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Ocean Energy
Prof. Hasan Akhtar
(M.Tech., Heat Power Engineering, SRCOEM, Nagpur)

Course Contents
3.1  Types of ocean energy technologies
3.2  Methods of ocean thermal electric conversion (OTEC) power generation, open and closed
3.3  Principles of tidal power, components of tidal power plant, operation, methods of utilization
of total energy, single basin tidal and double cycle system.
3.4  Ocean wave Energy methods, Wave energy Conversion by floats in to electric energy.
3.5  Prospects of ocean energy power plants in INDIA

Previous Questions
1. Define Ocean thermal Electric Power Generation. [2m]
2. State two criteria for selection of tidal power plant. [2m]
E-18 3. Draw block diagram of close cycle OTEC system. [4m]
4. Describe working of single basin tidal system with neat sketch. [4m]
5. Justify the prospect of wave energy conversion system in India. [6m]
1. What are the limitations of tidal energy? [2m]
O-18 2. Explain single basin tidal energy conversion. [4m]
3. Explain in short various components of tidal power plant. [4m]
1. State four advantages of wave energy. [2m]
2. State two important criteria for selection of site of Tidal power. [2m]
3. Describe wave energy conversion by float. [4m]
E-17 4. Describe open type ocean thermal electric power generation (OTEC) system with neat
sketch. [4m]
5. Describe basic principle of tidal power. [4m]
6. Draw layout of tidal power plant & describe working. [6m]
1. What are the prospect of OTEC in India [2m]
2. List components of tidal power plant. [2m]
3. Describe dolphin type ocean wave machine [4m]
4. Describe with neat sketch double basin arrangement of power generation from tides. [6m]
1. State basic principle of tidal energy. [2m]
2. Explain various components of tidal power plant [4m]
3. Describe single basin & double basin cycle system used in tidal energy [4m]
4. State advantages & limitations of tidal power generation [4m]

Classes of Diploma First Year to Final Year Prof. Hasan Akhtar (8180818280) 1

Unit-03: Ocean Energy

Ocean thermal Electric Power Generation
E-18: Define Ocean thermal Electric Power Generation. [2m]
 Energy from the ocean is available in several forms, such as ocean thermal energy, wave energy and
tidal energy.
 The conversion of solar energy stored as heat in the ocean into electrical energy is known as ocean
thermal energy conversion (OTEC).
 Ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC) is a means of converting this storage ocean thermal energy
into useful energy. Ocean thermal energy conversion is a technology that converts solar radiation into
electric energy and this process is known as Ocean thermal Electric Power Generation.
Methods of ocean thermal electric conversion (OTEC) power generation
 The ocean thermal energy conversion system converts the thermal energy of hot surface water of sea in
the electrical energy or other forms of energy because of temperature gradient existing between the
surface and deep sea water.
 There are potentially three basic types of ocean thermal energy conversion power plant as shown in the
block diagram

Open or Claude Cycle:

E-17: Describe open type ocean thermal electric power generation (OTEC) system with neat sketch.

 The warm sea water on the ocean surface is turned into low-pressure vapour in the vacuum flashed
evaporator under a partly vacuumed environment.
 The massive vacuum pump is needed to create the vacuum. These turbines have a large diameter about
12m/MW steam plant.
 The warm water from surface (1) is pumped in the flash evaporator (1-2) kept at low pressure where
vapour is formed by flashing.
Classes of Diploma First Year to Final Year Prof. Hasan Akhtar (8180818280) 2
 The depressurization (2-3) will vaporize the sea water and produces steam, taken to the low pressure
turbine (3-5) to drive it to generate power through generator.
 The separated warm water from the evaporator (4) is discharged to the sea at bottom. The steam after
leaving the turbine is condensed back in contact type condenser (5-6) by using cold water, pumped from
depth of the sea.
 The condensed water is desalinated water and can be utilized for various purposes. The cold deep water
after discharge will meet the sea water at low temperature (7).
Closed Cycle or Anderson Cycle:
E-18: Draw block diagram of close cycle OTEC system. [4m]
 In the closed cycle system, the working fluid is a liquid such as ammonia or propane. This working fluid
is vaporized in an evaporator.
 The warm ocean surface provides the necessary heat required for the vaporization of the fluid by means
of a heat exchanger.

 The high pressure vapour developed in the evaporator drives a turbine which is coupled to an electric
 The exhaust from the turbine is cooled and converted back into liquid in the condenser and pumped
back as a high pressure working fluid to the evaporator.
 Thus the working fluid is continuously circulated forming a closed cycle. Since ammonia vaporizes and
condenses near atmospheric pressure at the sea water temperature, it provides sufficient pressure drop
across the turbine.
 Therefore, the size of closed cycle plant is modest when compared to an open cycle system and the
efficiency is also relatively higher. A schematic closed cycle OTEC power plant is shown in Figure.
1. Ocean thermal is also relatively clean and environment friendly.
2. The resources supply steady power without fluctuation.
3. The availability hardly varies from season to season.
4. The variety of products and services are the major advantage of OTEC plants.
1. Cost of plant is high.
2. Due to low pressure, large size of steam turbine is used.
3. In closed cycle the working fluid is expensive.
4. Corrosion of metal parts due to saline water.
1. Open cycle OTEC plant can also produce desalinated water which can be used for irrigation and human
Classes of Diploma First Year to Final Year Prof. Hasan Akhtar (8180818280) 3
2. A closed cycle OTEC plant can also act as a chemical treatment plant.
3. An OTEC plant can also be used to pump up the deep sea water.
4. The power generated in the OTEC plant can be used for hydrogen production by means of water
O-17: What are the prospect of OTEC in India [2m]
 In India, conceptual studies on OTEC plants for Kavaratti (Lakshadweep island), Andaman Nicobar
Islands and at Kulasekharapatnam (Tamil Nadu) were initiated in 1980.
 A preliminary design for a 1-MWe (gross) closed Rankine cycle floating plant was prepared by IIT
Chennai in 1984. In 1997, the National Institute of Ocean Technology (NIOT) signed a memorandum of
understanding with Saga University, Japan, for joint development of 1 MW plant of earlier studies near
the port of Tuticorin (Tamil Nadu).
 India’s OTEC resource potential is estimated at around 180,000 MW. For the mainland, the cost of
power generation for a plant upwards of 25 MW is expected to be comparable to fossil fuel units. But
for islands, an OTEC power plant of any size is cheaper than the conventional generation units.
E-16, 17: State basic principle of tidal energy. [2m]
 The energy contained in the tides of seas is a major resource of energy. Tidal energy is due to the
gravitational force of attraction between the earth and sun and between earth and moon.
 The effect of this force becomes apparent in the motion of water, which shows a periodic rise and fall of
the water levels. This periodic rise and fall of water is called Tide.

 The potential energy is stored in the water of the basin because of difference in the water level across
the barrage after the tide goes back.
 This energy is converted into kinetic energy, as the water passes through the turbine placed in the
tunnel, which in turn rotates the blades of it and finally conversion of this mechanical energy takes place
into electrical energy by the coupled generator.
E-16, O-17: Explain various components of tidal power plant [4m]
The main components of tidal power plant are shown in the block diagram

1. Dam or Barrage: It is a dam of low head and requires the following features:
(i) Less sloping toward the ocean and basin side.
(ii) Able to withstand the shock load of tides and wave.
(iii) Low height and shorter in length to minimize the cost of construction.

Classes of Diploma First Year to Final Year Prof. Hasan Akhtar (8180818280) 4
(iv) Steel foundation frame and channels are embedded in the ducts within the barrage for turbine
and gates steel foundation.
2. Sluice Gate: The sluice gate are used either to fill the basin during the high tide or empty the basin
during the low tide as per operational requirement. These are gate controlled devices. It is generally
convenient to have the power house as well as the sluice gate in alignment with the dam.
3. Basin: The basin can be single, pair or multiple types and have different designs.
4. Power plant and turbine: The plant size is more because of low water head. The Kaplan or bulb type
turbine is used to operate with low head. The entire turbine generator unit is submerged in water.
Tidal power plants are classified on the basis of the number of basins used and accordingly they are
classified into two parts as shown in the block diagram


 Single basin system can generate power only intermittently. This is the simplest system to generate tidal
power. The single basin scheme have only one basin.
 The basin is separated from the sea by a dam (barrage, Dyke). The sluiceway is opened during high tide
to fill the basin. The turbine generator units are mounted with in the ducts inside the barrage.
 The single basin system can be further sub-classified as
(a) Single ebb-cycle system
(b) Single tide-cycle system
(c) Double cycle system

(a) Single Ebb Cycle System: As shown

in figure in simple tidal scheme water
is filled in the basin through sluice
during incoming high tide (during
flood) without power generation. When
the water in the basin is filled up to
crust level or near to the high water
level, the sluice gate gets closed.
The water is trapped behind the barrage
by closing the gate and it passes
(outgoing ebb) through the turbine
from the basin into the ocean through
turbine to generate power. This power
is available for short duration.


 In a double basin tidal plant, there are two basins at different levels and a dam is provided in between
the two basins. One basin is called the upper basin while the second one is called lower basin.
 Sluice gates and turbines are provided in the dam. The high level basin gates are called inlet gates and
the low level gates are outlet gates.
 A two basin scheme may be a linked basin scheme or a paired basin. Linked basin scheme consists of
two basins, one of which is filled during the high tide and the other emptied during the low tide. This
creates a permanent head between the two basins.
 Water is sent through a turbine from the high basin to the low basin. Such a tidal power generation is
Classes of Diploma First Year to Final Year Prof. Hasan Akhtar (8180818280) 5
shown in figure.
 In the double basin-paired scheme, if one of the basin generates on high tide then other basin generates
on low tide. The two basin schemes are economically inferior to the single basin schemes.


1. Tidal power is free from pollution.
2. No extra sub merging of land is involved.
3. It is free from the problems of uprooting the people and disturbing the ecology balance.
4. It is everlasting and is not influenced by the changing mood of the nature such as failure of the monsoon.
5. The biggest advantage of tidal power plant is that it is inexhaustible.
1. Economic recovery of tidal energy is possible only at site having tidal range in excess of 5 meters and the
geographical conditions permit the construction of the tidal plant.
2. The other drawback of tidal power plant is their uneven operation. Therefore, output power is variable.
3. Initial capital cost of tidal power plant is very high and required long construction period.
4. Sea water is corrosive.
5. The conversion devices are relatively complicated in construction.
Search by your self
 The wave energy is in the form of motion of the water particles and can be converted to mechanical
form or some other form by using wave machines.
 The wave energy is difficult to collect because of wide fluctuation in frequency and amplitude at any
point. There are number of wave energy offshore systems used to extract the wave energy via an
interface that transfers the force of wave to mechanical motion.
 The most promising devices to meet the demand of local coastal areas is given below.
(A) Hose pump: The device is shown in figure consists of elastomeric hose, which reduces its volume
when stretched. The system floats near the surface by means of float. While oscillating with the surface
waves, the water gets pressurized in the hose and is fed to the turbine runner placed at bottom of the
hose through non-returnable value.
Classes of Diploma First Year to Final Year Prof. Hasan Akhtar (8180818280) 6


(i) It is a concentrated form of energy and can naturally accumulate over time.
(ii) It is an eco-friendly renewable source of energy.
(iii) No space coverage on land as required by wind and solar devices.
(iv) Large concentrated power carried in wave’s motion.
(v) The running cost is negligible as this energy is available free of cost.

(i) The device operates in ocean and needs consideration for construction, maintenance and reliability.
(ii) Wave machines have to withstand the sudden storms and other climate changes that develop fatigue
stress on the system and decrease its life.
(iii) Capital cost of system is more.
(iv) Problem in maintenance occurs.
(v) Lack of dependability.
 The wave energy programme was started in India in 1983 with preliminary studies at IIT Chennai.
 Initial research concluded that oscillating water column (OWC) was the most suitable for Indian
 A 150-kW pilot OWC plant was built onto the breakwater of the Vizhingam Fisheries Harbour, near
Trivandrum (Kerala) in 1991. The scheme operated successfully, producing data that were used for the
design of a superior generator and turbine.
 This has led to the installation of improved power module in 1996.
 Wave energy is passing through R and D phase and has not reached maturity from several points of
view. Main countries involved in its development are Denmark, India, Ireland, Japan, Norway, Portugal,
UK and USA.
 These efforts have largely been uncoordinated and so a wide variety of technologies have emerged.
Some of them have been deployed in the sea as demonstration schemes.

Classes of Diploma First Year to Final Year Prof. Hasan Akhtar (8180818280) 7

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