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Geotechnical assessment of road failures in the Abakaliki area, southeastern


Article · April 2011


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2 authors:

Okechukwu Pius Aghamelu C. O. Okogbue

Alex Ekwueme Federal University, Ndufu-Alike, Nigeria University of Nigeria


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International Journal of Civil & Environmental Engineering IJCEE-IJENS Vol: 11 No: 02 12


Okechukwu P Aghamelu , M.Sc and Celestine O Okogbue2, PhD

Department of Geology & Exploration Geophysics, Ebonyi State University, P. M. B.
053, Abakaliki, Ebonyi State, Nigeria.
Department of Geology, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Enugu State, Nigeria
The impact of the Abakaliki Shale on the incessant road and highway failures in the Abakaliki area,
southeastern Nigeria, has been investigated. Soil classification tests conducted on the shale samples which
serve both as subgrade and aggregates showed that the shale classifies as A-7-6 and CH soils, according
to the AASHTO and USCS classification systems respectively. A comparison of some of the tests results
with the Nigerian Specifications and literature reveals that the Abakaliki Shale neither satisfies most
requirements as fill and embankment, nor the requirements as sub-base course and base course material.
The unsatisfactory behaviour of the shale as road material (as predictable of an A-7-6 or CH soil) is
mainly due to its high plasticity, which simply indicates susceptibility to expansion on moisture influx,
and high percentage of particles passing No. 200 British Standard sieve, which is significantly above the
recommended limit. The shale, however, satisfies few specifications such as maximum dry density,
optimum moisture content and soaked California Bearing Ratio, implying that it’s appropriateness for use
as road material could be improved by stabilization and prevention from excessive moisture influx. The
results of this research will, to a great extent, assist the civil engineers in the area in designing and
constructing roads and highways that can stand the taste of engineering time.
KEYWORDS: Abakaliki Shale, Construction material, Geotechnical properties, Road Pavement
failure, Nigerian specification.
Road network is considered very vital in the economies of many nations, especially the developing ones,
like Nigeria, that require(s) roads and highways for transportation of most goods and services. However,
construction and maintenance of good road and highway networks in these parts of the world (i.e., the
developing countries) are often problematic, and have resulted to economic setbacks. Causes of road
failures in these areas include inadequacy of construction materials and poor quality of construction.
In the Abakaliki district, southeastern Nigeria (Figure 1), shale is the predominant lithology and
constitutes more than two-third (2/3) of the underlying Asu River Group sediments (Reyment, 1965).
Other rocks which have been mapped in the area include sandstone, siltstone, limestone, pyroclastics and
diorite (Reyment, 1965; Ofoegbu and Amajor, 1987; Obiora and Umeji, 2004). Owing to the abundance
of the shale and high cost of haulage of the other alternative and often more suitable construction

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International Journal of Civil & Environmental Engineering IJCEE-IJENS Vol: 11 No: 02 13

materials, the Abakaliki Shale is being utilized both as subgrade (i.e., in-situ) and as aggregates in most
road and highway constructions. A survey of the roads and highways in the area has however revealed
that these roads and highways suffer incessant failures.
Shales have varied behaviour depending on the geotechnical and mineralogical properties. Some are hard
and behave similarly as other hard rocks in civil engineering projects while others are soft and like most
other soft rocks are inappropriate for use as aggregates or stones in construction projects. Soft rocks and
expansive soils are most often associated with non-durability (Gamble, 1971; Ezeribe, 1994), foundation
problems and structural failures (Holtz and Kovacs, 1982; Coduto, 1999; Punmia et al., 2005).
This paper intends to ascertain, by means of geotechnical analyses, whether there are any relationships
between the performance of the roads and highways and the properties of the materials on which and with
which these roads were constructed.
Abakaliki, the capital territory of the present day Ebonyi State, southeast Nigeria, is located on latitude
06°19' north and longitude 06°19' east. It has quite a good network of roads connecting the city (as shown
in Figure 1) with other suburbs in its outskirt. Among other things the administrative status and fertile
agricultural soil of the surrounding towns are the most significant reasons for the rapid growth in
population and socio-economic and spatial expansion as currently witnessed in the metropolis.
Physiography and Climate
The relief of the area is generally undulating and no location exceeds 400 m above-sea-level. Major relief
structures are hills formed by the pyroclastic bodies. No trend has been established by previous research
(Ofoegbu and Amajor, 1987) of these conical shaped hills and other residual hills that spread sporadically
within the area. The predominant shale has favoured the low erodability of the lithology, resulting in
absence or near absence of deep cut valleys and erosion channels. The major river that drains the area is
the Ebonyi River and its tributaries; Udene and Iyiokwu Rivers. Both tributaries are perennial and usually
overflow their banks at the peak of the rains. Stunted trees and pockets of derelict woodland exist where
the lithology has undergone high degree of laterization. Elsewhere, typical characteristics of the tropical
rain forest are displayed; multitude of evergreen trees, climbing plants, parasitic plants that live on the
other plants, and creepers.
Two main seasons exist in the Abakaliki area, the dry season which lasts from November to March and
the rainy season which begins in April and ends in October with a short period of reduced rains in August
commonly referred to as “August break”. Temperature in the dry season ranges from 20°C to 38°C, and
results in high evapotranspiration, while during the rainy season temperature ranges from 16°C to 28°C,
with generally lower evapotranspiration. The average monthly rainfall ranges from 31mm in January to

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International Journal of Civil & Environmental Engineering IJCEE-IJENS Vol: 11 No: 02 14

270 mm in July, with the dry season experiencing much reduced volume of rainfall unlike the rainy
season, which has high volume of rainfall. Average annual rainfall varies from 1,500 mm to 1,650 mm.
These climatic conditions are responsible for the development of thick lateritic soils in the area.
The Abakaliki area is underlain by the southern Benue Trough. Most previous researchers, such as Wright
(1968) and Burke et al. (1971), gave evidences to support the fact that the origin of the Benue Trough was
closely associated with the breakup of western Gondwanaland during the separation of the African and
South American Plates, and opening of the South Atlantic Ocean, in the early Cretaceous. The southern
Benue Trough has stratigraphic record of deposits represented by sediments of three main marine
depositional cycles, namely the Albian-Cenomanian, Turonian-Santonian, and Campano- Maastrichtian
(Reyment, 1965; Ofoegbu, 1985; Ofoegbu and Amajor, 1987). Figure 2 gives the distributions of the Asu
River Group and other major geological formations of the southern Benue Trough.
Murat (1972) pointed out that the first marine transgression of the Benue Trough started around the
middle Albian period, with the deposition of the Asu River Group (Abakaliki Shale Formation and other
undifferentiated sediments) in the southern Benue Trough. The Asu River Group sediments are
predominantly shales and localized development of sandstone, siltstone and limestone facies (Ofoegbu
and Amajor, 1987) as well as extrusives and intrusives (Reyment, 1965; Tijani et al., 1996). The group
has average thickness of about 2000m and rests unconformably on the Precambrian Basement (Benkhelil
et al., 1989). The Abakaliki Shale Formation, which has an average thickness of about 500m, is
dominantly shale, dark grey in colour (weathers to brownish material in the greater part of the formation),
blocky, and non-micaceous in most locations. It is calcareous (calcite-cemented) and gives off
effervescence on contact with dilute hydrochloric acid (Okogbue and Aghamelu, 2010).
Classification and Mechanical property tests were conducted on a total of 10 (3 fresh and 7 samples
collected from the subgrade materials of the studied roads. These samples are herein designated as S1to
S10. Figure 1 shows the sampling points distribution, while Table 1 gives type of sample collected with
respect to locations. The tests carried out on the shale samples included Atterberg limits (liquid, plastic
limits), linear shrinkage and free swell. Others include specific gravity, natural moisture content,
compaction, California Bearing Ratio (CBR) and shear strength.
The sample preparations and laboratory testing for these geotechnical parameters followed British
Standard Institution (BSI) methods of testing soil for civil engineering purposes. The liquid limit and
plastic limit tests were carried out on air-dried samples that passed 0.425 mm (BSI No. 36) sieve; both
tests then followed standard procedures specified by BSI 1377 (1990). Crushed shale samples that passed
through 0.076 mm (BSI No. 200) sieve and oven-dried at 105°C for 24 hours were utilized for the

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International Journal of Civil & Environmental Engineering IJCEE-IJENS Vol: 11 No: 02 15

specific gravity tests. The tests were also carried out with the aid of a 100.15 ml pycnometer bottle and
distilled water with specific gravity of 0.99654 (distilled water temperature was 27°C), in accordance
with testing method described by Lambe (1951). Laboratory procedure of this test attempted
determination of the specific gravity of the shale excluding air and water contents.
Natural moisture contents determination followed simple method outlined by Akroyd (1957). The
laboratory compaction tests were limited to particles of shale that passed through 19.05 mm BSI sieve and
followed procedure specified by BSI 1377 (1990). CBR tests were performed on compacted samples in
both unsoaked and soaked conditions, following the procedure of Bailey (1976). However, soaking was
done overnight (24 hours) in a water-filled bathtub, as suggested by Okagbue and Ochulor (2007).
Samples for the shear strength tests were prepared and tested following the BSI 1377 (1990) standard.
The test type was the triaxial compression strength test (consolidated undrained). However, the triaxial
cell for the tests was the 76 mm diameter type, hence, the tested samples were proportionately scaled
down to 152 mm by 76 mm, height by diameter, respectively. Pressured water was also used for
confining the samples inside the cell.
Depths of sampling varied from 1.2m to 2.0m (see Table 1). The choice of the sampling points was
guided by proximity to failed portions on the major roads.
Mechanical Analysis and Atterberg Limits
The summary of the results of the laboratory tests carried out on the shale samples is presented in Table 2.
Significant amounts of the particulate constituents of the shale samples are shown to be fines (percentage
passing No. 200 BS sieve). Two samples (S1 and S7) contained insignificant amounts of sand-sized
particles (both recorded 8% sand), while the rest of the samples showed sand less than 8%.
All the samples showed medium to high values of both liquid limit (LL) and plasticity index (PI) when
compared with shales from other parts of the Asu River, which have LL less than 40 and PI less than 20
(Ezeribe, 1994). This probably indicates that the shale contains clay mineral(s) of high plasticity. Obiora
and Umeji (2004) had used XRD analyses to identify occurrences of illite and smectite/illite mixed layer
clay minerals in some shales of Asu River Group. The shale samples classified as A – 7 – 6 (following
AASHTO classification system) and CH (according to USCS classification system, see Figure 3). The
samples, again, recorded appreciable linear shrinkage values (18-22%), at least higher than that of another
Nigerian CH shale, ‘Igumale Shale’ (a lateral equivalent of the Turonian Eze Aku Shale, see Figure 2),
which has an average linear shrinkage value of 21 (see Table 3). Free swell values were also moderate to
high (48-52%) in comparison with that of Igumale Shale (with an average value of 50).

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Compaction, California Bearing Ratio (CBR) and Specific gravity

The results of the compaction and CBR tests are presented in Table 1. Comparatively, and as shown in
Table 3, the compacted Abakaliki Shale achieved mean maximum dry density (MDD) and mean CBR
(soaked) values significantly higher than that of Igumale Shale. The relatively high MDD could be
attributed to high content of clay and calcite (specific gravity of clay minerals range from 2.2 – 2.6 and
calcite 2.6 – 2.7). Interestingly, both shales (i.e., the Abakaliki and Igumale) have close mean values of
specific gravity values of the samples (2.47 and 2.55, respectively). CBR has been correlated with
pavement performance as well as used to establish design curves for pavement thickness (Sowers and
Sowers, 1970; Mannering and Kilareski, 1998; Wignall et al., 1999).
The recommended MDD, OMC and CBR standard, however, depends on specific use. For instance, the
Nigerian Specification for Road and Bridge Materials (Nigeria Federal Ministry of Works and Housing,
1970) recommends that for a material to be used as generally as fills it should possess MDD > 0.047
Mg/m3, OMC < 18 % and soaked CBR values > 5%. A comparison of the results of the study and the
Nigerian Specification for road materials is presented in Table 4.
Unconfined Compressive Strength (UCS)
The tested samples recorded reasonably high values of cohesion (c) with moderately low values of angle
of shearing resistance (), in comparison with the strength parameters of shale sample collected elsewhere
(at Ishiagu) but with the Asu River Group; shale samples from Ishiagu recorded average c and  values of
25 kN/m2 and 38 o (Ezeribe, 1994). High c could result from the calcareous nature of the shale (Blyth and
de Freitas, 1984), while the low  is attributable to the presence of expansive clay as reported by Obiora
and Umeji (2004). Punmia et al. (2005) noted that shales that are predominated only by clays and are as
well non-cemented, most often, record very low values of .
The scarcity of construction materials and wide coverage of the Abakaliki area by shale have resulted in
the utilization of the Abakaliki Shale Formation in all components of the road and highway pavements
(i.e. subgrade, subbase and base course).
Results of the soil classification tests conducted on the samples show that the Abakaliki Shale classifies
as a CH soil. Previous research (Sowers and Sowers, 1970) had noted that CH soils are associated with
fair to poor compaction characteristics, very high compressibility and expansion, low drainage to
impervious, fair stability value as fill material, poor to very poor value as pavement subgrade (when not
subjected to frost), and are not suitable as base course for pavement.
A comparison of the tests results of the Abakaliki Shale with the Nigerian Specification points to the fact
that the shale neither satisfies all the specifications as fill and embankment, nor all the requirements as
sub-base course and base course material. Table 5 reveals that despite having satisfactory values of MDD,

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International Journal of Civil & Environmental Engineering IJCEE-IJENS Vol: 11 No: 02 17

OMC and strength parameters, the shale recorded natural moisture contents that suggested
inappropriateness as an engineering material. More so, LL and PI values point to the fact that the clay
content of the shale is expansive. These factors (unfavourable natural moisture content and predominance
of expansive clays) are very likely to render the shale susceptibility to expansion on moisture influx,
which would cause subgrade, subbase and base course fatigues and ultimately road pavement failure,
especially in the peaks of rains (in May-July and September-October).
Stabilization of the shale for use as road material is possible. This is owing to the fact that the OMC is
generally low, the soaked CBR values are very satisfactory for use as general fill and embankment,
cohesion as well as angle of internal friction. Such improvement will involve soil modification to reduce
expansiveness and water proofing to prevent excessive moisture influx.
A critical appraisal on the facts concerning the poor geotechnical quality of the shale as road material
would assist the civil engineer develop appropriate road design, hence, nip the failure problems in the
Peter Okanya is warmly acknowledged for his assistance during the laboratory analyses at the Material
Laboratory of Marlun Construction Company Ltd, Enugu. Chukwudike Okeugo and Andrew Oha of the
Department of Geology, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, digitized the figures used. They are warmly
1. Reyment, R. A. (1965). “Aspects of Geology of Nigeria”. Ibadan University Press, Ibadan, 145 p.
2. Ofoegbu, C. O. and Amajor, L. C. (1987). “A geochemical comparison of the pyroclastic rocks
from Abakaliki and Ezillo, southeastern Benue Trough”. Journal of Mining and Geology. Vol. 23,
pp 45-51.
3. Obiora, S. C. and Umeji, A. C. (2004). “Petrographic evidence for regional burial metamorphism
of the sedimentary rocks in the lower Benue Rift”. Journal of African Earth Sciences. Vol. 38, pp
4. Gamble, J. C. (1971). “Durability – plasticity classification of shales and other argillaceous
rocks”. PhD Thesis, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 161 p.
5. Ezeribe, I. E. (1994). “The characterization of some Nigeria shales relative to their engineering
uses”. M.Sc Thesis, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, 133 p.
6. Holtz, R. D. and Kovacs, W. D. (1982). “Introduction to Geotechnical engineering”. Prentice-
Hall, New Jersey, 733 p.
7. Coduto, D. P. (1999). “Geotechnical engineering, principles and practices”. Prentice-Hall, New
Jersey, 759 p.
8. Punmia, B. C., Jain, A. K. and JAIN, A. K. (2005). “Soil mechanics and foundations”. 16th ed.
Laxmi, New Delhi.
9. Wright, J. B. (1968). “South Atlantic continental drift and the Benue Trough”. Tectonophysics.
Vol. 6, pp 301-310.
10. Burke, K., Dessauvagie, T. F. J. and Whiteman, A. J. (1971). “Opening of the gulf of Guinea and
geological history of the Benue Depression and Niger Delta”. Nature and Physical Sciences. Vol.
233, pp 51-55.

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11. Ofoegbu, C. O. (1985). “A review of the geology of the Benue Trough Nigeria”. Journal of
African Earth Sciences. Vol. 3, pp 283-291.
12. Murat, R. C. (1972). “Stratigraphy and paleogeography of the Cretaceous and lower Tertiary in
Southern Nigeria”. In: Dessauvagie, T. F. J. and Whiteman, A. J., (eds), Proceeding of the
Conference on African Geology, Ibadan, pp 251-266.
13. Tijani, M. N., Loehnert, E. P. and Uma, K. O. (1996). “Origin of saline groundwaters in Ogoja
area, lower Benue Trough, Nigeria”. Journal of African Earth Sciences. Vol. 23, pp 237-252.
14. Benkhelil, J., Guiraud, M., Ponsard, J. F. and Saugy, L. (1989). “The Bornu – Benue Trough, the
Niger Delta and its offshore: Tectono-sedimentary reconstruction during the Cretaceous and
Tertiary from geophysical data and geology”. In: Kogbe, C.A. (ed.), Geology of Nigeria. 2nd ed.
Rock view, Jos, Nigeria.
15. Okogbue, C. O. and Aghamelu, O. P. (2010). “Comparison of the geotechnical properties of
crushed shales from southeastern Nigeria”. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the
Environment. Vol. 69 (4), pp 587-597.
16. British Standard Institution (BSI) 1377 (1990). “Methods of testing soils for civil engineering
purposes”. British Standards Institution, London.
17. Lambe, T. W. (1951). “Soil testing for engineers”. Wiley, New York, pp 165.
18. Akyrod TN (1957). Laboratory testing in soil engineering. Soil Mechanics Ltd, London. pp 233.
19. Bailey MJ (1976). Degradation and other parameters related to the use of the shale in compacted
embankments. Joint Highway Research Project No. 23, Purdue University and Indiana State
Highway Commission, pp 209.
20. Okagbue, C. O. and Ochulor, O. H. (2007). “The potential of cement-stabilized coal-reject as a
construction material”. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and Environment. Vol. 66, pp 143-151.
21. Manasseh, J. and Olufemi, A. I. (2008). “Effect of lime on some geotechnical properties of
Igumale Shale”. Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering. Vol. 13. pp 1-12
22. Sowers, G. B. and Sowers, G. E. (1970). “Introductory soil mechanics and foundations”.
Macmillan, New York, 556 p.
23. Mannering, F. L. and Kilareski, N. P. (1998). “Principles of highway engineering and traffic
analysis”. 2nd ed, Wiley, New York, 340 p.
24. Wignall, A., Kendrick, P. S., Ancill, R. and Capson, M. (1999). “Roadwork; theory and practice”.
4th ed. Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford, 309 p.
25. Nigerian Federal Ministry of Works (1970). “General specifications for roads and bridge works”.
Federal Government of Nigeria, Lagos.
26. Blyth, F. G. H. and de Freitas, M. H. (1984). “A geology for engineers”. 7th ed. Arnold, London,
325 p.
27. Underwood, L. B. (1967). Classification and identification of shales. Journal of Soil Mechanics
and Foundation, ASCE. Vol. 93(11), pp 97-116.

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International Journal of Civil & Environmental Engineering IJCEE-IJENS Vol: 11 No: 02 19

Table 1. Locations and types of shale samples used in the study

Location* Designation Sample Type Sampling Depth (m)

Presco Junction S1 Fresh 1.3

Hill Top Street, S2 Fresh 1.5

Mechanic Village S3 Fresh 1.2

Ogoja Road, near St

Theresa’s S4 Fresh 1.4

Highway, near EBSUTH S5 Slightly weathered 1.6

Spera In Deo Junction S6 Fresh 1.5

Mile 50, near Bishop’s

Court S7 Slightly weathered 1.2

Afikpo Road,
near Iyiokwu River S8 Fresh 2.0

Onwe Road, near Hope

High School S9 Fresh 1.3

Ogoja Road, near Govt

house S10 Slightly weathered 1.2
*see Figure field locations

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Table 2. Results of the tests on the fresh and slightly weathered samples of Abakaliki Shale

Parameter S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 S10
Grain Size Distribution
Gravel (%) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Sand (%) 10 8 9 8 9 8 10 9 8 8
Fines (%) 90 92 91 92 91 92 90 91 92 92
Liquid Limit 57 53 55 65 60 64 54 63 58 61
Plastic Limit 20 17 19 26 18 23 17 18 17 21
Plasticity Index 37 36 36 39 42 41 37 45 41 40
Linear Shrinkage (%) 19 21 21 18 21 21 20 22 21 22
AASHTO Classification - - - - - - - - - -
USCS Classification - - - - - - - - - -
Specific gravity 2.44 2.55 2.42 2.55 2.43 2.56 2.45 2.42 2.42 2.50
Maximum Dry Density (Mg/m ) 1.88 1.84 1.86 1.89 1.85 1.86 1.87 1.83 1.89 1.87
Optimum Moisture Content (%) 12.1 12.0 12.4 12.4 12.2 12.5 12.2 12.0 12.3 12.1
CBR, after 24 hrs soaking (%) 11 12 12 10 11 11 12 11 10 10
% loss in CBR after 24 hr soaking 48 39 53 42 55 49 51 38 52 41
Free Swell (%) 49 48 48 51 50 49 48 52 51 50
Cohesion (kN/m2) 52 48 49 54 50 52 52 48 55 51
Angle of shear resistance ( ) 28 23 30 31 27 29 30 23 31 30
Colour Bl Bl Bl Bl Br Bl Br Bl Bl Br
Natural moisture content 23 23 22 25 26 25 24 28 27 26

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Table 3. Comparison of the properties the Abakaliki Shale with those of Igumale Shale.
Parameter Igumale Shale* Abakaliki Shale
Fines (%) 90 90 – 92
Liquid limit 72 53 – 68
Plastic limit 27 17 – 23
Plasticity index 45 36 – 45
Linear shrinkage 21 18 – 22
AASHTO Classification A–7–6 A–7–6
USCS Classification CH CH
Maximum Dry Density (Mg/m ) 1.51 1.83 – 1.89
Optimum Moisture Content (%) 22 12.0 – 12.5
CBR, % (after 24 hrs soaking) 0.68 38 – 55
Free swell (%) 50 48 – 52
Specific gravity 2.55 2.42 – 2.56
Colour Grey Bluish–Brownish
Natural moisture content (%) 25 22 – 28

*data from Manasseh and Olufemi (2008).

Table 4. Comparison of results with Nigerian specification for road and bridge materials
Properties of material Nigerian specificationsa Abakaliki Shale Remarks
General filling and embankment
MDD (Mg/m3) > 0.047 1.83 – 1.89
OMC (%) < 18 12.0 – 12.5
LL < 40 53 – 63
PI < 20 36 – 45 Poor to marginally
% Passing No. 200 (%) < 35 90 – 92 suitable
CBR (24 hrs soaked) BS (%) >5 10 – 12

Sub-base course
LL < 35 53 – 63
PI < 16 36 – 45 Likely to be
CBR (24 hrs soaked) at West unsuitable
African Standard and OMC (%) > 25 -

Base course
LL < 30 53 – 63
PI < 13 36 – 45
Unsoaked CBR at Modified Most likely to be
AASHTO and OMC (%) > 80 - unsuitable
% Passing sieve No. 200 (%) 5 - 15 90 – 92
UCS (kN/m2) >103 -
(aadapted from Okagbue and Ochulor, 2007).

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Table 5. An engineering evaluation of some physical properties of the Abakaliki Shale.

Physical properties
Laboratory test and in-situ Average range of values
Abakaliki Shale Remarks
observations (Underwood, 1967)
Unfavourable Favourable
Cohesive strength (kN/m2) 35 – 700 700 – 10,500 48 – 55 Unfavourable
Angle of internal friction (°) 10 – 20 20 – 65 27 – 31 Favourable
Dry density (Mg/m ) 1.13 – 1.76 1.76 – 2.56 1.83 – 1.89 Favourable
Natural Moisture content (%) 20 – 35 5 – 15 22 – 28 Unfavourable
Predominant clay minerals Montmorillonite, Kaolinite, *Montmorillonite,
illite chlorite illite Unfavourable
*data from Obiora and Umeji (2004)

8o00’E 8o12’E
.Isieke .Obeag
.Idembia-Izzi NIGERIA
.Ike Enyi
E .Agalagu . Abakaliki
W .Abofifia .Ngbo Agbaja
S Umuaru Ezza
.Ntezi Aba
Inyimagu .Nchoke
.Mgbabor S2
.Umuaghara .Ndiechi
S6 S8 S4 S3

.Achara Unuhu
.Ugbuloke .Agbaja Key
.Ogharaugo Footpath

Major Road
.Agu .Nkwagu Sample locations
.Ndigbo City centre
0Km 4Km
6o14’N 6o14’N

Figure 1. Accessibility map of Abakaliki area showing sampled locations.

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International Journal of Civil & Environmental Engineering IJCEE-IJENS Vol: 11 No: 02 23

1 Makurdi

7 7°00'N
11 Niger Delta Sediments
8 10 Ameke Formation
9 Imo Shale
8 Nsukka Formation
9 7 Ajali Sandstone
6 Mamu Formation
5 Nkporo/Enugu Shale
Enugu Abakaliki 4 Awgu Shale
2 3 Eze-Aku Group
2 Asu River Group
10 1 Basement Complex

2 Major city
Niger River
Study area
11 1

Figure 2: Geological map of southeastern Nigeria showing the distribution of the Abakaliki Shale.

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Low High

50 Slightly weathered sample CH
Fresh sample
40 U-line



10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Figure 3. Plots of the samples of the Abakaliki Shale in the plasticity chart.

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