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Grammar Reference Past simple (affirmative) 11 The affirmative form of the past simple is the same for all persons, singular and plural (/,you, he, we, etc), Iwatched a football match ast night ‘Shewatched TV. They watched a DVD. 112 Spelling: past simple (affirmative) form of regular verbs We form the past simple (affirmative) form of regular verbs by adding -ed, ed: work-+worked play played Ifthe verb ends ine, we add -<. +d: dance-+danced die» died IF the verb ends in a consonant + , we change -yto-iand add-ed. y-r-ied: —study-» studied if the verb ends ina short accented vowel + a consonant, we double the consonant and add -ed. “p> ped: drop -r dropped -n-+-nmed: plan +> planned +to-tted: chat + chatted 13: Some verbs have irregular past simple (affirmative) forms. There are no spelling rules for these forms; you need to learn ‘them by heart See the list in the Workbook 14 Past simple affirmative of be The verb be has two past simple affirmative forms: was and were cry cried \ was you were — she /it was Sd. ou were they 1S We use the past simple: + fora completed action or event ata definite pointin the past. We played volleyballlact Saturday. + foractions or events that happened one after another. Joanna got up hada shower, got drescedandleft the house. Past simple (negative and interrogative) 1L6 Innegative sentences and questions, we use did / dnt + the infinitive without to (NOT the past simple form) for regular and irregular verbs. The forms are the same for al persons, singular and plural you, he, we, etc). fe Questions Ididn’'twatch Did I watch? he/she /itdidn'twatch Did he / she /it watch? ‘we /you/they didn't watch Did we /you /they watch? Eaton cn eee didn't = did not Yes, (did. No, didn't. 1LT We don't use did or didn't for the past simple negative and question forms of be or can, Negative Cre rina I/He /She /ttwasn't happy. Was! /he / she /it happy? Yes, | was. / No, she wasn't. We /You / They weren't Were we /you / they happy? happy. Yes, we were. / No, they weren't The forms of could are the same for all persons (he, we, they. etc) 1/ He/She /It/We /You/ Could! /he / she /it /we /you /- They couldn't see, they see? Yes, | /he / we could. / No, she /you /they couldn't. Question words 1.8. Examples of question words: where who what which wy when how what time how often howmuch/many howlong /wide /tall When a Wh- question includes a preposition, the preposition usualy goes at the end Where are you from? Who did you tak to? What are you waiting for? ‘Grammar Builder and Reference Grammar Builder 1B Past simple (affirmative) 11 Write the past simple form of verbs 1-20. Verbs 1-10 are regular and verbs 11-20 are irregular. >» 1.2, 13 1 look 0 feel 2 study 2 leave 3 stop B spend 4 die 4 have 5 move 1% give 6 compare 16 win 7 agree 17 begin 8 enjoy 18 go 9 realise 19 get 10 drop 20 say 2. Write the correct past simple affirmative form of the verb, be, 9914,15 1 |___very relieved about my exam results 2 Thesports centre_ shut last weekend. 3 You___cross with me for being late. 4 There five winners in last week's lottery 5 Nobody __at home this morning 6 Mygrandfather__a student at Harvard University 7 We___on holiday in China last August. 8 Adams party __ amazing 3 Complete the sentences with the past simple affirmative form of the verbs in brackets. All the verbs are regular. mL 12.15 1 The train to Birmingham (stop) at Oxford 2 Myfriends (work) very hard fr their exams. 3 We {try) some interesting dishes atthe Lebanese restaurant, 4 Lastnight, 1 (plan) my summer holiday. 5 You (Geem) very upset yesterday. 61 (Chat) with my cousin for hours lastnight: 7 Myuncle (mary) his next-door neighbour. 8 Theo (move) house three times last year. 4 Complete the email, Use the past simple affirmative form of the verbs in brackets. m+ 112,13, 14 15 eee Dear Abby How are you? !__ (se) yan yesterday and we 2 chet for hours ebout Za’s party, We both? _thvel a great time. We rally 4 (enjoy) the music end the food 5 bel good too. Ryan * (leave just bere evdvight, but|__ (tay unt @am!1# feed so tired the nex day | hope Fyan's parents ®____ (be) OK about the mess. They ® (gol out forthe evening, See you soon! Els —— [EXD Grammar Builder and Reference ‘1D Past simple (negative and interrogative) 5. Complete the sentences with the past: of the verbs below. »» 15, 1.6, 17 be can enjoy feel leave spend study win VI ‘the film. It was terrible! ple negative form 2 Ben ‘alk until he was three. 3 We ‘the match. The score was 2-1 tothe other team, 4 The weather very good yesterday. 5 very well yesterday. | had a headache. 6 Joe failed the exam because he 7 Wewere late because we 8 Fred forit. early enough all his pocket money, He saved some. 6 Complete the dialogue with the correct past simple form of the verbs be and can, 91.7 Sam You! (not be) atthe party last night Where (you / be)? leah 1? (not can) go. My cousins 4 __(be) here, so! had to stay in, sam * (it/ be) fun leah Yes, it ® (be) good. We watched a film. tT (be) a really funny comedy. " (there / be) a lot of people at the party? Sam No, not many. It ® (not be) much fun. And the music (be) too loud! | . (ot can) hear what people were saying. The film sounds better! ‘1D Question words 7 Complete the questions with the words below. m+ 1.8 How Howoften What When Where Who 1 do you live? ‘did you do on Saturday evening? did you get up this morning? did you travel to school this morning? doyou goto the cinema? doyou sitnext to in English lessons? 8 SPEAKING Workin pairs. Ask and answer the questions in exercise 7 9 Read the answers and complete the questions. »* 1.8 1. What are you thinking about? ''m thinking about my next holiday. 2 Who 2 She danced with Tom. 3Who 'm looking for Zoe. 4 Whee They walked to the beach, S$ What Hes worried about his exams.

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