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Technical Paper

Dirk Schlicke* DOI: 10.1002/suco.201400058

Nguyen Viet Tue

Minimum reinforcement for crack width control

in restrained concrete members considering
the deformation compatibility
The current design code EC2 [1] regulates the minimum rein- to tensile stresses. To guarantee serviceability of the struc-
forcement for crack width control in restrained concrete mem- ture, the resulting crack width is to be limited to accept-
bers by taking up the cracking force of the cross section. Al- able values. The current design code [1] regulates the min-
though this concept gives straightforward results, its consistent imum reinforcement for crack width control by taking up
application can lead to high reinforcement amounts with increas- the cracking force of the cross section or relevant parts of
ing member thickness. The reason is the simplifying assumption it. But this approach disregards the deformation compati-
of an infinite member length neglecting the deformation compati- bility along the real member length and is therefore unable
bility. to cover the whole context sufficiently. The extraordinary
The cracking force approach was therefore empirically modified importance of the deformation compatibility can be seen
to reflect practical experience, see [2]. However, the main modifi- in Eq. (1), where the resulting stresses strongly depend on
cation of a limited tensile strength seems particularly dubious, as
the degree of restraint, which is an indicator of the com-
the primarily affected thick members have already a strong de-
veloped tensile strength before any risk of cracking occurs at all.
Finally, this circumstance leaves the structural designer with the t
dilemma of being either uneconomic or having no mechanical
proof in a possible case of damage. ∫
σ rest (t) = a (t) · ε 0 (t) · E (t) dt (1)
However, the mechanically consistent estimation of the minimum
reinforcement for crack width control can be achieved by consid-
ering the deformation compatibility of the restrained member, see a degree of restraint
[3]. With the introduction of [4], this deformation-based design ε0 deformation impact
concept became state of the art for mass concrete members of E elastic modulus
hydraulic structures.
This contribution presents the general application of the defor- Cracking starts if those stresses exceed the present tensile
mation-based design concept due the findings of [5]. The reliabili- strength. The distance between the cracks is usually as-
ty and the practicability of this approach will then be illustrated sumed to be given by the reinforcement. But in the case of
by the deformation-based minimum reinforcement design of a ground slabs or walls on foundations, the main cracks (pri-
trough structure. mary cracks) result from the interaction with the restrain-
ing condition. They are geometrically set as illustrated in
Keywords: minimum reinforcement, crack width control, hardening concrete,
restraint stresses, deformation-based reinforcement design, deformation Fig. 1 and the distance between them clearly exceeds the
compatibility transfer length of reinforcement into concrete.
Without reinforcement, the deformation compatibili-
ty would already be achieved by the width of the primary
1 Introduction crack, where its absolute size depends on the restrained
deformation and the distance between the primary cracks.
Crack assessment of hardening concrete is an important In this context, the primary cracks can be assumed to be
task in concrete design. It considers the different deforma- independent from each other. But if the width of the pri-
tion impacts during hydration and temperature equaliza- mary crack without reinforcement exceeds the crack
tion of the member and the resulting stresses, if those de- width criteria, active crack width control by reinforcement
formation impacts are restrained. In general, cracking is needed. This active crack width control is based on the
caused by concrete hardening cannot be excluded a priori creation of secondary cracks next to the primary cracks,
since time-dependent stiffness development and strong as shown in Fig. 2.
viscoelastic behaviour of the young concrete always lead The primary crack and the secondary cracks now
form a crack system and the deformation compatibility
will be achieved by the sum of all single crack widths. To
* Corresponding author: conclude, the suitable active crack width control must on-
Submitted for review: 21 July 2014 ly guarantee that enough secondary cracks can be gener-
Accepted for publication: 26 August 2014 ated to absorb the deformation impact.

© 2015 Ernst & Sohn Verlag für Architektur und technische Wissenschaften GmbH & Co. KG, Berlin · Structural Concrete (2015), No. 2 221
D. Schlicke/N. V. Tue · Minimum reinforcement for crack width control in restrained concrete members considering the deformation compatibility

Fig. 1. Geometric set crack patterns in a ground slab due to bending restraint (left) and in a wall on a foundation due to centric restraint (right)

crack width control, if the deformation impact is known.

The number of secondary cracks n required is:

⎛σ 1 ⎞
n = ⎜ rest,max · lcr · – 1⎟ · 1.1 (2)
⎝ E eff wk ⎠

σrest,max decisive restraint stresses

Eeff associated modulus of elasticity
lcr distance between primary cracks
wk crack width criteria

The decreasing width of subsequent secondary cracks

in comparison to the width of the primary crack is ex-
pressed by the factor 1.1 and covers relevant practical situ-
Fig. 2. Crack systems consisting of a primary crack and secondary cracks The minimum reinforcement required can be derived
from the number of secondary cracks n. According to [5], n
≤ 0 means that the deformation compatibility is already ful-
filled with the width of the primary crack and reinforce-
The national annexes of [1] in Germany and Austria ment for crack width control is not needed at all. However,
already distinguish between primary and secondary crack- a skin reinforcement is still required to ensure a robust con-
ing by limiting the minimum reinforcement of thick con- crete surface. This skin reinforcement can be designed by
crete members on taking up the cracking force of the con- taking up the cracking force of the surface area at any time:
crete area which is affected by reinforcement (effective
concrete area). However, this regulation is still to be seen fctm
As,min = · 2, 5 · d1 (3)
as a pragmatic solution, which is generally not on the safe fyk
side. Even though the effective concrete area is empirical-
ly increased by the cross section thickness, this does not fctm average tensile strength of concrete
consider the fact that every new secondary crack will in- fyk yield stress of the reinforcement
crease the steel strain in the primary crack, as is clearly d1 edge-distance of the reinforcement
shown with the conceptual model of [6].
Overall, the current design code can give unsafe results In all other cases (n > 0) active crack width control is nec-
in several cases. Therefore, structural damage – especially in essary. The minimum reinforcement in these cases de-
the form of leakage in watertight constructions – often oc- pends on the cracking force of the effective concrete area
curs. However, other cases already fulfil the deformation at the latest cracking time as well as the number of sec-
compatibility with the width of the primary crack, so that re- ondary cracks required (where n is rounded up to the next
inforcement for crack width control is not needed at all. integer).
The empirical modification of the current design Based on the conceptual model of [6], the minimum
code [1] is not able to cover this whole context. The sug- reinforcement can be determined by:
gested reduction of the decisive tensile strength seems par-
ticularly dubious as the primarily affected members are ds · b2 · d1 · fct,eff · (0.69 + 0.34 · n)
thick and therefore have a late cracking time with a strong As,min = (4)
wk · Es
developed tensile strength.

2 Minimum Reinforcement for Crack Width Control ds reinforcement diameter

under Consideration of Deformation Compatibility b width in direction viewed
fct,eff decisive tensile strength of concrete
Research on crack mechanics in thick concrete members n number of secondary cracks required
with near-edge reinforcement by [6] already enables a me- wk crack width criteria
chanically consistent minimum reinforcement design for Es elastic modulus of reinforcement

222 Structural Concrete (2015), No. 2

D. Schlicke/N. V. Tue · Minimum reinforcement for crack width control in restrained concrete members considering the deformation compatibility

Fig. 3. Minimum reinforcement according to number of secondary cracks


Finally, the minimum reinforcement required depends on

the number of secondary cracks needed as illustrated in
Fig. 3.
With the introduction of [4] this deformation-based
design concept became state of the art for mass concrete
members of hydraulic structures, even though it contains
several simplifying assumptions for the conditions of large
mass concrete structures.
For the general application of the deformation-based
design concept, comprehensive investigations on the
quantification of deformation impacts in hardening con- Fig. 4. Constant, linear and non-linear parts in the stress distribution over
crete members were carried out by [5]. This paper presents the height of a wall restrained by a foundation and the influence of residual
stresses on the risk of design relevant cracking
the findings of [5] with a detailed overview of the two main
parameters responsible for the deformation impact in a
primary crack – the decisive restraint stresses and the dis- tant to identify the real driving forces behind crack forma-
tance between the primary cracks. Both parameters de- tion by analysing the stress distribution regarding the parts
pend strongly on the material behaviour in the hardening corresponding to external forces and residual stresses.
process as well as the geometric conditions of the member. Usually, residual stresses have a stress reducing effect
Mainly due to the significant influence of viscoelas- at the most stressed point. However, this effect disappears
ticity, the decisive restraint stresses have to be determined as soon as locally restricted micro-cracking takes place in
numerically. For the determination of the distance be- areas where tensile residual stresses are present. Hence,
tween the primary cracks, however, an analytical engi- only the constant and linear parts in the stress distribution
neering model considering member type and geometric remain and might cause design relevant macro-cracking.
conditions will be introduced. Fig. 4 illustrates this principle with the final stress distribu-
tion over the height of a hardening wall restrained by a
3 Crack Risk and Decisive Restraint Stresses foundation.
The determination of the decisive stress distribution
The risk of cracking arises, if any stresses exceed the ten- is not trivial, since time-dependent material behaviour
sile strength. To provide a safe evaluation of the crack risk takes place in systems where time-dependent deformation
the decisive stresses should be compared to the lower lim- impacts encounter changing restraint degrees. The defor-
it of the present tensile strength, expressed by its 5 % mation impacts result from both temperature field
quantile. Furthermore, an additional safety factor of 0.8 is changes due to hydration heat release as well as tempera-
introduced to provide a reliable estimate of whether crack ture equalization, and additional shrinkage impacts. The
formation can be excluded or not. The decisive tensile determination of resulting stresses requires a time-discrete
strength to evaluate the crack risk finally amounts to: consideration because of the material properties develop-
ing in parallel and the viscoelastic behaviour of the con-
fct,risk = 0.8 · 0.7 · fctm (teff ) (5) crete. Furthermore, a suitable definition of the boundary
condition and the accuracy of the material model are of
However, if crack formation cannot be excluded, the rein- major importance. Due to the challenging requirements of
forcement design has to be carried out with the average such a solution, here only 3D-FEM simulations are used.
tensile strength according to Eq. (6). The reason for this is Suggestions for an analytical solution can be found in [5].
that the process of crack formation is more dependent on After a short illustration of the material model using
the geometric conditions of the member as well as the in- the reference concrete mixture of the calculation example,
teraction between reinforcement and concrete than on the quantification of the decisive restraint stresses and
the scattering of the concrete tensile strength, see [12]. general observations are discussed for the basic forms of
concrete members.
fct,design = fctm (teff ) (6)
3.1 Reference Concrete and Material Model
The decisive restraint stresses occur in the most restrained
cross section at temperature equalization. This cross sec- The reference concrete has a strength class of C 35/45 ac-
tion is usually located in the plane of symmetry. If crack for- cording to [1] and is suitable for mass concrete application
mation cannot be excluded in this cross section, it is impor- due to blast furnace cement.

Structural Concrete (2015), No. 2 223

D. Schlicke/N. V. Tue · Minimum reinforcement for crack width control in restrained concrete members considering the deformation compatibility

Table 1. Binder properties of the reference concrete

Parameter Value Unit

CEM III/A 32.5 N Holcim 300 kg/m3

Water 145 kg/m3

Aggregates 0/16 2000 kg/m3

BV ViscoCrete-1051 PCE 3 kg/m3

The major requirement for the material model is to

secure a temporal and spatial coupling of hydration heat
release, strength development, shrinkage and viscoelastic-
ity according to the hardening progress in every material
point. Suitable synchronisation can be achieved by formu-
lating every single material property on the effective con-
crete age. This approach is common and generally ap-
proved. The effect of maturity (which describes the
influence of the concrete temperature on the speed of the
hydration progress) can be described according to [7]

⎧E –0.45 ⎫
⎪ ⎡ T (t) + 10 ⎤ ⎡ 1 1 ⎤⎪

teff = exp ⎨ A · ⎢
⎪⎩ R ⎣ 30 ⎦
⎥ ·⎢ – ⎥ ⎬dt (7)
⎣ 293 273 + T (t) ⎦⎪⎭

3.1.1 Hydration Heat Release

The hydration heat release was simulated using an expo-

nential function according to [8] which was fitted to calori-
metric test results as shown in Fig. 5.
Fig. 6. Strength development, material model fitted to measurement data
3.1.2 Strength Development

The strength development was simulated using the model However, a comparison with the estimates of the current
of [9] which was fitted to measurements as shown in Fig. 6. design code [1] shows that the approaches there give val-
The advantage of this model is the coupling of the ues slightly on the safe side for the reference concrete.
time development of all strength properties as well as its
reference to the characteristic properties after 28 days. 3.1.3 Shrinkage and Viscoelasticity
The time coefficient fβ of the reference concrete was found
to be: Drying shrinkage was not taken into account in this study

{ }
with the justification that the moisture loss in the exposed
fβ = exp – 3.0 · ⎡⎣teff
–0.8 · 28 –0.8 ⎤
⎦ (8) mass concrete members considered is negligible. More de-
tails can be found in [5].
However, autogenous shrinkage was taken into ac-
count with a total size of 0.0625 ‰. This value was de-
rived from [1] according to the C35/45 strength class of
the concrete, but the temporal appearance of the autoge-
nous shrinkage was linked to the hydration heat release
with Eq. (9). Modelling based on the hydration heat re-
lease is not approved in general. It was derived during the
preparation of [5] since it turned out that the empirical
function of the time coefficient in [1] offers no suitable
coupling to the maturity.

Q (teff )
ε ca (teff ) = ε ca,⬁ · (9)

It is notable that recent studies indicate considerable in-

Fig. 5. Adiabatic temperature rise, model fitted to measurement data creases of autogenous shrinkage under realistic tempera-

224 Structural Concrete (2015), No. 2

D. Schlicke/N. V. Tue · Minimum reinforcement for crack width control in restrained concrete members considering the deformation compatibility

ture histories compared to 20 °C isothermal test results. Table 2. Further material properties needed for the simulation
But those effects are not reliably quantified yet and could
therefore not be used. Future work should take this into Parameter Value Unit
account. Further details on this are given in [14].
Heat capacity 2500 kJ/K m3
The influence of the viscoelastic behaviour was con-
sidered using a deformation-based approach, working with Thermal conductivity 3.0–2.4 W/K m3
additional viscoelastic deformation impacts according to
Density 2500 kg/m3
each element’s stress history. The values of those vis-
coelastic deformation impacts were derived from the size Poisson’s ratio 0.2 [–]
of the stress changes within the time and the according
creep response. In a first step, the quantification of the Thermal expansion 1E-5 K–1
creep response was based on the creep curves in [1]. In ad-
dition to this, the global stress state of each individual ele-
ment in each single time step was also considered by dis- Two model conceptions exist for evaluating the influ-
tinction between loading and unloading stress changes. ence of external restraint. The friction model assumes slip-
Further details of this approach are given in [5] and [10]. ping over the rigid bedding area and is therefore mainly
applicable for thin or at least short slabs. With increasing
3.1.4 Further Material Properties length or thickness the slipping becomes less important as
an area with full bond between the slab and the ground
Besides the introduced time-dependent material proper- will exist. At this point, the interaction between both mem-
ties, the simulation requires the definition of some further bers, or rather the elasticity of the ground, is decisive as il-
material properties. With the exception of thermal con- lustrated in Fig. 7.
ductivity, they were all considered as constant, since their The influence of the slab height and the external re-
variation becomes less important already after setting straint on the restraint stresses caused by hardening was in-
time. vestigated with the 3D-FEM calculation model in Fig.  8.
The temporal changing of the thermal conductivity The calculations were conducted with the material model
was also linked to the hydration heat release, since its presented in section 3.1 and assuming summer conditions
main influence is the water binding during hydration. as shown in Tab. 2. Even if the quantity of the resulting
stresses is therefore restricted to a certain scenario, the re-
Q (teff ) sults are suitable for a general understanding of this context.
λ (teff ) = λ0 – (λ0 – λ⬁ ) · (10)
Q⬁ The first calculation run was conducted without any
external restraint in the bedding area. Restraint stresses re-
3.1.5 Implementation of the Material Model

The material model has to be implemented for each ele-

ment independently, especially in the case of thick mem-
bers, where remarkable temperature differences between
core and surface area occur, meaning that the hardening
progress is non-uniform over the cross section due to dif-
ferent maturity. The approach used for the consideration
of viscoelasticity, which depends on the global stress state,
also calls for an independent implementation, since resid-
ual stresses and bending give each element its own stress
Furthermore, an additional shifting in the concrete
ages over the height of the cross section due to layer-wise
placement can have a dominant influence on the resulting
stresses and is to be considered by using a time shift in the Fig. 7. Models to consider external restraint in ground slabs according to
implementation. [11]

3.2 Ground Slabs

The decisive restraint stresses of ground slabs are subject

to a superposition of bending restraint and external re-
straint. The bending restraint follows the curvature due to
the temperature difference over the height and leads to the
activation of gravity loads at the edge region. At large di-
mensions, a middle field also exists where any curvature is
totally restrained, so that only the temperature moment
occurs. However, the external restraint results from the
horizontal interaction with the ground and often causes
controversial discussions. Fig. 8. 3D-FEM idealization of a hardening ground slab

Structural Concrete (2015), No. 2 225

D. Schlicke/N. V. Tue · Minimum reinforcement for crack width control in restrained concrete members considering the deformation compatibility

Table 3. Environmental conditions of the ground slab parameter study

Parameter Value Unit

Fresh Concrete Temperature 25 °C

Average Air Temperature 20 °C

Heat Transfer Top Surface:

Foil/Free Air 12.5/25 W/m2 K

Heat Transfer Side Surface:

Formwork/Free Air 5.2/25 W/m2 K

top surface for slab heights over 2.0  m. However, micro-

cracks always occur if the total stresses in Fig. 9 exceed
the present fct,risk.
The results in Fig. 9 and Fig. 10 are theoretical, as ex-
ternal restraint is not totally avoidable. But when the tem-
perature history due to hydration heat release is consid-
ered it turns out that the external restraint has a beneficial
effect on the early tensile stresses at the top surface. The
concrete is still warming up at this time, meaning that ex-
ternal restraint will cause compression stresses over the
Fig. 9. Total restraint stresses at top surface and bottom of a hardening
ground slab without any external restraint in the bedding area
whole cross section, which reduces the risk of micro-
cracks on the top surface.
However, the maximum bending stresses at the top
surface were usually not reached until the cooling down
period had started. This happened because bending stress-
es were also influenced by the temperature maximum at
the bottom and therefore occur increasingly later in time
as the thickness of the slab increases. At this time, the ben-
eficial centric compression stresses of the warming-up pe-
riod might almost or already have been compensated by
the first centric tensile stresses of the starting cooling-
down period. As a result, the stress distribution at this
time is dominated by bending stresses and only bending
cracks are to be expected. The magnitude of external re-
straint is of minor importance in this context.
However, a second moment of crack risk arises at the
time of temperature equalization when centric tensile
stresses are at a maximum and bending stresses show ten-
sile stresses at the bottom. Since the maximum tensile
bending stresses at the bottom are much smaller than on
the top surface, the centric restraint stresses have to con-
tribute dominantly to reach the present tensile strength. In
case the tensile strength is reached, this scenario leads to
separating cracks over the whole slab height, rising from
the bottom.
Fig. 10. Bending restraint stresses at top surface and bottom of a harden- Altogether, the scenario of separating cracks requires
ing ground slab without any external restraint in the bedding area very high external restraint. The general case is the risk of
bending cracks on the top surface, which is more or less
sult only from temperature differences over the cross sec- independent of the ground stiffness. This is illustrated in
tion following different thermal conditions at bottom and Fig. 11.
top surface as well as non-linear temperature fields due to To quantify the magnitude of critical external re-
the heat storage in the core. Fig. 9 shows the results for to- straint leading to separating cracks, the axial stiffness of
tal stresses at top surface and bottom. It confirms the the 2D elements in the calculation model’s bedding area
practical experience that crack risk increases at the top was increased until the design relevant stresses first
surface as thickness increases. However, the risk of crack- reached the lower limit of the tensile strength at the bot-
ing at the bottom seems to be low. tom. Fig. 12 illustrates this with the results of a 2.0 m thick
The crack type can be derived from the analysis of slab exposed to its critical external restraint. Those results
the stress distributions. Fig. 10 shows this in the form of accidentally show the special case, where the minimum
the bending stresses. It indicates bending cracks on the critical external restraint leads to the same risk of design

226 Structural Concrete (2015), No. 2

D. Schlicke/N. V. Tue · Minimum reinforcement for crack width control in restrained concrete members considering the deformation compatibility

Fig. 13. Horizontal stiffness in the slab bedding area, which leads to crack-
ing over the whole height (results depend on the parameter study condi-

Fig. 11. Theoretically possible crack formation in ground slabs depending change is small so that cracking only starts at high exter-
on the horizontal stiffness conditions of the ground
nal restraint. As the thickness increases, the critical exter-
nal restraint initially falls until h ≤ 0.7 m, as the constant
temperature field changing increases more than the axial
stiffness of the slab. Afterwards, the critical external re-
straint increases steadily, as the growing axial stiffness of
the slab with increasing height is more effective than the
increase of the temperature change at the same time. The
bending restraint tensile stresses at the bottom also in-
crease with the slab height. Finally, this flattens the devel-
opment of critical external restraint again.
To conclude, the following general statements on the
crack risk and crack type of ground slabs can be derived
from the results:
– The risk of micro-cracks at the top surface increases
with the height of the slab.
Fig. 12. Hardening caused restraint stresses in a 2.0 m thick ground slab – Bending restraint on the top surface is always design rel-
with a horizontal stiffness in the bedding area, which leads to cracking over evant for slabs with large horizontal dimensions, since it
the whole height (results depend on the parameter study conditions)
is more likely that the crack moment will be reached.
– In general, there is just a low risk of separating cracks
over the height. The critical external restraint exceeds
relevant crack formation. Here, the top surface suffers on- the standard conditions by several orders of magnitude.
ly from bending cracks and the separating cracks over the (The exception is thin slabs, where drying shrinkage is
whole height can only arise from the bottom. important and the length causes a strong interaction
Fig. 13 shows the magnitude of the critical external with the ground, as well as concreting on compact
restraint, leading to separating cracks beginning from the rock.)
bottom. It is given in the unit of a spring stiffness, which
describes the stiffness which has to be activated between 3.3 Walls Restrained by a Foundation
all neighbouring nodes in the bedding area. It should be
noted at this point, that this spring stiffness refers to a rel- The restraint stresses of walls restrained by a foundation
ative modelling of the springs, which was realized by the are subject to the inner deformation compatibility of the
2D elements in the bedding area in this calculation model. cross sections of wall and foundation as well as the activa-
The magnitude of those results exceeds the external tion of gravity loads following the curvature of the cross
restraint of usual ground by orders of magnitude. For ex- section compatibility. Fig. 14 illustrates both with a short-
ample, there is no risk of separating cracks in a 2.0  m ening wall, which is symmetrically located on a founda-
thick slab on soil with 50 MN/m2 horizontal stiffness be- tion.
fore the soil is activated over a depth of at least 200 m. The analytical solution of this context can be found
However, very stiff ground conditions clearly reduce this in [5]. Correct consideration of the gravity load activation
critical depth. For example, the same slab on rock with is of great importance. It is limited to a certain length,
10 GN/m2 horizontal stiffness already shows separating which depends on geometrical conditions of the cross sec-
cracks for an activated depth of 1.0 m. tion as well as the height of the deformation impact. In
The non-linearity of the results is due to the underly- systems with smaller lengths – which is often the case –
ing stress distributions. Thin slabs (h ≤ 0.5 m) have poor there is only a partial activation of gravity loads. A
bending stresses, so that separating cracks are mainly schematic illustration is shown in Fig. 15 and further theo-
caused by centric restraint. But the constant temperature retical analyses can be found in [5].

Structural Concrete (2015), No. 2 227

D. Schlicke/N. V. Tue · Minimum reinforcement for crack width control in restrained concrete members considering the deformation compatibility

Fig. 16. 3D-FEM idealization of a wall restrained by the foundation for

investigating the hardening caused restraint stresses

– Usual deformation impacts can already cause critical

stresses over the wall height.
– Centric restraint is relevant for the design of walls,
whereby the form of the stress distribution over the
height (linear to constant) varies considerably with the
Fig. 14. Analytical determination of hardening caused restraint stresses in member dimensions.
walls restrained by the foundation – The critical point is the wall bottom. Separating cracks
will theoretically always start from there.
– The realistic consideration of gravity load activation, as
illustrated in Fig. 15, is of major importance for a reli-
able quantification of decisive restraint stresses.

3.4 Evaluation of the Calculation Results

The conclusions for ground slabs as well as walls on foun-

dations reflect the actual structural behaviour. In addi-
Fig. 15. Influence of L/H-ratio on design relevant stress distribution and
tion, the reliability of the calculation models used was also
maximum possible gravity load activation
verified by several recalculations of in-situ measurements,
see [5].
In accordance with current research on this topic Finally, this approach allows a reliable quantification
and observations of actual structural behaviour, this solu- of the decisive restraint stresses, even if the practical ap-
tion also identifies the bottom of the wall as the critical plicability leaves room for improvement.
point, where crack formation starts. In addition, this ap-
proach aims for a realistic consideration of gravity load ac- 4 Distance between Primary Cracks
tivation, which is of major importance to provide general
solutions on the safe side. In contrast, engineering models The distance between primary cracks will be determined
with idealistic consideration of gravity load activation as using a conceptual model, derived from the expected deci-
in [12], or models neglecting this as in [13] are not general- sive restraint stress distribution and geometrical laws dis-
ly capable of giving those safe-side results. The reason is playing the member dimensions. This conceptual model
that the stresses at the wall bottom are always underesti- only focuses on the growth of primary cracks, which is as-
mated if the gravity loads are neglected and the overall sumed to always take place on the level of average tensile
centre of gravity is located below the wall bottom or if the strength.
gravity loads are considered idealistically and the overall
centre of gravity is located above the wall bottom. 4.1 Ground Slab with Bending Restraint
The numerical quantification of the decisive restraint
stresses is able to consider this context with the bedding The theoretical study on the decisive restraint stresses in
spring support of the ground slab, which has already been ground slabs showed that the crack formation is always re-
introduced. The stiffness of the bedding springs can here- lated to bending restraint. If bending restraint is decisive,
by be assumed to be rigid in gravity direction, which is as- the crack formation starts if the crack moment is reached.
sumed to be on the safe side. In order to provide a visual Since bending restraint results from a restrained tempera-
impression, Fig. 16 shows the simulation model of the re- ture curvature caused by the activation of gravity loads,
lated construction stage of the application example. the distance between two primary cracks can be estimated
To conclude, the following general statements can be using the conceptual model shown in Fig. 17.
made on the crack risk and crack type in walls restrained For both cases (negative and positive curvature), the
by the foundation: length needed to build up the crack moment is:

228 Structural Concrete (2015), No. 2

D. Schlicke/N. V. Tue · Minimum reinforcement for crack width control in restrained concrete members considering the deformation compatibility

Fig. 19. Possible results of the graphically determined crack height in the

Fig. 17. Conceptual model for the distance between primary bending
cracks of a ground slab

1 fct,design · h
lcr,Slab = · (11)
3 γc

fct,design decisive tensile strength of concrete

h height of the slab
γc weight of concrete Fig. 20. Conceptual model to determine the distance between primary
cracks in walls restrained by a foundation depending on the crack height
4.2 Walls Restrained by a Foundation

The distance between primary cracks in walls restrained If σR falls below the tensile strength, the growth of the pri-
by a foundation is subject to the length needed to build up mary crack can be assumed to stop. The solution of
the restraint stresses again. But this length strongly corre- whether or not the growth stops has to be found graphi-
lates with the height the primary crack reaches. With the cally. Fig. 19 gives an impression of this approach by in-
assumption of a plane cross section during the whole troducing the three possible types of solutions, indicating
process of crack formation, the stress redistribution while stopping cracks or continuous cracks over the whole
cracking can be described as illustrated in Fig. 18. height of the wall.
The stress at the top of the crack σR is of major inter- Finally, the distance between the primary cracks in
est. Its size depends on the remaining concrete height hR, the wall can be estimated according to the illustrations in
while the forces of the uncracked state are transferred Fig. 20.
through the remaining cross section until the crack pro-
ceeds over the whole height of the wall. Beginning with 5 Application Example: Massive Trough Structure
crack formation at the wall bottom, σR first decreases until
a threshold is reached. From this point onwards, the con- The massive trough structure in Fig. 21 shall be construct-
striction of the concrete area is decisive and σR is steadily ed using the reference concrete introduced. The decisive
increasing. Its development can be described with: climatic scenario is defined with the environmental sum-
mer conditions shown in Tab. 2.
κ R · EW · bW · (hR3 – hW
3 )+6·N
W · (hW + hF ) (12) The available reinforcement has a strength class of
σ R (hR ) =
6 · bW · hR · (2 · hW – hR + hF ) BSt 500 and a concrete cover of 4.5 cm is desired. The
crack width criteria is 0.2 mm and the reinforcement di-

Fig. 18. Conceptual model for determination of the crack height in walls restrained by a foundation, based on the stress distribution in the uncracked state

Structural Concrete (2015), No. 2 229

D. Schlicke/N. V. Tue · Minimum reinforcement for crack width control in restrained concrete members considering the deformation compatibility

put, the required number of secondary cracks to guarantee

the crack width criteria in the primary crack amounts ac-
cording to Eq. (2):

⎛ 1.1 1 ⎞
n=⎜ · 7480 · – 1 · 1.1 = 0.23 → 1.0
⎝ 34100 0.2 ⎟⎠

To guarantee the crack width criteria in the primary crack,

it is necessary to create a secondary crack on both sides of
Fig. 21. Application example: massive trough structure the primary bending crack. The minimum reinforcement
required to achieve those secondary cracks can be deter-
mined with Eq. (4). This equation also depends on the edge-
distance of the reinforcement expressed by d1, which differs
between the longitudinal and lateral directions of the slab.
Further on, d1 will be considered by the average value of
both directions which is d1,m = 6,5 cm. With this, the mini-
mum reinforcement amounts for each direction are:

20 · 1002 · 6.52 · 2.8 · (0.69 + 0.34 · 1)

as,min = = 24.1cm 2/m
0.2 · 210000

This reinforcement can be achieved by an arrangement of

ds = 20 mm with s = 12.5 cm.
However, at the bottom, the crack formation can be
Fig. 22. Hardening caused restraint stresses of the slab in longitudinal excluded. The minimum reinforcement only has to secure
direction the robustness of the surface area. With an assumed rein-
forcement diameter of ds = 14 mm, this requires according
to Eq. (3) the following reinforcement amount in the worst
ameter used for crack width control will be ds = 20 mm. case:
However, any other reinforcements will be designed with a
reinforcement diameter of ds = 14 mm. 3.15
as,min = · 2.5 · 6.6 · 100 = 10.4 cm 2 /m
5.1 Construction Stage 1: Ground Slab
This reinforcement can be achieved by an arrangement of
The hardening caused restraint stresses of the ground slab ds = 14 mm with s = 15 cm for each direction.
were determined with the calculation model in Fig. 8, tak-
ing the dimensions shown in Fig. 21 into consideration. 5.2 Construction Stage 2: Wall on Ground Slab
The result is shown in Fig. 22 in the form of the stresses in
the longitudinal direction. This result is also representa- The hardening caused restraint stresses in the wall on the
tive for the lateral direction since the width is large ground slab were determined with the calculation model
enough to activate the gravity load fully while the centric in Fig. 16. The result indicates a high risk of crack forma-
restraint is negligible. tion and the maximum stresses without residual stresses
The result indicates the risk of crack formation at the exceed the present fct,design as well, as shown in Fig. 23.
top surface when the total stresses σTop almost touch the The result shows a strongly linear stress distribution
lower limit of the present tensile strength fct,risk after over the wall height with a very small compression zone at
around 48 h. As already shown, this early crack formation the top of the wall, which meets the expectations for an
is in fact mainly driven by residual stresses. However, this L/H-ratio of 5. Due to the eccentric location of the wall on
means that later bending cracks that form after around the slab, there is also a linearity in the stress distribution
100 hours can no longer be excluded on the safe side. over the width. The result indicates a high risk of crack
The maximum distance between primary bending formation beginning from the wall bottom. The height
cracks can be determined with Eq. (11). And with a deci- over which the crack will proceed can be estimated graph-
sive tensile strength of fct,design(t  = 100  h) = 2.80  N/mm2 ically using Eq. (12). The result is shown in Fig. 24, where-
follows: by the underlying stress distribution neglects the moment
over the width to simplify matters.
1 2.8 · 1.5 According to the conceptual model of Fig. 18, the
lcr,Slab = · = 7.48 m
3 0.025 stress in the top of the crack falls below the present tensile
strength, so that the crack growth has to be assumed to
The deformation impact to be absorbed by the primary stop at a height of 2.35  m. According to the conceptual
crack depends on the maximum stresses at the top surface model in Fig. 20, the distance between the primary cracks
without residual stresses (max{σN + σM,Top} = 1.1 N/mm2) amounts to 1.2 times the crack height. The deformation
and the Modulus of Elasticity, assumed to be fully devel- impact to be absorbed by the primary crack depends on
oped at this time with Ec,eff = 34100 N/mm2. With this in- the maximum stresses at the wall bottom without residual

230 Structural Concrete (2015), No. 2

D. Schlicke/N. V. Tue · Minimum reinforcement for crack width control in restrained concrete members considering the deformation compatibility

Fig. 23. Hardening caused restraint stresses of the wall in longitudinal


Fig. 25. Required minimum reinforcement for the watertight trough

Besides the benefits of mechanical proof, this con-

cept also provides the chance for direct cooperation be-
tween concrete technology, structural design and con-
Fig. 24. Hardening caused restraint stresses of the wall in longitudinal struction site, offering an important contribution to the
direction crack width control of hardening concrete members.
Although the investigations undertaken were all
done for the deformation impacts within the hardening
period of concrete, the models introduced allow a super-
stresses (considered with the stress in the middle axis of position with additional deformation impacts occurring
4.6 N/mm2) and the Modulus of Elasticity (fully devel- during the concrete’s life time. However, in order to safely
oped at this time with Ec,eff = 34100 N/mm2). With this in- expand on this approach, investigation of the crack width
put, the required number of secondary cracks to secure development over time is needed. This not only focuses on
the crack width criteria in the primary crack can be deter- the beneficial influence of stiffness reduction by possible
mined using Eq. (2): crack formation due to early restraint, but also allows for
the possibility of quantifying the unfavourable influence of
⎛ 4.6 1 ⎞ bond creep on further crack width growth.
n=⎜ · 1.2 · 2350 · – 1⎟ · 1.1 = 0.99 → 1.0
⎝ 34100 0.2 ⎠
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232 Structural Concrete (2015), No. 2

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