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<h5>Google Books API key</h5>
<p>You need an API key to call certain Google APIs. The API key identifies
your project. Enter your Google Books API key, or <a
href="">acquire one</a> via the <a
href="">Google Developers console</a> to lift
restrictions on the Google Books API. Please create a new key Server API key.</p>
<input id="id_key_proxy" maxlength="5000" name="key" placeholder="Enter your
Google Books API Server key" type="text">
<h5>What is an API key?</h5>
<p>An API key (either a server key or a browser key) is a unique identifier
that you generate using the Google Developers Console. Using an API key does not
require user action or consent. API keys do not grant access to any account
information, and are not used for authorization. The new Google Books API v1 gives
you programmatic access to many of the operations available on Google Books
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<p>This application is limited to a quota of 1,000 requests/day, at 1
request/second. Daily quota resets at midnight Pacific Time (PT). Your free API key
is bound by the same usage limits. You need to apply for a higher quota and enable
billing at the Google Developers Consolve, before you can increase usage
<p>Google Books respects copyright, contract, and other legal restrictions
associated with the end user's location. As a result, some users might not be able
to access book content from certain countries. For example, certain books are
"previewable" only in the United States; we omit such preview links for users in
other countries. Therefore, the API results are restricted based on your server or
client application's IP address.</p>
<p>This application follows Google's <a
practices</a> for securely using API keys.</p>
<p>Any content you submit through our application, including your name or
nicknames, may be made publicly available on Google services as described by the <a
href="">Books Privacy Policy</a>
and <a href="
hl=en&answer=100088">Help Center Article</a></p>
<p>Snippet Tape is bound by the <a
href="">Google Books APIs Terms of
Service</a>, in addition to the <a
href="">Google APIs Terms of Service ("API
<p>We will remove any content provided through the Books API that is alleged
to infringe the rights of third parties to the extent required by applicable law or
upon request from Google. To contact the creators of Snippet Tape, and request
removals: <a href="mailto:">email us</a></p>

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<p>Ran out of sticky tape.</p>



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Materialize.toast('Now using API key: '+API_key, 4000) // 4000 is
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