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33 Felicia Clairine 33

Felicia Clairine (0106021910061)

The Effect of Corona Virus

The corona virus caused the Indonesian economy has become worse in the
following months. In January 2020, Indonesia's exports were recorded at US $ 13.41
billion, down 7.16% compared to the December 2019 period of US $ 14.44 billion.
When compared with January 2019, exports also decreased by 3.71%. And it can be
concluded that in February, March and so on it will definitely get worse. From the
non oil and gas exports to China, there are US $ 2.1 billion, the United States (US)
US $ 1.6 billion and Japan US $ 1.19 billion. The three countries contributed 38.41%.
Meanwhile, from the import side, it was recorded at US $ 14.27 billion, down
1.6% or US $ 231.6 million. The fall in imports of raw materials and auxiliary
materials, including those from China, has severely hit domestic industries. Many are
threatened with stopping production and laying off employees.
While in terms of tourism, corona is indeed disturbing and all countries are
also experiencing a decline, including Indonesia. The hotel and restaurant business
has indeed declined in recent years. The number of foreign tourist arrivals in January
2020 recorded 1.27 million visits. In February and March since the outbreak of the
corona is predicted to continue to decline and many hotels will lay off employees.
The stimulus given by Bank Indonesia (BI) through interest rates and also the
statutory reserve requirement (GWM) will have an impact on the national economy.
Of course it will have an impact, but transmission from BI to commercial banks will
not automatically lead to time lag, so banks are asked to respond faster. In addition,
in my opinion, there needs to be some relaxation or relaxation because the Federal
Reserve has just lowered interest rates so there is still room.
Then from the fiscal side, of course the stimulus of Rp 10 trillion should focus
on increasing purchasing power and encouraging labor-intensive sectors. Besides
that the PPH policy that was discussed by the Minister of Finance must be
implemented immediately. For example, the tourism sector, especially hotels,
restaurants which are currently in a 'overcrowded' condition cannot only with a 10%
local tax change in 10 destinations. It should be noted that the stimulus for tax
exemption in the 10 destinations was not received by hotels and restaurants, but
received by the local government.
Furthermore, the addition of national holidays in 2020 according to which I will
potentially increase consumption. But it will have an impact on decreasing
productivity. Imagine if the hotel employees were told to take a day off during the
Eid, want to stay where people are on vacation. While for factories that have signed
contracts with buyers, their employees have no production in the end.
Corona virus outbreaks or Covid-19 in Indonesia also makes the Rupiah
weakened. At present the Indonesian Rupiah has fallen to the weakest level, at Rp
16,700 per US dollar. This is because the selling of bonds and stocks in Indonesia
has little sign of abating due to the worsening corona virus pandemic. This impacted
on the yield of 10-year bonds rose 17 basis points, while the country's stock index
fell more than 5 percent, which triggered the cessation of trade for the third time in a
On the other hand, I also saw a change from Indomaret near my home which
was originally in front of Indomaret many people gathered, but now it is very quiet,
and in front of the door of the Indomaret is written carefully in touching the door
algae which can be a spreader corona virus so that it must be cleaned as often as
possible. And for malls, the Indonesian Shopping Center Management Association
(APPBI) noted a decrease in mall visits in Surabaya in recent days. This decrease
occurred as a result of the spread of the corona virus or Covid-19 which had arrived
in Indonesia.
Chairman of the Indonesian Shopping Center Management Association
(APPBI) of East Java Sutandi Purnomosidi revealed, until now it had noted a decline
of up to 30 percent. Evidenced by the number of visits to a number of malls in
Surabaya, such as Pakuwon Mall which usually on the average weekend reaches
above 14,000 parking cars. However, during the weekend yesterday only recorded
as many as 11,000 cars. Likewise Tunjungan Plaza, which usually has 12,000 cars,
yesterday only 9,500 cars. This means that it is indeed quite affected with a decline
of at most 30 percent. However, according to him, the condition of mall visits in
Surabaya is not as severe as in Jakarta where the level of consumer visits is already
at an alarming level. In Jakarta it is already quite worrying because the economic
viability is above 50 percent. Tenants will suffer because of a decline in turnover.
Because of this corona virus we must always maintain our cleanliness. And
from this cause many people who buy and supply masks and hand sanitizers. This
causes the stock of these goods to thin out and the price to increase. And many
people who want to get a lot of profit take advantage of the current situation and
hoard a lot of masks and hand sanitizers for their own benefit. So that the Police will
crack down on those who hoard masks and hand sanitizers in the midst of the
spread of the corona virus (Covid-19). The Head of the Police Public Relations
Division said that his office had begun monitoring the action of hoarding masks and
hand sanitizers. The community had difficulty in obtaining a mask or hand washing
liquid after two people tested positive for co-19. The hoarding of masks in the midst
of the current scarcity situation is a criminal act, as stipulated in Article 107 of Law
Number 7 of 2014 concerning Trade.
Besides the problem of hoarding, of course there is also the problem of
spreading hoaxes about the corona virus. Disseminators of false information or
hoaks related to the new type of corona virus or 2019-nCoV face prison sentences
and fines of billions of rupiah. In the past two weeks, the spread of corona-related
hoaks has increased on social media. The Ministry of Communication and
Information found at least 54 hoax information related to the corona virus.
The government will continue to monitor the circulation of hoaks and
disinformation content, and take action through law enforcement officials. Based on
Article 28 paragraph (1) of Law Number 11 Year 2008 concerning Information and
Electronic Transactions (ITE Law) it is stated that "Everyone intentionally, and
without the right to spread false and misleading news that results in consumer harm
in Electronic Transactions". If there are indications of violations of the article, then
they can be subject to sanctions in accordance with Article 45A paragraph (1) of the
ITE Law. In that article it is stated that "Anyone who intentionally and without the
right to spread false and misleading news that results in consumer losses in
Electronic Transactions as referred to in Article 28 paragraph (1) shall be liable to a
maximum imprisonment of 6 (six) years and / or a maximum fine of Rp. 1 billion ".
And because of the corona virus, it disrupts export and import activities in
Indonesia. Delivery takes longer because they have to check and anticipate if the
corona virus is not present in package delivery. In addition, if people have to go or
return to another country or country of origin at the airport they must be detained for
several days to check the corona virus which can make people anxious and more
panicked. Besides cinema, in other sectors there are also many large turnover
decreases. From the fisheries sector, there was a price of squid which was initially
Rp 35,000 to Rp 15,000 and in others such as crabs, lobsters, and many more, it
had decreased by 50%. And in the transportation sector, for trains they experienced
a turnover of up to 70% due to the corona virus, so they canceled up to 8 trips per
In schools and lectures the corona virus causes a change in the learning
system. initially we have to come to our school or kuliha and directly face to face with
our teacher or not to listen to the learning, now we have to study at home. For
schools they are mostly closed because they have not been able to implement an
online system. And for lectures they have already implemented online lectures where
they conduct meetings via the zoom application and collect online file assignments.
But with this system, the learning system is not very effective for students and
students. Where students who are now supposed to get lessons, now can only live
at home without getting lessons or knowledge from the teacher. And for online
classmates who have meetings in the zoom application it can't be too long and
cause learning to be shortened. And if there is a group problem, it is very difficult to
discuss and talk if you don't meet in person.
The corona virus outbreak in Indonesia made the Ministry of Education and
Culture provide a policy so that students learn from home. Because of this Appeal,
online learning application, Ruangguru successfully became a popular application on
the Play Store. As one of the efforts to get rid of the corona virus, the government
invited to avoid the crowd. The decision to learn from home was taken to prevent the
spread of the corona virus especially in the school area. This government decision
apparently made interest in online learning applications increase. Feeling this
impact, Ruangguru as a successful online learning application became a popular
application on the Google Play Store.
Ranking first as a popular application on the Google Play Store has made
Ruangguru successfully beat several other popular applications such as TikTok to
Facebook Lite. As previously reported, in response to the corona virus which has
become a global pandemic, Ruangguru supports the government's decision for
students to learn from home. And lastly there was news recently this morning that
the Chairman of Commission X of the House of Representatives Syaiful Huda said
the government and the House of Representatives had decided to abolish the
National Examination (UN) for elementary, junior high and high schools because the
spread of coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) was increasingly massive. Instead
there is option that appear for determining student graduation. One option,
graduation is based on the cumulative grade of report cards for students at school.

Another impact is on the hospital. Because there are many positive patients
with corona virus, so many patients who do not have positive corona virus are afraid
to go to the hospital to do routine checks and check for diseases other than positive
corona, so that hospitals experience a decrease in patient acceptance other than
diseases of the corona virus, because other patients who not suffering from corona
virus disease afraid to contract and prefer to wait after the corona virus problem
subsides. And for major sporting events such as the Olympics and singer concerts in
several countries, all of them were canceled to avoid crowds of people who could
cause the transmission of the CO-VID19 virus. So after knowing all of this negative
impact we know what to do, and that are stay at home and keep our social

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