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0 Installation notes (IMPORTANT - see section on macro security)

Installation from RANOVA2ZIP

RANOVA 2 has been written using Visual Basic macros attached to an Excel workbook. It is not a
“stand-alone” application, and will only run if you have Microsoft Excel installed on your system.
RANOVA 2 is provided in the form of a Zip file, which needs to be un-zipped into an appropriate
location on your computer. This is left to the user, but the recommended approach is to firstly create
a folder called RANOVA or RANOVA 2 on drive C or elsewhere, and then extract all the RANOVA 2
files into this folder using your preferred Zip utility. If you don’t have a Zip utility then one can be
bought or downloaded for free, e.g. the utility 7-Zip, which at the time of writing is easily obtained
for free provided you have an internet connection.

The RANOVA2ZIP file contains the following:

a) The Microsoft Excel worksheet RANOVA 2.xlsm;

b) A help file called RANOVA2HELP.chm, and a pdf version of this;
c) A number of sample tab-delimited text data files which can be imported or pasted into the
RANOVA 2 spreadsheet.

It is useful to have the RANOVA2HELP.chm file in the same folder as RANOVA 2, but if you end up
with multiple copies of the RANOVA 2 workbook in different locations, then you can link all the Help
buttons to the same RANOVA2HELP.chm file. The way to do this will become obvious once you try to
access RANOVA2HELP from each RANOVA 2 spreadsheet. Note that if you do make multiple copies
of RANOVA 2 each one will maintain its own defaults, so the help file location will need to be set for
each copy. This is because (unlike many stand-alone applications nowadays) RANOVA 2 does not
come with a configuration file, instead it stores default information invisibly on the worksheet.

It is recommended that any previous version of RANOVA is removed from your system, to avoid any
subsequent confusion about the help file location.

Important information for Excel 2010/2013 users – The help system uses a “chm” file format – The
content of the CHM file may be automatically blocked. If the help menus are displayed, but you still
cannot see the help text, then you will need to unblock the chm file. Do this by locating the chm file
(Named RANOVA2HELP.chm in the RANOVA2ZIP file), right-click on it, select “properties”, and the
“General” tab in the displayed window. Select the option to unblock.

Older versions of Excel

RANOVA 2 was developed using Excel 2007. It should run on previous versions but the way that the
help system works means that there is no access to the Help menu when run directly from Excel. You
can still see all the Help pages, but you will need to move through them one at a time in sequence. It
is probably easier to open the RANOVA2HELP.chm file directly (e.g. by double-clicking it outside of
Excel), when the menus should be displayed correctly.

At the time of writing, RANOVA 2 had not been tested on pre-2003 releases of Excel.
Mac users:
RANOVA 2 will run on Excel for Mac 2011, however the “Import new data” option is not available. It
will be necessary to copy and paste data into the RANOVA 2 spreadsheet from another application
(e.g. data from the sample .txt files can be pasted in). Also RANOVA2HELP.chm will only work if you
have got appropriate software. Otherwise it will be necessary to read the RANOVA2HELP.pdf file.

RANOVA 2 will not run on Excel for Mac 2008, because this version does not support Visual Basic
macros. Some previous releases of Excel for Mac did support Visual Basic, but RANOVA 2 has not
been tested on these platforms.

Important! Macro security

RANOVA 2 depends on Visual Basic macros that are attached to the main workbook. These macros
must be accessible to the RANOVA 2 spreadsheet in order for it to run. This is why you can make
multiple copies of the RANOVA 2 workbook under different names, but once opened it will not let
you rename the sheet or copy the sheet out, thus leaving the macros behind. By default, Excel
provides a level of security that prevents users from running macros from un-trusted sources. Until
the macros it uses are deliberately enabled, RANOVA 2 will open but the command buttons will not
work (an appropriate message is displayed). This issue will be encountered with any Excel
spreadsheet that contains macros, unless it is issued by the holder of a Digital Certificate. The
RANOVA 2 macros are not certificated, but it is straightforward to activate them, if you know how. If
you don’t, then the following may be useful. Before doing this, you are advised to ensure that the
RANOVA2ZIP file you used for the installation was downloaded directly from the AMC website.

The procedure differs markedly depending on what version of Excel you are using. On earlier
releases of Excel (pre-2007) a message should come up whenever you open the RANOVA 2
spreadsheet, asking if you want to enable all macros. Macros must be enabled for RANOVA 2 to run.
This is all you need to do unless you want to prevent this message from coming up every time you
open it. On Excel 2007 onwards, however, it is not quite so easy and further action is required.

The following procedure is for Excel 2007 users – unless you have already enabled all macros (not
recommended), then you will need to do the following before RANOVA 2 will work. Similar
procedures can easily be found on-line for later versions of Excel, or if you want to stop the annoying
message coming up every time you open RANOVA 2 on pre-2007 versions.

For Excel 2007 users:

1. From any Excel workbook, click the circle with a Windows symbol on the top left hand corner of
the screen. A new window will pop up.
2. Click “Excel Options” on the bottom of that window. A different window will pop up.
3. Click “Trust Centre” near the bottom of the menu on the left hand side of this window. Then click
“Trust Centre Settings” on the right. Yet another window (called “Trust Centre”) shows, with more
options on the left.
4. First, it is advisable to click “Message Bar” and ensure that the first option “Show the Message Bar
in all applications where content has been blocked” is the option selected.
5. Click “Macro Settings”. You now have a choice. The easiest thing to do is to select the last option
in the list “Enable all macros….etc” (not recommended!). Do this, and you will never have to worry
about Excel macros running in any application ever again. Unless, that is, one of them contains
malevolent code that somehow damages your system, which is why the option “Enable all macros”
is not recommended.
6. If you want to play safe, select the option “Disable all macros with notification.”
(This should really be “Disable all macros, with notification”).

Please read the next two steps (7 & 8) before taking further action.

7. Providing you have done step 4 (above), you can now press “OK” on this and the previous
window, and the next time you open RANOVA 2 it will come up with a message near the top of the
screen like this:

Click the “Options…” button, then select the “Enable this content” option and press “OK”. RANOVA 2
will then be good to go.
8. However, you might want to stop this security warning from coming up every time you open the
RANOVA 2 workbook. In order to do this, click “Trusted Locations” on the left of the Trust Centre
window (if you have already closed this window, repeat steps 1-3).
9. Ensure the box marked “Disable all Trusted Locations” is un-checked, then click “Add new
location” on the bottom right.
10. Use the “Browse” button to navigate to the folder that contains the RANOVA 2 workbook and
click “OK”. If you have multiple copies of RANOVA 2 in different folders, you will need to do this for
each. Note that if you happen to have (or put) any other Excel workbooks with macros in any of
these folders, then they will become “trusted” as well.
11. Press “OK” until all the windows disappear.
12. As ever, it is a good idea to close the RANOVA 2 workbook if it is already open (saving changes if
appropriate), then re-open it.

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