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1: You will hear part of an interview with a woman who describes her experience during an earthquake.

questions 1-5, choose the answer A, B, C or D which fits best according to Part what you hear. (10 pts)
1. When Julie's car went out of control?
A. She knew straight away it was an earthquake. B. She suspected a flat tyre.
C. They had to get out for their own safety. D. They thought some work needed doing to it.
2. What frightened her most about the incident?
A. a possible fire. B. the up-and-down movements. C. the loss of balance. D. a distant sound.
3. The actual earthquake lasted for _____.
A. several seconds B. several minutes C. a couple of hours D. several hours
4. Aftershocks mean that _____.
A. there is no time to be frightened. B. a bigger earthquake is coming.
C. you begin to feel very frightened. D. all you want to do is run away.
5. Before she left Japan, Julie _____.
A. wanted to get back to the hotel. B. experienced a totally different earthquake.
C. refused to be left on her own. D. was constantly disturbed by aftershocks.

Part2. For questions 1-5, you will hear part of a radio discussion about iris recognition system. Decide
whether following statements are True (T) or False (F). (10 pts)
1. ______ Jim says that the idea behind iris recognition systems (IRS) was thought of many years ago.
2. ______ Jim believes that iris recognition machines will be adopted on a large scale chiefly because they can
be depended on.
3. ______ Iris recognition machines were used at a school to improve efficiency at a school canteen.
4. ______ Jim feels that people who object to iris recognition machines regard them as a threat to personal
5. _____ According to Jim, reduced expenses will convince government to adopt iris recognition system.

Part 3. You will hear a radio programme about Bio-mimicry, the science of copying nature in order to create
new technologies. Listen and complete the notes below.
Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS and/or A NUMBER. (20 pts)

1. Biomimicry imitates nature’s structures, processes and to create new ideas.
2. Velcro was developed after its inventor observed the sticking qualities of one particular
plant’s  .............................seed heads..........................
3. Wood has the beneficial feature of being able to ............hold nails...........................................

4. The synthetic ‘wood’ created for the post office will not .....change
shape.................................................. according to surrounding environmental conditions.
5. The Namibian Fog Basking beetle uses its ability to ............................................havest
moisture...........  in order to live in harsh conditions.
6. A ....................................................waxy finish... on the beetle’s shell repels water and aids
the formation of large droplets.
7. The Sahara Forest project utilized this concept in the design of a
8. Systems are ........cyclical............................................... in the natural world, in which waste
from one organism goes on to become nutrients for another.
9. The ‘Able Project’ uses ....................worms................................... from the composting
process as an input to the fish farm.
10. The extinction of one species of ..................frog..................................... has prevented
scientists from finding a cure for excess stomach acid.

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