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Jenelle Mitch Labajo 11-3A-

Your Personality Type

Your personality type is ISTJ. Introversion (I), Sensing (S), Thinking (T) and Judging
Your personality type is a detailed classification of the innate characteristics that make
you who you are. Each of the four temperaments can be divided into four types, making a
total of 16 distinct personality types. As with Temperament, your type is determined by
the strength of your preferences.

ISTJ - The "Examiner”

ISTJs have a keen sense of right and wrong. They are responsible, dependable and loyal.
As gifted administrators, they value thoroughness, integrity and honesty. They are
practical and believe that work comes before play. ISTJs always have a plan and are

Examiners direct their energy inward. They are private and are energized by spending
time alone. They are deliberate and independent. ISTJs usually have a small circle of
friends. They are often the type that thinks before they speak. With a preference for
Sensing, ISTJs process information through their senses. They are concrete and realistic
people. They give attention to detail and live in the present.

ISTJs are Thinkers and make decisions with their head. They can be impersonal and firm
with others. They are driven by thought and are objective. ISTJs are emotionally
controlled. Examiners are structured, scheduled and organized. They seek closure.
Completing tasks brings them great satisfaction.

Examiners define caring in terms of loyalty and responsibility. They are dependable and
can be counted on. They prefer to observe when they are part of a group. They do not
enjoy being the center of attention. On the contrary, Examiners find pleasure in solitude.
Although they may be perceived as rigid, ISTJs have a great sense of humor. They often
have a reputation of being trustworthy.

ISTJs take their responsibilities very seriously. They work well with a team but often
prefer to work alone. They require structure and clear direction. They avoid stress and
confrontation. ISTJs are dutiful and will often avoid taking a break until the work is done.

ISTJs often do well in school. Teachers appreciate their attention to detail and hard work.
They do well with subjects that require precision and deliberate observation. They are
concrete learners that want to learn practical skills. They are usually not energized by
theoretical discussions. Many Examiners enjoy reading.

Examiners are service-oriented. They strive to help others in whatever role they play.
They take responsibility seriously and honor their commitments. They fulfill duties
without seeking recognition. 
Characteristic of an ISTJ

 Hardworking
 Dutiful
 Private
 Thorough
 Decisive
 Efficient
 Punctual
 Traditional
 Humorous
 Practical
 Deliberate
 Responsible
 Honest
 Rule following
 Loyal
 Sacrificial
 Devoted
 Service-oriented
 Scrupulous
 Rigid
 Committed
Typical Strengths

 Good at listening
 Committed and loyal
 Excellent with money management
 Precise and detailed
 Handles criticism well
Possible Weaknesses

 Can become too rigid

 Not generous with praise
 Desires to always be right
 Not in tune with feelings

Your Cognitive Functions

You engage the world through four cognitive functions. Each function is directed
outward toward people and surroundings (Extraverted) or inward toward your thoughts
(Introverted). Your primary function is Introverted Sensing and secondary
is Extraverted Thinking.

Introverted Sensing (Primary Function)

You use this function most often. Through Sensing (S), you process data with your five
senses. The Introverted Sensing function allows you to remember data in detail and to
compare it with current information. It is the ability to link present experiences to past
experiences in search for a connection.

Extraverted Thinking (Secondary Function)

Your use of this function is somewhat high. While Thinking (T), you make decisions
based on logic. The Extraverted Thinking function enables you to organize and
categorize items such as thoughts and arguments. It is the ability to see the logical
consequences of actions. It follows sequence and organization.

Introverted Feeling (Tertiary Function)

You use this function but to a lesser degree. When Feeling (F), you make decisions based
on feelings, so the Introverted Feeling function allows you to know what you value. It is
the ability to see through others and know what they are really like as if you had internal
radar. When you identify a person with similar values, there is a desire to connect.

Extraverted Intuition (Least Function)

You use this function least of the four. With Intuition (N), you process new information
through impressions, possibilities and meanings. Extraverted Intuition is what allows you
to see different paths or ways. When you receive information, you are able to see that
there is more than one way to look at things.

Your Temperament
Your temperament is SJ since you lean toward the Sensing (S) and Judging (J)
preferences. Temperament is a more broad classification than Personality Type.

SJ - The "Protector"

Protectors (SJs) are dependable, altruistic and honest. They are driven by a strict work
ethic and place a high premium on helping others and serving the community. Protectors
are gifted leaders because of their natural ability to organize, plan and strategize. They
thrive in situations where they know what is expected of them since they appreciate rules
and structure.

They are protective of the people they love, dutiful and very loyal. They value tradition
and morality. Protectors often excel in school and perform with high standards. They do
not appreciate when others break rules or challenge their authority. They dislike change
and unpredictable situations.

Your Preferences
Your preferences are Introversion (I), Sensing (S), Thinking (T) and Judging (J).
Extraversion vs. Introversion in You

Extraversion (E) and Introversion (I) are opposite preferences. Your natural tendency
toward one is stronger than the other. Extraversion and Introversion describe how a
person directs their energy either outwardly toward people and activities or inwardly
toward thoughts and ideas. Of the two, your dominant preference is Introversion.
Although everybody exhibits characteristics of each preference to some degree, you can
be referred to as an Introvert.
 You are 83% more Introverted than the average
Extraversion is characterized by a preference to focus on the world outside the self.
Extraverts are energized by social gatherings, parties and group activities. Extraverts are
usually enthusiastic, gregarious and animated. Their communication style is verbal and
assertive. Extraverts often need to talk. They enjoy the limelight.

 Sociable
 Energized by interaction
 Assertive
 Gregarious
 Talkative
 Enthusiastic
 Expressive
 Volunteers personal info
 Many friends
 Easy to approach
 Enjoys groups
Your Introversion (I)

Introversion is characterized by a preference to focus on the inside world. Introverts are

energized by spending time alone or with a small group. They find large group gatherings
draining because they seek depth instead of breadth of relationships. Introverts process
information internally. They are often great listeners.

 Energized by time alone

 Private
 Keeps to self
 Quiet
 Deliberate
 Internally aware
 Fewer friends
 Prefers smaller groups
 Peaceful
 Independent
 Thinks before speaking
 Enjoys solitude
Sensing vs. Intuition in You
You use Sensing (S) and Intuition (N) to receive and process new information either by
using your five senses or in more abstract ways. Both preferences in this pair are used by
everybody to some degree. With that said, you can be classified as Sensor since your
dominant preference is Sensing.
 You are 15% more Sensing than the average
 You are part of the majority of people who are primarily Sensing
 Females on average are slightly more Sensing than males
Your Sensing (S)
Sensors focus on the present. They are "here and now" people. They are factual and
process information through the five senses. They see things as they are because they are
concrete and literal thinkers. They trust what is certain. Sensors value realism and
common sense. They like ideas with practical applications.

 Concrete
 Realistic
 Lives in the present
 Aware of surroundings
 Notices details
 Practical
 Goes by senses
 Factual
 Trusts certainty
 Values common sense
Your Intuition (N)
Intuitive people live in the future. They are immersed in the world of possibilities. They
process information through patterns and impressions. Intuitive people value inspiration
and imagination. They gather knowledge by reading between the lines. Their abstract
nature attracts them toward deep ideas, concepts and metaphors. They can see the "big
picture" and are analytical.

 Future-focused
 Sees possibilities
 Inventive
 Imaginative
 Deep
 Abstract
 Idealistic
 Complex
 Theoretical
 Philosophical

Thinking vs. Feeling in You

The Thinking (T) and Feeling (F) preference pair refers to how you make decisions,
either by objective logic or subjective feeling.  You are 12% more Thinking than the
 Thinkers like you make up about half of the population
Your Thinking (T)
Thinking people are objective. They make decisions based on facts. They are ruled by
their head instead of their heart (but are not without emotion). Thinking people judge
situations and others based on logic. They value truth over tact and can easily identify
flaws. They are critical thinkers and oriented toward problem solving.

 Logical
 Objective
 Decides with head
 Seeks truth
 Rational
 Impersonal
 Critical thinking
 Thick-skinned
 Firm with people
 Driven by thought
Your Feeling (F)
Feeling people are subjective. They make decisions based on principles and values. They
are ruled by their heart instead of their head. Feeling people judge situations and others
based on feelings and extenuating circumstances. They seek to please others and want to
be appreciated. They value harmony and empathy.

 Decides with heart

 Dislikes conflict
 Passionate
 Driven by emotion
 Gentle
 Easily hurt
 Empathetic
 Caring
 Warm
 Subjective
Judging vs. Perceiving in You
Judging (J) and Perceiving (P) are how you interact with the world outside yourself,
either in a structured or flexible manner.
You are 36% more Judging than the average

Your Judging (J)

Judging people think sequentially. They value order and organization. Their lives are
scheduled and structured. Judging people seek closure and enjoy completing tasks. They
take deadlines seriously. They work then they play. Decisive
 Controlled
 Completes projects
 Organized
 Structured
 Scheduled
 Quick at tasks
 Responsible
 Seeks closure
 Makes plans
Your Perceiving (P)
Perceivers are adaptable and flexible. They are random thinkers who prefer to keep their
options open. Perceivers thrive with the unexpected and are open to change. They are
spontaneous and often juggle several projects at once. They enjoy starting a task better
than finishing it. Perceivers play as they work.

 Adaptable
 Relaxed
 Random
 Carefree
 Spontaneous
 Changes tracks midway
 Keeps options open
 Procrastinates
 Dislikes routine
 Flexible
Your Multiple Intelligences
Your top three intelligences are Intrapersonal, Musical and Linguistic.

Your Intrapersonal Intelligence

Your Intrapersonal Intelligence is very strong.

About Intrapersonal Intelligence

People with intrapersonal intelligence are adept at looking inward and figuring out their
own feelings, motivations and goals. They are quintessentially introspective. They
analyze themselves and seek understanding. People with intrapersonal intelligence are
intuitive and usually introverted. They learn independently and through reflection.They
are also good at helping others understand themselves. They are able to predict the
reactions of themselves and others.

Your Musical Intelligence

Your Musical Intelligence is very strong.

About Musical Intelligence
People with Musical intelligence recognize sounds and tones with ease. They appreciate
music and rhythm. They have a "good ear" for music and can easily learn songs and
melodies. They notice when someone is singing off-key. People with musical intelligence
are good at imitating sounds or other people's voice or intonation.

Characteristics of Musical Intelligence

 Highly auditory
 Can memorize songs
 Has good rhythm
 Notices off-key notes
 Enjoys different sounds
 Likes to sing
 Whistles or taps foot
 Talented with instruments
 Gifted at composing
 Sensitive to noise
Your Verbal/Linguistic Intelligence

People with Linguistic intelligence love words. They enjoy reading and writing.
Linguistic people are often gifted at learning languages. They appreciate the complexities
of sentence structure, word structure, meaning and sound. They savor convoluted words
and are quick at learning them. They possess rich vocabularies.School is an area in which
people with Linguistic intelligence often do well. They enjoy lectures and taking notes.
They also have the ability to teach others and communicate complex concepts.

Characteristics of Linguistic Intelligence

 Enjoys writing
 Good at editing
 Avid Reader
 Uses fancy words
 Enjoys word games
 Speaks of what they read
 Remembers quotes
 Likes puns and rhymes
 Enjoys foreign languages
 Loves English class
Your Naturalist Intelligence
People with Naturalist intelligence have a sensitivity to and appreciation for nature.
The Naturalist intelligence focuses on how people relate to their natural
surroundings. Naturalists have a special ability to grow plants, vegetables and fruit.
They have an affinity for animals and are good at training and understanding
them.Naturalists can easily distinguish patterns in nature. They are aware of and
intrigued by weather phenomena. They are good at discovering the wonders of
nature. Naturalists love to walk, climb, camp and hike.
Your Logical/Mathematical Intelligence
They are attracted to investigation by means of the scientific method. They do well
with quantitative methods that rely on the researcher's ability to observe and reach a
verifiable conclusion.They dislike nebulous assumptions and subjective analysis.
Instead, they trust hard facts and numerical data. They seek accuracy and precision
in their learning and work. Their mind is complex and works like a computer.
Logical Intelligence
thrives on mathematical models, measurements, abstractions and complex

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