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Pasma (Hot and cold syndrome)

 (fromSpanish espasmo) refers to a "folk illness"

unique to the Filipino culture that is said to be most
commonly brought about by exposure of "cold" and
water in many forms.
water is believed to facilitate the unhealthy coldness
that enters the body in the Filipino culture.

There are distinct signs and symptoms, perceived

causes and treatments which are recognized in
the folk medicine of the Philippines.
The most common symptoms of pasma
are :

hand tremors
sweaty palms
numbness and pains
Ways to avoid pasma:

avoiding tiresome
repetitive movements of the upper extremities
showering and bathing in the morning
and avoiding washing clothes after ironing.
Folkloric treatments for Pasma include:

massages using ginger

coconut oil
camphor oil
Soaking in lukewarm salted water or rice water is
believed to cure Pasma

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