How To Study at Home Effectively

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>< PREPEXPERT “nnn You Will Learn How To Help Your Child... >< Become A Successful Student > Create Study Schedules To Use Time At Home Effectively During COVID-19 > Practice Efficient Time Management So They Learn More In Less Time > Use New Study Methods To Learn Academic Material More Quickly > Store The Material They Are Learning In Their Long-Term Memory > Create The Ultimate At-Home Study Space To Avoid All Distractions At Home >€ Improve Test Scores On Standardized Tests To Score In The 99th Percentile > PREPEXPERT ™axmamannimss sat eet ‘ (cay rk Tank & Mare Cuban Brandon +320 Point SAT Score improvement SECRET 1 HOW TO HELP YOUR CHILD BECOME A SUCCESSFUL STUDENT >< SC PREPEXPERT “emits fe Tank & Ma Cab QUIZ: What Is The #1 Predictor Of Success? (A) Intelligent Quotient (IQ) (B) Emotional Intelligence (EQ) (C) Grit (D) Self-Control (E) Vision EPEXPERT Shark Tank & Mak Cuban Company Audrey +360 Point SAT Score Improvement > PREPEXPERT tm'nscstoriorcwsbiows sii dsocone aay ingen He aten® A pogertanse Self-Control Is The Most Accurate Predictor Of Success > PROOF: 1972 Stanford Marshmallow Experiment > Placed A 4-6 year-old child In A Room With Just 1 Marshmallow (600 Children) 6 Children Told Could Eat The Marshmallow Now OR If Waited 15 Minutes, Rewarded With 2 Marshmallows > Only 1/3 OF The Children Had Enough Self-Control To Not Eat The Marshmallow Instantly > Years Later, The Children Who Did Not Eat The Marshmallow Immediately, Found To Be More Successful - Scoring 210 Points Higher On Average On The SAT - Earning Higher Salaries - Being More Popular With Peers And Teachers - Having Lower BMls & Better Overall Health - Possessing Fewer Drug And Alcohol Problems Shark Tank & Mak Cuban Company S Self-Control Can Be Learned > Studying Requires A Significant Amount Of Self-Control More Difficult Than Ever To Practice Self-Control > Technology (Facebook, Text Messaging, Netflix, etc.) > How Do You Raise Successful Students? >€ Help Them Practice Self-Control > Manage Emotions, Delay Gratification, & Work Hard > Spent Hundreds Of Hours In Library Studying In High School > Self-Control = Success PEXPERT "™s Tazo ee cS Ty —_ 7 rh - n Re > LG >< PREPEXPERT "cc ‘Pao. They gve you the tool you tr ft.” SECRET 2 HOW TO HELP YOUR CHILD CREATE STUDY SCHEDULES TO USE TIME AT HOME EFFECTIVELY DURING COVID-19 >< > PREPEXPERT wswsaeniinsceanvonrsepanatomiemaivencrana Shark Tank & Mak Cuban Company Alexander +630 Point SAT Score Improvement CREATE A MAGIC LIST > “Magic” Because It Is Magical To See How Much More Your Student Will Get Done > An Hour-By-Hour Outline Of Exactly Which Tasks Your Student Will Complete During The Day >€ Create A Magic List For Study or Work Days > Create Your Magic List On An App You Can Constantly Update (i.e. Apple Notes or Evernote) > Create A Magic List To Keep Your Student Accountable For Every Hour Of Their Study Day > PREPEXPERT ssteor’ravante mn sug iow sno peony Tayo mh SharkTank & Mate Cuban Company Eo MAGIC LIST PRINCIPLES 10564 oo Notes ao ph >€ Principle #1: Use Internal Motivation Prreecnal Micvct or gous Scarce - External Motivation - “My parents want me to do well” AP Bio Exam to get full scholarship to USC - Internal Motivation - “I want to do well” Monday, March 30th oo. . 8:00-8:00AM Read New SAT Strategies - Internal Motivation is more effective 9:00-10:00AM Review Old SAT Exams , . 10:00-11:00AM Practice SAT Questions - Set clear & tangible goals about why you are studying 11:00-12:00PM Lunch Break 12:00-1:00PM Read New AP Bio Material £00-2:00PM Review Old AP Bio Exams 2:00-3:00PM Practice AP Bio Questions > PREPEXPERT «Scie cieeiniscin in en A ssoeca Shark Tank & Mak Cuban Company Nia#250 Poin SAT Score Improvement MAGIC LIST PRINCIPLES 1055-7 oo: Notes aon MAGIC LIST Internal Motivation: 1500+ SAT Score & 5 AP Bio Exam to get full scholarship to USC Monday, March 30th 8:00-9:00AM Read New SAT Strategies 10:00AM Review Old SAT Exams OPM Read New AP Bio Material 1:00-2:00PM Review Old AP Bio Exams 2:00-3:00PM Practice AP Bio Questions >€ Principle #2: Plan Your Day Like A School Day - Study the same hours your student would go to school - Example: 8:00AM - 3:00PM Monday through Friday - Schedule in a specific lunch time just like school - After study hours, make time for fun activities (exercise) PREPEXPERT “tmstd 5 "The essay template was amazing and | specially loved the eading “li Shark Tank & Mak Cuban Company Improve from a 680 Creal Reading score ‘attending UC Berkley tis Fall” Jahn, +330 Point SAT Score improvement MAGIC LIST PRINCIPLES 1055-7 oo: Notes aon MAGIC LIST Internal Motivation: 1500+ SAT Score & 5 AP Bio Exam to get full scholarship to USC Monday, March 30th 8:00-9:00AM Read New SAT Strategies 10:00AM Review Old SAT Exams 10-11:00AM Practice SAT Questions OPM Read New AP Bio Material 1:00-2:00PM Review Old AP Bio Exams 2:00-3:00PM Practice AP Bio Questions > Principle #3: Start With A Morning Power Hour - Always start day by completing the hardest task FIRST - Your mind is freshest in the morning - You will feel more accomplished if you do hardest task first - Do easier tasks as the day goes on (ex. practice questions) ar E EXPERT “wthermeicccnysciadtatfamcn tis iergcnguparsoaiae q < PREPEXPERT "™S™ “assert i & Mak Cuban Cor + Jac +200 Point SAT Save Improvement SECRET 3 HOW TO HELP YOUR CHILD PRACTICE EFFICIENT TIME MANAGEMENT SO THEY LEARN MORE IN LESS TIME >< PREPEXPERT "°°" ryirsenthn ow becias > Py Shark Tank & Mak Cuban Company Vivek +5 Point ACT Score improvement USE PARKINSON’S LAW > Parkinson's Law states that “work expands to fill the time available for its completion” > lf you have a month to complete a task, the task will take a month to complete. > lf you have a day to complete the same task, the task will take a day to complete. > Use Parkinson's Law to get more done by allotting less time to tasks. > Have you ever been given months to write a paper for a class, only to spend the night before doing it? > The work of the paper contracted to fit within the one day of time you gave it. > Parkinson's Law teaches us one key lesson: don’t give yourself too much time for any amount of work. > Use Parkinson's Law when you are studying by putting a time limit on the tasks you need to complete. SC PREPEXPERT Smmrmertetmuanegrmewrnare Moc Shark Tank & Mak Cuban Company Supa #4 Point ACT Score Improvement PARKINSON’S LAW PRINCIPLES MAGIC LIST Internal Motivation: 1500+ SAT Score & 5 AAP Bio Exam to get full scholarship to USC Monday, March 30th > Principle #1: Use The 50/10 Rule ee - One hour is too long to study all at once! 9:50-10:00AM ae ie - Study for 50 minutes, then take a 10-minute break AENEAN rece Sty cue - Break: Eat a snack, check text messages, scroll Tik Tok, etc. 11:00-12:00PM Lunch Break 12:00-12:50PM Read New Bio Material 12:50-1:00PM Break Review Old Bio Exams Break 2:00-2:50PM Practice Bio Questions 2:50-3:00PM Break - Give brain a chance to relax before next 50 min of studying > PREPEXPERT ee A sean Syatteat & aid bar Sambeny “Tussah +7 Point ACT Scare Improvement PARKINSON’S LAW PRINCIPLES MAGIC LIST Internal Motivation: 1500+ SAT Score & 5 AAP Bio Exam to get full scholarship to USC Monday, March 30th > Principle #2: Turn Off The Tech ee - During 50 minute study periods, turn tech completely off eM eee eee - Facebook, Tik Tok, Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube... AENEAN rece Sty cue - Put your phone in a different room to avoid distractions 11:00-12:00PM Lunch Break 12:00-12:50PM Read New Bio Material 12:50-1:00PM Break Review Old Bio Exams Break 2:00-2:50PM Practice Bio Questions 2:50-3:00PM Break - If have to study on laptop, turn off the Internet for 50 min. > PREPEXPERT “meretiteiittinuome tombstone statoclreelsionmy Arona A pogertanse Shak Tak & Mark Cuban Company Ming $7 Point ACT Score knproveont PARKINSON’S LAW PRINCIPLES MAGIC LIST Internal Motivation: 1500+ SAT Score & 5 AAP Bio Exam to get full scholarship to USC Monday, March 30th > Principle #3: Introduce Study Variation ee - Studying for 7 hours straight can be intimidating, but it’s not Se ee eee - It’s easier if you break up each hour with a different task AENEAN rece Sty cue - Varying each hour gives you something to look forward to 11:00-12:00PM Lunch Break 12:00-12:50PM Read New Bio Material 12:50-1:00PM Break Review Old Bio Exams Break 2:00-2:50PM Practice Bio Questions 2:50-3:00PM Break - Never do the same type of studying or task for too long SECRET 4 HOW TO HELP YOUR CHILD USE NEW STUDY METHODS TO LEARN ACADEMIC MATERIAL MORE QUICKLY >< Shaan Patel MO MBA Shark Tank & Mak Cuban Company > PREPEXPERT ““neiearoteitte sx anson nore crix ing nes ae Ahly +300 Point SAT Score Improvement THE 7-REPETITION METHOD >< IF you want to store something in your short-term memory, use the 7-Repetition Method. > The problem with memorization is that no one ever teaches you how to memorize. > 50 | developed my own method of memorization that worked for me in high school. > thas also worked for 50,000+ Prep Expert students over the past 10 years. >< My middle school science teacher told our class that if you see something seven times, you remember it. >have no idea whether this is true, but | made it the basis for my memorization strategy in high school SC PREPEXPERT “mewimuttaacmee Shark Tank & Mark Cuban Company Anith +200 Point SAT Score Improvement THE 7-REPETITION METHOD EXAMPLE ES Promulgate v. broadcast, declare officially, spread (1) Promulgate means broadcast (2) Promulgate means broadcast (3) Promulgate means broadcast (4) Promulgate means broadcast (5) Promulgate means broadcast (6) Promulgate means broadcast (7) Promulgate means broadcast While the above may seem like overkill, | bet everyone now knows what promulgate means! SM PREPEXPERT mt myrm=siegr ges gr meron be shen Pe MOWER REP ihe testo nced Prep taper Fowncer, Shak Tank & Mate Coban Company 'Spapu TACT SS ER Perec SAT Sere 7-REPETITION METHOD >< PREPEXPERT “= fe Tank & Ma Cab SECRET 5 HOW TO HELP YOUR CHILD STORE THE MATERIAL THEY ARE LEARNING IN THEIR LONG-TERM MEMORY >< > PREPEXPERT reer Pablo +5 Point ACT Score inprowement THE 7-PERSPECTIVES METHOD >< If you want to store something in your long-term memory, use the 7-Perspectives Method. > In medical school, | discovered a better way to learn information: The 7-Perspectives Method. >< Instead of repeating the same item 7 times, itis better to learn about a topic with 7 different perspectives > For example, if| had to learn about Parkinson's disease, | used to read my same notes 7 times over >< The new me equipped with a new way to learn reads from 7 different books about Parkinson's disease. > € Learning from various perspectives about the same topic is more effective for long-term memory storage > PREPEXPERT “Seromcietrstronterat noses open bane netroots =" Shark Tank & Mak Cuban Company Nosh +4 Point ACT Score Improvement THE 7-PERSPECTIVES METHOD EXAMPLE If your student is studying for an AP Biology exam, he or she may elect to read from 7 different sources, such as: (1) AP Biology Textbook (2) High School Teacher's Slides (3) Your Class Notes (4) AP Biology Review Book (5) Wikipedia (6) AP Biology Practice Questions (7) Online AP Biology Flashcards Learning from 7 different perspectives will assure you fully understand any topic and store it in your long-term memory. Shark Tank & Mak Cuban Company Meghan 1020 Pont AT Sve Inprerere SECRET 6 HOW TO HELP YOUR CHILD CREATE THE ULTIMATE AT-HOME STUDY SPACE T0 AVOID ALL DISTRACTIONS AT HOME >< “Ihave nour taken the SAT jut the PSAT nonetheless, obuerved sania boost in my P Ri E P EX P E RT “undetstanding and comprehension ofthe test. On ey fist PSAT Iseored an 1170 and an my Tater practi tat Ina able to gta 1400" Shark Tank & Mak Cuban Company Sauvan +230 Point SAT Score Improvement CREATE AN AT-HOME LIBRARY > After years of studying, I've learned that one location is best for concentrated studying—the library. >< Home is full of both tech and non-tech distractions, and often too comfortable of an environment to study > € The library on the other hand, has few distractions (can't talk, little technology, no family interruptions) > € The library = very boring place = the perfect place to study Shaan Patel MO MBA > PREPEXPERT "ance ta” Shark Tank & Mark Cuban Company Caitlin +5 Point ACT SeoreImproverent 7 ATTRIBUTES OF AN AT-HOME LIBRARY Problem: Not advisable to study at the library during COVID-19 Solution: Create a workspace at home that is as similar to a library as possible (1) Quiet (Earplugs/Headphones) (2) Large Deskspace (3) Office Chair (4) Sufficient Lighting (5) No Talking (6) No Clutter (7) No Technology AT-HOME LIBRARY was struggling in and strengthoned| ou 250, >< PREPEXPERT “ates SECRET 7 HOW TO HELP YOUR CHILD IMPROVE TEST SCORES ON STANDARDIZED TESTS TO SCORE IN THE 99TH PERCENTILE ><

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