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📦 Out of the box Question:

“How would you describe the world to a blind person?”

 Zerimar Odnamra i will describe the world to a blind person by using our mother
like the world that care us, love us and give all things we need and we should care and love
them unconditionally, value them..

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Robasto Zhyzhel I will describe to him/her blind person enough using hearing and sense.
Can't see what happen in the whole world.

David Gallen What we are standing right now is a part of the world we live in. This is called
Earth. This world that we live in is massive that even the oceans can't fill it up. It's the home
of many species and beautiful places. I may not be able to explain to you…See more

 I will describe the world to a blind person by saying..

"The air that you breath, the people you hear around you,the delicious food that you love to
eat, the love and care that you felt from your family, friends, love ones, neighbors.. all the
things that you hear, taste, smell, feel/touch.. that is the world. 😁

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Ghe Ruin i will describe through their senses such as listening to the air in nature and by
touching and smelling things

 Jonard Atregenio I'll be honest, I would describe the world to him as it is. He must
be lucky (being a blind won't curtail your being anyway) that the world he wants to see is
cruel. It's normal to get starved by what the world looks like, but when you discover the
fac…See more
Out of the box Question:

"If you are given a chance to become invisible for 30 minutes, what will you do?" 👀

 Aer Zai Lluz if i will given a chance to become invisible for 30 minutes i am going to
go to the president and whisper to him how i am thankful to be his fellowmen.As well as i am
going to realize him all the corrupt officials that this country have.I think half hour will be a
great time for me to do such things

Ellen-an Lomboy If i will given a chance to be invisible in 30 minutes. I will go to in call

center floor to observe and get the information i needed to pass all the interview .

Ghe Ruin I'm going to go to the company I work with and find out if they care about the
people they work for. 😂✌

Jonard Atregenio 30 minutes is quite short for me to do something unusual. But still, I
would want to spend this 30 minute time to gauge how much my loved ones love me.
Pretending as if I'm gone (or maybe went somewhere for a trip) and know who really care.
Or even just discover who are fake and who are not; who save my name during my absence
and who are just pretentious
📦 Out of the box Question:

"What's more painful. Hugging a cactus or imagining getting hugged by your ex?"

 for me most painful is hugged by my ex because it's not easy to move on. you can't forget
easily the person you love. so you feel the pain while you're moving on for your self. not like
hugging a cactus it's painful physically but a little bit of time to feel that pain.
 Out of the box Question:

"Do you believe that there are bigger sea animals than whale?" and explain.
There is no right or wrong answer ☝️

 Yes, because they said that humans can only manage to explore 5% of the ocean
floor and the remaining 95% of the ocean still remains a mystery.

 Yes, I believe in that, because we all know that our world Is bigger than we think, so maybe
there is another giant creatures living in our plan

📦 Out of the box Question:

"If the turtle has no shell, is it naked or homeless?" 🐢

it will be naked the turtle true home is in the ocean

It will be naked because their shells is part of their body they will die once the shell
is gone.

it will be naked because , the shell of there body is lost but we can bring there to
there house which is the ocean. because ocean is there home so they can survive
📦 Out of the box Question:

"Describe your home."


I will describe my home as my LIFE, My Comfort zone, because inside that home is
my FAMILY where i feel the love genuinely.❤️

My home is my husband and son. If where they are that's my home. That's the place
that we will surely the happiest place for us. And that happines is my home.

Our home have experienced so much struggle in life but inspite of everything we
remain strong and unbreakable.We are so thankful that we have each other and we
always make sure to forgive and understand each others lapses.

My home is my life because its no place like home. U can do anything u want that u
cant do to other place.
Out of the box Question:

"How can you save a drowning man if you cannot swim?"

 I will call the lifeguard and ask some help.

I can save a drowning man even i cannot swim . First i look for a thing that surely
can save him/her. Second i will shout to catch the attention of others to save

 First thing that i would do is to shout that thres a man whos drowning to pay attention of
other and i will look for the lifeguard to ask help for him.
Out of the box Question:

"How can you tell me that the Black chair you are sitting on is White?"

 This chair that i am sitting is black but when you look on the other side it will be bright
that's the time it will became white. We need to see others not only to their dark side we
need to see them their goodside too.

I can say that the black chair is white when you sitting and wearing a white shirt
liked what you see the light reflection on the both side even it is dirty and dusty it
will become white because of the sunlight../light rays.

Did you know that the black chair that you are sitting is actually a white one?Its just
that there are times that we have to hid our color just like our feelings for some
reason.The white chair turns into black because it want to preserve its true color.

Because black is visible on your eyes doesn't mean it really is. Sometimes, we things
in contrary to our sight. That black chair you see I'm sitting on is actually actually
 Out of the box Question:

“If you would be given a chance to become a president for a day, what will you do?”

If a given a chance to be a president in one day. I want all the poorest people in our
country to treat them like they never experienced before. Or much better have a
equality for this country.

If I will be a president for a day what will I do? I will ask the present president
(present administration) to resign and make me as his replacement. Though, when
the president dies, resigns, or is impeached, the first successor will be the vice
president. Afterwards, my platforms for the country will be in place. Alternatively, I'll
propose a bill - "de-development of the rich"
Out of the box Question:

"Why did the chicken cross the street?"


Maybe because the chicken did not know that she/he is walking across the street.

 Chicken cross the street to look for other places where she/he find a food or where she/he
be comfortable

Why the chicken crossed the street? Because he could that's why he did Lol
he chicken has a very low iq and it got no isocortex like mammals have, it crosse the
road and die because their brain is not so useful making them not able to distinguish
if there's danger or not

The chicken Cross the street because he saw something interesting on the other
side of the road. Even the road has so many vehicle that passes through and
blocking her way he did he's best to continue to Cross because he don't want to
missed the opportunity on the other side of the road.

Well maybe the chicken wants to experience cross the street. For him,it's a bit
difficult to cross the street bcoz there are lots of vehicles. But the chicken was
successful to cross the street despite of lots vehicles he face..Just like of people,
we face different kinds of problem/struggles but as long as you have a positive
mindset to overcome the situation, then you deserve to be success.

Out of the box Question:

“What are you going to do if today is the end of the world?”

 If today is the end of the world i would still try to be calm.. Sincerely pray asking for His
mercy..because His mercy is all we need for.. I will hold and hug my love ones because we
dont know who will be save and who will not this will be our last moment to be in touch with
them because in another life we will be renew
 If today will be the end of the world, I'll simply kneel down and pray in silence, so
that I can guve thanks to God for giving me the opportunity to lived my life to the
fullest, and apologize also for my wrong act.

 If today's the end of world, literally, there's no time to do what you want to do , because we
have all the time in the world to repent, to do good things and anything we want to be. For
me, the best thing to do is to look at the end of the world a positive outlook that it is the also
the end of sufferings and sacrifices. And indeed a salvation to all the people who did their
best to become better versiön of themselves on how God mold and help them. And i am
proud to be öne of them. Thank you.

 Out of the box Question:

"How come it doesn't have a moon in the Philippine flag if they put stars?"

 because the cmparison btween sun and stars is the emblem of peace. Sun symbolizes of
light and hope while stars represent us 'humans' who seek freedom.Unlike the moon who
only gave temporarily a bit of light that cn shed us in our darkness days. We cn rely the light
of the moon but it takes only a short period of time .Same as our lives , we clearly need
accuracy for achieving something not the vanity .So thats why moon doesn't suit to place in
our phil. flag coz there is nthing special about him.

The lights represents hope. The light of big star near to our planet give us life. The
moon shows when dark, and the dark is perhaps mean despair. Our flag only
symbolises hope and peace and the moon doesn't have what it takes.
Out of the box Question:

"What's the chorus of your favorite English song?" 🎤

I want you to know you belong in my life I love the hoope I see in your eyes for you I
would fly atleast I would try for yoy I'll take the last flight out.
That i was born for you and that you where born for me and lalalala it was really
meant to be 
📦 Out of the box Question:

"Why does a round pizza come in a square box?”

I think because it more easier. Try to think of it. How would you tie a round box for
the customer to prevent swallowing inside? Hehe 🤣 I dont think circle box can be
tied properly unless you are using a square box. It will more easier to tie because of
the equal sizes each side
it is to make pizza shine on its way. To see its real beauty. And lastly, it is easier to
make a square box for pizza than a circle. You know circle has an infinite side.
Out of the box Question:

“If you weren’t born in the Philippines, what nationality would you like to be and why?”

Out of the box Question:

If I wasn't born here in the Phillipines. I would like to be born in South Korea...
because the SO-KOR cultures and thier heritage since im.a big fan of thiER KOREAN
 I haven't been asked this question in an interview, but I can try.

"If I were not born in the Philippines, I would like to be born in the USA, because from the
day I was born, I have been so fluent in the English language. I would also like to be born in
either Spain or Mexico, and I said that because there are a lot of Catholics in either of those
two countries."
Out of the box Question:

“Tell a joke..”

What is the longest word in English dictionary?

Answer: "SMILES" because there is a MILE between its first and last letters

There is a man up who's trying to kill himself by falling from the roof . so the priest
saw him and told him . Dont do that . Think of ur wife think of your family . the man
response . I dont have wife . he left me already. That's why I want to kill myself . the
priest says It is sin for the catholic to kill yourself . and the man says . I'm not
catholic . so the priest says "Ok Jump " hahahaja 😂😂😂

 Out of the box Question:

"How would you hide a dead body?"

Why should I do that?! I rather go to the police and I will say what happen and admit
the crime I did..

Hiding a dead body it's a mortal sin...and there is no reason for me to hide an dead
body because I know to myself I cannot do that even though I am angry to that
person...I call the police authority to report and investigate that situation because I
know no one can keep a secret and that's the only thing I can do to help a victim.

 I have never been in that kind of situation and never will. I’d rather not touch it because
they might accuse me as the suspect. So, for me I would just call the police and let them
know who’s that dead person. He/she deserves to have a peaceful burial.
Out of the box Question:

“If you were shrunk down to a size of a pencil and trapped down in a blender, how
would you be able to get out?”

n order to escape from the blender is that i am going to jump using the eraser tip
side of the pencil we know its a rubber type and we know that rubber will just
bounces back. so all im gonna do is jump jump jump until i get a higher jump to
escape from that container.

its impossible. but if this thing really happen. the first thing i will do is Pray to have courage.
believe in the Lord and also to myself. i know i can face all the trials in my life. then make a
move. i will use my hands and feet to climb up do everything. but if i didnt make it. i know
that someone will find me. all i have to do is to call for attention. or what if i have a
cellphone with me. i know that every problems has a solutions. The Lord will never give me
a problem that i cant handle. thats all. please correct the grammar. thanks :)

If i cant reach the top of the blender then i'll just save my strength and wait while
thinking of other idea's on how to get out & with that said, i'm gonna make sure that
someone will notice that im stuck inside so he/she could help me out of that certain
situation... making some noise while inside is one way to be noticed or to get
someone's attention, coz im still me just got shrunk to a smaller size 
Out of the box Question:

“Why does the building called a building if it’s already built?”

 As I know building is defined as a product of finished structure and ready for dwell with

Building has a double meaning, it can be a noun which means ,a structure or

establishment ,and also can be a verb a present participle of the root word build,
which means a certain process needs to be develop for further progress

 a building is called a building because after several decades the building should be
renovated. It is an endless cycle of building and rebuilding 😅😅😅

Building called a building even if its already build because the people who will
occupy will gonna build a company and the company will gonna hired people to work
for them as a team and a company will going to have a team the end
there is still a building
Out of the box Question:

If you will be given a chance to be outrageous in one day what will you do

 I think if i will become outrageous in one day i will definitely cut the tongue of my
neighbors who love to gossip other peoples life

 If I would be a chance to outrageous in one day I would hit the mistress & my husband so
then they realize both what they are doing;(

f given a chance to be outrageous. I will set up a sound system in the street and
have music party. I'll dance, sing even shout my joy all day, together with those who
want to share their outrage. That's what I'll do if I would be given a chance to be
outrageous for a day.
Out of the box Question:

"What if you're on the beach and you saw a crab on the sand? What will you do?"

 I will call my friend that knows how to catch a crab, since i dont know how to do it. But
before that will happen, i will stare at the crab since i was shock wahahaha

Hehehe, Honestly I keep them when I get one back then when I was a kid. But right
now I would just follow them to get in their hole and cover it with a sand and maybe
wait them to get up again
I'll just simply look the crab on how it walk.because it is common to see the crab on
that place.coz if I try to touch it ..I know what will happen into my hand.

If i saw a crab on a beach, maybe i'll just ignore the crab since that im afraid of any
crawling animals or insects.. I'll just let go of the crab and i'll just enjoy the beach.

 I enjoy learning... So i would just stare at the crab.. study his behavior his manners how he
walk how he will go to the water... Make some videoclips..

Berlitz Interview Question:

“When do you think is the best time for our children to learn about the birds and the

With regards to our current situation, the current modern era of technology, children now
are more vulnerable of exposing their innocent minds to many informations, including the
decadent ones, through social media and even the mainstream media. So for me, the best
time for them to learn about these ideas is when they're getting conscious and curious
about it. Of course, it's a step-by-step procedure of teaching. Starting from the basic ones up
to the complicated ones. Aside from learning these ideas from their school, let our home be
their school too, and we as their parents be also a teacher for them. Although, to others, it
seems like it's weird but let's recognize it as a reality. It's now a part of continuing progress
of technology and knowledge affecting the cultures and lives of people.

While i still dont have a son or daugthers i will just say any words here, forgive me
for i will be here in a commentbox for a while. By the way? i just want u to know that
im not that good in english im just talking like this inorder to learn in a faster way. So
someday i could be like somebody that is good in english. Thank Youll!!

When they started being curious. Thats the reason why I want my son to be open
with me. We can talk about anything especially he's now a teenager. I want him to
be more responsible, set his priorities and boundaries.

Berlitz Interview Question:

“How did you meet your spouse/partner?”

I met my partner because of my co'worker on my previous job way back 2013,at first
I don't have the guts to take it seriously but at the end of the day I fall hard and after
how many years we decided to settle down and now we have an adorable daughter

I met him in an online game 😂that is mobile legend He always go with me thru the
game until we found out that he's my friends common friend

 i met my ex wife. way back 2005 were both studying in high school and we were both like
each other and felt in love. they say that its puppy love but our relationship will last 15years
ago.know were both seperated but i still here waiting for the right time on her i miss her so
much huhuhu;-(

Since I don't have a partner.. I would have to prefer my partner in process during my
work days in my previous job.. I met him in the company

 Berlitz Interview Question:

“What do you wanna do/Where do you wanna go on your first date

On my first date i want to go in a restaurant and eat, go to the mall watching cinema,
playing a game ina world of fun games, and at the night walking at the park and
watch the stars in the sky..😎😁😁

 Of icourse...if we were in a date....I would like him to bring me in my favourite resto...or
fast food chain .....I want it to be more neutral...not so special....kinda were just best
friends...something like that ..showing the real you....I don't want more

i would go to a simple and quiet place. for example a room with candle and flowers
and sweet favorite songs playing while dancing with him and saying all things i want
to say how much i love him. i find it nice than anywhere else.

 want to know if his feelings and intentions are really sincere, so I will ask some
questions to prove a point. I would go to a serene restaurant so that we can have our
time to get to know each other and talk about the things we like and dislike

 I want it to in our house ,

I want our first date to be in our house so I can see how he handles getting introduce to my
family if he would be brave enough 
Berlitz Interview Question:

“What do you think about the current President of the Philippines?

 I myself was not and never perfect and I can't really judge him but what I think about him
is that he is great as a president. Yes, he does make mistakes but thats because he is also a
human. We all have different perceptions and choices in life and I think extra judicial killing
is one of his choices to lessen the crime in our country . It may seem wrong to us because
killing is forbidden and its one of the 10 commandments of god but we can't stop him from
doing that because thats what he think is best. what we can do now is to appreciate the
good things that he does and one of that is for being cautious in his decisions and for trying
to maintain the peace between philippines and china.

well for me,our current President Duterte was a Good Man. Even though his big
mouth is very harsh the way he Talk to others. Saying BadWords is how you express
your Anger, Not your Attitude! So for me, He Did a Great Job to our Country! 😊🎉💪

ever since the beginning of his term, President Duterte does his best to make
Philippines a better country. Unlike those other former presidents who did nothing
but take advantage of their power and corrupt.President Duterte does only what he
believes is good for the country and Filipinos. He might seem to be vulgar and obsurd
sometimes but I see that he is doing his job well.
Berlitz Interview Question:

“Is cheating a mistake or a choice?”

 It is a choice,coz it's up to us how can we avoid to cheat on our partner.God gave us brain
to make a decision,so why should you be fooled if you know someone is going to hurt?

Cheating is a choice..God created us with free our life is full of choices.,so if
you cheat, it is because you choose to cheat nobody can ruled your life except its a choice.

Cheating is a choice. We are all aware what is right and wrong. Definitely we know
our limitations specially when we are already committed to someone. It is natural to
be attracted to opposite sex specially when you find them attractive but it is your
choice to just let it be until it disappears or make a move to fulfill your attraction
towards the person even if your committed.
Berlitz Interview Question:

“How's life being a single so far?”

Being a single so far is actually nothing for me. I don't even think of myself being in a
relationship. I just wanna go on with the flow of my life. Eating, sleeping, finding
jobs, etcetera.

Well My life of being single so far is very fine, You know we can do whatever we want
without asking a permission in our gf/bf, and also it help me to save a lot of money for
myself so in a future i have a money that i can be use to buy my needs, However when time
pass and We're in the right age to be committed in a relationship, We'll realize that It's good
to have a partner until the last minute of our life

A life of being Single is actually Good. You have your own freewill to make a decision
and Do whatever you want , Go wherever you want with your Friends. No worries
about heartache,no more dramas about your partner/BF.😂 As in you can Enjoy
yourself of being single in your own way.
 I would say, being single is no fun especially when you've stayed single for a while. Yes
you'll feel free because you can do whatever you want, going after one person to another if
you want to. However the happiness you would get from that will only be for a moment.
After that, you'll feel the loneliness and the feeling that no one cares about you when you
get to your apartment late, no one cooks for you after work, no one to talk to before bed and
no one says I love you besides your family and friends. Atleast for me, that's what I felt when
I had decided to stay single for a long while because at that time I was working abroad and
my long time girl friend had broken up with me because of the distance and the busy
schedule we had at work. That's why when I came back to the Philippines I immediately
sought help from my friends to introduce me with their female acquaintances whom are
single and open for relationship. And that's how I met my current girlfriend right now,
though I didn't met her through my friends but my cousin.

Out of the box question:

“If you were to remove one word in the dictionary, what would it be and why?”

 I would remove the word depression. Because people who suffers with this end up killing
themselves. Fighting in this is the hardest one. I have been experiencing depression and if
you are depressed you can't think properly. There are lots of negative thoughts that comes
to your mind and if you lost, the only way you can think is killing yourself
 It would be PESSIMISTIC. Because we should not be PESSIMISTIC at all time, we should be
OPTIMISTIC and always look for silver lining in every situations.

NEGATIVITY because this word turn all good things into bad making things worst I
think we should avoid negativity in ourselves for us to be happy and be success.

Pride- you can make a lot of sin, because of it. You can hate anyone because of it,
and you can get anger to anyone because of it, all negativities because it. Satan
battles God because he has it, so i wanna get this word out of existence.

Depression, now a days many teenager is dying from depression. Maybe, if they don't
know what it means they wouldn't have the urge of killing themselves

Negativity. So that no one feels and thinks about negativity. Negativity for me is one
of the root of evilness so it should be remove. Negativity brings jealousy, hatred,
insecurity and lack of self confidence.

Out of the box Question:

“How do you thaw a frozen egg?”

It is easy to defrost frozen eggs; just wash them really well, peel off the shell, and
put the frozen egg in a zip-top bag or a glass jar. Place the bag or jar in a container of
hot water, and let it sit for about five minutes.
Put the frozen egg in the container or bowl with hot water and let it sit for about five
minutes and then put it in the refrigerator.
 Probably I'll get a small container and put some warm cold water then put the Frozen egg
inside of it and wait for a minute untill its melt.

Final Interview Question:

“What’s the difference between hearing and listening?

hearing is a type of sense, while listening is when you pay attention on what you hear
Hearing is to hear and receive sounds while listening is a skill which you can
The different of hearing is you hear you costumer to there concern while listening is
give to emphasize the situation of the customer to listen to them what there concern
also the situation and give them a best solution
Final Interview Question:

“What makes you unique from the other applicants?”

in other words, your edge.

Like how the interviewer will be able to remember you out of all the applicants.

What makes me unique from the rest is that I will work hard and give my best on
every task that will be given to me, and I will be punctual at all times

Eventhough I have experience in a BPO, I still have lots of things to learn. If you hire me, it
will be a great opportunity for me since I am an opportunity seeker, it would be a great help
for me to learn new skills. I have the willingness to learn and can easily adapt to new
environment. I am career-goal oriented and have the passion and desired to work. I may not
be the best applicant, but my experience and knowledge I gained from my previous
company will be my edge to other applicants and this will also help me to perform this job as
per company's expectations.

 For me i cannot predict the edge of other applicant.. but what I can say is I'm a person
have commitment in work a harworking and multitasking person fast learner and give my
best to make sure that. I will give a satisfaction my customer in times of work
Final Interview Question:

“Define Success.”

For me, success is when you achieved and attained all the goals that you have in
life. But of course, before you reach your success is when you encounter failures and
the ups and downs. Therefore, if you pass all these failures, you will surely achieve
success 👏👏👏

It's like you're climbing a mountain. You go through all the hardships and face lots of
obstacle. But because of your determination and perseverance, all those obstacles and
hardship you face doesn't become a hindrance to reach your goal. For me, that is success.
We cannot relate success to material things be cause we can all have that if we do our best.
We can't all have that without the hardship we face while we are on the track to reach our
goals. Success for me is overcoming all the hardship and obstacles that we face.

Success doesnt mean how far have you been in your career because I believe it
failures that counts.No matter how many times you fail but how many times you
rise..It's a matter of tryin all over again,its a matter of improving your self to be a
good person,and the most important is that you start believing in your self that you
can always do it,just believe!
 Final Interview Question:

“What’s more toxic for you,

Signing a job offer for a challenging account or you, still looking for a job?”

It is more toxic finding a job than signing a challenging account. Because there is no
guarantee that you will be hired while you are applying. Aside from that, you spend a
lot of time and money while you are applying. Unlike signing a challenging account,
you will start earning money. Even it is challenging, still, you are earning. Looking for
a job is challenging too but instead earning you're spending a lot.

its more toxic to find a job rather than a signing a challenging account.Because
finding a job needs more time and effort but w/o the assurance that at the end of the
day you'll going to have what you want,but signing a challenging account means that
you already have the chance to prove yourself.Even how challenging the account
is,but if you work hard on it,everything will be easy on you as the days go by.
Obviously, looking for a job is more toxic/stressful than having a challenging account
that they're offering you. Because if you have no job, you can't feed your family,
you're not able to buy the important things you need in your daily life. In a
challenging account, you can learn that once you have the trainings until you get
along on that job

We only live once, If there's any challenge that given by the job we applied, then i will grab
it. Than, i will find another job because i cant bare with the toxic job i had, I want to
Challenge myself inorder to continue my growth of my human being. I cannot accept defeat
thats why i keep striving, reading all the english i need to read. Because i have an ambition,
it may be simple but its hard yet challenging. Keep it up!

Final Interview Question:

"If you'll fail in this interview, what do you think is the reason?"

 If i failed the interview, then maybe it is not time yet. There's still some areas that I need to
work on. I am not ready yet or maybe i am not qualified for the position. Or there is no
available position where I am qualified that is why I failed. Better luck next time. Just try and
try and try harder next time.

 If I'm going to fail again,I would say that still I need to improve myself.Theres always a
room for improvement,and no matter how many times I failed it cant be a hindrance to try
and try to find my luck.

 I got failed f0r this interview maybe it's because y0ur c0mpany d0n't need a goal
oriented employee and patience employee, if that so, then do n0t hire me

 Better luck next time, and stay positive. If i fail i will tell myself that i gave my best and i
will still be proud for what ive done, for doing my part. But afterwards im not doing the same
thing by studying. I will study harder and wiser and, adding more ideas to myself. Absorbing
the english topics i didnt know so that it can be a part of my knowledge and to use it at
Right time. I will keep believing myself cos no one does except me.

Final Interview Question:

"What is your motto in life?"

 My motto in life is "if others can do why cant i? Everytime that i am planning something in
life i have this strong belief that i can do it coz other people made it so theres a possibility
for me that i can do it also
Time is gold... Old school motto but its real every seconds count because we only
have a short time to live to the fullest so make it wonderful and meaningful every

When darkness falls in your life. Do not be discourage and lost hope. Pray and seek
for the light. Always remember that life is an everyday challenge.

 Final Interview Question:

"What’s the difference between honesty and integrity?"

The,difference_ between honesty and,integrity. Honesty is being true,to your self
while integrity is respect

 Honesty is being true and telling only the truth while Integrity is doing right and fair even if
theres no one looking.

Honesty is telling the truth while integrity is doing the right thing even if no one is
looking at you.

 Final Interview Question:

We only have two slots left for this account and there's still five of you.
"Why should i hire you among the other applicants

 I am interested in working, I will do my best to work it well and I can be a productive and
very competitive employee and I welcome the opportunity to develop my skills and abilities

You should hire me because i commited my self to this, to work. And this
commitment helps me to work with passion.

Sir/maam, you should hire me because first and foremost, in my previous job, i don't
have any issues regarding on absentism or tardiness. I always go to work even
holidays and i always go to work ahead or on time.

 Because, Im may be not Smart and Fast learner than others but i assure you that i have
the attitude that will never give up and im a hardworker
Final Interview Question:

“Everything is happening because of

• Destiny
• Decision

and explain.”

Well i dont believe in destiny , but i do believe in hardwork, remeber no matter what
decissions you make to become successful in your life , its always yourself who mill
make it 

Destiny is a matter of chance. It is not a thing to be waited for but its a thing to be
achieve while in making decisions it is a matter of choice that u must think before
the action.

 For me.Everything will happen by making our dcsi0n bc0s we have the right to decide to
make life better for having a g0od destiny.

You make your own path. Your the captain of your own ship. Enjoy the journey and
live happy.

 Everything is happening because of our are the only one who could decide
whatever you wanted to be,you are the only one who is responsible to your life so your the
only one who could everything happens because u decide it and let it happend,so
whatever outcome may come to your way in,its just because you decide it.. decision will
lead you to your destiny
 Final Interview Question:

"How do you handle stress?"

 I handle stress by going outside look for a place where I can sit and relax all by myself and
look up in the sky and watch the clouds move. Watch the birds fly and listen to them
singing. Then I close my eyes and take a deep breath (and fart 😂😂) kidding aside. When I
feel calm, I'll open my eyes and shout "I CAN DO IT!". Then I'm stress free. 

 Drinking coffee because I'm a coffee lover and that put my self to be motivated and
everything will follow properly

 I handle stress simply by not overthinking things, take a deep breath, close my eyes
for a minute and think about happy thoughts. I'll also take multivitamins everyday for my
body because I need nutrients to be able to perform my job well and make my immune
system stronger.
 handle my stress by singing a song and thinking just positive things in life.

Final Interview Question:

"How can you describe the color green to a blind person?"

Sample Answers

1. Red

Think of red as something warm and nourishing. Like fire which helps us cook our meals and keeps us from getting cold.
Red is also a sign of love and tenderness, like a mother’s warm embrace to her newborn child or that nice feeling you get everytime
you hug someone you love.
Too much red is potentially dangerous though. It could mean intense anger. It could burn homes, start a fight, and destroy
relationships. A bad blood.”
Senses described: warmth (touch); love, anger and security (emotions)
2. Yellow

Smell and taste a lemon and you’ll get a glimpse of yellow. It’s strong but pleasant. It demands attention but gives enough to
deserve it.
Because it easily captures attention, it’s used on the streets to tell people when, where, and how to cross, to caution unsuspecting
passersby about a wet floor or drivers in an accident-prone area.
In nature, sunflowers wear it to attract bees, bees to drive humans away and lemons and mangoes to signal they’re fresh and ready
to harvest.
Senses described: smell and taste of lemon
3. Green

Green nurtures life, abundance, and fertility.

It’s anywhere in nature- on trees, on land, and water. Every time you hear the murmur of the river, the breath of air from the
mountain, the scent of limes, think of green.
Senses described: sound of the river and singing birds, smell of limes and fresh air, fertility and abundance (symbols)
4. Blue

Blue is unity and strength.

Imagine a single droplet of rain landing on your palm. At first, you’ll think it’s irrelevant and small; it won’t even soak you wet. But
when gravity delivers it to the river, then to the sea, that single irrelevant droplet, along with the other droplets, unite. Together, they
form this massive collection of droplets called ocean.
Now, imagine yourself in a boat feeling the ocean with your palms. No matter how hard you try, you’ll never touch its surface. That’s
blue. It’s a massive collection of small, seemingly irrelevant elements which when united becomes huge and invincible.
Blue colors nations’ flags to symbolize the unity of its people, who, when united, makes a nation strong.
Senses described: feeling of ocean and droplets on the palms (touch)
5. Orange

Feel the heat of the sun on your face. Feel it on your skin during sunrise, sunset and summer. That’s orange. It doesn’t whisper, it
screams. It isn’t mild, it’s intense. Because it is very bright, even brighter than yellow, prison camps use it to clothe inmates to make
them stand out in case of an escape.
Senses described: feeling of sun’s heat (touch), whisper of orange (sound)
6. Purple

Purple is luxurious and calming.

After a hot day, imagine soaking yourself in a bathtub infused with lavender oil. Smell its fragrance, feel how it relaxes your tensed
muscles, indulge in its overall sensation of calm and peace. That’s how purple feels like.
Senses described: smell of lavender, sensation of relaxing muscles
7. White

White is plain and basic yet necessary. Think of water and oxygen. Water is tasteless. Oxygen is invisible. And yet, without them, no
humans and animals would ever walk on earth.
At the surface, white may look unimportant and bland, but it is the source of all colors— living and non-living.
Senses described: taste of water (taste), breath of air (touch)
8. Pink

Imagine touching the skin of a newborn baby at the back of your hand. That’s how pink feels like.
If you want to taste it, imagine a eating a fresh baked salmon cooked into perfection. Or a medium rare beef steak. It’s tender, soft
and juicy.
Most women prefer is also the favorite color of most women because of its delicate and subtle beauty without being too bold
overwhelming like red and orange.
Senses described: touch of a newborn baby’s skin, taste of salmon and tender beef steak

 Don’t say, “It’s impossible because he’s blind.” That’s the worst answer you could possibly say.
 The reason why interviewers ask this is to gauge your ability to get creative, and utilize English words to describe and
 The good thing about this question is that there’s no right or wrong answers. As long as you can support your answer,
you’re good.
 Your description doesn’t have to agree with the interviewer’s perception of colors. We all perceive colors differently.
What’s important is you associate the colors to the senses he understands.
Final Interview Question:

“What can you put on the table or ask if they mean,

"What can you contribute to the company?"

The contribution that i can give for this company is my willingness to work hard day
to day, being a hardworking person means that you're capable to do certain things,
my skills to handle customer whatever the problem is gave me the confidence to
work and to proved how competitive i am as an employee

I'm a hardworking,fast learner,goal oriented,flexible,responsible and dedicated

person.In that way i must say that i will become a better agent.So I can easily
provide good and excellent costumer service😊

My contribution to this company would be my productivity at work and always be on

attenance and I will apply all the things that I have learned on my previous job and I
will also give my best to help for the progress of this company
🎓 Final Interview Question:

"What’s the difference between urgent and important?"

Urgent is you need to do that work as soon as possible. While important is to

prioritize that work but doesn't have time limit to do.
 When we say urgent it requires an immediate action like as soon as possible while
Important is for long term values, sometimes it's urgent too but typically they're not.

Urgent is when the task is need to be done within the specific period of time and
needs to be done as soon as possible while important should be prioritized

The difference is. Urgent is important while important is not always urgent.

Urgent means that requires immediate attention or action while important is

something that contribute to our long term mission, values and goals. These will be
the things that don't necessarily have deadlines against them, but you make a point
in doing because they are needed in order to achieve a certain goal.

 Final Interview Question:

“Describe your ideal working environment.

My ideal workplace is where i can show up my skills, helping each other and working
as a team in that way we can help us such as Virgins to grow more, and a workplace
with no discrimination

My ideal workplace is where i can maximize my skills and potential and have fun
while working.
My ideal environment is where i surround myself with a trusted and loyal team.It
makes all difference.Because when you need to innovate,you need collaboration

My ideal working environment must have an friendly co-workers, unity, and

sportmanship people. Coz, it will help us all to be a better worker.

Final Interview Question:

"How can you make me switch to your network provider?"

Hi mam may i know what kind of service provider do you have?

Me:Let me know how long you have been using it? And how was that?

If you don't mind,i would like to introduce you our network provider.

Mam:but i"m happy with my network provider.

Me:That's okey mam,you dont need to switch on it.I will only show you the difference
between yours and our network provider..And if i convince you,you can told to your friends
or relative about that.

Mam:okey go ahead.

Me: Our network provider is a rising ADD much faster than 4G LTE ,you can play videos 6
seconds in high speed.More cellular towers so it means there are signals in everywhere you
are.And also we can give you a 10%discount in your first 6months if you avail it.After 1 year
of your use of our network provider you can get a free mobile phone.So how is it?

Mam:Okey i'll try your network provider,you do great in selling 😊

Hello, goodmorning!. I am hear to tell you that you need to switch a network. And our
network is one of the best network here you can contact. And by that, I can offer you
only the best. Once you switch to us, I'll promise, you won't feel any hassle just like
you felt in other network. We'll assure you that, this is the network where you can
feel comfortable

 hello sir . our company can offer you an excellent internet provider that you are looking for
we offer unlimited browsing with fast internet speed .and you can avail that in an affordable
price .I assure you that we are what you are looking for .we can serve you the fastest
internet no loadings no buffers.
dont hesitate and avail our internet for more promos

 Final Interview Question:

“What’s the difference between speaking over the phone and speaking with someone
Speaking over the phone is much easier than speaking to them personally. Coz, speaking
over the phone, u can't feel any awkwardness, u can't see what they're doing and so on. U
just depends on their tone of their voice. But, it's more likely to misunderstood each other.
While, speaking personally is difficult than the other one. And it depends who are u talking
to, and what is the topic you two discussing about. Meanwhile, speaking personally, is
difficult coz, u can't actually hide your emotions, u can barely see what their gestures are.
And for some situations, you two can have some excruciating fight.
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 Speaking over the phone, no eye to eye contact, you won't know if they are telling the
truth or not. You can't tell easily their emotions you only base on the tone of their voice.
While speaking personally, you can have an eye to eye contact, see gestures, you can easily
tell if they are telling the truth. You can tell and feel their emotions beacause we can see it
in their eyes and in their gestures..

of course, speaking over the phone is you cannot actually see the facial reaction and
the emotion while talking with someone in person is you can really see and feel them
Final Interview Question:

"What is more regretful?"

I must say that it is more regretful is the right things that we could have done but we never did. rather
than the wrong things that we already did. Coz, u can't hate the person over the long period of time.
There is always a time to heal the wounds that was made by our precious someone. Therefore, u will
regret every single day, and until the last time of your life. Coz, u never did the right things that you
should have done before.

 Doing the right thing we could have done but we never did or even try. Because if
opportunity comes and then you never tried grabbing it you will regret in the end. You will
only realize in the end when it's gone, that if you tried, maybe you are now in a good place.

Same goes with the people you love. If you love them show them how much they mean to
you and how much you love them, while you still see them. Because once they are gone,
you can no longer do that. You cannot say "MOM/DAD I LOVE YOU"
Final Interview Question:

"What’s the difference between living and existing?

Living is you are there for a purposes like you are doing hard work to achieve your
goals in life.

While when you are existing you're just here for nothing, you're just like a stuff toy.

Living it is a u give your life a meaningful just do whatever you want that make you
life needed while existing it is a something that ur life is meaningless and you don't
have a plan to make your life important

When you are just existing,life happens to you and you manage.When you are truly
living,you happen to life. ..and you lead.

Living is when u finally achieve your goals. And has a purpose. And existing is just
you know you are there, but you don't have a purpose.
Final Interview Question:

"What is your favorite quote

Life's so short. Step it up! Because we don't know when are we gonna die. These
days even young ones die too early. So we must live our lives to the fullest and enjoy
everything we do. Treasure every moment. Value and spend our time with our love

Everything Happened in Our life, God Has a meaningful Reasons

Coming together is a beginning.

Keeping together is progress.
Working together is success

 Dont afraid to failed,coz if you fail it means you've gonna try.Word FAIL means "First
Attempt In Life".No matter what happens just take a step one at a time,just keep moving
forward and the Universe will do the rest for you to become successful.

Life is like a battle you need to win. So Stand firm, move forward and aim for success
🎓 Final Interview Question:

“Why do you think that mock call or call simulation is important here in our hiring

Mock call or call simulation will measure our ability when we are ready for the job
we are in. Then they will look at how you communicate with the consumer and how
you can also solve your costumer's problem.
When there is no mock call how do you know if you can afford the job you are hired

Mock call or call simulation is important. Coz, how will you define yourself as a truly
call center agent if you have never experience receive a hatred messages?. And
mock call is important coz, it will test in how you are capable in this job. In this call
center industry.

this is to test tge ability to answer questions from customers,and for the company to
know if you are good in communacating skills as well as speaking English
Mock call is very important to test you how to communicate on the phone. To know if
you are qualified to become call center representative.

 Final Interview Question:

"What’s the difference between responsibility and obligation?"

 responsibility its refer to the one who handle a kind of job and obligation is automatically u
obligate no one can tell u to do that kind

Responsibility is a duty or task that you are required or expected to do while

obligation is something you must do because of a law, rule, promise, and its morally

Responsibility is something you need to do to be able to cope up on everyday lives.

Obligation is something you have to fullfill no matter what happens because there
are people who depends on you.

Responsibility is something you should do to cipe in everyday life like a long time
commitment and obligation is that something that you most do,and youl already tide on it
like a lifetime commitment
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Responsibility is something that it is your job or duty to deal with.Obligation is
something that you must do or commitment.

 responsibility is for work, while obligation is for family.. :)

 Final Interview Question:

What is the one thing you regret the most in life? Like if you could turn back time, you
will change it or decide not to do it.

I don't have any regrets in my life, because all things happens with a purpose.What
decisions you make will lead to you in the future.Don't look to the past but look to
the future.Because i will never ever change my past.If i ever had a bad past I
accepted that because I learned and became steadfast.I use it as my stepping stone
to become a better version of myself😊😎

 This is too personal for me, but if I was given a chance to change my past to become my
present regretless is, being indolent and wicked me. So that, i could save my father from
me. Coz, he regret his life for having us, coz we've been a stubborn children and careless.

The one thing i regret in my life is when i married early as 19,and bicoz of that i didnt
have the chance to finish my collage and coz i have to focus with my kids

f i could turn back time. I would rather choose what I deserve to have no regrets but
past is past i can't return it back again but I'm happy because I learned the mistakes
I've made.

I believe that God is in control in our lives. So whether we have done something
wrong or right in our lives, He let it happen for a reason. And whatever His reason is,
it is always for our good. Therefore, i have no regret
Final Interview Question:

“What’s the difference between good and excellent customer service?”

 Good customer service is providing the information they need while excellent CS is going
extra mile to meet their expectation.

The "good" thing is if you can provide what your customer needs and the
"excellence" thing is if you solve the problem of your customer.

Good service is you just did what is right. Example: In a fast food chain, They order burger
and you just gave burger. While excellent customer service is exceeding to customer
beyond expectation. Customer order burger, but you give the customer also water. The
customer is not expecting he could get water because he just ordered burger. But then since
you gave him water the customer now is very satisfied 😊. That is excellent customer service

Good customer service is when you gave all the information that your customer
needs and it helps .. excellent customer service is when you exceed the expectation
of your customers need and you made them satisfied 🤓.
-Correct if im wrong

 Good service is the kind of care service that you make customer feel better and satisfied
Excellent service is the kind of care service to make your customer feels much better and
much satisfied than good

Final Interview Question:

"Which one do you support?

• Freedom Of Speech
• or Cyber Crime Law

and explain.”

I'll choose cyber crime law,because many people as of now will experience cyber
bullying,some will spread fake news and the worse is some people use it to
dispersing scandals.
Cyber bullying causes depression in people so many of them attempt suicide, fear
people and their lives.It's just sad to say that freedom of speech is also used to bully
and embarrass other people.

I'll choose cybercrime law. Why?, cos not all free speech can be good to us. Nor can
harm us. But some free speech are only good for the sake of their lives. In short,
their speech are selfish. While, cybercrime law, can be good to us. And can protect
us. Against on creatures who's only intention is to hurt anyone.

Cybercrime law cause people sometimes abuse others by using social media , so i
think its time to spread awareness about cybercrime law 

 Final Interview Question:

"What’s the difference between change and improve?"

Change it is an act of turning into different while improvement it an act of change to

be better or for a positive result
 change is where you need to start with and leads you to improved in the future.

CHANGE is something that you need to develope with while IMPROVE is the better
thing that you've done with

 For me change is like a skills. For example the way you sing you change your genre that's a
skills. But improvement is like a attitude which is very important. You improve from many
mistakes that you had before that's why you improve and you will get the better version of
your self. And also we need improvement for us to change.

o change is a 360 degree turn, as in completely letting go of things that I used to do,
and to learn something new from scratch, while to improve is harneshing something
that I already know, or mastery of skill...

Final Interview Question:

“Do you believe in ghost;

How come or how come you don’t?”

 Sometimes we feel unknown feeling like, we are with person who's actually not with us but
the feeling is there is someone you are with. This case i experienced it sometimes, so
therefore I believe in ghost. You will be believer by unbelievable things in world when you
already experience it

No I don't. It's just a state of mind. We see things because we think there is but the
truth is we really don't see it we just think we saw something. It is the perception of
our minds esp. when we are scared or afraid and even sad like death of a family
member. Your mind says you want to see them again and because your longing to
see them, your mind creates an image that resembles them.

I do believe in ghost even though I can't see them because I feel them especially
when I have an acquaintance or a relatives dying. Not so believable but true. 😊

es i believe in ghost... because when i was a kid a saw a ghost in the backyard of our
house..and i told to my mom that i saw a ghost standing outside and her hand waved
at me.. i didnt saw her face clearly but i knew that she a whitelady..

I definitely believe in ghost because I, myself also experienced seeing one. As a

matter of fact, this experience of mine is one of the most unforgettable that has ever
happened to me.
Sales Account Final Interview:


 Ask the recruiter who's his favorite artist/idol/dream to meet in person. After he answers,
tell him that he owns that pen you're holding/selling. Bet his wig is gonna get
snatched ;) he'll be sold.

Hi may I interrupt what youre doing? Coz, as you can see, Im holding a LONG LASTING,
BETTER, FIERCER AND MAKE YOU GORGEOUS, PEN!!. This pen is brilliant than you. Why?
When you are writing something, you won't be bothered to change a new pen. Coz, its ink,
can last longer than your past relationship. And when you write something, this pen can
easily detect a misspelled and grammatically error. This pen can make you fiercer, you see
its design? It's flawless like you, fiercer like you. You just need to put this like an accessories
or jewelry and you can make a guys crazy. And lastly, this pen, can make you beautiful. coz,
it is just not a pen, it can be a beauty pen, such us eye liner, eyebrow tint and so many
more. So what are you looking for? Come buy my pen!!

 Hi mam/sir first of all I am here to sell you a newly invented or was been developed by me
it is a computerized pen which has the ability to record all your writings which will be save
on its micro sd card with 1 terrabyte capacity. Then you can plug this sd card to you
computer to transfer your writings. It also design to have unlimited ink so you don't need to
refill it. You can change its color by pushing a specialize button. You can also set a ringtone
whenever you push the button. When you lost this pen or misplaced it, you don't need to
worry as it has a feature of gps location that you can install the application to your mobile
phone and track your pen. Also this pen can be a bluetooth speaker you can use this to
answer phone calls and text any one by writing in a piece of paper, has the ability to play
random music to your phone. I will also offer you a 1 year warranty of this pen. Also you can
customize its design by using a specialize program using your phone that is link with an
application. Hope that you will like this pen as this is the first developed pen here in the
Final Interview Question:

“You demand a day schedule, you’re expecting a higher salary and applying for a chat
support position.

I can offer you a job right now so you could start next week but definitely not the one
that you’re asking for,

What say you?”

🖊 Sounds great! Since I am seeking for opportunities, I will accept it. It doesn't
matter if it is not the one I want as long as it can help me grow and gain more skills
why should I refuse it.

Sure! It's okay. I just asked if that:s possible however If I will be starting next week
I'm glad to take that perfect opportunity 🙂

I will gladly accept this opportunity because I know that it can help to develop my
skills. I will make it also as a challenge that will definitely lead me towards success
in this industry😊

hank you so much for this opportunity. I would love to be part of this
company ❤️ after all, applying here for me is not basing on what schedule I will
have, but what things I could learn that will help me improve my skills.
Well no problem. As long as I got hired even if its not the position that I am applying,
I'm ok with that. I am willing to learn a lot of new things. And to improve my
communication skills. I thank 😂😍😘

 will still grab that chance if ever i have pass at all and stop being demanding as if i
dont need a J.O Thats why i aply and drop to your comp. Is to find my luck and
hoping that you will give me a chance to become a part of your growing team and not
because of to demand what schedule i just wanted. because wgen opportunitiest
knocks on you then embrace it and grab it because it be might lost

Final Interview Question:

“Tell me one special feature of your phone.”

You can invent as long as it’s not out of this world feature.
The special feature of my phone is, it can captured every special moment in my life
using this camera so i can treasure those memories, and also you just have to Pres
the volume bottom twice and it's going to send your location and emergency
message to your emergency contact just in case you are in danger. It can save your
live if you are in danger

 I can say that the special feature of my phone which is Vivo S1 Pro is the unique design of
camera (diamond designed) included AI 48Mega pixels Quadcore camera and you can use
two applications at the same time (Split Screen). for ex.facebook and youtube.It makes me
feel good because i'll do multi-tasking at a time.

Behavioral Question:

If you will be given a chance to commit a crime and get away with it, what would
it be and why?

If i will be given a chance to commit a crime and can get away with it im going to rob
those corrupt politicians that are not helping the poor filipino people that are all in going to feed them and give them small business that they can start with.
If given a chance to commit I crime, I wouldn’t take it because I don’t want to get my
hands dirty.

Why would i grab that chance if it can damage my image. I'd rather die than to
commit a crime. I don't want my family to see me as a criminal. I want to earn clean
money and live my life with dignity. So I won't grab that chance.

Behavioral Question:
"How do you see yourself 3 years from now?"

 years from now i see myself still working at the company that first gave me the
chance to be part of. I also see myself in a higher position and a leader to the new
employees of the company.

 3 years from now, if i will be given a chance to become part of your good company, i can
see my self growing and still working with your company, serving and earning good

eeing my self 3yrs from now'! Is still working in your company w/ a higher position
and more knowledge about CSR, and still learning every single day so i can learn
more'! and also i want a business! that my family can manage,even small business
that can help my family to get some financial,
😇 Behavioral Question:

"What is your motivation to work?

my motivation to work are my 2kids because i want them to reach there ambition
someday also my mother i want to give her better life since my father died when i
was 4 years old because my mother the only one person that never left me in the
dark moment of my life ☺️☺️☺️

 My motivation ofcourese first and foremost my family specially my daughter.. I want to
give them a brighter future, 2nd is my goal to become better in this field and to improve
myself.. Those are my motivations which i think will push me to work harder in this company
 Behavioral Question:

"Why did you leave your previous job?"

I leave my previous job because i just want to expand and to develop my skills when
it comes to english communication and also to earn much money to support my
family needs.

I enjoy working in my pevious job that is why I stayed there for almost 2 years.
Unfortunately, the account will be dissolve due to system upgrade. Since there is no
available account where we can be transferred, i decided to resign and looked for
another job because i know i will end up jobless too.

I have left my previous job because as an independent contractor sales agent I only receive
commissions, for advancement purpose that I long for a salary package to work with a BPO
and Call Center companies. Hence, it is not only for money that I choose to work in BPO but
also to be able impart my knowledge, skills, and expertise among the hardworking
intelligent BPO employees which later on I anticipate learning new things from BPO industry.
Behavioral Question:

“How would you handle an irate customer?”

I can handle irrate customers by keeping calm. First, I will listen to his/her complain
for me to understand and think of the best solutions to his/her problems. Second,
apologize about what they had encountered, Third, give them solutions to their
problems as much as you can So that in the end he/she will feel valued.



A knowledge the problem

R solution

 Be patient and stay calm.Let the costumer vent out , show empathy to the costumer and
assured them it won't happen again..Give brilliant solution to their problem.

 First I will just listen to the customer, to know what is his/her problem or concerns, then I
will appologize for what had happened, then I will show some empathy then offer help, then
I will give the customer the best solution to the problem or to their concerns. After that I will
still ask the customer if there is anything that I can still do or if they have anymore

In this kind of situation we always have to stay calm so we can think and help the customer.

Behavioral Question:

"Do you have plans to pursue your study or plans to work in abroad?"

 i don't have any plan to go to abroad because i believe that i can earn the money here in
the Philippines what i earn in abroad for example in call center industry they give very good
offer higher than minimum wage with good health benefits hmo and incentives that is why i
don't have a plan to go to abroad

I don't have any plan to pursue my study neither work in abroad. My top priority right
now is to get this job because I need to sustain the needs of my family especially
when it comes to financial and educational support.
i don't have any plan to go to abroad because i believe that i can earn the money
here in the Philippines what i earn in abroad for example in call center industry they
give very good offer higher than minimum wage with good health benefits hmo and
incentives that is why i don't have a plan to go to abroad

Behavioral Question:

"Why do you want to earn money?

I want to earn money to buy my family a house! Specially for the future of my

Everybody consumes every day. So if you're not earning money who will suffer for
your consumptions? I don't want to let anyone work for me. Unless I'm too young, too
old or slicked
 Behavioral Question:

“Do you prefer to work with others or by yourself?”

I'm a team player, Sir. I prefer to work with others because I'm the person who need
the environment to grow. And 'No man is an Island' living. We all need help from

I'd rather work with others because working together is success. You will learn a lot
and you will have many acquaintances and friends.

well for me i don't have preferences for the two., i don't have to choose because
even if i'm working alone or working on others i can do both. Because working with
others you have to participate on a project or tasks they give you while working
alone you are on the same.
Behavioral Question:

"Is there a time when you really want

to buy something but you can't
because you're out of budget?"

Give an example..

Yes many times, for example i want to buy new jeans but i dont have enough budget.
Because in my previous job my salary is just enough for my daily expenses. I feel pity
to my self.

Yeah. When i badly wanted to buy those shoes. Since my budget was short and just
enough for my food and transpo, i cancelled my online order list. Good thing i was
able to buy it the following month. 🤩
Yes, oftentimes actually...i can say that im good when it comes to make our family
annual budget and it is more important to me to top of the list my family necessities
than my personal needs when we are out of budget.

 Behavioral Question:

“What could possibly hinder you from reporting to work?”

For me nothing can hinder me to report on my work because even though somethings
happen, you have your phone so you can report to your superior your side, there is
always a way for a person who likes to work properly

For me nothing can hinder me to report on my work because even though somethings
happen, you have your phone so you can report to your superior your side, there is
always a way for a person who likes to work properly

unexpected emergencies and sickness..unexpected emergiences if my pressence is

badly need...unexpected sickness when i am sick, having fever.. how can i work
thoroughly, or how can i perform if i am can i provide the customer can i help them solving thier problems if the one who they want to help
them are sick..😊😊

😇 Behavioral Question:

“What will make you quit?

I actually encountered this kind of situation, on my previous job. I almost quit but
then I realized im not doing it for myself but my kids. I need to provide for their needs
and future.

Quitting doesn't literally means you are weak. It's shows that you are brave enough to give
up and try another opportunity. If i know i'm not fit in or if there is no room for improvement
or opportunity to grow, i quit. Since i am an opportunity seeker and hungry for learning, i
always look for something that i will enjoy doing. i will quit if there is a great opportunity that
comes in. So if you think you're a loser if you quit and didn't try another opportunity, then
you are a loser.

As of now.I didn't think to quit.even though I'm so tired of walking.effort.that I'm long as interviewer never. saying bad or descriminate .I still continue my
goal .I always accept his/her feedback .and try to change my mistake.I hope that I
will never encounter rude hr.

Behavioral Question:

How long do you anticipate being in this job, or with our company?

Why should i leave if I enjoy working here? There would be no reason not to stay. So,
i stay as along as it makes me enjoy what I am doing and i can learn and develop
new skills.

As long as your company needs my service there is not a problem for me to leave in
your company

As long as i have no any integrity issue's with my boss or fellow agents i will still
commit, and provide the best services that your company needs
As long as the company needs me, I’ve been dreaming of a company where i can stay
for a very long time, I’m a person who hate saying goodbye. So I’m hoping i can stay
here forever

Behavioral Question:

"What if you have a shift and your friend is inviting you for a dinner. what will you
 I would like to go to .But Im really sorry I Need to go to work because i dont have approval
from my boss to Absent ,But when I have free time I will tell you so we could have a dinner
together ,hope you understand.

Sounds great! But i am sorry i can't make it tonight. I have a shift tonight and you
know i need to earn for a living. Maybe we can have it next time. It's my treat.

Sounds great! But i am sorry i can't make it tonight. I have a shift tonight and you
know i need to earn for a living. Maybe we can have it next time. It's my treat.
Behavioral Question:

“If you’re a high school graduate,

can you think of other jobs that can offer you P17,000 a month except call centers?”

 Nope i think this is the only company offer 17k salary for a highschool grad.and maybe if
working abroad they can offer this salary

Here in our country there's no other jobs that can offer 17,000 a month for a high
school graduate except call centers because many companies really have a high
standard hiring an employee that's why there's a lot of Filipino choose to work
abroad because there's a lot of company offering a higher salary.

maybe if im applying to work in abroad and offer me a salary like that .. i accept it ..
salary on abroad and to a call center is almost the same . but it is so very far from
your family .. and also if your are lucky to the company ..

maybe if im applying to work in abroad and offer me a salary like that .. i accept it ..
salary on abroad and to a call center is almost the same . but it is so very far from
your family .. and also if your are lucky to the company ..

 If you are a high school graduate do you think of a company that can offer 17,000.00

None. I can only think of BPO can offer such privilege, maybe when we go abroad but we will
do sacrificing ourselves to be far from our loved ones just to earn more money.
😇 Behavioral Question:

What are your greatest accomplishments so far?


 My greatest accomplishment so far is when i got an award for the top seller for 3
consecutive months during my real estate days and because of that I can afford to buy my
own brand new car. I’m not saying this because i want to show off for what i have now, im
saying this because i want to inspire other people and i want to motivate them

My greatest achievement in life is maybe being positive in every situation despite of

the hardship I've encounter and to continue learning from all the people I had met
and will meet everyday I am excited knowing people and sharing their story from me
is my strength
 Behavioral Question:

"What is the most embarrassing moment that you have experienced?"

My most embarrassing moment for me is when the chair im sitting on had broke
down and many people is staring at me like they are going to laugh.good thing my
boyfriend gave me his hand and pulled me up and he is not laughing at all

 My most embarassing moment happens when we hike 2 years ago. It happens, when one
of my co-hikers slip on the mud and we laugh at him. But "karma" is real. When we are
about to go down the hill, the road was muddy and slippy. I was about to step on the big
stone since the soil is wet and muddy, the stone get deeper then i lose my balance and slip.
It was like I was on a slide. My pants is all muddy and wet. They all laughed at me and
shouted "yan karma. Lakas mo makatawa kanina ah." then I look up and i saw my crush
smiling. I don't know if she laugh. But i think she does. I really feel embarassed that day and
will never forget that.

The most embarrasing moment in my life when i was in high school I didn't realize I
was enter in the wrong room because our room has 2 doors side by side and I was

Behavioral Question:

"What super power do you want to have for a day?"


If ever i would have super power in a day, that would the ability to get invisible. So
that when I am sad and crying, no one can see me. I also want to see whose really
on my side and who is not. What other people says about me when i am not around.
To see who i can trust to, who really cares for me. Beacause we don't know who we
can trust and who will stub us on the back.
 I want to have a,super power it was to fly ,because I want to go somewhere what I,want,
together, with my family .
Its been a long time I'm not got home in my birthplace

 Behavioral Question:

If your friend have done a mistake,

“Will you try to forgive him/her and give him/her another chance to correct
himself/herself or rather find a new friend and start a new chapter of your life
since there’s a lot of people out there

I think that depends on the weight of the sin. I suppose all of us are bound to commit
mistake/s at some point in our lives and I think everyone is entitled for a chance.
Plus it's not easy to find true friends out there. So, yes I'll forgive the person and be

f my friend have done a mistake from me i will forgive her,correct her and start all
over again.i know its hard to forget about the mistake she did but i will try to think
positive things that we shared together.i know that no one is perfect

If it is me, then i'll forgive him and moved on. I understand and Know that people commit
mistakes. We are not perfect we're just a human being. So why not give them another
chance. I know we cannot correct that mistake but we can change that person by giving
them a chance and by letting them realize their mistakes. But if it is a big mistake like
something that is not forgivable, then i'll ask him for more time to forgive him. I know
sometimes, it is hard to forget and forgive when we are hurt especially if the one who hurt
us is our close friend or our love ones. In that case, only time will tell when to forgive or not.

But if it's for another person, then I'll give him advice not to do it again, admit his mistake
and apologise to that person. Accept what will happen after they apologise whether they will
be forgiven or not.

Behavioral Question:

“What is your bad habit?”

Laughing. Especially during hard times. Like when problems arise, it always seem
like I just don't care. Some people see it odd but for me, it helps in a magical way. I
don't know how but it lightens up my mood and an idea to resolve the matter will just

Lack of exercise!😥😭
and eat lots of food even if I'm full.😂 but I already avoid these habits bcoz I realize
that Life is Too Short to abuse myself for a non healthy habit!

I'm wide awake at night and ended up waking up pretty late 

 My bad habit is sleeping late night because of to much using cellphone which we all know
that this is not good to our lifestyle
Behavioral Question:

"You saw your fellow applicant cheating on the computer exam."

What will you do?

A. Report immediately
B. Make him/her stop

 I'll let him do it and I will not report it. I don't even bother if he/she cheats on the exam.
Because, the basis of the application will be on the score of the interview. Computer exam is
just a plus. Interviewer will still base you on how you answer the questions. Because when
you enter the production and started working, it is not like the computer exam that there
are choices. You will answer a customer's concern, not an exam. So you can't cheat
anymore when you're already in the production. Their action will be bear on them. So, they'll
get into trouble in the end.

First (I will) Make him/her stop, and telling him/her why did you do that? Did you
know that you're the only one who's cheating your own, yourself? Because what if
you can passed it but next time you won't or doesn't really know what you would do
next if you only cheating now? If he/she really doesn't cares about what I mean to
him/her then I will repport him/her Immediately.

I will tell him/her to stop because its not a good way to pass the exam when he/she
did not listen to me i will report her/him that he/she cheated while taking exams
Behavioral Question:

“What are you going to do with your 13th month pay?”

I spent the half of my 13th month pay with my family, I want to treat and celebrate
with them, I want to buy some stuff and gifts for my daughter and for my partner
also. And the rest, I want to Save it for my Daughter's future, maybe it's not enough
for her future but I want to start it as soon as possible.

 I will spend my 13 month pay buying the commodities and necessities in home, that is the
most important why I'm here. To provide the needs of my family.
Behavioral Question:

Describe yourself in three words.

🤑 😤 😷

Disciplined, trustworthy and respectful because I wanted to be treated that way and
do it to other people as well. My former colleagues would also say the same and I
take pride on that.

i am very kind obedient and respectful

 Behavioral Question:

How do you feel about incentives,

which are heavily tied to performance?

I'm challenged to get the incentives, that is why If ever hired in to your company I
will do everything to earn those incentives, I will improve my performane everyday.

Just normal. We are actually hired in standards and we are expected to perform. If
you did more than they expect, then there's the incentives. People will then strive to
reach that goal.

Pushing my limits to target my quota..and then incentives is just a plus factor..never

knowing the day thay it will be given to you,,youll be surprise and the
same time..not expecting too much...

Incentives is what we called daily reward this cause of your hardwork and being a
responsible employee.
Behavioral Question:

"What animal do you think you are?"


Ant. because they will find food no matter what happens.Like me I will find a job no
matter what happens. Patience is a virtue. you'll get there. Fightin

 am a fish whose a swimmer and not get drowned even though theres a many
struggles in my life, i still keep on going.

 I'm more like a Philippine eagle, we all know that eagle possess the capabilities of being
intelligent and brave to find a way to live on its own, they also symbolizes our freedom to fly
high until we reach our success.
Behavioral Question:

“Who would you help first?

1️⃣ A blind old woman who’s about to bump into the wall.

2️⃣ A 2-year old kid who fell down from the chair and crying.

3️⃣ A handicap man who got out-of-balance and about to fall.

4️⃣ The sexy nurse who’s about to kneel down and pick up her files.

..and why?”

I'll help first the blind old woman. Because she can't see anything. She is more prone to get
the worse injury. Unlike the 2 year old kid who just fell down the chair and i know that he is
with his mom who can help him up. Then the handicap man who just got out of balance, he
can lean onto the wall so he won't fall. And the nurse, she can pick up those files on her own
as she was not blind, handicap or even a kid. So she can do it herself.

I will help first the old woman who will bump in wall. First of all, age is inevitable and
Seniors are more prone to other injuries and illness. Seniors once take care of us and
that is the time that I need to pay back by helping them in their struggles

I will help the number 1 a blind old woman, shes a blind and when she got bump she
got injured and go to hospital .. the life is to short if you save her life you feel how its
important to help the people.
Behavioral Question:

“Do you have any pending application with other call center company?”

None because this is my firstime to apply.and before i decide to apply in a call center
base on my researcher your compny is the one high rate good compny so i decide to
apply at your company

No, i dont have. Before i go to other company, i would like to finish first my
application here. Then once i failed, it is time to set myself in applying to other
companies 😊

one because this company is my choice to have work with.

Behavioral Question:

“What do you consider most,

work proximity or salary offer?”

Work proximity is the most important. Because it is part of your performance. If you
go to work on time, your productivity will be healthy and this will base your salary. I
know and understand that every worker or employees needs enough salary but if you
are tardy going to work it will affect your performance and your salary. So i choose
work proximity over salary.

I choose both because whether it is a far or near the important is the time in work
field and when it comes the salary either high or low offer its acceptable for the
beginner in bpo industry ..

Work proximity for me because I dont want to get late and that make affects my
work. Save time,energy,expenses,etc.

Work proximity because less time consuming, and time is important in work field.
When you work hard and give efforts you can promote to high salary.
ehavioral Question:

“What is Crab Mentality?”

Crab mentality for me is if someone is doing their job correctly and the your boss
really appreciated it and there are these people who will murmuring things about you
and do whatever just to bring/drag you down.
 It is when one of your team member or colleague is pulling you down once you reach your
success or let me say, if he is not happy for achieving your goals, success or too much
commendations from your employer/boss 

Crab mentality it is the desire to always come on top even if you have to pull others
down on the process

Crab mentality is when someone is not happy with the success of his/her fellow men,
he/she tries to pull down her/his friend or relative.

Behavioral Question:

“Are you willing to work during your Birthday and/or other Holidays?”
 Yes of course because I want to spend my special day to the company that gave me a
chance to be a part of their team.On holidays,its a yes also.Because i want to express my
gratitude to the good company that give me the job.

es, if my presence is really needed by the company so why not go to work, anyway,
after my work I can still spend time and celebrate it with my family 😊

Yes Sir, I'm willing to work on holidays even it is my birthday. My top priority right
now is my job, I can have celebrations when I have free time but for now I'm focused
on how I can grow my career.

Behavioral Question:

“I will give you 2,000 cash right now!

Alll you have to do is walk out of this room and do not continue your application

What will you respond to the interviewer?

I will not accept your money Sir/Ma'am just to leave and not to continue my
application. I came here because I want a job, I badly need it and whatever the
outcome. I will just accept it. 2k is not enough for the experience during my
application and the most importany thing is I learned something in the process of my

hank you very much Ma'am Sir for the offer but I still choose Opportunity over
anything that you can Offer to me. I still want to have a stable and lifetime job and
earn money in my own

Thank you for the offer Sir, but I'd rather chose to work hard to get my desire
income, and I would rather chose the contract than the offer.

 I will respond to interviewer is i will not here for your 2,000 pesos cash , i will apply here
because for my dreams and my future .. and also im here because of the opportunity that i
Behavioral Question:

"Give me a nice thing to do during a rainy day?"


This is absolutely my favorite weather. I just want to lie down on my couch enjoying
the sweet and creamy taste of my hot coffee wearing my loose shirt and pajamas
with a colorful socks on my feet 😊

One of the best to do during a rainy day is to drink coffee while reading a book from
my favorite author.

During the rainy day the nice thing to do is to sleep because it’s a bed weather.

The best thing to do in rainy days is to eat noodles and drink hot coffee
behavioral Question:

Are you happy with your previous/current job

If yes, why are you applying here?

If no, why do you want to leave?

 Yes, I'm happy with my previous job, but why I'm applying here is because this company
will be a great help to showcase and develop my skills, and also as far as my research there
is no any discrimination in BPO. All employees were treated rationally.

Honestly, the only experience i only had is when i work as a SPES(Special program for
employment of students) assigned in health center. That's for only 2 months contract and
the head of our department gives me a great feedback which motivated me to do better
performance the next time ill apply any job again. The respect and praises of your employer
about your performance is a big plus to grow and serve again for my next job.

Honestly, the only experience i only had is when i work as a SPES(Special program for
employment of students) assigned in health center. That's for only 2 months contract and
the head of our department gives me a great feedback which motivated me to do better
performance the next time ill apply any job again. The respect and praises of your employer
about your performance is a big plus to grow and serve again for my next job.

Yes im happy in my previous job because i nearned a lot and i want a new
opportunity to increase my knowledge to grow my career thats why im here to appy
a new job.

Situational Question:

"You're about to sail the sea for seven days, give me 5 things that you are going
to bring?"

First of all I'll bring food that I can budget on seven days..and water..
clothes.,cellphone that can use to contact f something happen.and and of course
medicines in case of emergency or first aid kit

i will bring flashlight , foods that is ready to eat ,water , blanket,swiss army knife,
fishing rod ,and also my valid i.d's .. enjoy sailing for 7 days .. it is very fun .. you
need a money also .. if you see a floating cottage selling food . it is very nice

First of all I'll bring food that I can budget on seven days..and water..
clothes.,cellphone that can use to contact f something happen.and and of course
medicines in case of emergency or first aid kit
Situational Question:

"You're working in a fast food chain and there's a customer who's asking for a
free gravy refill but there is an additional charge,

how can you explain in a nice way?"

Im sorry for that sir but we dont offer free gravy ,If you want to refill gravy their is
additional payment for it and you cant go to the cashier for the payment and once
you already pay for it I'll be the one to Refill it for you .
Yes sir, i'd love to give you a free refill of a Gravy but since we dont have that kind of
format now in our restaurant, You need to pay for it for only 5 pesos, and you can
have the gravy you ordering, I appologise sir because im just an employee here that
is only following the rules that been given by the owner of this Restaurant.

yes i am very happy to assist you to refill you an extra gravy but first off all i would
like to inform you that there is an extra charge for that cost of 1 dollar for refill

Situational Question:

"You are in a different world alone and you have three magical wishes, what will
it be?"

making your wishes unlimited times is ofcourse not allowed ☝️

 if i would have given three magical wishes, the first thing i will wish is to have endless life
with my family. next is to have wealth so that we can live our lives to the fullest without
worries. and my last wish is to have a power to teleport so i can go to one place to another
whenever i want to.

First, I'll wish to have a companion or someone to be with me cause it is hard to be

Second, If I was in different world and there is a world like I was in today, I'll wish to
heal the world itself, the people in every aspect: physically, emotinally, spiritually
Lastly, I'll wish to have a world with peace, love, respect, and concern to everyone.

If I had three magical wishes I Will wish to Give me a permanent work second is to
give me stable life with my family and the third wish I will give it to someone I know
that Really needs something .

It will be a lot of money, A Confidence And Trip To the place where i belong.
Let me give you this 3 choices from decision i have made with specific explanation.

Money, because in realworld we need it the most, we will be called as hypocrites if we say
we dont need money to be alive normally and no kinds of illness in our body. Of course
Money is power but dont let it control you instead you should control it to be use in proper

Confidence, If you had it, you are looking calm as hell, you will be nice in everything and
everyone. But i suggest that dont let it get itself in beyond measure, Let the humbleness
attitude remain of yourself.

The last will be the trip to home, After getting the two Important things im going to bring in
real life from the Mistery World i have been on for a while.

Situational Question:

“Why my internet is not working?”

orry to inform you sir/maam, but based here in my system your connection isn't
working right now because you have already consumed your data balance , however
it will resume again in exactly 12 am. For inquiries just dial 555-22-333.

I have 2 possible answers for your problem. First, maybe you got disconnected
because of an unpaid balance. Or if you're not disconnected, maybe the signal of
your internet provider is running slow. So, for you to be concrete, all you have to do
is call the operator and then ask what's the matter with your internet connection if
it's all about unpaid balance or just a weak signal.

What is type of the device you have been using with your internet sir? EITHER a pc or
Android phone? So that i can give you a Clear suggestion of how could i help you? If You are
currently using a Pc, try to Replug in the Cable , you can find it at the back of CPU, then wait
for 10 minutes if it doesnt work, try to check your Router maybe its not connected properly.

If it's android phone, try to do the same tricks with Pc that i taught you, but there's method
that may difference from the first suggestions i have told you, okay, on android phone find
the settings, then go to Network and internet, then Off the Wifi, let 10 seconds pass, and On
it again. If it isnt still working i will call for help from the Technician for you.
Situational Question:

“If i am a foreigner, how can you promote your province or persuade me to come
to your place?”

(delicacy, scenery, etc.)

ituational Question:

“A zombie apocalypse will occur within an hour,

Where are you going to hide or what are you going to do?”

gonna make my children are safe then gi to a store and get all the food that i can,
since all are panicking knowing that there will be a Zombie Apocalypse occuring in
an hour maybe the store owner wouldn't mind if i dont pay the groceries i will stole.

First thing in my mind I will take my family Safe ofcourse Lock the Door of our House
Keep Area Sucure because if the Zombies is Outside and You have No choice to Go
Out and go to the nearest Grocery, The best weapon is to keep Calm and Pray

This is the same with having a deadline and you need to submit it within an hour or
else your boss gonna eat you hahaha in this situation I think quickly of how to finish
the report in a given time I can ask for help with the team the important is I have to
submit the report in due time. In my own experience I've encountered it very
frequent in my previous job but I can say I managed to submit it on time 😊

A zombie apocalypse will occur within an hour,

Where are you going to hide or what are you going to do?” What I would do is to
prepare for it, I will use the 1 hour left to gather more foods, medicines,
cellphone+charger or even any frequency radio, also some tools to defend myself
when there is Incoming Zombies. I will find a safe place to Hide and stay on it until
such time that Zombie disappears 
Situational Question:

"You've witnessed an attempted murder, The gun was left by the suspect and you can
still catch him but you can also bring the victim to the hospital."

What will you do?

A. Kill the suspect

B. Save the victim

and why..

 i will save the victim first and bring him to the nearest hospital because life is more
important in this situation. the criminal chase will be the next concern. and since he left the
gun in the crime scene, there would be a chance he may get caught because he could trace
by the police because of his fingerprints on the gun.

 I'll save the victim because it is his life which is more important than killing the suspect.
And even if the suspect might escape, I will not catch him, there's still the gun which can
probably identify the suspect if there is his finger print.

 will save the victims life because I cannot let someone die infront of me ,when I
know to my self that I have something to help ,after that I will call a police ,for them
to look for the suspect and assure them that I am willing to be one of the witness so
that their invistigation will be fast for the victim to have justice.
Since i am not allowed to bring the wounded victim to the hospital, for i have no
rights to do that so, according to our LAW. I WILL choose to chase and kill the
suspect if it will be needed cos he will do everything to escape and im not going to
let him done it. He deserve to be in jail, and to pay what he have did.

Situational Question:

“Do you believe that customer is always right?”

 Yes . I believed , that the customers always right this is a part of our rule and regulation
also this is our work as a csr to takecare and satisfy our customers .

Yes . We should accept that in this kind of industry we should put in ourselves that
the costumers is always right, so. We should take good care of our costumers
everytime no matter how rude they are sometimes.

in real life of course customer is not always right some of them are rude but we are
in business we are in type of industry that what we need to do is to please them so
in business customer is always right they are the life blood of the company/business
we should satisfy them with excellent customer service.

 yes I believe that the costumer is always right. we must remember that we are doing
business. what ever they want, what ever they need we must give them. After all costumer
is one of our source of income. with out them we're nothing.

customer is always right. Customer should be valued. Just like a tv shows, if you
dont have an audience then no one will come to watch you. Customers dont ask
unless if needed. We're being customer too we seek for assistance and when we feel
valued then satisfaction comes. Thats why customer is always right.
Situational Question:

“If i am a foreigner, how can you promote your province or persuade me to come
to your place?”

(delicacy, scenery, etc.)

Do you already explored the Philippines?

If not,let me introduced my hometown Quezon Province.Also known as one of the biggest
province here in the Philippines.Known for its beaches with lush blue waters and beautiful
coral reefs.One of them is the Dampalitan Sand bar,Kuwebang Lampas and Borongan beach
found in Pagbilao,Quezon.I assure you that you will like it because as many of our country's
artists are filming here for their shows.Not only will your eyes be satisfied but your stomach
too will be full of the foods and delicasies here like pinagong, broas, espasol,tikoy,
oraro and of course the noodle hab-hab.So come and visit Quezon if you have a free time 😊

Good day maam and sir! My name is Ron, and if you're wondering what place here in
Philippines is good to visit? I highly suggest our province which is masbate. We have a
popular place there called sombrero island, that looks completely hat. If you're worrying
about the expenses, well entrance fee is 100 percent free and i can guarantee that the place
can absolutely capture your heart. The foods are delicious and cheaper than you think and
im sure that you will gonna love the hospitality of my fellow masbateyo for the foreign like
you mam and sir.

A pleasant day to you Sir. Come and visit our beautiful country, Philippines! We have
beautiful sceneries here. Aside from historic places, we also have blue beaches and
white sands. We also offer delicious food and delicacies. Lastly, the people here in
our country are hospitable and will give you warm welcome

You should try once by coming here my fiend, you are adventurous type right? You can use
that here in our Country, where there are many places that have got a Nice View you will
never forget, Like Cebu city, many places you can visit like Lapu2 statue, Sto niño Church
and the outside on it you can see many Nice views, The beaches here have a white sand and
you can meet a lot of friendly people that you will surely enjoy to be with. ;)

Situational Question:

“How can you tell the customer that we don’t offer a refund if a week is already past?”

And try to offer something instead.

Hi Ma'am i do apologize that we cannot give you a refund because you already sold
this dress a week ago. But don't worry i will give you a special offer instead of asking
a refund i will let you choose other dress that we have, but a same price on yours.
Sounds good to hear? Well I'll show you the other Designs that we have. ❤️

we totally understand that you need your money back. since we only allow a refund
within 7 days, im afraid we can no longer process your request. here's what i can do
for you, i will give you a gift card amounting to $10 which you can use to purchase
selected items in our website. you will get your gift card when you order atleast one
of our best deals for this week. isn't it cool?

I'm sorry to inform you mam but we don't offer a refund if a week is already past as
of our company rules and regulations. And we can offer you another item with a
same amount. What do you think?

ituational Question:
"Do you remember a scene when you encounter a very hard scenario, what did
you do and how did you overcome the situation?”

⭐️ Please use the STAR Method

• Situation
• Task
• Action
• Result

The customer got frustrated because her telephone bill is so high and this is not the Normal
bill that she's paying for, then i need to investigate the account and see what's going on to
the account why her bill so high, then upon checking her account she maximize her data
allowance so i need to explain to her what's happen, for her to understand why her bill so
high. Then after that the customer got Satisfied because she already know the reason why
her bill when up then i advise the customer next time when her not using data, turn off the
data connection so in that way it will not consume the data. ❤️ 

I remember that time we were at the beach in Nasugbu, Batangas.This training called
'Creation' is about bringing out your true potential and who you really are. There was one
activity that took us almost 9hours to return to submerge to the sea.The balloon can be
filled with a seawater insides while resting on two pieces of wood. It is placed between your
back and the chest of your companions.You do not allowed to used your hand.You have six
in a row while walking upstream.When the balloons falls you go bact to the beginning.
We almost had a back wound because the wood was short enough to hold the balloon
between us.
We would have to return the balloon ashore and drop it on the bridge without touching it
and not hold anything close to us.We all stood out to finish the activity and we did our job
well. And finally after almost 9hours we were able to do it.We were so happy and excited
that even when we were hungry, cold and sleepy we were still able to finish 😊.After that
then we got to know ourselves better and each other.It is true that the limit is only in our
brains. And we can go over everything we want.Now i can say that i'm a better version of
Situational Question:

“If you only have 24 hours to live and you still have P10,000 in your pocket, what will be
the things that you’re going to do?”

 If i only have 24hrs to live and still got 10k in my wallet, i will spend it by going on vacation
with my love one's. I know that i don't get a chance to have time with them. So I will use the
10k to go in a beach we used to visit when I was a kid. We will spend my last 24hrs there
enjoying the waves and the heat of the sun then we will talk about our happy moments
together when we were young. Then when the time comes to say goodbye, we will watch
the sunset together and then hug them and say my farewell.

I will give it to my family who will be left by, since i dont need it anymore, i just want
to spend my running of time life, only with my wife. And share her my beautiful
stories while she didnt able to see me cos im on work those times

I am gonna build a mini buisiness that I can leave to my loved one, so in that way
even before I am gone I was able to make sure that they will have income to feed
them. That will left me with pure happiness and contentment before I am gone.
situational Question:

You are riding a plane going to a trip then suddenly it crashed somewhere in

It’s already 7pm

Are you going to build a shelter and wait until the sun comes or walk and find a
nearest house?

Comment your complete plan.

ind any option that could help you out from the situation that you are...because every
second or minute is an opportunity to do something that could make u better.
 I will try to find a house nearby and ask for help. 7pm is too dark to build a shelter or
maybe i can make fire if I have a lighter on my pocket.

If i see a house nearby then I would definitely go there to ask for help but if i cant
see anything within my peripheral vision then i will build a shelter first cosindering
the weather they have in alaska I am at huge risk of getting hypothermia if i dont
make or find shelter to keep my body warm 

I have two choices If I would see a house nearby it was my luck chance to ask favor
for help. If not I will build a shelter for my convenient for the whole night until the
sun rise and I will continue to look for a help in the day where more safe and surely I
can find people living in the house will able help me to call my love ones that I am

 Situational Question:

“Your friend is going to niagara falls..

discuss which is better;

driving by land or to take an airplane?”
It is both great! But I'm much prefer to driving by land because you will enjoy seeing
any kinds of different creature and at the same time you'll have the opportunity to
take pictures of all beautiful views down to Niagara.

suggested to her driving by land its better because there is a lot of beautiful view
that they seen,however it is too long to travel but its all worth it,smell the fresh air
and see the beautiful creature is fun

in a plane...for a change..u can also view a beautiful sceneries while riding on an

airplane..and of course its more easier and fastest way to get to your destination that u will be having more time enjoying your vacay..

 I think it’s better if you travel by land, it’s a long way to go but it’s all worth it, because you
will enjoy the scenery while driving. You will appreciate how beautiful it is, you can feel and
smell the fresh air while driving and at the same time you can take pictures anytime you

Depending on the situation. If he/she has enough time to travel I would recommend
driving by land but if limited time I would suggest to take on an airplane.

Situational Question:

“What’s the worst scenario or natural disaster that was happened in your life and how
did you overcome your emotions?”
Last January, taal volcano erupted and it spat ashes in the air. it gave me hard time
to breath aside from it is bad that ashes fall on your skin.
I remained calm and searched for a nearest drug store and bought face masks for me
and for my family. we used umbrella everytime we go outside so that we have
protection from ashes.

There was a Time that I went on a ride to a very small boat (fisherman's boat) just to
see my kids.i was so afraid coz'i don't know how to swim and we had a bad weather
that day.the boat was like dancing over the waves and the water started already to
fill in..but thanks God we finally arrived at the shore safely

Worst scenario for me is when my mother was operated because of cancer. I was a college
student that time and Iwas really praying hard for God to let my mother live with us for
many more years. That time, the emotions I felt was like a roller coaster and I couldn't help
but think of negative scenarios. But thank God she recovered and now she's living well,
though I can't say that she's cancer free now. I still thank God because I can see that she is
stronger now.

The worst scenario that happened to me is so much rejection for applying in a

government position. my realization for this is not rushing things and time will
come.just enjoy every step i take and take it easy. There is process and it doesnt
mean you easily achieve it but it requires time and process.

 The most scenario happened in my life was theres a typhoon that the LPA was target
somewhere near in our province, while we are inside of our house i hear the sound of wind
that touch the trees and also the impact of wind in our roof. I was praying silently that we
will overcome the fear that we fill during that time. I imagine positive thoughts like surely we
will overcome that typhoon

Situational Question:

“If we ask you to do multitasking,

how can you show us?”
I will invite you to my house and i will show you how i do multitasking. I can wash
the dishes while cooking while taking care of my daughter. i can do household
chores simultaneously.

multitasking is not new to me.I worked as a cashier and i do a lot of multitasking there.I
authorized each gasman outside to fuel every vehicle,thru tapping the monitor.At the time
before I tap the monitor to release fuel I'll check it first if the product to be filled is right,After
that I transact it in POS,I received the payments,I also check the bills if all are genuine.I give
the change if theres any.after my shift I am also the one who make the report analysis,count
all the money and make deposit slip then put it in the vault.I am also the one who encode it
in the computer.That's why I know that multi taskjng is not an easy task but I know I can do

 will listen to what are the task you really want me to do then annalyze it to my self
what will I do in order to furnish all task given to me at the same time
 Initial Question:

On scale of 1 - 10 and 10 being the highest,

"How you rate yourself on communication skills?"

I will rate myself 7 out of 10 I can understand and can speak basic english and I know that
little by little I can improve myself to make it perfect.
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Honestly, I'll rate myself 6. I can manage to talk and deliver my ideas or thoughts to
another person I'm talking with but i dont have enough confident. And still learning
and improving my communication skills talking in english. 😊

Im no Good in English Languagr Specially in Speaking :) but i rate my self to 6, I can

Understand english language but i not good if i speak

I will rate myself as 7, why 7? Because i know in myself that i am not that good
enough to be rated as 10 in my English communication skill. But if you will hire me
the necessary training will help me to learn more and enhance my communication

Initial Question:

“What makes you to apply here?”

I learned that your company is one of the best bpo company in our country. I also
learned that you take care well your employees. Aside from that, Im sure that I can
survive the call center world. Lastly, you have benefits package and good
compensation that fits to my lifestyle.

Actually, I have no idea about your company because someone's getting and bring me here
only. I just know that I'm actually applying from the other company site. But well since
(he/she) someone brought me here, I guess that there's more good reasons why I am here
now. Yes, I decided to apply here because I heard that your company is very competent
among others, like competitive salary, allowances and incentives that you offer. And it looks
that your company cares a lot for your employees, and I know that your company helps me
to learned a lot, and enhanced myself being more confidence especially in communication
skills. Also to be a call center agent is one of my dream job, and aside from that I want to be
part of your growing company. Ps. Pasensiya na ginaya ko nalang yung iba dito pwede ba
yan.. i-memo at sabihin sa interview? Thanks! I'm Newbie here.

 applied here because from what I read you took good care of your employees, there
are chances of promotions for those hardworking employee and most of all youre
accepting newbie like me.

 Aside from attractive salary and benefits working with the one of the well known BPO
company help me to utilized my skills and knowledge specially in communications skill

Initial Question:

Which of the following is the most important and why?

A ) knowledge
B ) health
C ) money
D ) time

For me the most important is health and knowledge because if we have illness
money and time will get useless we will spend it for medication but if you have a
knowledge to prevent illnes everything will worth it

The most important for me is to have knowledge. With your knowledge you can have
the three more importants: health, money, and time. A person with a knowledge can
create an idea on how to get healthy, know how to get his source of income or will
know how to earn money, and know how to use his time in a proper way and he will
not waste his time for nothing. That's the person with a knowledge.

Initial Question:

"What is your greatest dream?"

My greatest dream is to provide a comfortable living for my kids. And to get older
with a professional and stable job with your company.

My greatest dream is to have a stable job which will provide me a good

compensation and benefits package and that will also help me to achieve my goals
in life 😊

My greatest dream is to become a successful person someday. Who can provide and
help my parents and give what they needs and plan a better future for my own family.
Initial Question:

"Introduce yourself without using any information here in your resume?"

I am Vee and I can say that Im loyal, hardworking and dedicated person. In my previous job,
I worked as a teacher for 13 yrs. I prepare lesson plans and execute the lessons very well.
And also, I was promoted as a Primary Dept. Head wherein I became the mentor, facilitator
and support head of the Academic team. I guide the teachers in the primary to be an
effective and a productive teacher as well. I used to have meetings with them so that i can
give some reminders and tips since most of them were new in the teaching industry. I also
monitor the primary students in my spare time so i can get to know them well esp.their
behavior issues 😊 Anyway, I shifted a work and try to apply here in a bpo industry because I
would like to enhance more my skills regarding on how to deal with people using
communication because I love speaking. That's it 😊

Hi. Y availableou can call me Leah 🙂 At this age of 22 I am already married and has 2 lovely
boys, my eldest is 3 yrs old and his baby brother is 10 months old.
A high school grad but didnt pursue college due to financial problem. Reminiscing my
high school days back then, i remember sometimes my parents has nothing to give money
for me but, to be able to go to school I am cleaning my teacher's house and she'll pay me. I
was determined to graduate that time that's why I didn't mind cleaning my teacher's house
so that I could provide my own needs for schooling and luckily , I finished high school.

 Initial Question:

"Based on your skills and talent,

how much is your expected salary?"
For the salary I'm not expecting too much because I am new to this field of work. I expect a
considerable salary according to my skill and knowledge.

Well, i apply for this job not to demand what should be my salary. I make it up to you
sir/mam. I know that you have your basis in giving a right salary for your employees
and as a newbie, I'll be happy with how much salary you'll give to me.

 As a newbie in this industry, i will not demand about salary , just the right compensation for
begginers like me.

initial Question:

"What is an excellent customer service?"

Being sensitive enough to listen what costumer may say to react to them properly,
then say to them what u want to tell them way of helping their situation, to give
them best suggestion while picking the proper words that make them comfortable
while they are on line. After all the things you both talking about, ask the costumer if
you did the right coaching and ask the costumer if you did help them.

Excellent customer service is when you provide the best quality and best
satisfaction to the customers. To help them and make them happy and satisfied 🙂
Initial Question:

"Why do you want to work in a call center industry?"

🍺 I want to work in a call center because they give a chance to employees to have a
career growth and i want to enhance may communication skills, and also they have a
competitive salary.

  I want to work in call center industry because it provides career growth and also
gives high salary with lots of benefits. Also it has two day offs to spend for my family
 Some of my reasons why i choose BPO industry because its a good choice to
grow my career and work professionally. No discrimations about age,gender, and
even you're just a high school graduate you can earn and enjoy the benefits of a 4 yrs
graduate level. And we all know that this is one of the industries who's offering a
high salary
 Initial Question:

"What is your weakness?"


💡 T I P S :

1️⃣ Choose a real weakness.

2️⃣ Choose a weakness that relates to the job you're interviewing for.

3️⃣ Explain what will you do to improve.

—POL Garcia

My weakness is being moody all the time, what i mean is, i can be happy sometimes and i
can be sad also. I can be positive and negative and the sametime, i am easily get shy
anytime. Especially im not exposed to crowded place like this where i am applying, but that
is the reason why im here. I want to start my first step so that i can go through my second
step and so on. This is the way to succsessful life, i dont want to be stuck in the same place
again, im tired of it. I want to achieve my goals so i am here to break my shell where my
comfortzone was. I am sure that i can do this and i hope you trust me because every people
like me needs to be trust on doing things we need the most.

 My weakness is when people that I trusted the most didn't trust me more than I trust them,
say for example, when it comes to my decision.. If they disagree and they don't believe that
I can do a certain thing, I get a bit annoyed at the same time sad but what I did with that
kind of situation is that I just did my best to prove that my decision is right.
I sometimes have trouble saying "NO" to requests and end up taking on more than I can
handle. In the past, this has led me to feel stress or burnt out. To help improve on that, I use
project management app where I put all the work/task given to me so, I can visualize how
much work I have at any given moment or whether or not I have the bandwith to take on

I am also independent and enjoy working quickly, it has been difficult for me to ask for help
when I need it. But I have learned that it is much beneficial both for me and the company to
reach out when I do not understand something or I feel burnt out with my workload. One
simple mistake could lead to a bigger problem. I also understand that there are many
experts around me that have specific knowledge and skills that can make my work better.
While I am still working on it, I have been able to produce more high quality work as a result
of getting help from those who are around me.

Initial Question:

"If you won the lottery jackpot prize of 900M, are you going to start an entirely
new life?”
Not a new life. I will just buy a house and lot for me and for my family. Will do
business as well. But will never leave my work behind. Because I believe money cant
buy happiness. I love my job and Im happy with my job. 💯

No, I will not start a new life just because I win 900 M, I will just buy things that I
don't have and start a business but I'm not going to ignore people that I knew and
forget who am I.

I dont think so because Maybe my life will change alot, But not my entire life . The money
that i've won was a great help to make my life better by saving some for the education of
my siblings and will secure the future of my family by investing in puting up some family
businesses for them to have a good life But that doesn't mean that I will stop working hard, I
will still working on the company where I am now until the company still needs my service.
Because money is still money if you only just spending and spending without using it wisely
it will just sudenly disappear.

📋 Initial Question:

“What are your areas of improvement?”

I know that i still need to improve my communication skills , cause most of the time
whenever i talk to foreigner, it cause me struggle because of language barrier, the
feeling of can't able to deliver what you really mean is very sucks for me.

My areas of improvement is that being afraid of talking to irate customers. 😅😅 I

just want to be a happy CSR who is happy doing my job and happy helping the cx to
fix their problems.😆

want an improvements are; to communicate confidently coz i know i can deliver my

thoughts and ideas but i always stammer because i can't handle my nervousness.
Another thing that im sure will be improved when ill work with your company is that i
can work professionally and act as a better person than what am i now

📋 Initial Question:

“What is the happiest moment in your life?”

My happiest moment in life is when I gave birth to two wonderful kids. ♥️ I may
encountered lots of pain when Im in labor but seeing their faces in the first time was
the BEST.♥️

My happiest moment in my life is my childhood,playing under the sun,playing even if

it is raining.climbing the just so glad i experience playing around the streets.

My happiest moment happened in my life is when i graduated in my SHS last school year
That feeling, seeing your parents attending your graduation and looking at you with their
proudly eyes is the happiest event happened in my life. The reason why it's so valuable to
me is since i was an elementary till i graduate in shs I didn't get a support from my parents
financially and even cheering me up. Instead they discouraged me that studying is useless
and that is one of my motivations. I tried my best, maintain my rank and grades and proves
that if you really want something no one can stop you from reaching it.

 Initial Question:

“What will make you qualified to work in a call center?

 Im qualified as a call center agent because I give my best shot to this interview.
Im willing to work shifting schedule, a fast learner and I think my communication skills
meets your standard.

 I am qualified to work in a call center because I’m fast learner, can work under
pressure. And being patient in different people that will be dealing with.

 Im qualified to work in a call center be, during my revious job. I use to become a food
server in a hotel ,, and one of the task of a call center agent is to take a call , ask their
problem,provide a solition for every costumer concern, it resembles to my previous job as a
waiter. We ask our. Guest. What their order taking their orders ,serve. Them well ,, and
providing our guest

 I can at my age...i've been in a different field of work..and i know how to deal with
people,adapt the environment and handle different situation...and i can also work under
minimal supervision and can work under pressure as well

 I believe I am qualified because I am a hard working person, patient and can adapt easily in
any environment that I may in. Other than that my experiences in communication with the
customers and suppliers would be an advantage too.
Initial Question:

“What kind of preparation did you do before you apply here?”


Well, I've been practicing my english grammar and pronounciation in a mirror, I've watched
youtube videos about do's and dont's during job interview and most especially I joined fb
group namely ALL ABOUT BPO. I learned a lot from that group because in their albums there
are sample questions and I tried to answer it and also through the help and positive
encouragement of the members I followed their advices to make it successful.

Well, I've been practicing my english grammar and pronounciation in a mirror, I've watched
youtube videos about do's and dont's during job interview and most especially I joined fb
group namely ALL ABOUT BPO. I learned a lot from that group because in their albums there
are sample questions and I tried to answer it and also through the help and positive
encouragement of the members I followed their advices to make it successful.

Well, I've been practicing my english grammar and pronounciation in a mirror, I've watched
youtube videos about do's and dont's during job interview and most especially I joined fb
group namely ALL ABOUT BPO. I learned a lot from that group because in their albums there
are sample questions and I tried to answer it and also through the help and positive
encouragement of the members I followed their advices to make it successful.
 Initial Question:

"What is your role and task from your previous job?"


I am a customer service representative in alorica AMAZON ACCOUNT. I am the one

who hadle calls which they called WMS ( wheres my stuff?) Cx asking where are they
packages and why my package hasnt been delivered yet and why my item is
damaged? 😅 very easy but you have to handle ur emotions because sometimes you
will be able to handle irate customer. ✔️♥️💯

my role on my previous job was we make stress to our supervisors, we horse play
and making some noise in a quiet place .. that is my role

 I've been an administrative assistant for almost 2 years, i handles homeowners queries,
answering phone calls, Filing data's as well as payroll check.
 Initial Question:

“Why we should NOT hire you?”


Why note hire me? You look for a csr, I can speak and understand english and also I know I
can handle irate customer because my past job is related with customer service, Im also
hardworking and fast leaner if Im not meet your qualification thrn don't hire me.
Thank you

 I think you would'nt hire me if my qualification did not fit your standard but with my
enthusiasm, determination and energy to be fit on this job I think I maybe able to be
qualified with your standard.  I think you would'nt hire me if my qualification did not fit your
standard but with my enthusiasm, determination and energy to be fit on this job I think I
maybe able to be qualified with your standard.

I dont see any reason why i shouldnt be hired. Aside from the qualities that your
looking for i think my communication skills is the least that i need to be improve. Im
a dedicated, patient and honest person. If you only give me a chance to be part of
this growing company, i will share this skills and im willing to learn the things i need
to learn. Just give me a chance and i can asure you, i will give my best.
Initial Question:

"What are your hobbies, favorite sports or activities?"

⛹ 🚴 🏂 🏌 🏋

My hobbies are listening music, watching korean movies,and i also love to cook, i
love being creative and coming up with my own recipes. I enjoy researching the
latest trends and experimenting new ideas,

I am an avid reader, and one of my favorite activities is to share my love for reading
to children by teaching them how to read and to enjoy reading books and stories.
 Initial Question:

“What is the best thing that happened to you this year, did you achieve
something, are you able to establish something or did you invest on something,
what are the things that you are thankful for or what are the things that you are
able to buy?”
Maybe the best thing that happened to me this year is i celebrate a speacial holiday
like christmas and new year with my family since i resigned to my previous work
before .coz im not with them every holiday in almost 3years

Since I had those home responsibilities last year, I was able to make a lot of
changes to myself such as handling most of the budget, being practical and even
more responsible. I am glad that I can turn away from temptation like expensive or
unnecessary things, I had a much wider perspective in saving, quality over quantity
and it makes me grateful.

The best thing that happened to me this year is to be able to go alone by my self.i fear being
alone so for me its a huge thing stepping out of my comfort zone and for that i dont feel sad
or emotional anymore
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The best thing that happened to me this year is that i overcomed my fear in applying again
in a bpo company this practicing i built self confidence. Because of failures i got
bfore on applying in a bpo company . I decided to stop and took a rest . But this time im
gonna try again and look positively that im gonna hire in your company and be part of it..
and i think that this will be the biggest achievement in my life this 2020. Im always

s thankful to our Creator for giving me everyday a good health and confidence on applying
in BPO industry.
Initial Question:

"What are your strengths?"


strength is my motivation and thinking positively in every situation im in love

ones are my inspiration for striving harder for a better life

strength is my motivation and thinking positively in every situation im in love

ones are my inspiration for striving harder for a better life

Based on my experience of my 22 yrs of existence, a housewife and a mother of two,

I can totally say that I am motivated , dedicated and has a long patience. As we all
know, it's not that easy to build a family, to raise a child/children yet I am doing my
best everyday for my family. And I can use those strengths for this job that I am
applying for 🙂
 Initial Question:

"From what you understand,

Why do they need Call Centers?"

🤕For me they need a call center because it is the easiest way communicate to the
customer for their queries suggestion and concern ...

or me they need a call center because it is the easiest way communicate to the
customer for their queries suggestion and concern ...

or me they need a call center because it is the easiest way communicate to the
customer for their queries suggestion and concern ...
Initial Question:

"From what you understand,

What is a call center agent

and what is the role | job description?"
🤖 — with Aikah Tan.

call center agents are the face of the company they are the ones who are contacted
by the customer ,they also give assistance when custumer are encountering some
problems on the product /service.
I believe thst call center agents are the secret weapon of a business
Initial Question:

"How did you get here?"


I seen this in unexpected way, by keep scrolling and seeing the post in my time line.
I never knew i was going to see this page and when i did, i join immidietly because i
know i can relate to it. I keep reading all the post as Sir pol said,and hoping i can
learn speaking english by reading all the post that been posted here.
Initial Question:

"What makes you busy for the past 6-12 months?"

🎲 for the past 6-12 months ive been busy to work as a cashier assisting the customers to
their purchased product and visual inspector in automotive parts components

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