Johannes Stricker, a respected theologian, in
Amsterdam.[42] Van Gogh prepared for the University of
Amsterdam theology entrance examination;[43] he failed
that his youth was “austere and cold, and sterile”. the exam, and left his uncle’s house in July 1878. He
In July 1869 Van Gogh’s uncle Cent obtained a position undertook, but also failed, a three-month course at[44]a
for him at the art dealers Goupil & Cie in The Hague.[32] Protestant missionary school in Laken, near Brussels.
After completing his training in 1873, he was transferred In January 1879 he was posted as a missionary at Petit-
to Goupil’s London branch at Southampton Street, and Wasmes.[45] in the coal-mining district of Borinage in
took lodgings at 87 Hackford Road, Stockwell.[33] This Belgium. To show support for his impoverished congre-
was a happy time for Van Gogh; he was successful at gation, he gave up his comfortable lodgings at a bakery
work, and at 20 was earning more than his father. Theo’s to a homeless person, and moved to a small hut where
wife later remarked that this was the best year of his life. he slept on straw.[46] His squalid living conditions did not
He became infatuated with his landlady’s daughter, Eu- endear him to church authorities, who dismissed him for
génie Loyer, but was rejected after confessing his feel- “undermining the dignity of the priesthood”. He then
ings; she was secretly engaged to a former lodger. He walked the 75 kilometres (47 mi) to Brussels,[47] returned
grew more isolated, and religiously fervent. His father briefly to Cuesmes in the Borinage, but gave in to pres-
and uncle arranged a transfer to Paris in 1875, where he sure from his parents to return home to Etten. He stayed
became resentful of issues such as the degree to which the there until around March 1880,[note 3] which caused con-
firm commodified art, and was dismissed a year later.[34] cern and frustration for his parents. His father was espe-
In April 1876 he returned to England to take unpaid cially frustrated and advised that his son should be com-
[49][50][note 4]
work as a supply teacher in a small boarding school in mitting to the lunatic asylum at Geel.
Ramsgate. When the proprietor moved to Isleworth in Van Gogh returned to Cuesmes in August 1880, where he
Middlesex, Van Gogh went with him.[35][36] The arrange- lodged with a miner until October.[52] He became inter-
ment did not work out and he left to become a Methodist ested in the people and scenes around him, and recorded
minister’s assistant.[37] His parents had meanwhile moved them in drawings after Theo’s suggestion that he take up
to Etten;[38] in 1876 he returned home at Christmas for art in earnest. He travelled to Brussels later in the year,
six months and took work at a bookshop in Dordrecht. to follow Theo’s recommendation that he study with the
He was unhappy in the position and spent his time doo- Dutch artist Willem Roelofs, who persuaded him – in
dling or translating passages from the Bible into English, spite of his dislike of formal schools of art – to attend the
French and German.[39] He immersed himself in religion, Académie Royale des Beaux-Arts. He registered at the
and became increasingly pious and monastic.[40] Accord- Académie in November 1880, where he studied anatomy
ing to his flatmate of the time, Paulus van Görlitz, Van and the standard rules of modelling and perspective.[53]
4 2 LIFE

2.2 Etten, Drenthe and The Hague for as long as I can keep my hand in the flame.”[60][61]
He did not recall the event well, but later assumed that
See also: Early works of Vincent van Gogh his uncle had blown out the flame. Kee’s father made it
Van Gogh returned to Etten in April 1881 for an ex- clear that her refusal should be heeded and that the two
would not marry, largely because of Van Gogh’s inability
to support himself.[62]
Mauve took Van Gogh on as a student and introduced him
to watercolour, which he worked on for the next month
before returning home for Christmas.[63] He quarreled
with his father, refusing to attend church, and left for The
Hague.[note 5][66] Within a month Van Gogh and Mauve
fell out, possibly over the viability of drawing from plaster
casts.[67] Van Gogh could only afford to hire people from
the street as models, a practice of which Mauve seems to
have disapproved.[68] In June Van Gogh suffered a bout
of gonorrhoea and spent three weeks in hospital.[69] Soon
after, he first painted in oils,[70] bought with money bor-
rowed from Theo. He liked the medium, and spread
the paint liberally, scraping from the canvas and work-
ing back with the brush. He wrote that he was surprised
at how good the results were.[71]

Kee Vos-Stricker with her son Jan c. 1879–80

tended stay with his parents.[54] He continued to draw, of- Rooftops, View from the Atelier The Hague, 1882, private col-
ten using his neighbours as subjects. In August 1881, his lection
recently widowed cousin, Cornelia “Kee” Vos-Stricker,
daughter of his mother’s older sister Willemina and Jo- By March 1882 Mauve appears to have gone cold towards
hannes Stricker, arrived for a visit. He was thrilled and Van Gogh, and stopped replying to his letters.[72] He had
took long walks with her. Kee was seven years older learned of Van Gogh’s new domestic arrangement with
than him, and had an eight-year-old son. Van Gogh sur- an alcoholic prostitute, Clasina Maria “Sien” Hoornik
prised everyone by declaring his love to her and propos- (1850–1904), and her young daughter.[73] Van Gogh had
ing marriage.[55] She refused with the words “No, nay, met Sien towards the end of January 1882, when she had
never” ("nooit, neen, nimmer").[56] After Kee returned a five-year-old daughter and was pregnant. She had pre-
to Amsterdam, Van Gogh went to The Hague to try and viously borne two children who died, but Van Gogh was
sell paintings and to meet with his second cousin, Anton unaware of this;[74] on 2 July, she gave birth to a baby
Mauve. Mauve was the successful artist Van Gogh longed boy, Willem.[75] When Van Gogh’s father discovered the
to be.[57] Mauve invited him to return in a few months, details of their relationship, he put pressure on his son to
and suggested he spend the intervening time working in abandon Sien and her two children. Vincent at first defied
charcoal and pastels; Van Gogh went back to Etten and him,[76] and considered moving the family out of the city,
followed this advice.[57] but in late 1883 left Sien and the children.[77]
Late in November 1881, Van Gogh wrote a letter to Poverty may have pushed Sien back into prostitution; the
Johannes Stricker, which he described to Theo as an home became less happy and Van Gogh may have felt
attack.[58] Within days he left for Amsterdam.[59] Kee family life was irreconcilable with his artistic develop-
would not meet him, and her parents wrote that his “per- ment. Sien gave her daughter to her mother, and baby
sistence is disgusting".[60] In despair, he held his left hand Willem to her brother.[78] Willem remembered visiting
in the flame of a lamp, with the words: “Let me see her Rotterdam when he was about 12, when an uncle tried to
2.3 Emerging artist 5

persuade Sien to marry in order to legitimise the child.[79]

not making enough effort to sell his paintings in Paris,
He believed Van Gogh was his father, but the timing of his brother responded that they were too dark, and not in
his birth makes this unlikely.[80] Sien drowned herself in
keeping with the bright style of Impressionism.[85] In Au-
the River Scheldt in 1904.[81] gust his work was publicly exhibited for the first time, in
In September 1883 Van Gogh moved to Drenthe in the the shop windows of the dealer Leurs in The Hague. One
northern Netherlands. In December, driven by loneliness, of his young peasant sitters became pregnant in Septem-
he went to live with his parents, then in Nuenen, North ber 1885; Van Gogh was accused of forcing himself upon
Brabant.[81] her, and the village priest forbade parishioners to model
for him.[89]

2.3 Emerging artist

2.3.1 Nuenen and Antwerp (1883–86)

See also: Peasant Character Studies (Van Gogh series);

Still life paintings by Vincent van Gogh (Netherlands);
and Drawings, water-colours and prints by Vincent van
In Nuenen, Van Gogh focused on painting and drawing.

• Worn Out, pencil on watercolour

paper, 1882. Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam [90]

The Potato Eaters, 1885. Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam

Working outside and very quickly, he completed sketches

and paintings of weavers and their cottages.[82] From Au- • Still Life with Open
gust 1884, Margot Begemann, a neighbour’s daughter ten Bible, Extinguished Candle and Novel also Still Life
years his senior, joined him on his forays; she fell in love with Bible, 1885. Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam
and he reciprocated, though less enthusiastically. They
wanted to marry, but neither side of their families were
in favour. Margot was distraught and took an overdose of
strychnine, but survived after Van Gogh rushed her to a
nearby hospital.[75] On 26 March 1885, his father died of
a heart attack.[83]
Van Gogh painted several groups of still lifes in 1885.[84]
During his two-year stay in Nuenen, he completed nu-
merous drawings and watercolours, and nearly 200 oil
paintings. His palette consisted mainly of sombre earth
tones, particularly dark brown, and showed no sign of the
vivid colours that distinguish his later work.[85]
There was interest from a dealer in Paris early in
1885.[86] Theo asked Vincent if he had paintings ready
to exhibit.[87] In May, Van Gogh responded with his first • Skull of a Skeleton with
major work, The Potato Eaters, and a series of "peasant Burning Cigarette, 1885–86. Van Gogh Museum,
character studies" which were the culmination of several Amsterdam
years of work.[88] When he complained that Theo was
6 2 LIFE

• Peasant Woman Digging,

or Woman with a Spade, Seen from Behind, 1885.
Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto

He moved to Antwerp that November, and rented a room

above a paint dealer’s shop in the rue des Images (Lange
Beeldekensstraat).[91] He lived in poverty and ate poorly,
preferring to spend the money Theo sent on painting ma-
terials and models. Bread, coffee and tobacco became
his staple diet. In February 1886 he wrote to Theo that
he could only remember eating six hot meals since the
previous May. His teeth became loose and painful.[92] Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, Portrait of Vincent van Gogh, 1887,
In Antwerp he applied himself to the study of colour pastel drawing, Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam
theory and spent time in museums—particularly study-
ing the work of Peter Paul Rubens – and broadened his
palette to include carmine, cobalt blue and emerald green. After seeing the portrait of Adolphe Monticelli at the
Van Gogh bought Japanese ukiyo-e woodcuts in the dock- Galerie Delareybarette, Van Gogh adopted a brighter
lands, later incorporating elements of their style into the palette and a bolder attack, particularly in paintings such
background of some of his paintings.[93] He was drinking as his Seascape at Saintes-Maries (1888).[102][103] Two
heavily again,[94] and was hospitalised between February years later, Vincent and Theo paid for the publication of
and March 1886,[95] when he was possibly also treated for a book on Monticelli paintings, and Vincent bought some
syphilis.[96][note 6] of Monticelli’s works to add to his collection.[104]
After his recovery, and despite his antipathy towards aca- Van Gogh learned about Fernand Cormon's atelier from
demic teaching, he took the higher-level admission exams Theo.[105] He worked at the studio in April and May
at the Academy of Fine Arts in Antwerp, and in January 1886,[106] where he frequented the circle of the Aus-
1886 matriculated in painting and drawing. He became tralian artist John Peter Russell,[107] and met fellow stu-
ill and run down by overwork, poor diet and excessive dents Émile Bernard, Louis Anquetin and Henri de
smoking.[99] Toulouse-Lautrec – who painted a portrait of him in pas-
tel. They met at Julien “Père” Tanguy's paint shop,[106]
(which was, at that time, the only place where Paul
2.3.2 Paris (1886–88)
Cézanne's paintings were displayed). In 1886, two large
See also: Japonaiserie (Van Gogh) and Still life paintings exhibitions were staged there, showing Pointillism and
by Vincent van Gogh (Paris) Neo-Impressionism for the first time, and bringing at-
Van Gogh moved to Paris in March 1886 where he shared tention to Georges Seurat and Paul Signac. Theo kept
Theo’s rue Laval apartment in Montmartre, and studied a stock of Impressionist paintings in his gallery on boule-
at Fernand Cormon's studio. In June the brothers took a vard Montmartre, but Van Gogh was slow to acknowledge
larger flat at 54 rue Lepic.[100] In Paris, Vincent painted the new developments in art.[108]
portraits of friends and acquaintances, still life paintings, Conflicts arose between the brothers. At the end of
views of Le Moulin de la Galette, scenes in Montmartre, 1886 Theo found living with Vincent to be “almost
Asnières and along the Seine. In 1885 in Antwerp he had unbearable”.[106] By early 1887, they were again at peace,
become interested in Japanese ukiyo-e woodblock prints, and Vincent had moved to Asnières, a northwestern sub-
and had used them to decorate the walls of his studio; urb of Paris, where he got to know Signac. He adopted
while in Paris he collected hundreds of them. He tried elements of Pointillism, a technique in which a multitude
his hand at Japonaiserie, tracing a figure from a repro- of small coloured dots are applied to the canvas so that
duction on the cover of the magazine Paris Illustre, The when seen from a distance they create an optical blend
Courtesan or Oiran (1887), after Keisai Eisen, which he of hues. The style stresses the ability of complementary
then graphically enlarged in a painting.[101] colours – including blue and orange – to form vibrant
2.4 Artistic breakthrough 7


• Still Life with Glass of

Absinthe and a Carafe, 1887. Van Gogh Museum,

• Courtesan (after Eisen),

While in Asnières Van Gogh painted parks, restaurants
1887. Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam
and the Seine, including Bridges across the Seine at As-
nières. In November 1887, Theo and Vincent befriended
Paul Gauguin who had just arrived in Paris.[109] Towards
the end of the year, Vincent arranged an exhibition along-
side Bernard, Anquetin, and probably Toulouse-Lautrec,
at the Grand-Bouillon Restaurant du Chalet, 43 avenue
de Clichy, Montmartre. In a contemporary account,
Bernard wrote that the exhibition was ahead of anything
else in Paris.[110] There Bernard and Anquetin sold their
first paintings, and Van Gogh exchanged work with Gau-
guin. Discussions on art, artists, and their social situations
started during this exhibition, continued and expanded to
include visitors to the show, like Camille Pissarro and
his son Lucien, Signac and Seurat. In February 1888,
feeling worn out from life in Paris, Van Gogh left, hav-
ing painted more than 200 paintings during his two years
there. Hours before his departure, accompanied by Theo,
he paid his first and only visit to Seurat in his studio.[111]
• Portrait of Père
Tanguy, 1887. Musée Rodin, Paris
2.4 Artistic breakthrough

2.4.1 Arles (1888–89)

See also: Décoration for the Yellow House, Langlois

Bridge at Arles, and Saintes-Maries (Van Gogh series)
Ill from drink and suffering from smoker’s cough, in
February 1888 Van Gogh sought refuge in Arles.[14] He
seems to have moved with thoughts of founding an art
colony. The Danish artist Christian Mourier-Petersen be-
came his companion for two months, and at first Arles
appeared exotic. In a letter, he described it as a foreign
country: “The Zouaves, the brothels, the adorable little
Arlésienne going to her First Communion, the priest in
his surplice, who looks like a dangerous rhinoceros, the
people drinking absinthe, all seem to me creatures from
• Flowering Plum another world.”
Orchard (after Hiroshige), 1887. Van Gogh Mu- The time in Arles became one of Van Gogh’s more pro-
seum, Amsterdam lific periods: he completed 200 paintings, and more than
100 drawings and watercolours.[113] He was enchanted by
8 2 LIFE

painter who sometimes stayed in Fontvieille, and the two

exchanged visits in July.[123]

• The Sower
with Setting Sun, 1888. Van Gogh Museum, Ams-
The Yellow House, 1888. Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam terdam

the local landscape and light; his works from this period
are rich in yellow, ultramarine and mauve. His paint-
ings include harvests, wheat fields and general rural land-
marks from the area, including The Old Mill (1888), a
picturesque structure bordering the wheat fields.[114] This
was one of seven canvases sent to Pont-Aven on 4 October
1888 in an exchange of works with Paul Gauguin, Émile
Bernard, Charles Laval and others.[114]
The portrayals of the Arles landscape are informed by
Van Gogh’s Dutch upbringing; the patchworks of fields • Fishing
and avenues appear flat and lacking perspective, but ex- Boats on the Beach at Saintes-Maries, June 1888.
cel in their use of colour.[115] His new-found apprecia- Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam
tion is seen in the range and scope of his work. In March
1888 he painted landscapes using a gridded “perspective
frame"; three of the works were shown at the annual exhi-
bition of the Société des Artistes Indépendants. In April,
he was visited by the American artist Dodge MacKnight,
who was living nearby at Fontvieille.[116][117] On 1 May
1888, for 15 francs per month, he signed a lease for the
eastern wing of the Yellow House at 2 place Lamartine.
The rooms were unfurnished and had been uninhabited
for months.[118]
On 7 May Van Gogh moved from the Hôtel Carrel to the • Bedroom in
Café de la Gare,[119] having befriended the proprietors, Arles, 1888. Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam
Joseph and Marie Ginoux. The Yellow House had to be
furnished before he could fully move in, but he was able
to use it as a studio.[120] He wanted a gallery to display
his work, and started a series of paintings that eventu-
ally included Van Gogh’s Chair (1888), Bedroom in Ar-
les (1888), The Night Café (1888), Café Terrace at Night
(September 1888), Starry Night Over the Rhone (1888),
and Still Life: Vase with Twelve Sunflowers (1888), all in-
tended for the decoration for the Yellow House.[121]
Van Gogh wrote that with The Night Café he tried “to ex-
press the idea that the café is a place where one can ruin
oneself, go mad, or commit a crime”.[122] When he vis-
ited Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer in June, he gave lessons to
a Zouave second lieutenant – Paul-Eugène Milliet[123] – • The Old Mill, 1888.
and painted boats on the sea and the village.[124] MacK- Albright–Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo, New York
night introduced Van Gogh to Eugène Boch, a Belgian
2.4 Artistic breakthrough 9

2.4.2 Gauguin’s visit (1888) towards crisis point.[134]

See also: Sunflowers (Van Gogh series)

When Gauguin agreed to visit Arles in 1888, Van Gogh

• The Night Café,

1888. Yale University Art Gallery, New Haven,

Paul Gauguin, The Painter of Sunflowers: Portrait of Vincent

van Gogh, 1888. Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam
• The Red Vineyard,
hoped for friendship, and the realisation of his idea of an November 1888. Pushkin Museum, Moscow. Sold
artists’ collective. While waiting, in August he painted to Anna Boch, 1890
Sunflowers. When Boch visited again, Van Gogh painted
a portrait of him, as well as the study The Poet Against a
Starry Sky.[125][note 7]
In preparation for Gauguin’s visit, Van Gogh bought two
beds on advice from the station’s postal supervisor Joseph
Roulin, whose portrait he painted. On 17 September he
spent his first night in the still sparsely furnished Yel-
low House.[127] When Gauguin consented to work and
live in Arles with him, Van Gogh started to work on
the Décoration for the Yellow House, probably the most
ambitious effort he ever undertook.[128] He completed
• Van Gogh’s Chair, 1888.
two chair paintings: Van Gogh’s Chair and Gauguin’s
National Gallery, London
After much pleading from Van Gogh, Gauguin arrived
in Arles on 23 October, and in November the two
painted together. Gauguin depicted Van Gogh in his
The Painter of Sunflowers; Van Gogh painted pictures
from memory, following Gauguin’s suggestion. Among
these “imaginative” paintings is Memory of the Garden
at Etten.[130][note 8] Their first joint outdoor venture was
at the Alyscamps, when they produced the pendants Les
Alyscamps.[131] The single painting Gauguin completed
during his visit was Van Gogh Painting Sunflowers.[132]
Van Gogh and Gauguin visited Montpellier in December • Paul Gauguin’s Armchair,
1888, where they saw works by Courbet and Delacroix 1888. Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam
in the Musée Fabre.[133] Their relationship began to de-
teriorate; Van Gogh admired Gauguin and wanted to be
treated as his equal, but Gauguin was arrogant and dom-
ineering, which frustrated Van Gogh. They often quar- 2.4.3 Hospital in Arles (December 1888)
relled; Van Gogh increasingly feared that Gauguin was
going to desert him, and the situation, which Van Gogh See also: Hospital in Arles
described as one of “excessive tension”, rapidly headed The exact sequence of events which led to Van Gogh’s
10 2 LIFE

edly and unsuccessfully asked for Gauguin, who asked a

policeman attending the case to “be kind enough, Mon-
sieur, to awaken this man with great care, and if he asks
for me tell him I have left for Paris; the sight of me might
prove fatal for him.”[151] Gauguin fled Arles, never to see
Van Gogh again. They continued to correspond and in
1890 Gauguin proposed they form a studio in Antwerp.
Other visitors to the hospital included Marie Ginoux and
Despite a pessimistic diagnosis, Van Gogh recovered and
returned to the Yellow House on 7 January 1889.[153]
He spent the following month between hospital and
home, suffering from hallucinations and delusions of
poisoning.[154] In March, the police closed his house af-
Local newspaper report dated 30 December 1888 recording Van
Gogh’s self-mutilation.[135]
ter a petition by 30 townspeople (including the Ginoux
family) who described him as “le fou roux” (the red-
headed madman);[147] Van Gogh returned to hospital.
Paul Signac visited him twice in March;[155] in April Van
mutilation of his ear is not known. Gauguin claimed, fif- Gogh moved into rooms owned by Dr Rey after floods
teen years later, that the night followed several instances damaged paintings in his own home.[156] Two months
of physically threatening behaviour.[136] Their relation- later, he left Arles and voluntarily entered an asylum in
ship was complex, and Theo may have owed money to Saint-Rémy-de-Provence. Around this time, he wrote,
Gauguin, who was suspicious that the brothers were ex- “Sometimes moods of indescribable anguish, sometimes
ploiting him financially.[137] It seems likely that Van Gogh moments when the veil of time and fatality of circum-
had realised that Gauguin was planning to leave.[137] The stances seemed to be torn apart for an instant.”[157]
following days saw heavy rain, leading to the two men
Van Gogh gifted his 1889 Portrait of Doctor Félix Rey to
being shut in the Yellow House.[138] Gauguin reported
Dr Rey. The physician was not fond of the painting and
that Van Gogh followed when Gauguin left the house for
used it to repair a chicken coop, then gave it away.[158] In
a walk, and “rushed towards me, an open razor in his
2016, the portrait was housed at the Pushkin Museum of
hand”.[138] This account is uncorroborated,[139] although
Fine Arts and estimated to be worth over $50 million.[159]
Gauguin was almost certainly absent from the Yellow
House that night, most likely in a hotel.[138]
After the altercation with Gauguin, Van Gogh returned
to his room, where he was assaulted by voices and sev-
ered his left ear with a razor (either wholly or in part; ac-
counts differ),[note 9] causing severe bleeding.[140] He ban-
daged the wound, wrapped the ear in paper, and deliv-
ered the package to a woman at a brothel Van Gogh and
Gauguin both frequented.[140] Van Gogh was found un-
conscious the next morning by a policeman and taken to
hospital,[143][144] where Félix Rey, a young doctor still in
training, treated him. The ear was delivered to the hos-
pital, but Rey did not attempt to reattach it as too much
time had passed.[138] • Self-portrait with
Van Gogh had no recollection of the event, sug- Bandaged Ear and Pipe, 1889, private collection
gesting that he may have suffered an acute mental
breakdown.[145] The hospital diagnosis was “acute ma-
nia with generalised delirium”,[146] and within a few days
the local police ordered that he be placed in hospital
care.[147][148] Gauguin immediately notified Theo, who
on 24 December had proposed marriage to his old friend
Andries Bonger's sister Johanna.[149] That evening Theo
rushed to the station to board a night train to Arles. He ar-
rived on Christmas Day, comforted Vincent who seemed
to be semi-lucid. That evening he left Arles for the return
trip to Paris.[150] • The Court-
During the first days of his treatment, Van Gogh repeat- yard of the Hospital at Arles, 1889, Oskar Reinhart
2.4 Artistic breakthrough 11

Collection "Am Römerholz", Winterthur, Switzer- Limited access to life outside the clinic resulted in a short-
land age of subject matter. Van Gogh was left to work on
interpretations of other artist’s paintings, such as Millet's
The Sower and Noonday Rest, as well as variations on
his own earlier work. Van Gogh was an admirer of the
Realism of Jules Breton, Gustave Courbet and Millet,[162]
and he compared his copies to a musician’s interpreting
His The Round of the Prisoners (1890) was painted af-
ter an engraving by Gustave Doré (1832–1883). Tral-
baut suggests that the face of the prisoner in the centre
of the painting looking towards the viewer is Van Gogh
himself;[164] Jan Hulsker discounts this.[165]
Between February and April 1890 Van Gogh suffered a
severe relapse. Depressed and unable to bring himself
• Self-portrait with to write, he was still able to paint and draw a little dur-
Bandaged Ear, 1889, Courtauld Institute of Art, ing this time,[166] and he later wrote to Theo that he had
London made a few small canvases “from memory ... reminisces
of the North".[167] Among these was Two Peasant Women
Digging in a Snow-Covered Field at Sunset. Hulsker be-
lieves that this small group of paintings formed the nu-
cleus of many drawings and study sheets depicting land-
scapes and figures that Van Gogh worked on during this
time. He comments that this short period was the only
time that Van Gogh’s illness had a significant effect on
his work.[168] Van Gogh asked his mother and his brother
to send him drawings and rough work he had done in the
early 1880s so he could work on new paintings from his
• Ward in the old sketches. Belonging to this period is Sorrowing
Hospital in Arles, 1889, Oskar Reinhart Collection Old Man (“At Eternity’s Gate”), a colour study Hulsker de-
“Am Römerholz”, Winterthur, Switzerland scribes as “another unmistakable remembrance of times
long past”.[90][170] His late paintings show an artist at the
height of his abilities, according to the art critic Robert
Hughes, “longing for concision and grace”.[112]
2.4.4 Saint-Rémy (May 1889 – May 1890)

Main article: Saint-Paul Asylum, Saint-Rémy (Van

Gogh series)

Van Gogh entered the Saint-Paul-de-Mausole asylum on

8 May 1889, accompanied by his carer, Frédéric Salles, a
Protestant clergyman. Saint-Paul was a former monastery
in Saint-Rémy, less than 30 kilometres (19 mi) from Ar-
les, and was run by a former naval doctor, Théophile
Peyron. Van Gogh had two cells with barred windows,
one of which was to be used as a studio.[160] The clinic
and its garden became the main subjects of his paint-
ings. He made several studies of the hospital’s interiors,
such as Vestibule of the Asylum and Saint-Rémy (Septem-
ber 1889). Some of his works from this time are char-
acterised by swirls, such as The Starry Night. He was al-
lowed short supervised walks, which led to paintings of
cypresses and olive trees, including Olive Trees with the
Alpilles in the Background 1889, Cypresses 1889, Corn- • The Round of the
field with Cypresses (1889), Country road in Provence by Prisoners (after Doré), 1890. Pushkin Museum,
Night (1890). In September 1889 he produced two fur- Moscow
ther versions of Bedroom in Arles.[161]
12 2 LIFE

Gogh’s exhibit was on display with the Artistes Indépen-

dants in Paris, Claude Monet said that his work was the
best in the show.[173] After the birth of his nephew, Van
Gogh wrote, “I started right away to make a picture for
him, to hang in their bedroom, branches of white almond
blossom against a blue sky.”[174]

2.4.5 Auvers-sur-Oise (May–July 1890)

• The Sower,
See also: Houses at Auvers, Auvers size 30 canvases, and
(after Millet), 1888. Kröller-Müller Museum,
Double-squares and Squares
In May 1890 Van Gogh left the clinic in Saint-Rémy

• Two Peasant
Women Digging in a Snow-Covered Field at Sunset,
(after Millet), 1890. Foundation E.G. Bührle
Collection, Zurich, Switzerland

White House at Night, 1890. Hermitage Museum, St Petersburg,

painted six weeks before the artist’s death

to move nearer to both Dr Paul Gachet in Auvers-sur-

Oise and to Theo. Gachet was an amateur painter and
had treated several other artists – Camille Pissarro had
recommended him. Van Gogh’s first impression was that
Gachet was “iller than I am, it seemed to me, or let’s say
just as much.”[175]

• Sorrowing Old Man

('At Eternity’s Gate'), 1890. Kröller-Müller Mu-
seum, Otterlo [90]

Albert Aurier praised his work in the Mercure de France

in January 1890, and described him as “a genius”.[171] In
February Van Gogh painted five versions of L'Arlésienne
(Madame Ginoux), based on a charcoal sketch Gauguin Tree Roots, July 1890, Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam
had produced when she sat for both artists in November
1888.[172][note 10] Also in February, Van Gogh was invited The painter Charles Daubigny moved to Auvers in 1861,
by Les XX, a society of avant-garde painters in Brussels, and in turn drew other artists there, including Camille
to participate in their annual exhibition. At the opening Corot and Honoré Daumier. In July 1890, Van Gogh
dinner a Les XX member, Henry de Groux, insulted Van completed two paintings of Daubigny’s Garden, one of
Gogh’s work. Toulouse-Lautrec demanded satisfaction, which is likely his final work.[176]
and Signac declared he would continue to fight for Van During his last weeks, at Saint-Rémy, his thoughts re-
Gogh’s honour if Lautrec surrendered. De Groux apolo- turned to "memories of the North",[167] and several
gised for the slight and left the group. Later, while Van of the approximately 70 oils, painted during as many
2.5 Death 13

Article on Van Gogh’s death from L'Écho Pontoisien, 7 August


wheat field in which he had been painting, or a local

barn.[186] The bullet was deflected by a rib and passed
through his chest without doing apparent damage to in-
ternal organs – probably stopped by his spine. He was
able to walk back to the Auberge Ravoux, where he was
attended to by two doctors, but without a surgeon present
the bullet could not be removed. The doctors tended to
him as best they could, then left him alone in his room,
smoking his pipe. The following morning Theo rushed to
his brother’s side, finding him in good spirits. But within
hours Vincent began to fail, suffering from an untreated
infection resulting from the wound. He died in the early
The Church at Auvers, 1890. Musée d'Orsay, Paris
hours of 29 July. According to Theo, Vincent’s last words
were: “The sadness will last forever”.[187][188][189][190]
days in Auvers-sur-Oise, are reminiscent of northern
scenes.[177] In June 1890, he painted several portraits of
his doctor, including Portrait of Dr Gachet, and his only
etching. In each the emphasis is on Gachet’s melan-
cholic disposition.[178] There are other paintings which
are probably unfinished, including Thatched Cottages by
a Hill.[176]
In July, Van Gogh wrote that he had become absorbed “in
the immense plain against the hills, boundless as the sea,
delicate yellow”.[179] He had first become captivated by
the fields in May, when the wheat was young and green.
In July he described to Theo “vast fields of wheat under
turbulent skies”.[180] Vincent and Theo’s graves at Auvers-sur-Oise
He wrote that they represented his “sadness and extreme
Van Gogh was buried on 30 July, in the municipal ceme-
loneliness”, and that the “canvases will tell you what I can-
not say in words, that is, how healthy and invigorating Itery of Auvers-sur-Oise. The funeral was attended by
find the countryside”.[181] Wheatfield with Crows, from Theo van Gogh, Andries Bonger, Charles Laval, Lucien
July 1890, is a painting Hulsker discusses as being as- Pissarro, Émile Bernard, Julien Tanguy and Paul Ga-
sociated with “melancholy and extreme loneliness”.[182] chet, among twenty family, friends and locals. Theo had
Hulsker identifies seven oil paintings from Auvers that been ill, and his health began to decline further after
follow the completion of Wheatfield with Crows.[183] his brother’s death. Weak and unable to come to terms
with Vincent’s absence, he died on 25 January 1891 at
Den Dolder, and was buried in Utrecht.[191] In 1914,
2.5 Death Johanna van Gogh-Bonger had Theo’s body exhumed and
moved from Utrecht to be re-buried alongside Vincent’s
Main articles: Death of Vincent van Gogh, Auberge at Auvers-sur-Oise.
Ravoux, and Vincent van Gogh’s health There have been numerous debates as to the nature of
On 27 July 1890, aged 37, Van Gogh shot himself in the Van Gogh’s illness and its effect on his work, and many
chest with a 7mm Lefaucheux à broche revolver.[184][185] retrospective diagnoses have been proposed. The consen-
There were no witnesses and he died 30 hours after the sus is that Van Gogh had an episodic condition with peri-
incident.[158] The shooting may have taken place in the ods of normal functioning .[193] Perry was the first to sug-

gest bipolar disorder in 1947,[194] and this has been sup- as well as from painters like De Bock and Van der Weele,
ported by the psychiatrists Hemphill and Blumer.[195][196] both artists of the Hague School’s second generation.[201]
Biochemist Wilfred Arnold has countered that the symp- When he moved to Nuenen after the period in Dren-
toms are more consistent with acute intermittent por- the he began several large paintings but destroyed most
phyria, noting that the popular link between bipolar dis- of them. The Potato Eaters and its companion pieces
order and creativity might be spurious.[193] Temporal lobe are the only ones to have survived. Following a visit
epilepsy with bouts of depression.[196] Whatever the diag- to the Rijksmuseum, Van Gogh was aware that many
nosis, his condition was likely worsened by malnutrition, of his faults were due to lack of experience and tech-
overwork, insomnia and alcohol.[196] nical expertise,[201] so in November 1885 he travelled
to Antwerp and later Paris to learn and develop his
3 Style and works

3.1 Artistic development

Olive Trees with the Alpilles in the Background, 1889. Museum

of Modern Art, New York

Theo criticised The Potato Eaters for its dark palette,

Starry Night Over the Rhone, 1888. Musée d'Orsay, Paris which he thought unsuitable for a modern style.[203] Dur-
ing Van Gogh’s stay in Paris between 1886 and 1887,
Van Gogh drew and painted with watercolours while at he tried to master a new, lighter palette. His Portrait of
school, but only a few examples survive and the author- Père Tanguy (1887) shows his success with the brighter
ship of some has been challenged.[197] When he took palette, and is evidence of an evolving personal style.[204]
up art as an adult, he began at an elementary level. In Charles Blanc's treatise on colour interested him greatly,
early 1882, his uncle, Cornelis Marinus, owner of a well- and led him to work with complementary colours. Van
known gallery of contemporary art in Amsterdam, asked Gogh came to believe that the effect of colour went be-
for drawings of The Hague. Van Gogh’s work did not yond the descriptive; he said that “colour expresses some-
live up to expectations. Marinus offered a second com- thing in itself”.[205][206] According to Hughes, Van Gogh
mission, specifying the subject matter in detail, but was perceived colour as having a “psychological and moral
again disappointed with the result. Van Gogh persevered; weight”, as exemplified in the garish reds and greens of
he experimented with lighting in his studio using variable The Night Cafe, a work he wanted to “express the terri-
shutters, and with different drawing materials. For more ble passions of humanity”.[207] Yellow meant the most to
than a year he worked on single figures – highly elabo- him, because it symbolised emotional truth. He used yel-
rate studies in black and white,[note 11] which at the time low as a symbol for sunlight, life, and God.[208]
gained him only criticism. Later, they were recognised as Van Gogh strove to be a painter of rural life and
early masterpieces.[199] nature,[209] and during his first summer in Arles he used
In August 1882 Theo gave Vincent money to buy ma- his new palette to paint landscapes and traditional rural
terials for working en plein air. Vincent wrote that he life.[210] His belief that a power existed behind the natu-
could now “go on painting with new vigour”.[200] From ral led him to try to capture a sense of that power, or the
early 1883 he worked on multi-figure compositions. He essence of nature in his art, sometimes through the use of
had some of them photographed, but when his brother symbols.[211] His renditions of the sower, at first copied
remarked that they lacked liveliness and freshness, he de- from Jean-François Millet, reflect Van Gogh’s religious
stroyed them and turned to oil painting. Van Gogh turned beliefs: the sower as Christ sowing life beneath the hot
to well-known Hague School artists like Weissenbruch sun.[212] These were themes and motifs he returned to of-
and Blommers, and received technical advice from them, ten to rework and develop.[213] His paintings of flowers
3.2 Major series 15

are filled with symbolism, but rather than use traditional

Christian iconography he made up his own, where life is
lived under the sun and work is an allegory of life.[214]
In Arles, having gained confidence after painting spring
blossoms and learning to capture bright sunlight, he was
ready to paint The Sower.[205]

Memory of the Garden at Etten (Ladies of Arles), 1888.

Hermitage Museum, St Petersburg L'Arlésienne: Madame Ginoux with Books, November 1888.
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
Van Gogh stayed within what he called the “guise of
reality”,[215] and was critical of overly stylised works.[216]
He wrote afterwards that the abstraction of Starry Night the periods he spent living in different places across Eu-
had gone too far and that reality had “receded too far in rope. He was inclined to immerse himself in local cul-
the background”.[216] Hughes describes it as a moment of tures and lighting conditions, although he maintained a
extreme visionary ecstasy: the stars are in a great whirl, highly individual visual outlook throughout. His evo-
reminiscent of Hokusai's Great Wave, the movement in lution as an artist was slow, and he was aware of his
the heaven above is reflected by the movement of the cy- painterly limitations. He moved home often, perhaps to
press on the earth below, and the painter’s vision is “trans- expose himself to new visual stimuli, and through expo-
lated into a thick, emphatic plasma of paint”.[217] sure develop his technical skill.[221] Art historian Melissa
McQuillan believes the moves also reflect later stylistic
Between 1885 and his death in 1890, Van Gogh appears
changes, and that Van Gogh used the moves to avoid con-
to have been building an oeuvre,[218] a collection that re-
flict, and as a coping mechanism for when the idealis-
flected his personal vision, and could be commercially
tic artist was faced with the realities of his then current
successful. He was influenced by Blanc’s definition of
style, that a true painting required optimal use of colour,
perspective and brushstrokes. Van Gogh applied the
word “purposeful” to paintings he thought he had mas-
tered, as opposed to those he thought of as studies.[219] 3.2.1 Portraits
He painted many series of studies;[215] most of which
were still lifes, many executed as colour experiments or See also: Portraits by Vincent van Gogh, Paintings of
as gifts to friends.[220] The work in Arles contributed Children (Van Gogh series), and Van Gogh’s family in
considerably to his oeuvre: those he thought the most his art
important from that time were The Sower, Night Cafe,
Memory of the Garden in Etten and Starry Night. With The portraits gave Van Gogh his best opportunity to
their broad brushstrokes, inventive perspectives, colours,
earn. He believed they were “the only thing in paint-
contours and designs, these paintings represent the styleing that moves me deeply and that gives me a sense of
he sought.[216] the infinite.”[220][223] He wrote to his sister that he wished
to paint portraits that would endure, and that he would
use colour to capture their emotions and character rather
3.2 Major series than aiming for photographic realism.[224] Those closest
to Van Gogh are mostly absent from his portraits; he
Main article: List of works by Vincent van Gogh rarely painted Theo, Van Rappard or Bernard. The por-
Van Gogh’s stylistic developments are usually linked to traits of his mother were from photographs.[225]

In December 1888 he painted La Berceuse – a figure that

he thought as good as his sunflowers. It has a limited
palette, varied brushstrokes and simple contours.[216] It
appears to be a culmination of portraits of the Roulin
family completed in Arles between November and De-
cember. The portraits show a shift in style from the fluid,
restrained brushstrokes and even surface of Portrait of the
Postman to the frenetic style, rough surface, broad brush-
strokes and use of a palette knife in Madame Roulin with
• La Berceuse (Augustine
Roulin) 1889, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston

3.2.2 Self-portraits

See also: Self-portraits by Vincent van Gogh

Van Gogh created more than 43 self-portraits between

• Portrait of Artist’s Mother,

October 1888, Norton Simon Museum of Art,
Pasadena, California

• Eugène Boch, (The Poet

Against a Starry Sky), 1888, Musée d'Orsay, Paris

Self-Portrait, September 1889. Musée d'Orsay, Paris

1885 and 1889.[227][note 12] They were usually completed

in series, such as those painted in Paris in mid-1887, and
continued until shortly before his death.[228] Generally the
portraits were studies, created during introspective peri-
ods when he was reluctant to mix with others, or when he
lacked models, and so painted himself.[220][229]
The self-portraits reflect a usually high degree of self-
scrutiny.[230] Often they were intended to mark im-
portant periods in his life, for example the mid-1887
Paris series were painted at the point where he became
• Portrait of the Postman aware of Claude Monet, Paul Cezanne and Signac.[231]
Joseph Roulin (1841–1903) early August 1888, In Self-Portrait with Grey Felt Hat, heavy strains of paint
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston spread outwards across the canvas. It is one of his most
renowned self-portraits of that period, “with its highly
3.2 Major series 17

organized rhythmic brushstrokes, and the novel halo de-

rived from the Neo-Impressionist repertoire was what
Van Gogh himself called a 'purposeful' canvas”.[232]
They contain a wide array of physiognomical
representations.[227] Van Gogh’s mental and phys-
ical condition is usually apparent; he may appear
unkempt, unshaven or with a neglected beard, with
deeply sunken eyes, a weak jaw, or having lost teeth.
Some show him with full lips, a long face or prominent
skull, or sharpened, alert features. His hair may be the • Self-Portrait, 1889.
usual red, or at times ash coloured.[227] National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. His
Van Gogh’s gaze is seldom directed at the viewer. The Saint-Rémy self-portraits show his side with the
portraits vary in intensity and colour, and in those painted unmutilated ear, as he saw himself in the mirror
after December 1888 especially, the vivid colours high-
light the haggard pallor of his skin.[229] Some depict the
artist with a beard, others without. He can be seen with
bandages in portraits executed just after he mutilated his
ear. In only a few does he depict himself as a painter.[227]
Those painted in Saint-Rémy show the head from the
right, the side opposite his damaged ear, as he painted
himself reflected in his mirror.[233][234]

• Self-Portrait Without
Beard, c. September 1889. This painting may have
been Van Gogh’s last self-portrait. He gave it to his
mother as a birthday gift.[235][236]

3.2.3 Flowers

See also: Sunflowers (Van Gogh series) and Almond

Van Gogh painted several landscapes with flowers, in-
• Self-Portrait with Grey cluding roses, lilacs, irises, and sunflowers. Some re-
Felt Hat, Winter 1887–88. Van Gogh Museum, flect his interests in the language of colour, and also in
Amsterdam Japanese ukiyo-e.[237] There are two series of dying sun-
flowers. The first was painted in Paris in 1887 and shows
flowers lying on the ground. The second set was com-
pleted a year later in Arles, and is of bouquets in a vase
positioned in early morning light.[238] Both are built from
thickly layered paintwork, which, according to the Lon-
don National Gallery, evoke the “texture of the seed-
In these series, Van Gogh was not preoccupied by his
usual interest in filling his paintings with subjectivity and
emotion; rather the two series are intended to display his
technical skill and working methods to Gauguin,[132] who
was about to visit. The 1888 paintings were created dur-
ing a rare period of optimism for the artist. Vincent wrote
to Theo in August 1888, “I'm painting with the gusto of
a Marseillais eating bouillabaisse, which won't surprise
• Self-Portrait with Straw you when it’s a question of painting large sunflowers ... If
Hat, Paris, Winter 1887–88. Metropolitan Museum I carry out this plan there'll be a dozen or so panels. The
of Art, New York whole thing will therefore be a symphony in blue and yel-
low. I work on it all these mornings, from sunrise. Be-

• Almond
Blossom, 1890. Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam

Still Life: Vase with Fourteen Sunflowers, August 1888.

National Gallery, London

cause the flowers wilt quickly and it’s a matter of doing • Still Life: Vase with
the whole thing in one go.”[240] Irises Against a Yellow Background, May 1890, Van
The sunflowers were painted to decorate the walls in an- Gogh Museum, Amsterdam [242]
ticipation of Gauguin’s visit, and Van Gogh placed indi-
vidual works around the Yellow House’s guest room in Ar-
les. Gauguin was deeply impressed and later acquired two
of the Paris versions.[132] After Gauguin’s departure, Van
Gogh imagined the two major versions of the sunflowers
as wings of the Berceuse Triptych, and included them in
his Les XX in Brussels exhibit. Today the major pieces
of the series are among his best known, celebrated for the
sickly connotations of the colour yellow and its tie-in with
the Yellow House, the expressionism of the brush strokes,
and their contrast against often dark backgrounds.[241]

• Still Life: Pink Roses in

a Vase, May 1890, Metropolitan Museum of Art,
New York [242]

3.2.4 Cypresses

See also: Olive Trees (Van Gogh series)

Fifteen canvases depict cypresses, a tree he became fasci-
nated with in Arles.[243] He brought life to the trees, which
• Still Life: Vase with were traditionally seen as emblematic of death. The
Twelve Sunflowers, August 1888. Neue Pinakothek, series of cypresses he began in Arles featured the trees
Munich in the distance, as windbreaks in fields; when he was at
Saint-Rémy he brought them to the foreground.[244] Vin-
cent wrote to Theo in May 1889: “Cypresses still preoc-
• Irises, 1889. J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles cupy me, I should like to do something with them like
3.2 Major series 19

• Cypresses and Two

Women, 1890. Kröller-Müller Museum, Otterlo,

• Wheat Field with

Road with Cypress and Star, May 1890, Kröller-Müller Mu-
Cypresses, 1889. Metropolitan Museum of Art,
seum, Otterlo
New York

my canvases of sunflowers"; he went on to say, “They

are beautiful in line and proportion like an Egyptian
In mid-1889, and at his sister Wil’s request, Van Gogh
painted several smaller versions of Wheat Field with Cy-
presses.[246] The works are characterised by swirls and
densely painted impasto, and include The Starry Night,
in which cypresses dominate the foreground.[243]
Other works from this period include Olive Trees with
the Alpilles in the Background (1889), (about which in • Cypresses, 1889.
a letter to his brother Van Gogh wrote, “At last I have Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
a landscape with olives” [247] ), Cypresses (1889), Cy-
presses with Two Figures (1889–90), and Road with Cy-
press and Star (1890).[247] While in in Saint-Rémy, Van
Gogh spent time outside the asylum, where he painted 3.2.5 Orchards
trees in the olive groves. In these works natural life is
See also: Flowering Orchards
rendered as gnarled and arthritic as if a personification of
The Flowering Orchards (also the Orchards in Blossom)
the natural world, which are, according to Hughes, filled
are among the first groups of work completed after Van
with “a continuous field of energy of which nature is a
manifestation”.[211] Gogh’s arrival in Arles in February 1888. The 14 paint-
ings are optimistic, joyous and visually expressive of the
burgeoning spring. They are delicately sensitive and un-
populated. He painted swiftly, and although he brought
to this series a version of Impressionism, a strong sense
of personal style began to emerge during this period. The
transience of the blossoming trees, and the passing of the
season, seemed to align with his sense of impermanence
and belief in a new beginning in Arles. During the blos-
• Cypresses in Starry soming of the trees that spring, he found “a world of mo-
Night, a reed pen drawing executed by Van Gogh tifs that could not have been more Japanese”.[248] Vin-
after the painting in 1889 cent wrote to Theo on 21 April 1888 that he had 10 or-

• Orchard in
Blossom, Bordered by Cypresses, April, 1888.
Kröller-Müller Museum, Otterlo, Netherlands

• View of Arles,
Flowering Orchards, 1889. Neue Pinakothek,

Pink Peach Tree in Blossom (Reminiscence of Mauve), water-

colour, March 1888. Kröller-Müller Museum 3.2.6 Wheat fields

See also: Wheat Fields (Van Gogh series) and The Wheat
chards and “one big [painting] of a cherry tree, which I've Van Gogh made several painting excursions during vis-
During this period Van Gogh mastered the use of light by
subjugating shadows and painting the trees as if they are
the source of light – almost in a sacred manner.[248] Early
the following year he painted another smaller group of or-
chards, including View of Arles, Flowering Orchards.[250]
Van Gogh was enthralled by the landscape and vegetation
of the south of France, and often visited the farm gardens
near Arles. In the vivid light of the Mediterranean climate
his palette significantly brightened.[251]
Wheatfield Under Thunderclouds, 1890, Van Gogh Museum,
Amsterdam, Netherlands

its to the landscape around Arles. He made paintings

of harvests, wheat fields and other rural landmarks of
the area, including The Old Mill (1888); a good exam-
ple of a picturesque structure bordering the wheat fields
beyond.[114] At various points, Van Gogh painted the view
from his window – at The Hague, Antwerp, and Paris.
These works culminated in The Wheat Field series, which
depicted the view from his cells in the asylum at Saint-
• The Pink Or- Many of the late paintings are sombre but essentially op-
chard also Orchard with Blossoming Apricot Trees, timistic and, right up to the time of Van Gogh’s death, re-
March 1888. Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam flect his desire to return to lucid mental health. Yet some
of his final works reflect his deepening concerns.[253][254]

Writing in July 1890, from Auvers, Van Gogh said that

he had become absorbed “in the immense plain against
the hills, boundless as the sea, delicate yellow”.[179]
Van Gogh was captivated by the fields in May when the
wheat was young and green. His Wheatfields at Au-
vers with White House shows a more subdued palette
of yellows and blues, which creates a sense of idyllic
• Wheat Field at
About 10 July 1890 Van Gogh wrote to Theo of “vast Auvers with White House, June 1890, The Phillips
fields of wheat under troubled skies”.[256] Wheatfield with Collection, Washington D.C.
Crows shows the artist’s state of mind in his final days;
Hulsker describes the work as a “doom-filled painting
with threatening skies and ill-omened crows”.[182] Its
dark palette and heavy brushstrokes convey a sense of
4 Reputation
Main article: Posthumous fame of Vincent van Gogh
After Van Gogh’s first exhibitions in the late 1880s,

• Enclosed Wheat
Field with Rising Sun, May 1889, Kröller-Müller
Museum, Otterlo, Netherlands

• Rain or En-
closed Wheat Field in the Rain, November 1889,
Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia
Johanna van Gogh-Bonger, 1889

his reputation grew steadily among artists, art critics,

dealers and collectors.[258] In 1887 André Antoine hung
Van Gogh’s alongside works of Georges Seurat and Paul
Signac, at the Théâtre Libre in Paris; some were acquired
by Julien Tanguy.[259] In 1889 his work was described
in the journal Le Moderniste Illustré by Albert Aurier as
characterised by “fire, intensity, sunshine”.[260] Ten paint-
ings were shown at the Société des Artistes Indépendants,
in Brussels in January 1890.[261]
• Wheat Fields After Van Gogh’s death, memorial exhibitions were held
(Van Gogh series), early June 1889. Kröller-Müller in Brussels, Paris, The Hague and Antwerp. His work
Museum, Otterlo was shown in several high-profile exhibitions, including
six works at Les XX; in 1891 there was a retrospective ex-

hibition in Brussels.[261] In 1892 Octave Mirbeau wrote In Paris in 1901 a large Van Gogh retrospective was held
that Van Gogh’s suicide was an “infinitely sadder loss for at the Bernheim-Jeune Gallery, which excited André De-
art ... even though the populace has not crowded to a rain and Maurice de Vlaminck, and contributed to the
magnificent funeral, and poor Vincent van Gogh, whose emergence of Fauvism.[264] Important group exhibitions
demise means the extinction of a beautiful flame of ge- took place with the Sonderbund artists in Cologne in
nius, has gone to his death as obscure and neglected as he 1912, the Armory Show, New York in 1913, and Berlin
lived.”[259] in 1914.[268] Henk Bremmer was instrumental in teaching
Theo died in January 1891, removing Vincent’s most vo- and talking about Van Gogh,[269] and introduced Helene
Kröller-Müller to Van Gogh’s art; she became an avid col-
cal and well-connected champion.[262] Theo’s widow Jo-
hanna van Gogh-Bonger was a Dutchwoman in her twen- lector of his work.[270] The early figures in German Ex-
pressionism such as Emil Nolde acknowledged a debt to
ties who had not known either her husband or her brother-
in law very long and who suddenly had to take care of sev- Van Gogh’s work.[271] Bremmer assisted Jacob Baart de
la Faille, whose catalogue raisonné L'Oeuvre de Vincent
eral hundreds of paintings, letters and drawings, as well
as her infant son, Vincent Willem van Gogh.[258][note 13] van Gogh appeared in 1928.[272][note 14]
Gauguin was not inclined to offer assistance in promot- Van Gogh’s fame reached its first peak in Austria and Ger-
ing Van Gogh’s reputation, and Johanna’s brother An- many before World War I,[275] helped by the publication
dries Bonger also seemed lukewarm about his work.[258] of his letters in three volumes in 1914.[276] His letters are
Aurier, one of Van Gogh’s earliest supporters among the expressive and literate, and have been described as among
critics, died of typhoid fever in 1892 at the age of twenty- the foremost 19th-century writings of their kind.[9] These
seven.[264] began a compelling mythology of Van Gogh as an intense
and dedicated painter who suffered for his art and died
young.[277] In 1934 the novelist Irving Stone published an
account of Van Gogh’s life entitled Lust for Life, based
on Van Gogh’s letters to Theo. This book and the 1956
film of the same name further enhanced his fame.[278]
In 1957 Francis Bacon based a series of paintings on
reproductions of Van Gogh’s The Painter on the Road
to Tarascon, the original of which was destroyed during
the Second World War. Bacon was inspired by an im-
age he described as “haunting”, and regarded Van Gogh
as an alienated outsider, a position which resonated with
him. Bacon identified with Van Gogh’s theories of art and
quoted lines written to Theo: "[R]eal painters do not paint
things as they are ... [T]hey paint them as they themselves
feel them to be.”[279]
Van Gogh’s works are among the world’s most expensive
paintings. Those sold for over US$100 million (today’s
equivalent) include Portrait of Dr Gachet,[280] Portrait
of Joseph Roulin and Irises. The Metropolitan Museum
of Art's version of Wheat Field with Cypresses was ac-
quired in 1993 for US$57 million.[281] In 2015 L'Allée des
Painter on the Road to Tarascon, August 1888 (destroyed by fire Alyscamps sold for US$66.3 million at Sotheby’s, New
in the Second World War) York, exceeding its reserve of US$40 million.[282]

In 1892 Émile Bernard organised a small solo show of

Van Gogh’s paintings in Paris, and Julien Tanguy ex- 4.1 Van Gogh Museum
hibited his Van Gogh paintings with several consigned
from Johanna van Gogh-Bonger. In April 1894 the Van Gogh’s nephew and namesake Vincent Willem van
Durand-Rue Gallery in Paris agreed to take 10 paint- Gogh (1890–1978),[283] inherited the estate after his
ings on consignment from Van Gogh’s estate.[264] In 1896, mother’s death in 1925. During the early 1950s he ar-
the Fauvist painter Henri Matisse, then an unknown ranged for the publication of a complete edition of the
art student, visited John Peter Russell on Belle Île off letters presented in four volumes and several languages.
Brittany.[265][266] Russell had been a close friend of Van He then began negotiations with the Dutch government
Gogh; he introduced Matisse to the Dutchman’s work, to subsidise a foundation to purchase and house the en-
and gave him a Van Gogh drawing. Influenced by Van tire collection.[284] Theo’s son participated in planning the
Gogh, Matisse abandoned his earth-coloured palette for project in the hope that the works would be exhibited un-
bright colours.[266][267] der the best possible conditions. The project began in
5.2 Citations 23

[7] Boch’s sister Anna (1848–1936), also an artist, purchased

The Red Vineyard in 1890.[126]

[8] Van Gogh (2009), Letter 719 Vincent to Theo van Gogh.
Arles, Sunday, 11 or Monday, 12 November 1888:
I've been working on two canvases ... A reminiscence
of our garden at Etten with cabbages, cypresses, dahlias
and figures ... Gauguin gives me courage to imagine, and
the things of the imagination do indeed take on a more
mysterious character.
The Van Gogh Museum has the world’s largest collection of Van
Gogh artworks.
[9] Theo and his wife, Gachet and his son, and Signac, who
all saw Van Gogh after the bandages were removed, main-
1963; architect Gerrit Rietveld was commissioned to de- tained that only the earlobe had been removed.[140] Ac-
cording to Doiteau and Leroy, the diagonal cut removed
sign it, and after his death in 1964 Kisho Kurokawa took
the lobe and probably a little more.[141] The policeman
charge.[285] Work progressed throughout the 1960s, with
and Rey both claimed Van Gogh severed the entire outer
1972 as the target for its grand opening.[283] ear;[140] Rey repeated his account in 1930, writing a note
The Van Gogh Museum opened in the Museumplein in for novelist Irving Stone and including a sketch of the line
Amsterdam in 1973.[286] It became the second most pop- of the incision.[142]
ular museum in the Netherlands, after the Rijksmuseum, [10] The version intended for Ginoux is lost. It was an attempt
regularly receiving more than 1.5 million visitors a year. to deliver this painting to her in Arles that precipitated his
In 2015 it had a record 1.9 million;[287] 85 percent of the February relapse.[166]
visitors come from other countries.
[11] Artists working in black and white, e.g. for illustrated pa-
pers like The Graphic or The Illustrated London News were
among Van Gogh’s favourites.[198]
5 References
[12] Rembrandt is one of the few major painters to exceed this
volume of self-portraits, producing over 50, but he did so
5.1 Footnotes over a forty-year period.[227]

[1] The pronunciation of “Van Gogh” varies in both En- [13] Her husband had been the sole support of the family,
glish and Dutch. Especially in British English it is /ˌvæn and Johanna was left with only an apartment in Paris, a
ˈɡɒx/[2] or sometimes /ˌvæn ˈɡɒf/.[3] American dictionar- few items of furniture, and her brother-in-law’s paintings,
ies list /ˌvæn ˈɡoʊ/, with a silent gh, as the most common which at the time were “looked upon as having no value at
pronunciation.[4] In the dialect of Holland, it is [ˈvɪnsɛnt all”.[263]
fɑŋˈxɔx], with a voiceless V. He grew up in Brabant, and
used Brabant dialect in his writing; if he pronounced his [14] In de la Faille’s 1928 catalogue each of Van Gogh’s works
name with a Brabant accent it would be [vɑɲˈʝɔç], with was assigned a number. These numbers preceded by the
a voiced V and palatalised G and gh. In France, where letter “F” are frequently used when referring to a particular
much of his work was produced, it is [vɑ̃ ɡɔɡə ].[5] painting or drawing.[273] Not all the works listed in the
original catalogue are now believed to be authentic works
[2] It has been suggested that being given the same name as of Van Gogh.[274]
his dead elder brother might have had a deep psychological
impact on the young artist, and that elements of his art,
such as the portrayal of pairs of male figures, can be traced 5.2 Citations
back to this.[17]
[1] Sunflowers, Van Gogh Museum
[3] Hulsker suggests that Van Gogh returned to the Borinage
and then back to Etten in this period.[48] [2] “BBC - Magazine Monitor: How to Say: Van Gogh”. BBC
Online. 22 January 2010. Retrieved 10 September 2016.
[4] See Jan Hulsker’s speech The Borinage Episode and the
Misrepresentation of Vincent van Gogh, Van Gogh Sym- [3] Sweetman (1990), 7.
posium, 10–11 May 1990.[51]
[4] Davies (2007), p. 83.
[5] “At Christmas I had a rather violent argument with Pa, and
feelings ran so high that Pa said it would be better if I left [5] Veltkamp, Paul. “Pronunciation of the Name “Van
home. Well, it was said so decidedly that I actually left the Gogh"". Archived from the original on
same day.”[64] In January 1882, Mauve introduced him to 22 September 2015.
painting in oil and lent him money to set up a studio.[65] [6] McQuillan (1989), 9.
[6] The only evidence for this is from interviews with the [7] Pickvance (1986), 129; Tralbaut (1981), 39.
grandson of the doctor.[97] For an overall review see
Naifeh and Smith.[98] [8] Van Gogh (2009), “Van Gogh: The Letters”.

[9] McQuillan (1989), 19. [44] Hulsker (1990), 60–62, 73.

[10] Pomerans (1997), xv. [45] Sweetman (1990), 101.

[11] Rewald (1986), 248. [46] Fell (2015), 17.

[12] Pomerans (1997), ix, xv. [47] Callow (1990), 72.

[13] Pomerans (1997), ix. [48] Geskó (2006), 48.

[14] Hughes (1990), 143. [49] Naifeh & Smith (2011), 209–210, 488–489.

[15] Pomerans (1997), i–xxvi. [50] Van Gogh (2009), Letter 186. Vincent to Theo van Gogh.
Etten, Friday, 18 November 1881.
[16] Pomerans (1997), 1.
[51] Erickson (1998), 67–68.
[17] Lubin (1972), 82–84.
[52] Van Gogh (2009), Letter 156. Vincent to Theo van Gogh.
[18] Erickson (1998), 9. Cuesmes, Friday, 20 August 1880.
[19] Naifeh & Smith (2011), 14–16. [53] Tralbaut (1981), 67–71.
[20] Naifeh & Smith (2011), 59. [54] Pomerans (1997), 83.
[21] Naifeh & Smith (2011), 18. [55] Sweetman (1990), 145.
[22] Walther & Metzger (1994), 16. [56] Van Gogh (2009), Letter 179. Vincent to Theo van Gogh.
Etten, Thursday, 3 November 1881.
[23] Naifeh & Smith (2011), 23–25.
[57] Naifeh & Smith (2011), 239–240.
[24] Naifeh & Smith (2011), 31–32.
[58] Van Gogh (2009), Letter 189. Vincent to Theo van Gogh.
[25] Sweetman (1990), 13. Etten, Wednesday, 23 November 1881.
[26] Tralbaut (1981), 25–35. [59] Van Gogh (2009), Letter 193. Vincent to Theo van Gogh,
[27] Naifeh & Smith (2011), 45–49. Etten, on or about Friday, 23 December 1881, describing
the visit in more detail.
[28] Naifeh & Smith (2011), 36–50.
[60] Van Gogh (2009), Letter 228. Vincent to Theo van Gogh,
[29] Hulsker (1980), 8–9. The Hague, on or about Tuesday, 16 May 1882.

[30] Naifeh & Smith (2011), 48. [61] Sweetman (1990), 147.

[31] Van Gogh (2009), Letter 403. Vincent to Theo van Gogh, [62] Gayford (2006), 125.
Nieuw-Amsterdam, on or about Monday, 5 November
[63] Naifeh & Smith (2011), 250–252.
[64] Van Gogh (2009), Letter 194. Vincent to Theo van Gogh,
[32] Walther & Metzger (1994), 20.
The Hague, Thursday 29 December 1881
[33] Van Gogh (2009), Letter 007. Vincent to Theo van Gogh,
[65] Van Gogh (2009), Letter 196. Vincent to Theo van Gogh.
The Hague, Monday, 5 May 1873.
The Hague, on or about Tuesday, 3 January 1882.
[34] Tralbaut (1981), 35–47.
[66] Walther & Metzger (1994), 64.
[35] Pomerans (1997), xxvii.
[67] Van Gogh (2009), Letter 219.
[36] Van Gogh (2009), Letter 088. Vincent to Theo van Gogh.
[68] Naifeh & Smith (2011), 258.
Isleworth, Friday, 18 August 1876.
[69] Van Gogh (2009), Letter 237. Vincent to Theo van Gogh.
[37] Tralbaut (1981), 47–56.
The Hague, on or about Thursday, 8 June 1882.
[38] Naifeh & Smith (2011), 113.
[70] Tralbaut (1981), 110.
[39] Callow (1990), 54.
[71] Naifeh & Smith (2011), 306.
[40] Naifeh & Smith (2011), 146–147.
[72] Tralbaut (1981), 96–103.
[41] Sweetman (1990), 175.
[73] Callow (1990), 116; cites the work of Hulsker; Callow
[42] McQuillan (1989), 26; Erickson (1998), 23. (1990), 123–124; Van Gogh (2009), Letter 224. Vincent
to Theo van Gogh. The Hague, on or about Sunday, 7
[43] Grant (2014), p. 9. May 1882
5.2 Citations 25

[74] Callow (1990), 116–117, citing the research of Jan [109] Druick & Zegers (2001), 81; Gayford (2006), 50.
Hulsker; the two dead children were born in 1874 and
1879. [110] Hulsker (1990), 256.

[75] Tralbaut (1981), 107. [111] Van Gogh (2009), Letter 640. Vincent to Theo van Gogh,
Arles, Sunday, 15 July 1888. Letter 695. Vincent to Paul
[76] Callow (1990), 132; Tralbaut (1981), 102–104, 112. Gauguin, Arles, Wednesday, 3 October 1888.

[77] Arnold (1992), 38. [112] Hughes (1990), 144.

[78] Tralbaut (1981), 113. [113] Pickvance (1984), 11.

[79] Wilkie (2004), 185. [114] Pickvance (1984), 177.

[80] Tralbaut (1981), 101–107. [115] Hughes (1990), 143–144.

[81] Tralbaut (1981), 111–122. [116] Pickvance (1986), 129.

[82] Sweetman (1990), 174. [117] Pomerans (1997), 348.
[83] Tralbaut (1981), 154. [118] Nemeczek (1999), 59–61.
[84] Hulsker (1980), 196–205. [119] Gayford (2006), 16.
[85] Tralbaut (1981), 123–160. [120] Callow (1990), 219.
[86] Naifeh & Smith (2011), 436. [121] Pickvance (1984), 175–176.
[87] van Uitert, van Tilborgh & van Heugten (1990), 29. [122] Tralbaut (1981), 266.
[88] McQuillan (1989), 127. [123] Pomerans (1997), 356, 360.
[89] Walther & Metzger (1994), 709. [124] “Fishing Boats on the Beach at Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer,
1888”. Permanent Collection. Van Gogh Museum. Re-
[90] Naifeh & Smith (2011), 820.
trieved 23 February 2016.
[91] Callow (1990), 181.
[125] Hulsker (1980), 356; Pickvance (1984), 168–169, 206.
[92] Callow (1990), 184.
[126] Hulsker (1980), 356; Pickvance (1984), 168–169, 206.
[93] Hammacher (1985), 84.
[127] Van Gogh (2009), Letter 677. Vincent to Theo van Gogh.
[94] Callow (1990), 253. Arles, Sunday, 9 September 1888; Letter 681 Vincent
to Theo van Gogh. Arles, Sunday, 16 September 1888;
[95] Naifeh & Smith (2011), 477. Gayford (2006), 18; Nemeczek (1999), 61.

[96] Arnold (1992), 77. [128] Dorn (1990).

[97] Tralbaut (1981), 177–178. [129] Pickvance (1984), 234–235.

[98] Naifeh & Smith (2011), 477 n. 199. [130] Hulsker (1980), 374–376.
[99] Tralbaut (1981), 173. [131] Gayford (2006), 61.
[100] Tralbaut (1981), 187–192. [132] Walther & Metzger (1994), 411.
[101] Pickvance (1984), 38–39. [133] Pickvance (1984), 195.
[102] Sweetman (1990), 135. [134] Gayford (2006), 274–277.
[103] Van Gogh (2009), Letter 853. Vincent to Albert Au- [135] Hulsker (1980), 380–382.
rier. Saint-Rémy-de-Provence, Sunday, 9 or Monday, 10
February 1890. [136] McQuillan (1989), 66.

[104] Naifeh & Smith (2011), 520–522. [137] Druick & Zegers (2001), 266.

[105] Naifeh & Smith (2011), 702. [138] Sweetman (1990), 290.

[106] Walther & Metzger (1994), 710. [139] Sweetman (1990), 1.

[107] Pickvance (1986), 62–63. [140] Rewald (1978), 243–248.

[108] Tralbaut (1981), 212–213. [141] Doiteau & Leroy (1928).


[142] Bailey, Martin (20 July 2016). “Name of mystery woman [174] Tralbaut (1981), 293.
who received Van Gogh’s ear revealed for first time”. The
Art Newspaper. Retrieved 31 July 2016. [175] Van Gogh (2009), Letter RM20. Vincent to Theo and
Jo van Gogh-Bonger. Auvers-sur-Oise, Saturday, 24 May
[143] Sund (2002), 235. 1890.

[144] Gayford (2006), 277. [176] Pickvance (1986), 270–271.

[145] Naifeh & Smith (2011), 707–708. [177] Rosenblum (1975), 98–100.
[146] Naifeh & Smith (2011), 249. [178] Walther & Metzger (1994), 640.
[147] Van Gogh (2009), Concordance, lists, bibliography: Doc- [179] Edwards (1989), 115.
[180] Van Gogh (2009), Letter 898. Vincent to Theo van Gogh
[148] Sund (2002), 237. and Jo van Gogh-Bonger. Auvers-sur-Oise, on or about
[149] Rewald (1986), 37. Thursday, 10 July 1890.

[150] Naifeh & Smith (2011), 704–705. [181] Van Gogh (2009), Letter 898. Vincent to Theo van Gogh
and Jo van Gogh-Bonger. Auvers-sur-Oise, on or about
[151] Gayford (2006), 284. Thursday, 10 July 1890; Rosenblum (1975), 100.

[152] Pickvance (1986), 62. [182] Hulsker (1990), 478–479.

[153] Naifeh & Smith (2011), 713. [183] Hulsker (1990), 472–480.
[154] Sweetman (1990), 298–300. [184] Sweetman (1990), 342–343.
[155] Sweetman (1990), 300. [185] Jones, Jonathan (2016-07-12). “The whole truth about
Van Gogh’s ear, and why his 'mad genius’ is a myth”. The
[156] Pickvance (1986), 239–242; Tralbaut (1981), 265–273.
Guardian. ISSN 0261-3077. Retrieved 2016-10-22.
[157] Hughes (1990), 145.
[186] Walther & Metzger (1994), 669.
[158] Cluskey, Peter (12 July 2016). “Gun used by Vincent van
Gogh to kill himself goes on display”. The Irish Times. [187] Sweetman (1990), 342–343; Hulsker (1980), 480–483.
Retrieved 2016-10-22.
[188] “La misère ne finira jamais”, Études, 1947, p. 9, Bib-
[159] “Portrait of Doctor Felix Rey Oil Painting Reproduction, liothèque nationale de France, département Philosophie,
1889”. van gogh studio (in Dutch). Retrieved 2016-10- histoire, sciences de l'homme, D-33939
[189] “La tristesse durera toujours”, François-Bernard Michel,
[160] Callow (1990), 246. La face humaine de Vincent Van Gogh, Grasset, 3 Nov.
1999, ISBN 2-246-58959-2
[161] Pickvance (1984), 102–103.
[190] van Gogh, Theodorus. “Letter from Theo van Gogh
[162] van Uitert, van Tilborgh & van Heugten (1990), 23. to Elisabeth van Gogh Paris, 5 August 1890”. Webex- Retrieved 28 April 2015. he said, “La tristesse
[163] Pickvance (1986), 154–157.
durera toujours” [The sadness will last forever]
[164] Tralbaut (1981), 286.
[191] Hayden (2003), 152; Van der Veen & Knapp (2010), 260–
[165] Hulsker (1990), 434. 264.

[166] Hulsker (1990), 440. [192] Sweetman (1990), 367.

[167] Van Gogh (2009), letter 863. Theo van Gogh to Vincent, [193] Arnold (2004).
Saint-Rémy-de-Provence, Tuesday, 29 April 1890.
[194] Perry (1947).
[168] Hulsker (1990), 390, 404.
[195] Hemphill (1961).
[169] Rewald (1978), 326–329.
[196] Blumer (2002).
[170] Hulsker (1990), 390, 404; Tralbaut (1981), 287.
[197] Van Heugten (1996), 246–251.
[171] Pickvance (1986), Appendix III, 310–315. Aurier’s orig-
inal 1890 review in French with parallel English transla- [198] Pickvance (1974).
[199] Dorn & Keyes (2000).
[172] Pickvance (1986), 175–177.
[200] Van Gogh (2009), Letter 253. Vincent to Theo van Gogh.
[173] Rewald (1978), 346–347, 348–350. The Hague, Saturday, 5 August 1882.
5.2 Citations 27

[201] Dorn, Schröder & Sillevis (1996). [236] Van Gogh (2009), Letter 806, note 16. Vincent to
Theo van Gogh. Saint-Rémy-de-Provence, Saturday, 28
[202] Walther & Metzger (1994), 708. September 1889.
[203] van Uitert, van Tilborgh & van Heugten (1990), 18. [237] Pickvance (1986), 80–81, 184–187.
[204] van Uitert, van Tilborgh & van Heugten (1990), 18–19. [238] Walther & Metzger (1994), 413.
[205] Sund (1988), 666. [239] “Vincent van Gogh; Sunflowers; NG3863”. National
Gallery, London. Retrieved 1 August 2016.
[206] Van Gogh (2009), Letter 537. Vincent to Theo, Nuenen,
on or about Wednesday, 28 October 1885. [240] Van Gogh (2009), Letter 666. Vincent to Theo van Gogh.
Arles, Tuesday, 21 or Wednesday, 22 August 1888.
[207] Hughes (2002), 7.
[241] Walther & Metzger (1994), 417.
[208] Hughes (2002), 11.
[242] Naifeh & Smith (2011), 819–820.
[209] van Uitert (1981), 232.
[243] Pickvance (1986), 101, 189–191.
[210] van Uitert, van Tilborgh & van Heugten (1990), 20.
[244] Pickvance (1986), 110.
[211] Hughes (2002), 8–9.
[245] Rewald (1978), 311.
[212] Sund (1988), 668.
[246] Pickvance (1986), 132–133.
[213] van Uitert (1981), 236.
[247] Pickvance (1986), 101.
[214] Hughes (2002), 12.
[248] Walther & Metzger (1994), 331–333.
[215] van Uitert (1981), 223.
[249] Pickvance (1984), 45–53.
[216] van Uitert, van Tilborgh & van Heugten (1990), 21.
[250] Hulsker (1980), 385.
[217] Hughes (2002), 8.
[251] Fell (1997), 32.
[218] van Uitert (1981), 224.
[252] Hulsker (1980), 390–394.
[219] van Uitert, van Tilborgh & van Heugten (1990), 16–17.
[253] van Uitert, van Tilborgh & van Heugten (1990), 283.
[220] van Uitert (1981), 242.
[254] Walther & Metzger (1994), 680–686.
[221] McQuillan (1989), 138.
[255] Walther & Metzger (1994), 654.
[222] McQuillan (1989), 193.
[256] Van Gogh (2009), Letter 898. Vincent to Theo van Gogh
[223] Van Gogh (2009), Letter 652. Vincent to Theo van Gogh. and Jo van Gogh-Bonger. Auvers-sur-Oise, on or about
Arles, Tuesday, 31 July 1888. Thursday, 10 July 1890.
[224] Channing & Bradley (2007), 67; Van Gogh (2009), Letter [257] Walther & Metzger (1994), 680.
879. Vincent to Willemien van Gogh. Auvers-sur-Oise,
Thursday, 5 June 1890. [258] Rewald (1986), 244–254.

[225] McQuillan (1989), 198. [259] Sund (2002), 305.

[226] Pickvance (1986), 224–228. [260] Sund (2002), 307.

[227] McQuillan (1989), 15. [261] McQuillan (1989), 72.

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6 External links
• The Vincent van Gogh Gallery, the complete works
and letters of Van Gogh

• Vincent van Gogh The letters, the complete letters

of Van Gogh (translated into English and annotated)

• Works by Vincent van Gogh at Project Gutenberg

• Works by or about Vincent van Gogh at Internet


• Works by Vincent van Gogh at LibriVox (public do-

main audiobooks)

7 Text and image sources, contributors, and licenses

7.1 Text
• Vincent van Gogh Source: Contributors: AxelBoldt, Eloquence,
Mav, The Anome, Koyaanis Qatsi, Jan Hidders, Andre Engels, Eclecticology, Danny, Rgamble, Tsja, Deb, Shii, Ben-Zin~enwiki, Ellmist,
Heron, Branko, Ewen, Hephaestos, Olivier, Leandrod, Stevertigo, Frecklefoot, Patrick, Michael Hardy, Erik Zachte, Dante Alighieri, Jah-
sonic, Liftarn, Sam Francis, Menchi, Zanimum, Sannse, GTBacchus, Paul A, Tregoweth, Ahoerstemeier, Docu, Muriel Gottrop~enwiki,
Jebba, Александър, Julesd, Palfrey, Evercat, Conti, Jabo~enwiki, Jengod, Astarte, Pascal, Alex S, Timwi, Nohat, Bemoeial, Dysprosia,
Doradus, Wik, Timc, Peregrine981, KRS, Tpbradbury, Thue, Joseaperez, Earthsound, Wetman, Bcorr, Johnleemk, Frazzydee, Pollina-
tor, Owen, MK~enwiki, Twice25, Donarreiskoffer, Robbot, Pigsonthewing, RedWolf, Altenmann, Naddy, Lowellian, Postdlf, Merovin-
gian, Sverdrup, Academic Challenger, Desmay, Flauto Dolce, Rholton, Diderot, Halibutt, Rasmus Faber, Robinoke, Paul G, Hadal,
JackofOz, Mandel, Lupo, Asparagus, Dina, Agendum, Srtxg, Robin Patterson, Mblaze, Tom harrison, Kvalles, Obli, Rj, Peruvianl-
lama, Everyking, Rick Block, Jfdwolff, Duncharris, Maarten van Vliet, Skagedal, Guusbosman, Redux, Solipsist, Matt Crypto, Bob-
blewik, Tagishsimon, ChicXulub, Drumrollz, Utcursch, Andycjp, Sca, Antandrus, Skywolf, FelineAvenger, YankeeInCA, Cylauj, Rd-
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nate, Assassin109, Pigfluff, Doctoryule, Spitfire8520, Sue Rangell, AlleborgoBot, Symane, Stomme, Sfmammamia, FlyingLeopard2014,
Hoakley, Imjq87, Crazyasshabib, Xett, SieBot, StAnselm, PurpleGiraffeXXX, TJRC, Graham Beards, EwokiWiki, Arpose, Gerakibot,
Caltas,, Funkster30, Andy10119010, Exert, CombatCraig, Oda Mari, Arbor to SJ, James.Denholm, Monuko~enwiki,
Edward Elric 1308, Monegasque, Oxymoron83, Edmondcb, Artoasis, Govontario, Thomazfranzese~enwiki, AngelOfSadness, Light-
mouse, Poindexter Propellerhead, Kai9d9, BenoniBot~enwiki, Alienrightsforlife, AlanUS, Wickedjacob, Andrij Kursetsky, Coldcreation,
Adam Cuerden, Eliteart, BigDogGraphics, Sgttux, Mtaylor848, Ken123BOT, Danio, Bibliophylax, Dabomb87, Nn123645, Brightland,
Jimqbob, Redbear81, H1nkles, Oekaki, Escape Orbit, WickerGuy, MouseTrip, Invertzoo, SallyForth123, Mattgadget14, Jety111, Dag-
gervangogh, NixsurfSimpson, ClueBot, Deanlaw, Wikievil666, The Thing That Should Not Be, Kafka Liz, Rjd0060, EoGuy, Dieder-
ickvaneck, Lawrence Cohen, RODERICKMOLASAR, Jmareste~enwiki, Lady Rosalin, Ukabia, Timfoster, Frmorrison, Mild Bill Hic-
cup, Robertdd, Hafspajen, Labrador Grafix, CounterVandalismBot, Mahummel, Harland1, LonelyBeacon, P. S. Burton, Arreshl, Brow-
nalonso16, Krazykrumz, Linfudd, BlueAmethyst, Theguynick, Small-town hero, Ben ross.ross, DragonBot, Excirial, Jusdafax, Iguadont,
Bungersrf55, Shyboy 404, PixelBot, Oriolhernan, Botaurus stellaris, Francois84~enwiki, Mindcry, Angelgirl1230, Muenda, JCT120, Dark-
angel1234~enwiki, Aslugger22, NuclearWarfare, Arjayay, Jotterbot, Kiersere, DRAGONS1147, 7&6=thirteen, Tnxman307, Papak123,
Brianboulton, Uhhlive, M.O.X, LauringtonWright!, SoxBot, Redthoreau, Tattoos~enwiki, Muro Bot, Paladin R.T., BOTarate, Rinpoche,
Thingg, Lot49a, Chimino, Hans Kamp, Qwfp, RogoPD, Indopug, AgnosticPreachersKid, TaalVerbeteraar, Clockwrist, Skarebo, Silvonen-
Bot, Supershirley, Artethical, MarmadukePercy, WikiDao, JinJian, MystBot, Hess88, Good Olfactory, Jhendin, Addbot, Bloodbath 87,
DOI bot, Tcncv, Betterusername, OmegaXmutantX, Redactor33, Quokly, Mojomama, Wingspeed, KarlJacobi, Jordan Timmins, Fentener
van Vlissingen, Cst17, Mwloving, JPLei, Sillyfolkboy, Kellikelz, Debresser, LinkFA-Bot, West.andrew.g, Agurcu, Organic Cabbage, Sar-
dur, Numbo3-bot, Tide rolls, Lightbot, Econt, Zorrobot, JEN9841, Contributor777, Ivory, Fryed-peach, Markvo, Legobot, Luckas-bot,
Sometime-science-editor, Yobot, JJARichardson, Ptbotgourou, Legobot II, Naudefjbot~enwiki, Jan Arkesteijn, Victoriaearle, Maria L.
Gilbert, Webmuseums, Velocitas, Vrinan, Bility, AnomieBOT, Alex contributing, 1exec1, Galoubet, SSPrincess, NickK, Jeff Muscato,
Citation bot, Er Cicero, Dromioofephesus, Basilisk4u, ArthurBot, LilHelpa, MauritsBot, Xqbot, Mybihonteem, Alexlange, Wperdue, Tad
Lincoln, Wilkos, Jonatanberliner, Mr.gondolier, Heslopian, Aa77zz, Petropoxy (Lithoderm Proxy), GrouchoBot, Armbrust, Nayvik, Lam-
ang, Thatindividual, Omnipaedista, Olpl, Foreverprovence, Sayerslle, Krscal, JtTractorBoy, For the Laugh of God, Breadtk, Hiart, Green
Cardamom, , Smainali3, FrescoBot, Anna Roy, Rubenescio, Nimloth250, Alvaro77777, Pepper, Lipsquid, Rotideypoc41352, Drea-
machine, ProfReader, Masterknighted, Solaricon, Aquarius313, Enki H., Citation bot 1, Kobrabones, Scarce, Pinethicket, I dream of
horses, Arctic Night, Jonesey95, Professional106, Skyerise, Ozolina, Hoo man, Lars Washington, Petricek, Crusoe8181, Kgrad, Pdebee,
TobeBot, Trappist the monk, Luckeyboy, ‫کاشف عقیل‬, Lotje, Gejyspa, Suckonit, Vrenator, GreenUpGreenOut, 777sms, Cassianto, Lu-
cius Winslow, Lapskingwiki, Dougmal, Canuckian89, Diannaa, Watisfictie, Tbhotch, Sideways713, DARTH SIDIOUS 2, Sunshineisles2,
Sara mcconnell, Redstone1014, RjwilmsiBot, NameIsRon, Mandolinface, Oil painting art, EmausBot, John of Reading, Qdiderot, Gfo-
ley4, Look2See1, Feanor0, Zagoury, Ffdmclanaghan2008, Jim Michael, Thomasionus, Outriggr, John of Lancaster, Tuxedo junction,
Fgordillo, Kkm010, ZéroBot, Checkingfax, Illegitimate Barrister, Fæ, Josve05a, NathanielTheBold, Sagaciousphil, H3llBot, AlphaZeta,
Unreal7, Wayne Slam, Keizersnl, Polisher of Cobwebs, Uchiha Itachi 25, Puffin, Neutral bias, ChuispastonBot, Talory, EdoBot, El-
lenHodges, DASHBotAV, Spicemix, HappyWaldo, Chulaa100, Thedemonpk3r, Wafaashohdy, Pickwickj, ClueBot NG, MelbourneStar,
Justlettersandnumbers, Goose friend, Proscribe, Spinoziano, Editør, Frietjes, Hazhk, CaroleHenson, Cbernasc, Ramana1209, Gallery-of-
art, Commons fair use upload bot (usurped), FightingMac, Helpful Pixie Bot, JohnOFL, SchroCat, Nick O'Sea, Roundquarter, BG19bot,
Vagobot, JJRWilkinson, IrinaOfKamaz, Sandbh, Rudi argento, Skirtopodes, Suzukaze-c, History1976, TClapton, Viridianwindow, The
Almightey Drill, Zedshort, McLennonSon, Ginger Maine Coon, J187B, MattKamp, Rytyho usa, JemimaWales, Cyberbot II, Robvander-
Waal, Pseudoneiros, SD5bot, Khazar2, Soulparadox, Cormac1cormac1, Marianne Casamance, Dexbot, Mogism, TwoTwoHello, Mor-
fusmax, AldezD, VIAFbot, Qpralex123, WilliamDigiCol, Hillbillyholiday, Serge Ottaviani, Cawhee, BreakfastJr, Lingzhi, Debouch,
Kavdiaravish, Clr324, Comp.arch, BrillLyle, Seppi333, DrRC, Paul2520, Ingfbruno, MagicatthemovieS, Edwininlondon, N0n3up, CP
Bliss, Canterbury Trails, Coat of Many Colours, Jennie Matthews 97, Rabdill, Bilorv, BengalCatHawaii, Opencooper, LawrencePrincipe,
WikiOriginal-9, Trackteur, Bmesemb, Peter238, Scotrail334028, C1cada, Andrews1912, FACBot, Famous Hobo, Prinsgezinde, Rem-
brandt2016, KasparBot, Chrish65, Crimson&Clover71, C.Gesualdo, Hurrygane, Professor of Art, DagTruffle, Grubemeister, MisterJoeP,
GreenC bot, Erikaschoene, Prevan, Showtime Cole, Thedevlinator, Bender the Bot and Anonymous: 1447

7.2 Images
• File:Cafétafel_met_absint_-_s0186V1962_-_Van_Gogh_Museum.jpg Source:
62/Caf%C3%A9tafel_met_absint_-_s0186V1962_-_Van_Gogh_Museum.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: Van Gogh Museum
Original artist: Vincent van Gogh
• File:Commons-logo.svg Source: License: PD Contributors: ? Origi-
nal artist: ?
• File:Cuesmes_JPG001.jpg Source: License: Public do-
main Contributors:

• own work
• Canon EF – Canon Lens 100 mm F2,8

Original artist: Jean-Pol GRANDMONT

7.2 Images 33

• File:De_zaaier_-_s0029V1962_-_Van_Gogh_Museum.jpg Source:

zaaier_-_s0029V1962_-_Van_Gogh_Museum.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: Van Gogh Museum Original artist: Vincent van
• File:Graves_of_Vincent_and_Théodore_Van_Gogh.jpg Source:
Vincent_and_Th%C3%A9odore_Van_Gogh.jpg License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Héric SAMSON
• File:Irises-Vincent_van_Gogh.jpg Source: Li-
cense: Public domain Contributors: DgFVFAJo_30MeQ at Google Cultural Institute maximum zoom level Original artist: Vincent van
• File:Jo_van_Gogh-Bonger,_by_Woodbury_and_Page-2.jpg Source:
van_Gogh-Bonger%2C_by_Woodbury_and_Page-2.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: Geheugen van Nederland Original artist:
Woodbury & Page
• File:Kee_Vos_met_zoon_Jan-cropped.jpg Source:
Jan-cropped.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: Original artist:
Albert Greiner
• File:Landscape_with_wheat_sheaves_and_rising_moon.jpg Source:
Landscape_with_wheat_sheaves_and_rising_moon.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: own photo in the Kröller-Müller museum
Original artist: Van Gogh
• File:Le_Forum_Républicain_(Arles)_-_30_December_1888_-_Vincent_van_Gogh_ear_incident.jpg Source: https:
van_Gogh_ear_incident.jpg License: Public domain Contributors:
A9-cembre-1888.html Original artist: Le Forum Républicain
• File:Le_café_de_nuit_(The_Night_Café)_by_Vincent_van_Gogh.jpeg Source:
e/ec/Le_caf%C3%A9_de_nuit_%28The_Night_Caf%C3%A9%29_by_Vincent_van_Gogh.jpeg License: Public domain Contributors:
Yale University Art Gallery Original artist: Vincent van Gogh
• File:Open_Access_logo_PLoS_transparent.svg Source:
PLoS_transparent.svg License: CC0 Contributors: Original artist: art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users
Nina, Beao, and JakobVoss
• File:Paul_Gauguin_-_Vincent_van_Gogh_painting_sunflowers_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg Source:
wikipedia/commons/f/f6/Paul_Gauguin_-_Vincent_van_Gogh_painting_sunflowers_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg License: Public domain
Contributors: XgHfqMF7DBqobQ at Google Cultural Institute maximum zoom level Original artist: Paul Gauguin
• File:Red_vineyards.jpg Source: License: Public domain
Contributors: History of the Red Vineyard by Anna, 2nd upload: wikipaintings Original artist: Vincent van Gogh
• File:Speaker_Icon.svg Source: License: Public domain Con-
tributors: No machine-readable source provided. Own work assumed (based on copyright claims). Original artist: No machine-readable
author provided. Mobius assumed (based on copyright claims).
• File:Stilleven_met_bijbel_-_s0008V1962_-_Van_Gogh_Museum.jpg Source:
c3/Stilleven_met_bijbel_-_s0008V1962_-_Van_Gogh_Museum.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: Van Gogh Museum Original
artist: Vincent van Gogh
• File:The_Sower.jpg Source: License: Public domain Contribu-
tors: 1.
Original artist: Vincent van Gogh
• File:Theo_van_Gogh_May_1878-cropped.jpeg Source:
May_1878-cropped.jpeg License: Public domain Contributors: Memory of the Netherlands, From Vincent van Gogh: letters, art, and
context of the Van Gogh Museum Original artist: De Lavieter & Co
• File:Toulouse-Lautrec_de_Henri_Vincent_van_Gogh_Sun.jpg Source:
Toulouse-Lautrec_de_Henri_Vincent_van_Gogh_Sun.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: Unknown Original artist: Henri de
• File:Van-willem-vincent-gogh-die-kartoffelesser-03850.jpg Source:
Van-willem-vincent-gogh-die-kartoffelesser-03850.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: Zoom folder : Tiles folder (see “Notes” for
assembly details) Original artist: Vincent van Gogh
• File:Van_Gogh_-_Bildnis_der_Mutter_des_Künstlers.jpeg Source:
Gogh_-_Bildnis_der_Mutter_des_K%C3%BCnstlers.jpeg License: Public domain Contributors: repro from art book Original artist:
Vincent van Gogh
• File:Van_Gogh_-_Blühender_Obstgarten,_von_Zypressen_umgeben.jpeg Source:
commons/c/c0/Van_Gogh_-_Bl%C3%BChender_Obstgarten%2C_von_Zypressen_umgeben.jpeg License: Public domain Contributors:
repro from art book Original artist: Vincent van Gogh
• File:Van_Gogh_-_Country_road_in_Provence_by_night.jpg Source:
Gogh_-_Country_road_in_Provence_by_night.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: Own work in the Kröller-Müller Museum Original
artist: Vincent van Gogh
• File:Van_Gogh_-_Garten_des_Hospitals_in_Arles1.jpeg Source:
Gogh_-_Garten_des_Hospitals_in_Arles1.jpeg License: Public domain Contributors: repr from artbook Original artist: Vincent van Gogh
• File:Van_Gogh_-_Portrait_of_Pere_Tanguy_1887-8.JPG Source:
Gogh_-_Portrait_of_Pere_Tanguy_1887-8.JPG License: Public domain Contributors: Musée Rodin Original artist: Vincent van Gogh

• File:Van_Gogh_-_Starry_Night_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg Source:

Gogh_-_Starry_Night_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: bgEuwDxel93-Pg at Google Cultural Institute,
zoom level maximum Original artist: Vincent van Gogh
• File:Van_Gogh_-_Vase_of_Roses.jpg Source:
jpg License: Public domain Contributors: art database Original artist: Vincent van Gogh
• File:Van_Gogh_-_Zwei_grabende_Bäuerinnen_auf_schneebedecktem_Feld.jpeg Source:
commons/8/86/Van_Gogh_-_Zwei_grabende_B%C3%A4uerinnen_auf_schneebedecktem_Feld.jpeg License: Public domain Contribu-
tors: repro from artbook Original artist: Vincent van Gogh
• File:Van_Gogh_-_Zypressen_mit_zwei_weiblichen_Figuren.jpeg Source:
Van_Gogh_-_Zypressen_mit_zwei_weiblichen_Figuren.jpeg License: Public domain Contributors: repro from artbook Original artist:
Vincent van Gogh
• File:Van_Gogh_-_la_courtisane.jpg Source:
License: Public domain Contributors: Original artist: Vincent van Gogh
• File:Van_Gogh_Museum_Amsterdam.jpg Source:
Museum_Amsterdam.jpg License: CC-BY-SA-3.0 Contributors: Self-photographed Original artist: – Wladyslaw <a href='https:
//' class='extiw' title='de:Benutzer Diskussion:Taxiarchos228'>[Disk.]</a>
• File:Van_Gogh_Self-Portrait_with_Straw_Hat_1887-Metropolitan.jpg Source:
a/a8/Van_Gogh_Self-Portrait_with_Straw_Hat_1887-Metropolitan.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: art database Original artist:
Vincent van Gogh
• File:Van_Gogh_Starry_Night_Drawing.jpg Source:
Night_Drawing.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: Unknown Original artist: Vincent van Gogh
• File:Van_Gogh_The_Olive_Trees..jpg Source:
.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: Merged from fragments found at Original artist: Vincent van Gogh
• File:Vincent-van-gogh-echo-pontoisien-august7-1890.jpg Source:
Vincent-van-gogh-echo-pontoisien-august7-1890.jpg License: Public domain Contributors:
html Original artist: Newspaper clipping from L'Écho Pontoisien, 7 August 1890
• File:Vincent_Van_Gogh_0013.jpg Source: Li-
cense: Public domain Contributors: Vincent van Gogh: In der Provence, R.Piper & Co, Verlag, München 1977, ISBN 3492110703 Original
artist: Vincent van Gogh
• File:Vincent_Van_Gogh_0016.jpg Source: Li-
cense: Public domain Contributors: art database Original artist: Vincent van Gogh
• File:Vincent_Van_Gogh_0018.jpg Source: Li-
cense: Public domain Contributors:
• Upload 1:Vincent van Gogh: In der Provence, R. Piper & Co, Verlag, München 1977, ISBN 3492110703 Original artist: Vincent van Gogh
• File:Vincent_Willem_van_Gogh,_Dutch_-_Rain_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg Source:
commons/d/dd/Vincent_Willem_van_Gogh%2C_Dutch_-_Rain_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg License: Public domain Contributors:
9gHQk4P6B28sgA at Google Cultural Institute maximum zoom level Original artist: Vincent van Gogh
• File:Vincent_Willem_van_Gogh_002.jpg Source:
Gogh_002.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: The Yorck Project: 10.000 Meisterwerke der Malerei. DVD-ROM, 2002. ISBN
3936122202. Distributed by DIRECTMEDIA Publishing GmbH. Original artist: Vincent van Gogh
• File:Vincent_Willem_van_Gogh_007.jpg Source:
Gogh_007.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: The Yorck Project: 10.000 Meisterwerke der Malerei. DVD-ROM, 2002. ISBN
3936122202. Distributed by DIRECTMEDIA Publishing GmbH. Original artist: Vincent van Gogh
• File:Vincent_Willem_van_Gogh_014.jpg Source:
Gogh_014.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: The Yorck Project: 10.000 Meisterwerke der Malerei. DVD-ROM, 2002. ISBN
3936122202. Distributed by DIRECTMEDIA Publishing GmbH. Original artist: Vincent van Gogh
• File:Vincent_Willem_van_Gogh_016.jpg Source:
Gogh_016.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: The Yorck Project: 10.000 Meisterwerke der Malerei. DVD-ROM, 2002. ISBN
3936122202. Distributed by DIRECTMEDIA Publishing GmbH. Original artist: Vincent van Gogh
• File:Vincent_Willem_van_Gogh_037.jpg Source:
Gogh_037.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: The Yorck Project: 10.000 Meisterwerke der Malerei. DVD-ROM, 2002. ISBN
3936122202. Distributed by DIRECTMEDIA Publishing GmbH. Original artist: Vincent van Gogh
• File:Vincent_Willem_van_Gogh_059.jpg Source:
Gogh_059.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: art database Original artist: Vincent van Gogh
• File:Vincent_Willem_van_Gogh_084.jpg Source:
Gogh_084.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: The Yorck Project: 10.000 Meisterwerke der Malerei. DVD-ROM, 2002. ISBN
3936122202. Distributed by DIRECTMEDIA Publishing GmbH. Original artist: Vincent van Gogh
• File:Vincent_Willem_van_Gogh_098.jpg Source:
Gogh_098.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: Hermitage Torrent Original artist: Vincent van Gogh
• File:Vincent_Willem_van_Gogh_102.jpg Source:
Gogh_102.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: The Yorck Project: 10.000 Meisterwerke der Malerei. DVD-ROM, 2002. ISBN
3936122202. Distributed by DIRECTMEDIA Publishing GmbH. Original artist: Vincent van Gogh
• File:Vincent_Willem_van_Gogh_106.jpg Source:
Gogh_106.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: The Yorck Project: 10.000 Meisterwerke der Malerei. DVD-ROM, 2002. ISBN
3936122202. Distributed by DIRECTMEDIA Publishing GmbH. Original artist: Vincent van Gogh
7.2 Images 35

• File:Vincent_Willem_van_Gogh_127.jpg Source:

Gogh_127.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: National Gallery (NG3863), London Original artist: Vincent van Gogh
• File:Vincent_Willem_van_Gogh_128.jpg Source:
Gogh_128.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: The Yorck Project: 10.000 Meisterwerke der Malerei. DVD-ROM, 2002. ISBN
3936122202. Distributed by DIRECTMEDIA Publishing GmbH. Original artist: Vincent van Gogh
• File:Vincent_Willem_van_Gogh_138.jpg Source:
Gogh_138.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: National Gallery (NG3862), London Original artist: Vincent van Gogh
• File:Vincent_van_Gogh_(1853-1890)_-_The_Old_Mill_(1888).jpg Source:
Vincent_van_Gogh_%281853-1890%29_-_The_Old_Mill_%281888%29.jpg License: Public domain Contributors:
collection Original artist: Vincent van Gogh
• File:Vincent_van_Gogh_-_Almond_blossom_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg Source:
6/68/Vincent_van_Gogh_-_Almond_blossom_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: dAFXSL9sZ1ulDw at
Google Cultural Institute maximum zoom level Original artist: Vincent van Gogh
• File:Vincent_van_Gogh_-_Bloeiende_pruimenboomgaard-_naar_Hiroshige_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg Source: https:
Art_Project.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: 2wF6nM1fOWEp8Q at Google Cultural Institute, zoom level maximum Original
artist: Vincent van Gogh
• File:Vincent_van_Gogh_-_De_roze_boomgaard_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg Source:
commons/4/4c/Vincent_van_Gogh_-_De_roze_boomgaard_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg License: Public domain Contributors:
vgEUSZYwZoEWyQ at Google Cultural Institute, zoom level maximum Original artist: Vincent van Gogh
• File:Vincent_van_Gogh_-_De_slaapkamer_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg Source:
7/76/Vincent_van_Gogh_-_De_slaapkamer_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: KwF-AdF1REQl6w at
Google Cultural Institute, zoom level maximum Original artist: Unknown
• File:Vincent_van_Gogh_-_De_stoel_van_Gauguin_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg Source:
commons/6/6d/Vincent_van_Gogh_-_De_stoel_van_Gauguin_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg License: Public domain Contributors:
vwEeg82sFKAkQQ at Google Cultural Institute, zoom level maximum Original artist: Vincent van Gogh
• File:Vincent_van_Gogh_-_Eugène_Boch_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg Source:
3c/Vincent_van_Gogh_-_Eug%C3%A8ne_Boch_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: XgGNl2sJR4Q63Q
at Google Cultural Institute maximum zoom level Original artist: Vincent van Gogh
• File:Vincent_van_Gogh_-_Head_of_a_skeleton_with_a_burning_cigarette_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg Source: https:
Art_Project.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: hQGZa2I9Xi6lpA at Google Cultural Institute maximum zoom level Original artist:
Vincent van Gogh
• File:Vincent_van_Gogh_-_House_at_Auvers_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg Source:
commons/f/f7/Vincent_van_Gogh_-_House_at_Auvers_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg License: Public domain Contributors:
RwFvYmUb77JK5g at Google Cultural Institute maximum zoom level Original artist: Vincent van Gogh
• File:Vincent_van_Gogh_-_Irises_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg Source:
Vincent_van_Gogh_-_Irises_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: ZQH2h7PBY47yXQ at Google Cultural
Institute maximum zoom level Original artist: Vincent van Gogh
• File:Vincent_van_Gogh_-_Peasant_woman_digging.jpg Source:
van_Gogh_-_Peasant_woman_digging.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: Art Gallery of Ontario – Original artist: Vincent
van Gogh
• File:Vincent_van_Gogh_-_Portret_van_de_postbode_Joseph_Roulin.jpg Source:
commons/a/a7/Vincent_van_Gogh_-_Portret_van_de_postbode_Joseph_Roulin.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: 1. The Yorck
Project: 10.000 Meisterwerke der Malerei. DVD-ROM, 2002. ISBN 3936122202. Distributed by DIRECTMEDIA Publishing GmbH.
Original artist: Vincent van Gogh
• File:Vincent_van_Gogh_-_Self-Portrait_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg Source:
b2/Vincent_van_Gogh_-_Self-Portrait_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: 9gFw_1Vou2CkwQ at Google
Cultural Institute maximum zoom level Original artist: Vincent van Gogh
• File:Vincent_van_Gogh_-_Self-Portrait_-_Google_Art_Project_(719161).jpg Source:
commons/1/18/Vincent_van_Gogh_-_Self-Portrait_-_Google_Art_Project_%28719161%29.jpg License: Public domain Contributors:
zAFdL1SpZE0r-A at Google Cultural Institute maximum zoom level Original artist: Vincent van Gogh
• File:Vincent_van_Gogh_-_Self-portrait_with_bandaged_ear_(1889,_Courtauld_Institute).jpg Source: https://upload.wikimedia.
org/wikipedia/commons/6/62/Vincent_van_Gogh_-_Self-portrait_with_bandaged_ear_%281889%2C_Courtauld_Institute%29.jpg Li-
cense: Public domain Contributors: The Courtauld Institute of Art Original artist: Vincent van Gogh
• File:Vincent_van_Gogh_-_Self-portrait_with_grey_felt_hat_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg Source:
wikipedia/commons/a/aa/Vincent_van_Gogh_-_Self-portrait_with_grey_felt_hat_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg License: Public domain
Contributors: PgEJ1hPIzqsM2w at Google Cultural Institute maximum zoom level Original artist: Vincent van Gogh
• File:Vincent_van_Gogh_-_Starry_Night_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg Source:
01/Vincent_van_Gogh_-_Starry_Night_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: uQE3XORhSK37Dw at Google
Cultural Institute maximum zoom level Original artist: Vincent van Gogh
• File:Vincent_van_Gogh_-_Sunflowers_-_VGM_F458.jpg Source:
van_Gogh_-_Sunflowers_-_VGM_F458.jpg License: Public domain Contributors:
vincent-van-gogh-sunflowers/50136 Original artist: Vincent van Gogh

• File:Vincent_van_Gogh_-_The_Church_in_Auvers-sur-Oise,_View_from_the_Chevet_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg Source:
Chevet_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: 6wEjLceQPXkTtA at Google Cultural Institute maximum zoom
level Original artist: Vincent van Gogh
• File:Vincent_van_Gogh_-_The_yellow_house_('The_street').jpg Source:
Vincent_van_Gogh_-_The_yellow_house_%28%27The_street%27%29.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: Van Gogh Museum
Original artist: Vincent van Gogh
• File:Vincent_van_Gogh_-_Tree_Roots_and_Trunks_(F816).jpg Source:
Vincent_van_Gogh_-_Tree_Roots_and_Trunks_%28F816%29.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: Museum page : Zoom files :
Tiles page Original artist: Vincent van Gogh
• File:Vincent_van_Gogh_-_Wheat_Field_with_Cypresses_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg Source:
wikipedia/commons/6/63/Vincent_van_Gogh_-_Wheat_Field_with_Cypresses_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg License: Public domain
Contributors: agF0eS5NNsa0fg at Google Cultural Institute, zoom level maximum Original artist: Vincent van Gogh
• File:Vincent_van_Gogh_-_Wheatfield_under_thunderclouds_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg Source:
wikipedia/commons/9/98/Vincent_van_Gogh_-_Wheatfield_under_thunderclouds_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg License: Public domain
Contributors: kAErTfh0dORNwQ at Google Cultural Institute maximum zoom level Original artist: Vincent van Gogh
• File:Vincent_van_Gogh_-_Wheatfield_with_crows_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg Source:
commons/b/ba/Vincent_van_Gogh_-_Wheatfield_with_crows_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg License: Public domain Contributors:
dwFdD5AMQfpSew at Google Cultural Institute maximum zoom level Original artist: Vincent van Gogh
• File:Vincent_van_Gogh_-_Worn_Out_(F997).jpg Source:
Gogh_-_Worn_Out_%28F997%29.jpg License: Public domain Contributors:
Original artist: Vincent van Gogh
• File:Vincent_van_Gogh_January_1873-cropped.jpeg Source:
Gogh_January_1873-cropped.jpeg License: Public domain Contributors: Memory of the Netherlands, From Vincent van Gogh: letters,
art, and context of the Van Gogh Museum Original artist: Jacobus Marinus Wilhelmus de Louw (1823–1907)
• File:Vincent_van_Gogh_at_circa_13_years_of_age_cropped.jpeg Source:
Vincent_van_Gogh_at_circa_13_years_of_age_cropped.jpeg License: Public domain Contributors: Memory of the Netherlands Original
artist: B. Schwarz
• File:Vissersboten_op_het_strand_van_Les_Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer_-_s0028V1962_-_Van_Gogh_Museum.jpg Source:
s0028V1962_-_Van_Gogh_Museum.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: Van Gogh Museum Original artist: Vincent van
• File:Ward_in_the_Hospital_in_Arles.jpg Source:
Arles.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: Original artist: Vincent van Gogh
• File:Whitehousenight.jpg Source: License: Public domain
Hermitage Torrent
Original artist: Vincent van Gogh
• File:Wikiquote-logo.svg Source: License: Public domain
Contributors: Own work Original artist: Rei-artur
• File:Wikisource-logo.svg Source: License: CC BY-SA 3.0
Contributors: Rei-artur Original artist: Nicholas Moreau

7.3 Content license

• Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0

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