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Learning Contract

Study Program : Blora Diploma III of Midwifery

Subject : Midwifey Care in Pregnancy
Code of Subject : Bd.5.013
Semester/Class/Akademic Year : 2nd /2019-2020
SKS : 5 credit semester (T:3, P:2)
Time (day,hour) : T: 150 minutes P: 340 minutes
Lecturer : 1. Dr. KrisdianaWijayanti, MMid*
2. Novita Ika Wardhani, SST.MKes
3. Aulia Fatmayanti, S.ST, M.Kes
4. Yanik Muyassaroh, S.ST,M.Kes
1. Goal :
Student able to understand midwifery care in normal pregnancy
2. Description :
This subject give the student ability in applying of midwifery care of pregnant women include: interviews in
first and repeated visit, physical examination, simple laboratorium tests such as Haemoglobine level, glucose
and protein urine, baby weight prediction using Johnshon Tochsach, health education related in pregnancy,
provide TT immunization, report in documentation form, introducing the danger signal in pregnancy, prevent an
infection, analize the psychological changes in pregnancy, sexual education during pregnancy, sibling & family.
3. Aim
a. General Instructional Objectives
After completing this course students are expected to provide midwifery care to normal pregnant women
b. Specific Learning Objectives
At the end of this lesson, students are able to
- Explain the basic concept of Midwifery care in pregnancy
- Explain physiology of pregnancy: pregnancy process, fetal developing and placentae
- Explain the psycological changes in pregnancy
- Conduct simple laboratory examination to support the midwifery diagnoses
- Explain nutrition for pregnant women
- Explain influence factors in pregnancy
- Explain basic needs of pregnant women
- Mention evidence based practices in midwifery care
- Conduct skill procedure in midwifery care of pregnancy
- Recognize danger signs in pregnancy
- Apply management of midwifery care in pregnancy
4. Leraning Method :
a. T: Learning Process done in the class using colaborative class and discussion
b. P: Learing process include practice in the labotory and real setting
5. Reference :
a. Bidan dan Dosen Kebidanan Indonesia. Kebidanan teori dan asuhan volume 2. Jakarta: EGC; 2017.
479, 481.
b. KementrianKesehatan RI (2016) Buku Ajar kesehatanIbu dan Anak. Pusdiklatnakes: Jakarta
c. Macdonald.S, MagilCueden.J. Ed. (2012) Mayes’ Midwifery.Bailliere Tindal: Philadelphia
d. Rukiah, A.Y. Yulianti, L. Asuhan Kebidanan Kehamilan: Berdasarkan Kurikulum Berbasis Kompetensi,
TIM: 2104
e. Syafrudin, Masitoh,S, Rosyanawati T. Managemen Mutu Pelayanan Kesehatan untuk Bidan, TIM 2014
f. Tarwoto, Aryani,R., Wartonah, Anatomi dan Fisiologi untuk Mahasiswa Keperawatan, TIM 2015
g. Astuti, A, Komariyah, Pengaruh Modul Cerdas WANDARZI (Wanita Sadar Gizi) terhadap Perubahan
Pengetahuan dan Sikap WUS tentang Gizi dan Risiko KEK pada masa Kehamilan, Penelitian
Risbinakes 2019 Poltekkes Kemenkes Semarang
6. Description of Assignment
a. Conducting Quiz after class to evaluate knowledge received
b. Conducting Mid and final test
c. Student will be asked to do some midwifery skill prosedures
d. Students conduct midwifery care in pregnant woman and make a report in the midwifery

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7. Assessment (Criteria, Indicator, and Quality)

AssesmentMecanism Rule
Evaluation Items Bobot
1 Lecture attendance in class is 75% of total classes
Presence 10 % minimally
2 Lecture attendance in the laboratory practice must
Quiz 10% be 100%
3 All assignmet must be submited at the time that
Middle Test 20 % already scheduled
Final test 20%

Skill Laborory exam 20%

Assignment 20 %

Total 100 %

The lecture materials can be given not in order (not sequence)

8. Class shcedule
Class TOPIC Lecturer
I Explanation of Lecture Agreement Dr. Krisdiana Wijayanti,
a. The basic concept of Midwifery care in pregnancy
b. Philosophy of Midwifery care in pregnancy
c. Scope of Midwifery care in pregnancy
d. The principle of midwifery care in pregnancy
e. The goal of midwifery care in pregnancy
f. Refocusing ANC
g. Standard of ANC
h. ANC terminology
Brain storming
II THEORY : Marlynda Happy
Physiology of pregnancy: process, fetal and placentae developing Nurmalita Sari, SST, MKM
a. Review of conception and its growth
- Fetal growth
- Growth of Placenta embrio/fetus
b. Physiological changes: reproductive and non reproductive system
- Reproduction system
- Breast
- Endocrine
- Urinary system
- Gastrointestinal system
- Cardiovascular system
- Respiratory system
- Integumen system
- Nervus system
- Immune system
- Muskuloskeletal system
- Metabolism
- Body weight and Body Mass Index (BMI)
- Blood
Group discussion 1,2,3
III THEORY : Dr. KrisdianaWijayanti,

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Psychology of Pregnancy MMid

a. First trimester
c. Second trimester
d. Third tremester
Brain storming
IV THEORY : Marlynda Happy
a. Hb Examination Nurmalita Sari, SST, MKM
b. Urine protein examination
c. Urine glucose examination
Skill lab group of 4,5,6
V THEORY : Dr. Krisdiana Wijayanti,
Influencing factors of pregnancy : MMid
a. Physic
- Health status : condition/illness in pregnancy (cardiac problem,
asthma, HIV/AIDS, etc)
- Nutrition status
- Live style :subtance abuse, smoking, unwanted pregnancy,
unplanned pregnancy
b. Psycology
- internal dan eksternal factors
- Family Suport
- Subtance abuse
- Partner abuse
c. Environment
- Culture
- Health facilities
- Economic
Practicing health education in nutrition for pregnant woman,the need of
Ferrum for pregnant woman, body mechanic for pregnant woman,
planning and preventing of complication programm (P4K) group of
VI THEORY : Yanik Muyassaroh,
Basic needs of pregnant woman according the step of fetus growth: S.ST,M.Kes
a. Physical needs in I,II,III trimester: Oxygen, Nutrition, Personal
hygiene, Cloth, Elimination, Sexuality, Mobilisation, body mechanic,
Exercise, Rest and sleep, Imunization,Traveling, Lactation
preparation, Birth preparation, Assesing fetus, Unconfortable
feeling, Revisit, Ocupation, Emergency situation in pregnancy
Making a leaflet of Sexuality in pregnancy, Lactation preration,
Emergency situation in pregnancy and explain in front of class (group
VII THEORY : Aulia Fatmayanti, S.ST,
Basic needs of pregnant woman according the step of fetus growth: M.Kes
b. Pshycological needs of pregnant woman: Family support, Health
service support, Safety, Parent preparation, Preparing sibling
Brin storming
VIII THEORY : Aulia Fatmayanti, S.ST,
Evidence based in Midwifery care of Pregnancy M.Kes
a. Definition of evidence based
b. Current issue and evidence based antenatal care
Study journal article 14,15,
IX TEORI : Yanik Muyassaroh,
a. Leopold examination S.ST,M.Kes
b. Fundal height examination, infant weight, Skill lab external pelvix

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c. Measuring fetal heart rate, Physical examination in pregnant

woman (head to toe)
d. TT immunization
Skill lab group of 16,17, 18, 19
X Danger signs in pregnancy Aulia Fatmayant, S.ST,
a. Early pregnancy M.Kes
- Vaginal bleeding
- Hypertention gravidarum
- Abdominal pain
b. Late pregnancy
- Vaginal bleeding
- Severe headache
- Blure vision
- Edema in face
- PROM premature rupture of membrane
- No fetal movement
- Severe abdominal pain
Brain storming
XI THEORY : Yanik Muyassaroh,
Management of midwifery care in pregnancy S.ST,MPH
Early visit care
1. Goal of visit
2. Assesment
a. Main complain
b. Present Pregnant hystory
c. Last history of pregnant, labor and post partum
d. History of menstruation and contraception used
e. Health history: mother, family
f. Daily pattern : nutrition, elimination, personal hygiene, sexual,
rest and sleep, physical activity & exercise, bad habbit
g. History of sphycosocial
h. Physical examination : general, status present (head to toe),
status obstetricus
i. Additional examinatiom :laboratorium& other diagnostic
3. Diagnosing
a. State the normality of pregnancy
b. Differencing between unconfortable and complication in
c. Identifying abnormalities in pregnancy
d. Indentifying tne need of health education
XII THEORY : Yanik Muyassaroh,
Management of midwifery care in pregnancy S.ST,MPH
Developing plan of comphrehensif antenatal midwifery care
1. Determine the need of laboratory test
2. Determine the need of health education (P4K, emergency
situation symtom in pregnancy)
3. Determine the need of simple medication
4. Determine the need of consultation and refering to other
5. Determine the need of specific conseling and aticipatory
6. Determine the need of HIV/AIDS and STD Conseling
Document antenatal midwifery care analysis

XIII TEORI : Marlynda Happy

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Management of midwifery care in pregnancy Nurmalita Sari, SST, MKM

Re visit ante natal care
1. Evaluating problem found
2. Evaluating of basic datas
3. Evaluating the efectiveness managemenen of midwifery care in
a. Examination of focus datas
- Hystory
- Detection of uncomfortable feeling and complication
- Physical examination
- Laboratory examination
- Developing the plan according the need and developing
of fetus
- Practicing antenatal comprehenship care (5 pregnant women)
XIV THEORY : Marlynda Happy
Management of midwifery care in pregnancy Nurmalita Sari, SST, MKM
Practicing comprehenship antenatal care
PRACTICE :Practicing antenatal comprehenship care (5 pregnant Team

Blora, ........................................
Student Coordinator of Subject

Dr. Krisdiana Wijayanti, MMid

( ____________________ ) NIP. 197108151994032002

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