Devia S - Efp - Pertemuan 7

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NAMA : Devia Setyaningsih

NIM : 19416248201030

Read the text carefully!

Pharmaceutical Company

A pharmaceutical company, or a drug

company, is a commercial business licensed
to research, develop, market and/or distribute
drugs, most commonly in the context of
healthcare. They can deal in generic and/or
brand medications.They are subject to a
variety of laws and regulations regarding the
patenting, testing and marketing of drugs,
particularly prescription drugs.

From its beginnings at the start of the 19th Century, the pharmaceutical industry is
now one of the most profitable and influential in existence, attracting praise and
controversy. Drug discovery is the process by which drugs are discovered and/or
designed. In the past most drugs have been discovered either by identifying the active
ingredient from traditional remedies or by serendipitous discovery.

A newer approach has been to understand how disease and infection are controlled at the
molecular and physiology level and to target specific entities based on this knowledge.
New technologies and Data Management/Informatics systems are now employed to speed
up this process. Drug development is considered a costly and intensive process.
b.Answer the following questions based on the text above!

1. What is the pharmaceutical company?

A pharmaceutical company, or a drug company, is a commercial business
licensed to research, develop, market and/or distribute drugs, most commonly in the
context of healthcare.
2. “They can deal in generic and/or brand medications”. (line 3)
What does the underlined word refer to?
A pharmaceutical company or a drug company.
3. When did the pharmaceutical industry start to get profit?
The pharmaceutical industry start to get profit since the beginning of the 19th
4. How have the most drugs been discovered?
In the past most drugs have been discovered either by identifying the active
ingredient from traditional remedies or by serendipitous discovery.
5. What systems are employed to speed up this process?
New technologies and Data Management/Informatics systems.
I am going to see a doctor


A.Listen and Practice!

Emily : So, what are you going to do this afternoon, Linda?

Do you want to go shopping ?
Linda : I'd love to but I am going to meet a doctor in the hospital.
Emily : Well, maybe some other time. By the way, where do you work now ?
Linda : I work for Pharmaceutical Industry.
Emily : What do you do there ?
Linda : I am a medical representative. I promote and sell the drugs and medical
Emily : How interesting !
Linda : Are you doing anything tomorrow ? We could go then.
Emily : Tomorrow sounds fine. I am going to work until five
Linda : So let's go around six.
Emily : OK

b. Answer the questions based on the dialogue above !

1. Where does the dialogue take place?
The dialogue takes place on the road.
2. What is Linda going to do this afternoon ?
She going to meet a doctor in the hospital.
3. What are they talking about?
They talking about plans to go together tomorrow.
4. Where does Linda work ?
Linda works in the Pharmaceutical Industry.
5. What does Linda do exactly?
She is a medical representative. She promote and sell the drugs and medical
6. What time are they going tomorrow ?
They are going tomorrow arround six.


What is she going to do tomorrow ? She is going to work until five

What is he going to do after the class?He is going to meet his lecturer.

What are you going to do tonight ? I am going to meet a doctor.

What are they going to do tonight? They are going to see a movie.
Is she going to study English? No, She is not.
Is he going to go camping? No, She is not.
Are they going to go shopping ? Yes, They are.
Are you doing anything tomorrow ? Yes, I am.
Time expression : tonight, tomorrow, on Friday, this weekend, next week

Time expression : tonight, tomorrow, on Friday, this weekend, next week

a.Complete these sentences using be going to!

1. He is going to phone his friend (phone)

2. We are going to play a new computer game. (play)
3. My sister going to watch TV. (watch)
4. You are going to have a picnic next Tuesday. (have)
5. Jane going to go to the office. (to go)
6. They are going to walk to the bus stop this afternoon. (walk)
7. His brother going to write a letter to his uncle today. ( write)
8. She is going to visit her aunt. (visit)
9. I am going to do my homework after school. ( do)
10.Sophie and Nick going to meet their friends. (meet)
b.Read the situations and complete the dialogues using be going to!

1. You have decided to promote your product this morning.

Friend : Are you going out this morning ?
You : No, I'm going to promote the product this morning.
2. You bought a sweater, but it doesn't fit you very well. You have decided to take
it back.
Friend : That sweater is too big for you.
You : I know, I am going to take it back.
3. You are in a restaurant. The food is awful and you've decided to complain.
Friend : The food is awful, isn't it?
You : Yes, it's disgusting, I am going to complain.
4. You have been offered a job, but you have decided not to accept it.
Friend : I hear you have been offered a job.
You : Yes, but, I am not going to accept it.

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