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“You cannot cross the sea merely by standing and staring at the water”

- Rabindranath Tagore

Times are changing and those bring along with the dire need for a change in the Indian political
scenario on the Global Arena. The approach it holds as well as the acceptance that the settings
and assumptions held by us, do not stand true any longer. There have been significant changes
which have been notice in the global arena starting from the Brexit to have occurred, the rise of
China as a major superpower and the assumptions that it might grow onto becoming the second
major superpower, India’s growing economic stability and new-earned respect in the global field
along with its growing technological advancements. This change in the scenario has also gone
ahead to bring about a huge change in the way the relationships were ranked earlier, China and
Japan are more important than ever to India, France is growing onto becoming a very major
strategic player along with the Arabs becoming a strong ally.
This trajectory goes ahead to make us realize that the entire point of the existence of NAM is
required to be modified with regards to the changing times, the ideology needs to be more
inclusive after the establishment of the Sustainable Goals since all the countries hold equal
responsibility and answerability, the world political scenario has completely shifted and
multilateralism is the need of the hour. India’s geopolitics have gone through 6 different phases
which were talked about starting from the phase of the establishment of the ideology of NAM to
the conflict with China which occurred in 1962, then came along the phase where India went
ahead to firmly establish its ground and created Bangladesh and also went ahead to strengthen
the ties with the Soviet Union. The fourth phase constituted of the jolt of disbandment of the
Soviet and the eventual emergence of a unipolar world which led to the creation of the Look East
policy to be adopted by the Nation for opening itself to economic relations with the United States
of America, this is also the phase here India went on to become a nuclear power by the year of
1998 and the fifth phase was where India started balancing itself in a much better manner and
hence indulged in the India-US nuclear deal which showed a better understanding of the entire
global scenario. The final and the sixth phase is constituted by the betterment of Indo-China
relations, and it went onto harden its terms while negotiating on deals with all the countries in the
The speech dissected each aspect which makes the growth of India in the global scenario
inevitable and what it takes to be respectable member of the Global society. It provides a very
clear message of how the need for adopting a modified foreign policy is the need of the hour, it
talks about how the unsettling constant terror threats that loom over the borders as well as in
between India and Pakistan needs to go away, how that is a major burden on the trajectory of
India’s growth in the sector of Foreign Policy. India is at the peak of its advancements and the
country needs to address this issue strongly, even when the debate is going to be highly
I completely agree with Mr. Jaishankar’s views and ideologies and I truly believe that all that
India, as a developed country needs today, is a foreign policy which puts as less a strain on its
economy along with its position in the global arena and the overall growth and for the same all it
requires is a hardened self of confidence in its ideologies which have stood the test of time and
brought India to its glory.

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