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Metacognitive Reading Report # 1

GED101 – Understanding the Self

Prof. John Mark H. Villanueva

Name: Sañosa, Carl Angelo C. Section: A15 Date Submitted: 11/08/2019

a. What are the different factors that contribute to one's being?

- The different factors that contribute to one’s being are “self” and “identity”. Based on
the article, self is defined as a warm sense or feeling that something is “about me” or
“about us”. The term self is primarily accompanied by “I” and having the object to
describe as “me”. Self is mostly being an individualistic idea that focuses on a specific
person. Moreover, it contributes to one’s being in a way that for understanding your own
self, you will be able to express your feelings and thoughts with you knowing that, you
are being true to yourself and society. And for identity, based on the article, identity is
defined by or a synonym of “self-concept”. Because, to be able to know your own
identity, you will primarily base it on your beliefs, routines, experiences, and
surroundings. And it contributes to one’s being in a way that for having your true identity,
you will be free from the shadow that the society have created for judging you for who
you truly are. Freedom will be granted and true happiness.

b. What is the difference of self and identity? Give examples.

- The difference of self and identity is that self is about knowing your one true self that
had been in you since you are born. And from time to time, you are discovering your self
by your actions, interests, and manner. Its not easy to know and find your one true self.
It takes time and commitment for you to know your own self. Commitment in a way that
you are willing to sacrifice and do everything just to know who you really are. Maybe
giving up current relationships to better understand your “self” and then try it again for
now you know your “self” and on what to do at situations dealing with differences
between you and your partner. Another example is that finding the right time to do things
that will mostly need your own self like, pursuing your own career. You must know what
you really like doing and that your happy about it. That your “self”, your body tells you
“these is what I want. This is my purpose. This is what I am.” And then identity, identity is
the classification of a person by categories. Categories like, religion, place of birth,
nationality, and many more. Identity can be defined by self-concept. You have the ability
to identify your self by you knowing what you do in life, like you as a student, as a
teacher, and engineer, or a doctor. That’s how they all see it. But the real way of
knowing your identity is by looking deeper in your thoughts, asking and answering the
questions “who am I?”, “why am I here?”, what is it that brought me here?”. and when
you are able to answer all of those questions, you will be able to know your true identity.

c. What concepts do you want to explore after reading the article?

- The concepts that I want to explore more after reading this article are the concept of
understanding the self, on what are all the ways and the sacrifices to commit to be
able to understand your own self. The importance of understanding the self, the
advantages and disadvantages of understanding the self, its history, why until know,
the similarity and difference of self and identity is not that clear, the concept of the
effects of understanding the self to our society, what are the main factors that makes
self and identity different and at the same time, similar, why does there are only a
few of the worlds population that had understood there own self, and lastly, is there a
possibility that understanding our own self will be the key to change the world?

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