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Grammar L Past simple (affirmative) ican use the past simple affirmative. 1 Complete the sentences with the past simple affirmative form of the regular verbs below. decide die drop study talk want look marry move stop 1 My dad maths at university. 2 We live in Oxford. We. here five years ago. 3 Jason__at meand smiled 4 Thetrain atthe station and we got off 5 Jenny ‘on the phone with her friend for over two hours! 6 inthe end, we to go on holiday totaly, not to France. 7 The goalkeeper had the ball, but then he it 8 My mum. my dad in 1988, 91 to goto the shopping mall, but my mum said no 10 Sadly, my grandma last year. She was 98. 2 Complete the sentences. Use the past simple affirmative form of the irregular verbs in brackets. 1 Emma tried on a green dress anda blue dress in the clothes shop. and (choose) the blue one. 21 (find) £20 in the street last Saturday. 3 We (go) bowling yesterday evening 4 Somebody (steal) my smartphone from my schoolbag. 5 The film (begin) at seven and finished at ten 6 it (take) sic hours to drive from London to Edinburgh 7 Hannah (fee!) relieved when she got her exam results. 8 Tomand Matt invite them to his party. (be) upset that George didn't Py em (get) home at eight otclock on Sunday. 10 Millie (pend) all her money on computer = games 3 Complete the texts with the past simple affirmative -_of the verbs in brackets. Callie Rogers ' (be) just sixteen when she * (win) the lottery in 2003. She * (give) up her job as a shop assistant and * (start) to spend her money. She * (take) her famity on expensive holidays, © (Gnvite) all her friends to big parties every weekend and 1___ (have) cosmetic surgery. Ten years later, she * (have) just £2,000 left. But she's happy now. 1? (be) too young to win the lottery; she ® (say). 4 Correct the verbs in sentences 1-5. 1. Wewas at home lastnight. x 2 | droped my phone on the floor. x 3 I gived my brother a book for his birthday. x 4 Mysisterstudyed maths at university. « 5 Ispended all my pocket money on sweets. x 5 Write five true sentences about what you did last weekend. Use past simple forms of the verbs below to help you, or ‘your own ideas. be get go have phone play study take talk visit watch 1 ee ‘Tom Crist when he ™ 16 December 2013. He ® (get) a big surprise (answer) his phone on (be) a lottery winner, and the prize * (be) enormous ~ $40 million! He * (decide) not to tell anyone about the win. He immediately %___ (give) all the money to charities. ‘T don’t really need that money; he ” (say). My wife ® (die) earlier in the year so1” (choose) cancer charities that * (hetp) her: Grammar 1 Complete the sentences with the correct negative past simple form of the verbs in brackets, 1 We (get) to the hotel in time for dinner. 2 Ourteam (win) the last match of the season. 3 Itwas a long film, but | (fee!) bored. 4 They (Gpend) all their money on holiday. 5 My aunt (be) atthe family wedding last weekend, 6 Ourteacher {give) us alot of homework Tit (rain) at all last month, 8 enjoyed the fm, but! (can) understand all of the dialogue. 2 Complete the first part of each sentence with the correct, past simple negative form. 1 didn't go skiing last winter, | went snowboarding 2 Einstein in 1965, he died in 1955, 3 The holidays yesterday, they began last week 4 My grandparents were born in Germany. 51 “thirteen | sad thirty: 6 We the first half ofthe match, but we saw the second half 7 atthe age of five, | could si. Bit warm yesterday, but it was sunny. born in Russia, they ride a bike, but | 3. Make these sentences true for you. Use the past simple affirmative or negative form of the verbs in brackets. V1 (can) swim when 1 was five. 2 Last weekend, (do) alot of homework, 3 Fiveyears ago, | (be)a student at this school 4 Ten years ago, Alive) n a different town, 5 (rake) my own breakfast this morning. 61 {choose the clothes 'm wearing now. 7 Last night, | (go) out with my friends 8 When |wassix | (study) English Past simple (negative and interrogative) ican use the past simple to describe events. 4 Complete the dialogue with the question words below. how often what when where which who why Mia Hi,Henty.’ did you do at the weekend? Henry | went to the beach on Saturday. ‘Mia That’sricel® did you go with? Henry Matt and Alex. Mia Alex West? Henry do you see him? Only two or three times a year. He doesn't live near here any more. Ma + Henry In London. Mia Does he? ® part of London? Henry I'm not sure. North London, I think Mia * did he move? Henry | think his mum got a new job. Anyway, 1 did you last see hirn? Mia Oh, about twoyears ago. does he live now? 5 Put the words in order to make questions. Then write answers that are true for you. 1 homework / how much /last / did / you / night / do /? 2 with / travel /did /to / school /you / who / today /? 3 best / meet / where / you / did / friend / your /? 4 first / teacher / who / your / was / English /? 6 Read the sentences. Then write questions for the given answers. 1 Jack gave his old bike to his sister, Q: What aid Jack give his sister? ‘As His old bike. 2 Sam had dinner early because he was hungry. Q ? ‘A: He was hungry. 3 Mason and Tyler went to London together. eo le ‘A: He went with Tyler 4 Grace listened to three Lady Gaga CDs, Qo As Three. Unit1 Feelings (OE

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