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Telling My Story Using My PDQP

William Mayoral

TED 690

National University


The purpose of this paper is to show my progress in completing domain A in the California

Teaching Proficiency (TPE). I will be evaluating my progress in reaching domain A. This paper

will also identify my strengths and weaknesses for the given domain. This paper will also touch

on my artifacts selected for my PDQP. Here is a hyperlink for my site

When looking at the six domains that apply to California Teaching Performance

Expectations (TPE) I feel that I have come very close, if not already having reach proficiency in

all six areas. I will never go so far as to say that I have mastered these competencies, because as I

have learned throughout my education journey, there is never truly an end. We are always

growing learning and adapting human beings have since the dawn of time. In that same light we

need to as educators always be growing and adapting to meet the needs of our students.

When I think about my strengths I look to my lesson that I recorded in Domain A. I know

how to work a classroom. I also know very well how to get my students engaged and get them

involved. I was raised by two teachers. My parents always made it a point to carry myself with

purpose. I feel that I have also carried that over into the classroom. I fell that I know how to

manage the instructional space and make sure that all students are tended to. I like to implement

various materials in my class so that I can vary instruction.

From that same video I feel that I can use improvement on my lesson planning. I have a

lot of things that I would like to include in lessons, and at times fall short due to my time

management. I feel that planning could also be done better in advance so that I can better present

the materials and information to my students so that they know exactly what is expected of them,

and be able to grasp all the knowledge put forth to them by me.

One of the big areas I feel that I nailed was 1B. “Candidates model and assist students to

integrate technology and media into language arts when conducting research, producing and

publishing writing, creating multimedia presentations, and interacting and collaborating with

others. They provide students the opportunity to use and evaluate strengths and limitations of

media and technology as integral tools in the classroom.” ( CTPE 2013) I have always done all

that I could to try and incorporate different materials and media into my instruction. I feel that

making sure that I am staying relevant has always been apart of my core not only in my personal

life, but my professional life as well.

Looking to our textbook it states, “ The process of portfolio development requires a

teacher to identify episodes of teaching , analyze what occurred, and assess the effectiveness of

his or her teaching performance and outcomes of student learning.” (Constantino & De Lorenzo

2009, p.4) I feel that I have thoroughly displayed this for domain A. I feel that this is a good

starting point for my PDQP and I have a lot of room to go and develop from here.


California teaching performance expectations. (2013, March). Retrieved April 10, 2020, from
Costantino, P. M., N., D. L., & Tirrell-Corbin, C. (2009). Chapter 1. In Developing a
professional teaching portfolio: A guide for success (p. 4). Allyn & Ba

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