Grade 4 - Eng - WS

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Name : Class : IV Sec:

English Worksheet 2020-21

Dear student kindly try your best to complete this worksheet. Do as

instructed. Do not complete this worksheet in a day. Do it day wise.


Find the nouns and circle the persons in red, the places in blue and the things in black.

1. The actor won an award for his movie about Chicago. 2. The dog went swimming in the ocean.

3. Ice cream and cookies are the best dessert. 4. Grandpa lives in an igloo in Alaska.

5. Stan wants to take a trip to the mountains. 6. I always wash my face before going to bed.

7. Zach collects model cars and boats. 8. My brother took a bus to the zoo to see the


II.Common/ Proper Noun Worksheet

The Wise Son
In Africa, in the county of Ghana, there once lived a man who had three sons. One day, before he left on
a long journey, Kofi gathered his sons around him. He gave each child an egg. “I will be gone for a long
time,” he told his sons. “Use these eggs to help your mother.” But as soon as Kofi left, the two older
boys cooked and ate their eggs. The youngest boy, Ebo gave his egg to his mother, who put it under a
hen to hatch. Many months later, Kofi returned. The youngest son prepared a feast to welcome him
back-for he had many chickens and many eggs.


Nouns can be countable or uncountable. Countable nouns are people, animals, places, things, or ideas
which can be counted. Uncountable nouns are not individual objects, so they cannot be counted.

Write whether the underlined noun is countable or uncountable.

1. He used the computer to find more information. ______________________

2. She unfolded the towel on the sand. ______________________

3. There was too much furniture in the room. ______________________

4. A student sat down in her seat. ______________________

5. The teacher gave the students some advice. ______________________

6. Sarah played the music for the class. ______________________

7. The rice was steaming on a plate. ______________________

8. Tabitha gathered research on the Internet. ______________________



Complete the following sentences using the collective nouns given below.

(mob, audience, crowd, jury, committee, army, police, team, family, crew, choir)
1. The _____________________ have caught the criminals.

2. The _____________________ applauded her performance.

3. The _____________________ has announced its verdict.

4. The _____________________ is studying the report.

5. Our _____________________ played well yesterday.

6. The _____________________ started pelting stones.

7. The police dispersed the _____________________

8. He serves in the _____________________

9. The _____________________ sang beautifully.

10. The plane had to make an emergency landing. The passengers and the ____________________ are

11. My _____________________ lives in Kerala.

Day 3:IV. Abstract and Concrete Nouns: An abstract noun is a noun that names something

that you cannot taste, touch, smell, hear, or see. An abstract noun usually names an idea, feeling, or

concept. On the other hand, a concrete noun names something that you can see, hear, taste, smell, or

touch. A concrete noun names an object, thing etc.

In each of the following sentences, a noun is in bold. Circle the noun if it is a concrete noun, and

underline the noun if it is an abstract noun.

1. He was given an award for his courage. 2. The door slammed shut.

3. The car zoomed by the pedestrians 4. He dropped his phone with a crash.

5. Time is a great teacher. 6. His art teacher applauded his creativity.

7. She moved the chair into place. 8. He always made his bed before leaving for school.


Complete the exercise by using the possessive pronouns from the box.

mine, yours, his, hers, ours,

Kenny: We want to go away for the weekend, but we have a problem.
John: What’s that?

Kenny: Well, we need a tent. We gave __________ to my uncle and he hasn’t brought it back. Can you

lend us __________?

John: Well, I don’t really want to give __________ to anyone. Cheryl has got one. Can’t you ask her for


Kenny: No. __________ is too small for two of us, and it’s not nice like __________.
John: Well Mark has got one, too. What’s wrong with __________

Kenny: Oh! No! It’s terribly old, and it lets the rain in.

John: OK. How about the Brown’s? __________ is nice and big.

Kenny: Well, __________ is too big for two people. Why don’t you let us have __________? You know

it’s ideal for us.

John: OK. All right then. Be careful with it

Kenny: Oh we will. I promise. Thank you very much Jim.

Day 5: VI. VERBS

A) An action verb is a word that shows what someone or something is doing. It is found in the
predicate of a sentence.

Draw a line under the predicate of each sentence. Then, write the action verb on the line.

1. The rocket blasts into the sky. ______________ 2. The big, black bear growled.

_________________ 3. The baby crawls across the floor. ______________ 4. The picture hung on

the wall. ______________ 5. I searched for my missing sock. _______________ 6. Carlita's brother

grilled a steak. __________ 7. Ken clicked the computer mouse.______________ 8. Dr. Kip examines

his patient. _______________ 9. My red shirt shrank in the wash. _____________ 10. Mother hides

the cookies. _______________


To form the past tense of most verbs, add -ed. example: jump - jumped

To form the present tense of most verbs, add -s or -es. examples: speak – speaks

To form the future tense of most verbs, add the helping verb will before the main verb.

example: fix - will fix

Complete the verb tense chart.


Cooks Will



Will clap




Day 6:

An adjective is a word that

describes a noun or pronoun.
A) Circle the adjectives and underline the nouns they describe:

1. She is wearing a red skirt. 2. John pulled on the long rope. 3. The drink was fizzy.

4. The sky was blue. 5. Ava saw a small, yellow bird. 6. The bus is yellow.

7. The horse was big, brown and beautiful. 8. The fast car sped down the road.

9. He broke his only sharp pencil. 10. The snow was cold and wet

Some adjectives end in -er and -est. These adjectives compare nouns.

Add -er to most one-syllable adjectives that compare two things.

example: The black cat is smaller than the orange cat.

Add -est to most one-syllable adjectives that compare three or more things.

example: Of the three cats, the black one is the smallest.

Choose the correct adjective in parenthesis to complete each sentence. Write the adjective on the

1. Martin is _____________________ than Marcia. (old, older, oldest)

2. That is a very _____________________ car. (small, smaller, smallest)

3. Mount Everest is the ________________ mountain in the world. (high, higher, highest)

4. This is the _____________________ blanket in the house. (warm, warmer, warmest)

5. Maria is _____________________ than Jan right now. (happy, happier, happiest)

Day 7:


An adverb is a word that describes a verb. An adverb tells how, when, or where the verb

Some examples of adverbs that tell how an action takes place: quickly, slowly, lazily, higher,
lower, nicely, patiently

Some examples of adverbs that describe when something happens: soon, yesterday, now, today,
always, never, often

Some examples of adverbs that describe where something happens: here, there, inside, outside,
around, through, beneath

Circle the adverb in each sentence. Then, tell whether the adverb is describing how, when, or
where an action is taking place..

1. Because it was raining, the boys played inside. 1. _______________________

2. Yesterday, I went to school. 2. _______________________

3. I waited patiently for the door to open. 3. _______________________

4. The puppy was running around. 4. _______________________

5. When we opened the door, George ran through. 5. _______________________

Day 8:
Fill in the blanks with prepositions from the word bank. You may use the same preposition more than

Across about above after before along around

at below by down up during for from to

in on inside out into near of off over

under through until with without outside


One day, we decided to go to the park _________ my dog. We never go _________ the park

_________ my dog. He would be upset if we left him _________ home.

_________ dinner, we got the leash and began walking _________ the pond _________ the way

_________ the park. We saw a duck who was wading _________ the water. My dog also wanted to be

_________ the pond.

When we looked away for a moment, my dog ran and jumped _________ the water. He splashed water

_________ my pants. My pants were soaked. I needed to find a towel. Once we were _________ the

park, I found a towel and dried my pants. My dog had a great night _________ our family _________

the park.


Rewrite each of these sentences using the correct capital letters.

1. my dog sam plays with tabby my kitten.


2. my uncle tom drove to sydney in 2 days last monday.

3. i read my first harry potter book ever!


4. my favourite chocolate bar is the mars bar and you can get them everywhere!


5. when you go to see your aunt sally in perth, find out if she ever shops at coles.



Day 10:


Bear and Hare Warm Up

One cold frosty morning, Bear woke up from the middle of his long winter sleep. He wandered outside

his den and noticed that the lake had frozen over. “Good thing I’m not made of water,” he said, “or I’d

turn to ice.” “But you are made of water,” said Hare, who was tumbling around in a snow bank beside him.

“Over half your body is water.” “You must be fooling,” said Bear. He looked at his body. His arms didn’t

look like water. His legs didn’t look like water. His paws didn’t look like water. “Think of all your blood,”

said Hare. “Your blood’s made of water. In fact, all your parts are made of cells, and cells are made of

water.” Bear rubbed his paws together and blew on them to keep them warm. “I don’t want to freeze like

the lake,” he said. “Don’t worry,” Hare giggled. “We’re warm-blooded animals. That means our body

temperature stays the same, even when it’s cold outside. Besides, our body water isn’t pure water. It

contains organic molecules like sodium and potassium that make its freezing point lower than regular

water. We can only freeze in very extreme conditions.” “Brrrrrr.” Bear shivered. “See, when you shake

like that, your body’s using energy to make more heat and warm you up.” “I know a better way to warm

up,” said Bear. “Let’s go inside.” They stomped into Hare’s house. Bear relaxed by the fireplace. A few

minutes later, the snow on his fur melted and dripped into puddles on the floor. A teapot whistled on the
stove. Bear looked at the teapot and saw a thick stream of steam shooting into the air. “How are you

feeling now?” Hare asked as he brought Bear a cup of chamomile tea. “I’m still afraid,” Bear said as he

cuddled the steaming teacup in his paws. “Don’t be silly,” Hare told him. “Even though you’re made of

water, you know you aren’t going to turn to ice.” “I know,” Bear said. “But now I’m afraid I’ll evaporate.”

1. In the story, “Bear and Hare Warm Up,” why does Bear have a hard time believing his body is made

up of mostly water?

a. Bear doesn't hear any water sloshing around inside of him.

b. Bear looks at himself and doesn't see any water.

c. Bear hasn't had any water to drink recently.

d. Bear hasn't gone swimming in the lake since the beginning of winter.

2.According to Bear and Hare's conversation in the story, how is the water in the animals' blood

different from the frozen water of the lake?

a. The water in their blood is thinner than the water in the lake.

b. The water in their blood is less salty than the water in the lake.

c. The water in their blood has organic molecules in it that make it more difficult to freeze.

d. The water in their blood is pure water, whereas the water in the lake is not

3. Even though Hare explains to Bear why he won't freeze over like the lake, why is Bear still afraid at

the end of the story? What did Bear see that may have given him this thought?




4. Hare points out one way Bear's body helps him stay warm automatically. What is it?

a. Bear sneezes. b. Bear coughs. c. Bear shivers. d. Bear tumbles through

the snow.

5. Which word best describes Bear's personality, based on what you read in the story?

a. fretful b. easy-going c. grumpy d. whimsical

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