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39D Bundu Lane,

Brima Lane,


22nd July, 2019.

The Director of Human Resources,

National Social Security and Insurance Trust (NASSIT),

32 Walpole street,


Dear Sir

An Application for Help (Help for Employment)

In relation to the above suject matter, i am hereby applying for a job in your Institution. i am a graduate
with BSc in Pure and Applied science Division one(1) from Fourah Bay College (FBC), University of Sierra
Leone. i graduated in 2016 and since then, i have not been able to secure any job unless being a per-
term teacher in some of the secondary schools. i have seen it boring for three years now after
graduation and i cannot find a place to work in that will make me excercise my full potentials. the wealth
of knowledge i have during and after my study in the field of pure and applied sciences is almost going
unpractised because i have not been able to get a job, so in this regard, i am pleading with you to offer
me a job in your Institution so that my knowledge will not go to waste.

joblessness is causing me a lot of trouble, it is frustrating as a graduate to struggle for even what to eat.
people with no education are even living a better life than me. please help me out of this situation so
that i will be able to take care of my affairs.

As your Institution is concerned with Financial transactions and administration and how to promote
financial security interms of transparency, i will be an ideal person for a job in your Institution due to the
fact that i have a wealth of knowledge in the field of mathematics, Research and Basic information and
communication Technology. I have a lot of potentials which will be an asset to your Institution and help
keep its reputation very high.

Attached to this letter is a photo copy of my degree certificate along with my transcripts which I hope
will be enough evidences that i can handle a job in your Institution.

I will work as required by and of the Management if really you can give me a golden opportunity to work
in your institution.

Please sir,save me from this job drought.

Below are my mobile numbers for further enquires: +23278015678 or +23277220362

Looking forward to hearing from you soonest.

thanks and appereciation in advance.

Yours faithfully,


Musa Ballah Koroma.

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