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Literature Review Domain A

William Mayoral

TED 690

National University


This paper is a review of David Kirkland’s article, “Researching and Teaching English in the

Digital Dimension” This was a selected reading to help highlight TPE Domain A 1B from the

California Teaching Performance Expectations. This paper is taking a look on how to apply

technology into teaching English language arts.


In this article David Kirkland writes about understanding pedagogy in a digital age.

Kirkland’s purées of this piece was to say, “While these waves have been helpful in describing

and pushing classroom borders, they alone are no longer sufficient for describing pedagogical

space in the digital moment.” (Kirkland 2009) He means to say that teaching pedagogy needs to

push forward with the digital revolution, so that we may meet the needs of our students in a new

digital landscape.

What Kirkland tries to bring to light in this paper is that we need to understand that our

traditional figures of in school text/ out school text has changed. The way in which our students

access information has revolutionized. Our students are beginning to consume more and more

material outside the boudoirs of education, and it is up to us as educators to assess this input and

output. Students are not just reading information online, but they themselves are creating content

that we can read and understand. The traditional boundaries of professional learning environment

and personal learning environment now begin to blur lines.

Kirkland goes on to say, “There is a growing body of research that illustrates how space

in the digital dimension looks (Alvermann, 2008; Brass, 2008; Lewis & Fabos, 2005). This work

showcases today's youth interacting beyond physical borders (Alvermann, 2008; Knobel &

Lankshear, 2008). It shows youth participating in virtual communities such as Facebook and

SecondLife, building complex new social lives while remaining firmly affixed to existing ones.

This work is important because, according to the Pew Internet and American Life Project, more

than half of what it calls "online teens," or teens who use the Internet, use social networks and

have created online profiles (Lenhart & Madden, 2007). For these youth, "Social networking

sites are places to reinforce pre-existing friendships" and for "making new friends" (p. 1).”

(Kirkland 2009) Our students are now interacting with language and communicating with

language in different ways. We as English teachers need to try and tap into these outlets. By

being able to access these outlets we will see a more whole picture of how our students are

acquiring and using language outside of school and inside a digital realm.

Kirkland finishes this piece by saying, “It should not be lost, however, that within the

digital dimension, literacy is also reshaped. Online is a place of words and pictures, signs and

symbols that help to express the fragility of our existence and the brilliance of our human bonds.

Therefore, in ELA, we must seek to better understand extra space so that it can be put to better

use for new century pedagogical purposes-chiefly to enhance and update ELA researching and

teaching.”(Kirkland 2009) As English teacher’s we always need to be aware of the digital world

that revolves around us and our students. Language is always changing, communication is

evolving, and the way our students are interacting with the world and each other are evolving.

We as educators need to be aware of this so that we can apply this to our students education.


Kirkland, D. E. (2009). Researching and teaching english in the digital dimension. Research in

the Teaching of English, 44(1), 8-22. Retrieved from http://0-

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