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 Mudrarakshasha –vishakadatta-narrates the ascent of king Chandragupta maurya and it also

gives a glimpse of society and culture

 Malavikagnimitram-written by kalidasa-contains some events of the reign of pusyamitra
 Harshacharitha-bhanabatta
 Gaudavaho-vakpati-based on the exploits of yasovarman of kanauj
 Vikramankadevacharitha-bilhana-decribes the victories of later chalukya king vikramaditya
 Kumarapalacharita-jayasimha
 Dvayashraya mahakavya –hemachandra
 Hammirakavya-nayachandra
 Navasahasankacharita-padmagupta
 Bhojaprabhandha-billal
 Privthvirajacharitha-chandbardai
 “Histories”-Herodotus-Indo-persian relations
 Arrian wrote a detailed account of the invasion of india by alexander on the basis of
information from those who accompanied the campaign
 Megasthenese-indica-chandragupta maurya
 ‘the wonder that was india’-A.L.Basham
 F.E.PArgitar and HC.Raychaudhury have attempted to write history on the basis of
genealogies of various dynasties given in puranas
 Raja Tarangini-Kalhana-early medieval kashmir
 Ellora Temples-Rashtrakutas
 Paintings of Ajanta depict-Jatakas
 Gandhara Art flourished during the period of-Kushans
 Uajjaini was the home to three scholars sages kapila gargi and maitreya
 ChARAK WAS THE famous court physician of kanishka
 Aryabhatta and varahamihir are associated with the age of guptas
 Artificial brick dockyard-lothal
 Buffalo was absent in the terracottas of the indus civilization
 ‘Mushika Vamsha’-Atula
 Pulakesin II of chalukyask checked Harshavardhana’s Expedition in south india
 Fa-Hien visit to india during the reign of gupta king Chandra gupta II
 The monk who influenced ashoka to embrace Buddhism was upa gupta

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