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@) ouoc HUY




'~ C\rUNG NH~N HIlU C[f 0

Cs\~ · VAN

Chung nh~n hi~u chu§n s61 Certificate No. Ngayl Date

Thi~t hi hi~u chuan: May ki~m tra khuyet t~t b~ng sieu am
Calibration Unit: Ultrasonic flaw detector I
Mii s&1 Model S& hi~ul Serial No. Nha san xu~tl Manufacturer
USM35XDAC GE Inspection Technologies GmbH - Germany
Khach hang/ Customer:
Dia chi/ Address:
Phuong phap hi~u chuAn: Sll' dung chuong trinh USM35 Service va cong cu chuan N30 theo guy trinh hieu
chuan cua nha may GE Inspection Technologies
Method of calibration Using USM35 Service Program and Ref. Standard N30 complying with procedure
of GE Inspection Technologies factory
.A 'A
lII~i U KUlIgl Environmental condition: 24°C ± 2°C (47± 10)%RH II
Thi~t hi sir dung/Instruments used S& hi~ul Serial No. Ngay hi~u chuAn/Cal Date Hi~u l,!c d~n/Due Date
1I Reference Standard N30 5306 5/2012 5/2015

K~t qua hi~u chuan/ Result of calibration: Xem k~t qua o' cac trang saul See result in next pages I
Vi~c kiem tra thiet bi phil hop voi thong sf>cua Krautkramer voi S\l' tham khao cac tieu chuan ASME, ASTM'IBS, DIN va JISZ
The inspection of Unit is in accordance to the Krautkramer Specification with reference to ASME, ASTM, BS, DIN and JISZ

NgU'Oi hi~u chuan NgU'Oiduy~t

Calibrated by Reviewed! Approved by

Phong Ky Thu~t Giarn d&c trung tam
Technical Department Director

1. Cac k~t qua hi~u cnuan ghi trong gi~y chemgnh$n nay chi co gill tr] va! thillt b] do i!a du'Q'chi$u chuan tren day.
The Calibration results in this certificate are applicable to the above calibrated instrument only.
2. Khang ouqc trlch sao 1 phan giay hi$u chuan nay neu khang cO SY' oong y bang van banctla trung tam dich Vu ky thu~t QuOcHuy.
This certificate shal[ not be reproduced. except in ful[. without the written approval of Quoc Huy TechnicalServices Center.
3. Ten khach hang dl1Q'cghi theo yeu cau clla nO'i9th mau.
Name of customer is written as customer's request.
4. Ngay hi$u chu~n ket tiep phVthu(>cvao khach hang.
Recalibrationdate depends on customer.

Head Office: 23 Nguyen Thai Son, Ward 3, Govap Dist.. Hochiminh City .Vietnam Tel: +84.8 38940623 Fax: +84.8389535 9
Hanoi Rep.: Room 1-4. 810ck 8.179 Hoang Quoc Viet, Nghia Do ,Hanoi City Tel: +84.4 37915881 Fax: +84.4 379158 1
Vungtau Rep.: Room 8708. 8 Zone, 12 Nguyen Thai Hoc, Ward 7, Vungtau City Tel: +84.64 3574591 Fax: +84.64 35745 1
Email: qh, Website:
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Ref: USM35X DAC_161S0a_OOO.xls

ok mm
TOF2 ok 49.60 mm ok
TOF2 ok 49.60 50.40 mm ok

Analog2 1.20 ok
Horn ok
TTL 1 ok
TTL2 ok

.... ..,.IIrr'I'Mgcki~ guy trinh cua nha may GE Inspection Technologies va dat 09 chinh xac cho p

as been tested complying with GE Inspection Technologiesfactory test procedure and kot its permissi

H~ thong cha; luong cua GE Inspection Technologies duoc chung nhan theo DIN / EN / ISO 900 I :2000
The GE Inspection Technologies Quality System is certified according to DIN / EN / ISO 9001 :2000

Head Office: 23 Nguyen Thai Son, Ward 3, Govap Dis!., Hochiminh City ,Vietnam Tel: +84.8 .<K4,111h"'3 Fax: +84.8
Hanoi Rep.: Room 1-4,Block B, 179 Hoang Quoc Viet, Nghia Do ,Hanoi City Tel: +84.4 1 Fax: +84.4
Vungtau Rep.: Room B708, B Zone, 12 Nguyen Thai Hoc, Ward 7, Vungtau City Tel: +84.64 1 Fax: +84.64
Email: qh, Website: www.nd!

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