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Q. Briefly explains the minimum criteria required for the divine success for
the human as stated in Quran. How muslins can reach to the best and highest
level? Justify with examples.
In this world every individual strive to reach or make a serious effort to get one common goal
that is called SUCCESS. It is not matter whether that success is related to study, career,
business, Islam Goal, relationship success. Every individual desire to get greatest success in their
field. If we get success in every field of life, we will have successful life, which will
automatically change success into pleasure, joy or peace. But the question here is this how we
can define success and successful life. Some of us define success is good health, some of us tell
joy and pleasure is reflection of successful life. Here we will explain how does Quran define

If we talk about Goggle, Google define success as achievement/ attainment of a vision or mission
that we set for life. Successful life means attain vision that an individual set for their career or
life. Success has multiple meanings; due to everyone has different objective or purpose. That’s
why for every individual success varies. For a student success is better and best result, for
business man success is high revenue, as well as for a deprived person success is gets two times
of food.

If we explain success by Quran. Quran has diverse measurement of success. Quran explain it as,
Success is not something that we have in this life or enjoy it. But success is something that will
be come after this life mean after death. Just suppose you are sitting in examination hall and
deliver your knowledge into brain on the paper.

If in the best and better way you will describe or write knowledge on the paper you have, the
better and best result you will gain. Same we can you for define success by after life of death.
We have Quran and it’s our duty to act as describe in Quran. We have knowledge in our brain as
describe in Quran. And spend or execute our life as told us in Quran. Here if we do it betters
way, then the better result we will gain after death.

Allah says in Surah Baqarah, successful person is one who is:

Who remember Allah in every single moment of life? And perform his life or acts with
TAQWA. When an individual perform their life with TAQWA, He will find out Allah will help
him in all his dealings of life.

One individual who believe in Allah, as well as remind in our daily activities that we are here for
Allah. When miss a salah, do we feel guilty and have promise to you not to miss a salah again in
life. The stronger your belief will be on unseen the presence of Allah, the more your power will
be to achieve Jannah or protective yourself from Fire of hell. When we will read the Quran we
have a lot of feature of a successful person. In Quran we have a lot of versus that define success

From what actions points we can get success by Quran:

 Read the verses by Quran those describe success.

 Ensure which verses can be applied in daily life to gain success.
 We should ensure our strength or weakness.
If we will do all of these things, it will help out to measure success according to Quran. It will
impact a big change in our life. You have to take care of our words as well as should clean our
heart. We have to assure us that Allah is pleased by us or not. When anyone of us will achieve
this level of Imaan, it will be true and best explanation of success.

If we define English word success it will be Falah, it is word from that all of Muslims are
identifiable. Muslims hear this word in every Salah by Azaan. These words describe us that there
is success in prayer, to improve connection with Allah. If we take an example of success by a
farmer or labour. If a farmer has fresh stock or crops. But he will not have not control on his
skills or efforts. He just can do struggle to get fruit.

But there is one point that is trust. Everyone must put their trust on Allah that Allah will do best
for us. We can say that success can be one thing that we have to put our trust on Allah. Make full
struggle or hard work and then leave the result on Allah, Which is called trust. If something best
happen to someone we should be thankful to Allah, but on the other hand if bad things will
happen, should bear it with patience. Have complete and proper trust on Allah means there is no
failure for us.

“He will indeed be successful who purifies his own self, and he will indeed fail
who corrupts his own self.” (Quran 91:9-10)

“And my success cannot come from any source besides God.  I have put my
trust in Him.” (Quran 11:88)
Allah tells us how we can gain the success and how we are successful and the ways to get
success. As well as why we are fail, or if we losing something at any point, what we have to do.
In Quran Allah tells us that we all are losers but we can do four things for success: Believe, Do
well with others, teach each other’s truth and have patience.
“By Al-Asr (the time).  Verily, man is in loss.  Except those who believe and do
righteous good deeds, and recommend one another to the truth and recommend one
another to patience.” (Quran 103)

Now we have dive into Quran and explain by Quran what the mean of success
to Allah is.
Chapter AL-Mominoon : Verses 1-11
“Certainly will the believers have succeeded:

O believers! Have fear to Allah and try to make struggle in Allah ways and you will achieve
success (Al-Maida: 35)

An individual who save us from the fire of hell by his deeds will be successful (Al-Hasher: 9)

Those who regret and praise to Allah, who has fast for Allah who enjoin the good and forbid evil
and observe the commandments of Allah, shall be richly rewarded. Proclaim the good news to
the Faithful” (At-Tuba: 111-112).

There be from you a nation inviting to [all that is] good, enjoining what is right and forbidding
what is wrong, and those will be the successful. (Ale-Imran : 104)

Successful indeed are the believers those who humble themselves in

their prayers.

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