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15 Minute Manifestation

Jump Start Guide

Copyright 2020 15 Minute Manifestation

All rights reserved.

Published by Eddie Sergey

Eddie Sergey
15 Minute Manifestation
15 Minute Manifestation
Jump Start Guide

Thank You!
Thank you for downloading this document. It is licensed for your guidance and remains the
copyrighted property of the author. It may not be reproduced, copied and/or distributed for
commercial or non-commercial purposes in any form electronic or otherwise. Please contact
customer_support@15minutemanifestation.com for more information.

Neither the author nor the publisher is engaged in rendering professional services. If legal,
accounting, medical, psychological or any other expert assistance is required, the services of a
competent professional should be sought.

Individual results may vary.

Eddie Sergey
15 Minute Manifestation
15 Minute Manifestation
Jump Start Guide

Welcome to 15 Minute

This is Eddie here.

A very warm welcome to 15 Minute Manifestation!

I've came a long way through to get to where I am now. It gratifies me very much
to have put together this program that I am absolutely certain will bring about a
profound change in your life.

Before we begin, I would just like to highlight that the most important factors for
15 Minute Manifestation, or any other personal development programs out there
to work, are:

1. A strong belief in the program

2. A strong belief in yourself

I can never overstate the importance of the above points.

To find success with any self-improvement program, a rock-solid belief in the
program and oneself is absolutely critical.

So.. are you ready for a profound change?



Let's go to the next page.

Eddie Sergey
15 Minute Manifestation
15 Minute Manifestation
Jump Start Guide

Jumpstarting 15 Minute Manifestation

I have made this program easy for anyone to use. No fluff. No padding.
No “pages-upon-pages” of theory to read. Your time is precious. So, 15 Minute
Manifestation is about using cutting edge technology to cut the chase.

There’s also no 100-tracks to listen to, nor a listening program that will last you
three months. None of that. So…unless you are one of the rare un-enlightened
few who judges the value of a book by its thickness, 15 Minute Manifestation is
for you.

Well.. So.. let’s jump onto the tracks… now!

Firstly, download the files to your computer, mobile device, or mp3 player.

Next, find a comfortable spot where you will not be disturbed for the next 15

Then simply sit back, relax, and listen exclusively to the track (or you can also sit in
a meditation position if you prefer).
Listen to it once per day, and set the playback volume at a comfortable level.

The program works best when you listen to it with an open or positive mindset;
free from distractions.

For maximum effectiveness, it is strongly recommended that you listen to

the tracks using your headphones or earphones, instead of through speakers.

(Note: Please do NOT listen to the tracks when you are driving or operating

Eddie Sergey
15 Minute Manifestation
15 Minute Manifestation
Jump Start Guide

Keep to the recommended schedule as much as possible: Once a day, 7 days for
each track.

Week 1: Track 1
Week 2: Track 2
Week 3: Track 3

There are many who experience early results within the first two weeks. But we
recommend sticking to the program for the full 21 days for optimum results.

After you have gone through the first 21 days, you can always go back to any of
the tracks to reinforce the programming for your Editor for even stronger results.

The messages in the tracks, together with the brainwave technology will continue
to establish new neural patterns, for breakthroughs in your life.

And.. that's all!

I wish you all the best and I look forward to hearing your successful stories.

To abundant success and wealth!

P.S. I have attached a FAQ and some additional reading notes on the next few
pages. If you have any questions, you may like to read them for an immediate

Eddie Sergey
15 Minute Manifestation
15 Minute Manifestation
Jump Start Guide

Frequently Asked Questions.

Q: Can I listen to the program more than once a day?

Yes. You can safely listen to the program more than once a day to further improve
its effectiveness. However, this is totally optional and dependant on your
preference and schedule. 15 Minute Manifestation is designed to work well to
reprogram The Editor by listening just once a day.

If you are listening to each track more than once a day, do remember to still go
through each track for a full 7-days before moving on to the next track.

Q: When is the best time to listen to the program?

There is no specific "best time".
What I would recommend is that you listen to it at around the same time every
day; when you are fresh and your mind is free from distractions.

Q: What if I fall asleep when listening to 15 Minute

When your brain enters the theta state, you may feel very relaxed or even
drowsy. This is normal. 15 Minute Manifestation will continue to speak to your
Editor to reprogram it.

But please do make sure you have enough rest every day, so that you have the
energy for your daily activities and abundance.
It will also be good if you can drink some plain water before and after using 15
Minute Manifestation.

Eddie Sergey
15 Minute Manifestation
15 Minute Manifestation
Jump Start Guide

Q: Will 15 Minute Manifestation work?

The most important factors for 15 Minute Manifestation, and any other personal
development programs to work are:
1) A strong belief in the program,
2) A strong belief in yourself

So we ask that you stick to the recommended schedule and use 15 Minute
Manifestation with an open and positive mindset. Have faith in the program and
yourself, and let 15 Minute Manifestation work it's magic.

Q: How do I download the files to my computer?

To download the file, you have to “right-click” on the hyperlink, and select one of
the following (depending on your operating system and web-browser): “Save As”,
“Save Target As”, or “Download Linked File As.”

Q: How do I open the downloaded files?

Most of the computers should be able to open the files. However, if you are
unable to open the MP3 files, you can download and install Apple iTunes
from: https://www.apple.com/itunes/ (Free download)

Q: Can I listen to the audio tracks using my smartphone?


For your convenience, you can use the software that came with your phone to
transfer the files over.
E.g. for Apple device users, you can use iTunes to transfer the files.

Eddie Sergey
15 Minute Manifestation
15 Minute Manifestation
Jump Start Guide

Q: Why isn’t 15 Minute Manifestation available on CDs?

To let you get started on 15 Minute Manifestation in the quickest possible time,
the program is delivered online. You can download it instantly and get started
immediately. You can also load them to your smartphone or your favorite MP3
player. There is no shipping and no waiting for physical CDs.

Q: What if I have more questions?

No worries on this. I want to make sure that you have a most pleasant experience
with 15 Minute Manifestation.

Just drop a message at: customer_support@15minutemanifestation.com

My assistants and I are on standby and we aim to always get back to you within
24 to 48 hours. We do not have any sophisticated email support ticketing system.
So please bear with us if we happen to take a little longer to reply.

Eddie Sergey
15 Minute Manifestation
15 Minute Manifestation
Jump Start Guide

Additional Notes.

I have designed 15 Minute Manifestation to let YOU manifest the life of your
dreams as effortlessly as possible.

i.e. Just put on your headphone for 15 minutes a day, for 21 days.

However, I also understand that some may like to learn and understand more about
the program. This conscious learning may help boost and reinforce the
reprogramming for your Editor.

So in your download website, I have included my book, Manifestation Wizardry,

that explains some of the concepts that I have packed into 15 Minute
Manifestation. If you have 30-60 minutes to spare, I’ll recommend that you take a
look at the book.

Secondly, if you have registered your email address when you ordered the
program, you’ll be receiving emails from me now and then. Apart from keeping
you informed of any updates to the program, I will also try to share tips that can
help to continuously reinforce your new programming.

Lastly, in the following page, I have attached a brief on each of the 15 Minute
Manifestation tracks.

Eddie Sergey
15 Minute Manifestation
15 Minute Manifestation
Jump Start Guide

The Tracks.

Track 1 – Your Natural State

During the first week, 15 Minute Manifestation will being to open your mind up to
the natural state of unlimited abundance. So this track will “tell” The Editor that
you don’t have to “work hard” to create abundance.

Instead, it will dissolve the limiting beliefs and stories that are currently pushing
away what you really want.

In short, “Your Natural State” resets your brain to the condition it was in when you
were born: Rich with endless possibility.. Not endless scarcity.

Track 2 – Your New Story

Imagine the realization hitting you from the inside out, that scarcity isn’t true, and
abundance is all there is. Powerful right? That’s what happens when your old
stories no longer have power over you. Your old story has been sabotaging the
financial breakthroughs you know you should have already experienced.

So when The Editor “learns” your NEW story, all of the negative circumstances that
used to own your attention, just naturally fall away, and get replaced with what
you really want.

As you observe further in your current reality, what you really want, the faster you
will gain an incredible amount of momentum towards getting more of everything
that you’ve been dreaming of.

Eddie Sergey
15 Minute Manifestation
15 Minute Manifestation
Jump Start Guide


Track 3 – Moving Towards Abundance

Now that The Editor is coming from its natural state of unlimited possibility, you
are going to start consciously “playing” with your experience of reality.

If you are familiar with the Law of Attention, you will know that your attention is
either moving you towards something, or away from something. Either way, you’re
always manifesting where your attention is, right now.

So for instance, if you want to manifest an extra $5,000, in this month alone, you
can ONLY think about $5,000 and what you’re going to do with it.

The moment The Editor forces you to start thinking about the stack of bills you’re
in reaction to; the stack of bills that made you want an extra $5,000,… you’ll just
end up manifesting a larger stack of unpaid bills.

So, Track 3, “Moving Towards Abundance” helps reverse this cycle of negativity and
scarcity, and helps focus your attention on telling your new story of abundance and

Together, these 3 powerful tracks speak directly to The Editor and transform your
underlying conditioning, so your attention is finally free to focus on abundance.

Eddie Sergey
15 Minute Manifestation

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