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¨ 201
LEVEL 4 (2B)
Teacher´s Book: openMind level 2 [orange book], second part (from unit 7 to unit
Student’s Book Pack: Level 2b (complete book)

UNIT I (7):
Name (situation): A question of taste
Objectives (skills development):
I. Learn language for describing food and talking about diet and recipes.
II. Read about a food tradition → prediction.
III. Learn how to explain what you mean when you don’t know a word →
explaining what you mean.
IV. Listen to people making complains in a restaurant.
V. Write a recipe.
VI. Learn how to write a survey.
VII. Watch a video about a food market.
I. Too, enough, not…enough to complain about food.
II. Quantifiers to talk about eating habits.
I. Adjectives to describe food.
II. Food containers to talk about quantities.

UNIT II (8):
Name (situation): Love and romance
Objectives (skills development):
I. Learn language for talking about relationships and learning.
II. Listen to a lecture about Emperor penguins → understanding instructions
and processes.
III. Write sentences in the correct order to make a paragraph about a special
bird → identifying paragraph structure.
IV. Read advice about relationships.
V. Talk about dating customs in different countries.
VI. Watch a video about how different couples first met.
I. Expressing likes, desires and preferences.
II. Gerund phrases as subject and object, using verbs as nouns in sentences.

Av. Adolfo López Mateos # 1801 ote.,

Fracc. Bona Gens, Aguascalientes, Ags.
C.P. 20256 Tels. 01(449) 9105002 Fax. 01(449) 9700423
I. Relationships.
II. Get + adjective to talk about feelings.

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Name (situation): Our planet
Objectives (skills development):
I. Learn language to talk about the weather, climate change and the natural
II. Read an article about climate change → understanding meaning from
III. Learn how to interrupt politely.
IV. Listen to a weather forecast.
V. Write a description of a place.
VI. Watch a video about climates in two locations.
I. May, might and will for future possibility.
II. Will and going to to make predictions.
I. The weather.
II. The natural world to describe the geography of a place.

UNIT IV (10):
Name (situation): Party animals
Objectives (skills development):
I. Learn language to talk about parties, social plans and events.
II. Listen to people discussing parties → understanding agreement and
III. Learn how to write paragraphs → writing topic sentences.
IV. Read about parties and customs in different cultures.
V. Learn how to ask for and offer help.
VI. Watch a video about birthday celebrations around the world.
I. Infinitives of purpose to explain why we do things.
II. Review of future forms to talk about plans, intentions, schedules and
spontaneous decisions.
I. Parties
II. Adjectives for describing events

UNIT V (11):
Name (situation): Innovate!
Av. Adolfo López Mateos # 1801 ote.,
Fracc. Bona Gens, Aguascalientes, Ags.
C.P. 20256 Tels. 01(449) 9105002 Fax. 01(449) 9700423
Objectives (skills development):
I. Learn language to talk about materials and technology.

¨ 201
II. Read about 3D printing → understanding meaning from context.
III. Learn to express uncertainty.
IV. Listen to a description about how plastic is made.
V. Write a review of a product.
VI. Watch a video about the process of making chocolate.
I. Simple present passive to describe objects.
II. Simple past passive to talk about inventions.
I. Materials
II. Technology, using adjectives to describe gadgets.

UNIT VI (12):
Name (situation): Across the generations
Objectives (skills development):
I. Learn language to talk about relationship and values.
II. Listen to short conversations about different values → understanding
agreement and disagreement.
III. Learn how to write paragraphs → writing topic and supporting sentences.
IV. Read an online debate about the generation gap.
V. Learn to talk about your ambitions.
VI. Watch a video about differences between generations.
I. Zero and first conditionals to describe consequences of real situations.
II. Second conditional to describe unreal situations in the present.
I. Describing relationships with family and friends.
II. Values.

Written Exam

First Partial Exam 10%

Second Partial Exam 15%

Final Exam 15%

Oral Exam

First Partial Exam 10%

Second Partial Exam 15%

Av. Adolfo López Mateos # 1801 ote.,

Fracc. Bona Gens, Aguascalientes, Ags.
C.P. 20256 Tels. 01(449) 9105002 Fax. 01(449) 9700423
Final Exam 15%

¨ 201
Digital Portfolio

Autonomous Learning/Homework 10% (Platform)

Video 10%

Av. Adolfo López Mateos # 1801 ote.,

Fracc. Bona Gens, Aguascalientes, Ags.
C.P. 20256 Tels. 01(449) 9105002 Fax. 01(449) 9700423

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