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Bioengineering Thermodynamics

Course Objective: Understand and apply the laws ofthermodynamics to

biological systems, comprehend principles of chemical and physical equilibria,
chemical and enzyme kinematics and their application.
First law of thermodynamics
(Contributed by Sumeet)
Properties of pure substances, equations of state, Mollier diagram, closed system, open system,
reversible processes, internal energy and enthalpy steady-flow engineering devices and transient
flow analysis.

Second Law of Thermodynamics

(Contributed by Sumeet)
Statements of the second law, heat engines, reversible versus irreversible processes, the Carnot
cycle, refrigeration devices, entropy and entropy change, third law, exergy analysis.

Free Energy and Chemical Equilibria

(Contributed by Dr Amjad Ali &Dr. Banibrata Maity)
Gibbs free energy,Helmholtz free energy, physical significance of free energy, Gibbs- Helmholtz
equation, application of free energy to gases, concept of spontaneity, partial molar Gibbs energy,
chemical potential of multicomponent system, reactions of ideal gases, non-ideal systems,
equilibrium and standard Gibbs free energy and Biochemical applications of thermodynamics.
Law of mass action, The Le-Chatelier principle, Van’t Hoff reaction isotherm and equations.

Free Energy and Physical Equilibria

(Contributed by Dr Amjad Ali &Dr. Banibrata Maity)
Concepts and applications, phase equilibria for single and multicomponent systems, membranes
colligative properties and application of thermodynamics to phase transition

Chemical Kinetics
(Contributed by Dr Amjad Ali, Dr. Banibrata Maity & Dr Sudhir Singh)
Concepts and applications, rate of reaction, measurement of rate of reaction, factors influencing
rate of reaction, rate laws order and molecularity, integrated rate equations and half-lives, zero
order reactions, first order reactions, second order reaction, third order reaction, higher nth order
reactions, pseudo–order reactions, temperature dependence of rate of reactions, temperature
coefficient , activation energy, Arrhenius equation, rate calculation, collision theory transition
state theory.

Enzyme Kinetics
(Contributed by Dr Diptiman)
Concept of Enzyme as a biocatalyst, Classification of Enzymes, Activation energy, Reaction
velocity, Specific velocity, Turnover number, Michealis-Menten Equation, Derivation of
Michealis-Mentain equation, Types of enzyme inhibition, Competitive inhibition, Uncompetitive
inhibition, Noncompetitive inhibition, Feedback Inhibition, Significance of Km and Vmax, ES
complex, Steady state kinetics, Lineweaver-Burk Plot, Eadie-Hofstee Plot, Reaction rate
constant, Effect of pH, Temperature, ionic concentration of Enzyme kinetics, Active site,
Allosteric site, Coenzyme, Cofactors, Isozyme.

Text Books:

1) Cengel and Boles, Thermodynamics: an Engineering Approach, McGraw-Hill (2011

2) Tinoco, Sauer,Wang, and Puglisi, Physical Chemistry: Principles and Applications in
Biological Sciences, 5th Edition, Prentice Hall, 2014.
3) Laidler, K.J., Chemical Kinetics, Dorling Kingsley (2003) 3rded.
4) Voet, D., Voet, J.G., ad Pratt, C.W., Principles of Biochemistry, 4th Ed., John Wiley &
Sons, Inc.(2013).
5) Atkins, P.W., Physical Chemistry, W.H. Freeman (1990).
6) Castellan, G. W., Physical Chemistry, Narosa (2004) 4thed.


1. Analyze and solve problems related to closed systems and steady-flow devices by
applying the conservation of energy principle.

2. Analyze the second law of thermodynamics for various systems and to evaluate the
performance of heat engines, refrigerators and heat pumps.

3. Analyze principles of chemical and physical equilibrium.

4. The students will be able to interpret salient features of chemical and enzyme catalyzed
reaction and will be able to determine kinetic parameters.

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