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Satuan Pendidikan : SMPN

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester : VIII/satu
Materi Pokok : Teks Lisan dan Tulis Untuk Memberi Instruksi, Mengajak,
Melarang, Minta Izin serta Responnya
Alokasi Waktu : 2x pertemuan (8JP)

A. Basic Competence
KI 1 : Respond and practice the teachings of the religion they hold
KI 2 : Appreciate and appreciate honest behavior, discipline, responsibility, care
(tolerance, mutual cooperation), polite, confident, in interacting effectively with the
social and natural environment within the reach of relationships and existence.
KI 3 : Understanding knowledge (factual, conceptual, and procedural) based on his
curiosity about science, technology, art, culture related to phenomena and events
seen in the eye.
KI 4 : Trying, processing, and presenting in the realm of concrete (using,
unraveling, composing, modifying, and making) and abstract domains (writing,
reading, calculating, drawing and composing) in accordance with what is learned at
school and other similar sources in point of view / theory.

B. Basic Competence and Competency Achievement Indicators

KI Basic Competence Competency Achievement Indicators

1. 3.8.1Getting to know the social function of the
1.3 3.8Applying the structure text prohibits, prohibits, gives
of the text and linguistic instructions, invites, asks permission, and
elements to carry out the responds.
social function of
expressing requests for 3.8.1Recognize the structure of texts
attention, checking prohibiting, giving instructions, inviting,
understanding, valuing asking permission, and responding.
good performance, and
asking and expressing
opinions, and responses,
in accordance with the
context of their use.
2. 4.7.1Arrange oral and written texts related to
2.4 4.7 Compile simple oral how to state, ask, and respond to
texts to say and respond expressions giving instructions, inviting,
to expressions asking for prohibiting, and asking for permission to
attention, checking respond.
understanding, and
valuing good 4.7.2 Expressing linguistic elements such as:
performance, as well as sure, sorry, certainly, and plural
asking and expressing
opinions by paying 4.7.3 Pronounce with correct speech, word
attention to social pressure and intonation
functions, text structures,
and linguistic elements
that are correct and in

C. Learning Objectives
Meeting 1
1. Students can arrange oral and written texts to state how to ask for permission,
invite and respond by paying attention to social functions, text structures and
linguistic elements that are true and in context with courtesy and care.

D. Learning Materials
Meeting 1
 Text structure
a. Come in, please, don't be late, Shut the door please. Don't call me
b. Sure, Certainly, ok. Sorry All right
 The element of language
1. Verbs: open, come, buy, close, put the book
2. Vocabulary related to daily activities and actions in the home,
classroom, school, and community environment related to giving
instructions, prohibiting and responding.
3. Intonation stress words,
4. Spelling and punctuation
5. Handwriting

E. Learning Methods
1. Synthetic Approach : Problem Based Learnin
2. Model : Problem Based Learning
3. Method : Group Discussion

F. Learning resources
Gunawan, Asep., Khaatimah, Asep., Khaatimah, Yuli R., Wachidah, Siti. English
Language: When English Rings the Bell.2013: State of the Creative Media
Polytechnic, Jakarta.

G. Learning Media
a. The Laptop
b. Projector LCD
c. Book

Steps of learning activities

Meeting 1

Introduction (10 minutes) 1. The teacher enters the class to say hello and
immediately say hello in English and then
2. Reflect on previous meetings.

Associating (60 minutes) 1. Students are asked to fill in dialogue that

overlaps about abilities
2. Following the teacher's reading based on the
conversation in the picture.
3. Students are asked to play roles based on
4. Students read statements correctly and funds
clearly based on examples of how to read
provided by the teacher.
5. Students are asked to complete the sentence
based on the conversation on the previous
6. Students are asked to go back to copying pre-
existing conversations in the hope that
students can understand in full what
expressions are being learned.
Communicating 1. Students are asked to do a self-evaluation of
what they have understood.
2. Students are asked to write down the most
important and preferred parts they have
learned in this chapter.
3. Students are asked to write down the
difficulties they have faced in this chapter.
4. Students are expected to use the expressions
learned in this chapter in their daily lives.

Closing (10 minutes) 1. Students with teachers conclude the learning

outcomes at this meeting
2. Giving assignments, both individual and
group assignments in accordance with student
learning outcomes.
3. The teacher conveys material information at
the next meeting.

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