Music Assessment - Coles Jingle Analysis

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Australian International Academy


Assessment Task
Cover Sheet
Name: Anousha Ibrar
Year Level: 8A Date: 11/3/2020

Subject: Music & Performing Arts Word Count: 551

Task Name: Assessment task One
Unit Name: This Commercial Life

Student Checklist and Declaration:

 Every student must complete and tick each section before submitting their work.
 This process is in accordance with the School’s Academic Honesty and Assessment Policies.

 I confirm that this is my own work and is the final version.

 I have acknowledged each use of the words or ideas of another person, whether written,
oral or visual.
 I have completed and submitted all work requirements for this tasks.
All work has been submitted online via Managebac.

Teacher Declaration:
I confirm that, to the best of my knowledge, the individual oral commentary submitted is
the authentic work of the candidate.

Assessment Task Cover Sheet 13/04/2020 V2

1. What is the instrumentation in this jingle?
The instrumentation used in this advertisement are the electric guitar, drums & tambourines.

2. What is the main hook in this jingle? If it is in words, write it, and if it has pitch describe it
(e.g., has 3 pitches and goes up, down, then back up).

The main hook of this jingle is ‘‘down down, prices are down’’.

3. What is the rhythm of an important ‘hook’ in this jingle? (e.g., “Oh what a feeling, Toyota”.)
Notate this rhythm neatly using traditional notation in your music book OR use graphical
notation to represent the rhythm on staff paper . If using traditional notation, choose a time
signature , use the correct number of beats in each measure and demonstrate correct bar
line placement. If using graphic notation, choose graphics that clearly show how the rhythm
is heard.

Their repeating the word “down” again and again to give the audience the idea that prices are down.

4. Comment on the use of pitch in this jingle. Is there much variation? Is it mostly high or low

First when the man was singing, his voice was deep and low & then when the lady came and started
singing her voice was higher than the man but not an eardrum bursting high pitch, it was a mix of high
and low pitch.

5. Question 5 was taken out

6. What background music or sound effects are used in this commercial?

The Coles workers use their voice to repeat the word ‘down’ & back up the main singer, Casey Donovan.

7. Write down the lyrics or tagline of this jingle.

Down they go, & down & down & down & down & down & down & down, yeah, the prices are down.
Ohhhhhhhh, yeahhhh, down, down, prices are down, down down their staying down, down, down, their
going down, down, down, prices are down, DOWN, DOWN !

Assessment Task Cover Sheet 13/04/2020 V2

8. How do each of the musical elements you have identified (instrumentation, hook, rhythm,
pitch, tone colour, background music/sound effects, lyrics and/or tagline) relate to the
commercial product being advertised?
All the concepts of music that I have identified, for this advertisement, relate to the product being advertised
because if the company has a specific hook for their product, when someone hears the hook in the
advertisement, they instantly think of the product or shop. For example, if I hear the words ‘down down’, my
brain instantly thinks of Casey Donovan singing down down in her high – deep pitched voice. The sound effects
and all the other concepts make the ad more interesting and make the viewers and buyers more attracted to the
product and think to themselves, oh this is nice and bright, maybe the product/s are at a good price and quality.
Basically, all the tricks and the concepts of music used in any ads, play with the viewers mind and sort of
hypnotizes them in a way to make them want to go and buy the product

9. Who do you think the target audience for this product is? Explain your answer.
I think the target audience for this is mainly parents and adults, because I think adults get more excited
when there are prices off groceries. The children just eat the food.

Assessment Task Cover Sheet 13/04/2020 V2

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