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PSYsolution Foundation Course

Basics of Nature Cure

Unlearning Day

Let’s unlearn Myths

Pedagogy: Guided Self Paced, mLearning

Tools / Medium: WhatsApp, Facebook, YouTube
Facilitator: Kalyan from PSYsolution

WhatsApp: Admin – 7983120007; Kalyan - 9897072888

skype: psysolution

PSYsolution Foundation Course
Basics of Nature Cure
Unlearning Day

Let’s unlearn Myths

It will not be an exaggeration to say that Nature Cure is the study of

the ultimate truth! In the process of knowing the ultimate truth we need
to unlearn a lot.

This is the first chapter of unlearning.

In this, we would unlearn a few prevailing myths.

These are picked up from our day to day life, which affect our health,
big time!


Myth 1: Diseases are bad

Fact: Diseases are the conditions or

body’s strive to bring the
homeostasis or equilibrium back.
Explanation: Body is the closest friend of the
individual. It never works against the individual.
Body’s fundamental tendency is to maintain the homeostasis of the
body. In this strive, the disease is a tool of the body to bring back the
equilibrium if it is out of balance sometime. Whenever there is some
problem occurs in the body which disturbs the homeostasis of the
body, a special repair process starts in the name of the disease.
We shall cover the types and stages of the disease in details during
this course.

WhatsApp: Admin – 7983120007; Kalyan - 9897072888

skype: psysolution

PSYsolution Foundation Course
Basics of Nature Cure

Myth 2: Healthy taste can be

created by us (human)

Fact: Taste is the natural

identification of food values
needed by us. Nature has inbuilt
cues in food as taste to compliment
the different bodily needs.

Explanation: Creation of taste is a foolish application of human

Taste is created by considering the fact of ‘Sensory enticements’. It
means, in most of the cases, how one can be attracted towards food,
that is kept in consideration during the development of taste, not
By doing this, we malfunction the natural relation of taste and health.
Taste is never created by nature; it is a by-product of health values in
the natural food. Taste works as an indicator, if the food is tasty it is
good for health.
But in the case of human-made food, that formula is spoilt by its


WhatsApp: Admin – 7983120007; Kalyan - 9897072888

skype: psysolution

PSYsolution Foundation Course
Basics of Nature Cure
Myth 3: Immunity is good!

Fact: Immunity is a considered as

protection against diseases. Whereas
diseases are essential tools to
maintain our homeostasis. If immunity
is suppressing disease, how it can be good?
Explanation: Often we get confused Vitality with Immunity and vice
These two are fundamentally different.
Immunity resists diseases even if the causes of diseases persists.
Whereas Vitality initiates diseases IF the causes exist.
Immunity building is possible with medicines and health supplements
which are specific in nature. Like, a diabetic medicine builds immunity
towards diabetic symptoms, often limited to the management of blood
sugar counts. But it does not work towards overall health attainment.
Vitality building is possible by lifestyle management, by preserving
energy and inculcating good habits. Vitality always works towards
overall health attainment.


Myth 4: Medicine can cure!

Fact: Medicines can only

suppress the symptoms! Cure
cannot happen unless the cause
is removed.

WhatsApp: Admin – 7983120007; Kalyan - 9897072888

skype: psysolution

PSYsolution Foundation Course
Basics of Nature Cure
Explanation: All medicinal school of practices works on symptoms of
health problems.
A symptom of a disease is just an eruption of discomfort. This is rather
the effort of body’s vitality to bring back the equilibrium.
With the application of medicines, what we do is, just suppress the
specific symptoms till it gets erupted in any other form.
Often I share this joke, which is a fact, the days are not far when we
will have a doctor for our little finger and another doctor for our thumbs!
The doctor who helps you to suppress one symptom easily shrugs off
the other new symptom you may face, on the name of specialty!
Whereas your health is your holistic wellbeing, it is not part-specific
of your body.
The cure is possible only by removing the causes.
The medicinal system lacks the cause-analysis!


Myth 5: Diet is the ONLY factor

to care in Nature Cure!

Fact: Diet is ONE of the

factors to be looked after in
Nature Cure.
Explanation: Other factors like Sunlight, Water, Air, Exercise, Rest
and Mental Poise are equally important.
The diet or the food is indeed an important aspect but not the ONLY


WhatsApp: Admin – 7983120007; Kalyan - 9897072888

skype: psysolution

PSYsolution Foundation Course
Basics of Nature Cure

Myth 6: Appetite is good for health!

Fact: Most of the time, we consider

appetite or craving, as hunger!
Hunger is good but not the appetite.
Explanation: What we eat, we need to consider that
with mindful analysis!
Here is an identifier:
Case 1. If you feel the urge to eat, and you can eat anything – that is
Case 2. If we have the urge to eat something specific, that is
appetite. It mostly happens towards human-made food.
This is how we can differentiate the appetite from hunger.
Hunger is a natural bodily need.
Appetite is a creation by mind due to different conditioning.
Hunger is indeed needed for a healthy living but let us give appetite a
conscious watch for the sake of wellbeing.


Myth 7: Nature Cure is herballism!

Fact: In herbalism herbs are

considered as medicines. Nature
Cure does not recommend any
specific herbs to treat any specific
health problem.

WhatsApp: Admin – 7983120007; Kalyan - 9897072888

skype: psysolution

PSYsolution Foundation Course
Basics of Nature Cure
On this topic, I would like to quote Acharya Lakhmana Sarma, who is
considered as father of Nature Cure in India.
He opined, “...'Pathy' means disease. Because of this meaning of
'pathy‘, it is wrong to call Nature-Cure 'Naturopathy'...”
The treatment streams end with ‘pathy’ offers remedies to diseases
whereas Nature Cure educates you to attain overall health.


Myth 8: All old traditional practices are as

per Nature Cure science!

Fact: There are lot many traditional

practices which defy the norms of Nature Cure. Blind
acceptance of any practice just on the basis of when
and who practices it, is a foolish choice.
Rational Analysis of practices is the basis of Nature Cure practice.
Nature Cure is eternal, whereas human civilization is just few
thousand years old. Due to survival strives initially, then due to a lot of
socio-cultural practices traditionally we have defied Nature Cure
norms, many times. If we start accepting aspects just on the basis of
tradition that may lead us to health issues unknowingly. Nature Cure
always encourages analyze before acceptance habit. This would
reduce the tendency to embrace any habit without understanding the
health impact in it.


WhatsApp: Admin – 7983120007; Kalyan - 9897072888

skype: psysolution

PSYsolution Foundation Course
Basics of Nature Cure
Myth 9: Nature Cure offers Remedies!

Fact: On the contrary, Nature Cure

discards remedies. Immediate
remedies to the symptoms is harmful
for the body. Nature Cure helps to reverse the causes
by which symptoms go away as by-product.
Disease is a natural response of body to its internal imbalance.
By eruption of disease body tries to come back to its equilibrium.
Symptoms are just indicators of body’s efforts.
The rationale of the discomforts occurred during disease is to obtain
rest from the beholder.
At the acute stage of the disease if the individual rests well, the body
gets cured by its own curative capability.
Remedial actions to suppress the symptoms of the disease
mismanages body’s efforts and complicate the problem in long run.


Myth 10: Nature Cure is best adopted when

you are sick!

Fact: In sick condition, adopting Nature

Cure is usually under pressure without
much of understanding. Nature Cure is best adopted
with rational understanding.
In emergency condition adopting Nature Cure is usually short-term.

WhatsApp: Admin – 7983120007; Kalyan - 9897072888

skype: psysolution

PSYsolution Foundation Course
Basics of Nature Cure
The reason behind is, the lack of cognitive involvement.
Unless the rational understanding is involved in the process, individual
will always be prone to go back to the unhealthy lifestyle after
overcoming the sick condition.
It is, therefore, always advisable that a sick person should continue
Nature Cure expert consultation for some time even if the sick
condition is over.


Myth 11: Nature Cure lifestyle is


Fact: Even if we remove the

savings in the medical expenses
then also, in the basic food expenditure, the differences
are huge. Nature Cure lifestyle is an inexpensive option
despite all type inflations.
Eventually, you tend to reduce the cost of your Milk, Non-vegetarian
food, oil, grains, grocery, cooking gas, eating out etc. while increasing
the expenditure in your food, vegetables, and dry fruits
The overall yield is average savings of 1000 to 2000 Indian rupees per
head per month in a non-metro city of India when you switch to Nature
Cure lifestyle on only the food expenses.


WhatsApp: Admin – 7983120007; Kalyan - 9897072888

skype: psysolution

PSYsolution Foundation Course
Basics of Nature Cure
Myth 12: Nature Cure is ineffective if
you have taken medicines!

Fact: Nature Cure works always,

eternally. Just that medicine consumption delays the
curing process.
You might have heard about that homeopathy does not work along
with allopathy etc. In the similar fashion, people arrive at an
assumption that Nature Cure does not work with medicines.
Whatever you put inside your body, body works on it as it works on
the food. If it is a food full of toxins the enervation is more hence the
vitality reduces in the body. This happens in the case of medicine
But it is not true that Nature Cure stops working when medicines are
It is always recommended not to use medicines to enhance the curing
process of the body and to get the benefits of own vitality.


All rights reserved

© PSYsolution, 2017


The opinions expressed in this material are based on Nature Cure science of health and do not coincide with
medicinal theories. PSYsolution does not claim that any advice given, represents a "cure" for diseases. If
anyone has doubts regarding his or her health, it is the responsibility of the individual to consult a competent
health practitioner. These materials are not aimed at hurting anybody’s belief or philosophy. PSYsolution
believes that the true health does not need treatment, it needs education. It is an endeavour to educate that
“The cure is from within”!

WhatsApp: Admin – 7983120007; Kalyan - 9897072888

skype: psysolution


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