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Proceedings of the 14th International Middle East Power Systems Conference (MEPCON’10), Cairo University, Egypt, December 19-21,

2010, Paper ID 185.

New Concept for Lightning Protection of Ships:

The Leader Potential Concept Method
Ahmed A. Hossam-Eldin Abdalla Badr Abdalla
Department of Electrical Engineering
Alexandria University, Alexandria 21544 , Egypt

Abstract - The paper introduces the Leader Potential believed that the striking distance is a function of the lightning
Concept Method as a newly proposed criterion for lightning current. Moreover, lightning current measurements are
protection of marine ships and structures. The design uses both obtained at selected ground installation (usually tall structure.)
the Rolling Sphere Method (RSM) and the Line Charge Model. that is frequently struck by lightning. These current
This method will help for optimally placing the conventional
measurements are limited in number, and the current values
lightning protective system with maximum efficiency and
minimum cost. Throughout the paper, numerical results are obtained are strongly affected by the dimensions of the
introduced for different methods to show the superiority of the structure and also by climatologically and topographical
Leader Potential Concept Method 'LPCM' above the other conditions that influence the nature of local thunderstorms.
compared methods. A useful completely dedicated software has Because of these factors, the data cannot characterize the
been created for calculating the parameters for each method. entire range of the lightning current. Using striking distance
The software showed to be very effective in calculating the formula by Mazur based on ‘Leader Potential Concept’, a
parameters for most of ships by just giving the dimensions of a more reliable and economical protection system could be
particular ship, and it revealed that the LPCM method has the designed [3].
lowest possible cost for a lightning protective scheme.
Keywords: lightning, protection, marine, structures and ships
Striking distance based on “Leader Potential” was
I. INTRODUCTION developed by Mazur [5]. The concept is based on the
assumption that the leader is equivalent to a conducting wire
Marine vessels are often the tallest objects in a large space extended within the ambient electric field of a thundercloud,
(ocean). Lightning blows out the bottom of ships and causes and that the total charge of the bi-polar, bi-directional leader is
the loss of economy by damaging the navigational and zero before touching the ground, the leader potential that was
communication equipments [1]. Lightning protection equal to V before touching the ground shifts to zero upon
requirements for a ship are more stringent than those for most contact with the ground. This shift of potential is equivalent
of other buildings. Failure of lightning protection system may to adding a constant charge-per-unit length, q, along the
cause the maloperation of navigational equipment which is leader channel during the return stroke process. The charge-
unacceptable on a ship midocean. There are different methods per-unit length, deposited by the return stroke in a leader
for the placement of the lightning protectors on marine ships; channel of capacitance-per-unit length, c, is calculated as:
like the Cone Protection Method 'CPM', the Rolling Sphere
q = −c * V (1)
Method 'RSM' and the Collection Volume Method 'CVM'.
The Cone Protection Method will be excluded throughout the One needs to know the capacitance-per-unit length of the
paper, as it yields inaccurate results and has low protection leader channel, in order to calculate the leader potential V
efficiency [2] [3] [4]. using (1). For a vertical, thin, long conductor perpendicular to
The concept of striking distance is essential in the design the ground (with diameter D and length Z), that approximates
of lightning protection system for earthed structures. a leader channel, the capacitance-per-unit length c is
According to the basic idea of Electro Geometric Model, a calculated using the formula:
downward leader stroke is considered to propagate randomly c = 2πε / ln(Z / D) (2)
and uncontrollably at the beginning of lightning stroke. As a The relationship between the diameter of the leader
charge of a cloud is transferred along the downward leader, channel D and its charges is based upon the assumption that
the electric field on the surface of a grounded object increases. the charges are distributed in a corona sheath (with electric
Finally, at a striking distance, the critical electric field for field of ≤3 MV/m.) that is:
breakdown of air at the surface of the grounded object is
D = (q / 3 ∗ 10 6 πε ) (3)
reached, and an upward streamer starts from the object to
meet the leader stroke. Since the electric field at the tip of a Hence the leader potential V is calculated as:
structure is mainly influenced by the downward leader V = −(q / 2πε ) ln(3 ∗ 10 6 Zπε / q ) (4)
propagation and charge distribution in the leader channel, and And finally the striking distance which is the length of the
the charge is related to the return-stroke current, it was final step is calculated as [5]:

d s = V / 750 Meter (5) 70


The Leader Potential is calculated using (4) where, q is

ds, meter
40 RSM

charge per unit of the leader channel in milliCoulomb per 30


meter (mC/m), Z is the height from thundercloud base to the LPCM

ground in meters. Z can be obtained by measurement but
generally it is taken as 5000 meters, and finally the estimated
striking distance is a function of both the leader potential in 0 10 20 30 40 50
kV, and a constant electric field along the negative streamer Rod height, meter
head of the leader tip, which is 750kV/m, thus the striking
Fig. 1 Striking Distance, meter vs Rod Height, meter at Ip=5.4kA and
distance was obtained
from both (4) and (5) and simplified as:
d s = (q / 41.7 ∗ 10 −3 ) ln((q / 41.7 ∗ 10 −3 )(1 / 2Z )) m (6) methods and it is in the range of >2.5 times other methods.
For RSM, the striking distance is: The leader peak current selected was 5.4kA which
0.65 corresponds to a protection level number II, 97% interception
d s = 10 I p m (7) efficiency and 0.38mC/m value for the charge per unit length.
Where Ip is the leader peak current in kA The cloud base altitude is 5000 m. The heights were selected
For CVM, the striking distance is: between 10 to 50 m since most of naval and merchant ships
mast heights will be in the specified range [3] [6].
d s = 0.8[(15 + h) I p ] 2 / 3 m (8)
Fig. 2, shows the striking distance for the three methods,
Where h is the height of the protector from zero ground, m. but for different cloud base altitudes with a mast height of 30
From (7) and (8) it is obvious that both RSM and CVM meters and a leader peak current of 5.4 kA. This shows that
depend on the leader current while the LPCM depends on the the striking distance varies with the change of the cloud base
leader potential. Moreover, for a charge corresponding to a altitude, a parameter which is not present for both the other
given current value, the LPCM will yield greater striking two methods. The cloud altitude according to LPCM
distance. The total horizontal protected distance 2d for one method refers to the leader channel length.
protector can be calculated as
d = h( 2d s − h) m (9)
A computer program was developed to simulate the naval and
ds, meter

marine ships, the program showed to be very effective in 40
calculating the striking distance, the horizontal protected 30

distance, the number of rods and the total cost in EGP for the 20 LPCM
three methods.


















The developed software was aimed to create an easy Z, m eter

graphical interface to the user, it was made originally for Fig. 2 Striking Fi 2 S meter
Distance, iki vsDi
Thundercloud Height, meter at Ip=5.4kA
ships, and it can be used for calculating the striking distance, and h=30m
horizontal protected distance, number of rods needed for full
coverage of the ship, and finally the cost of the installed rods 250

based on a price of one rod. The rod price can be varied 200
easily. The results obtained showed that if the LPCM method RSM
ds, meter

is implemented for lightning protection of ships, the cost of
the lightning protection system will be greatly reduced, hence 100
the new proposed method has a great economical aspect.
The developed computer program was used to compare
between the three methods. Fig. 1, shows the striking distance 0
0.0 2.9 5.4 10.1 15.7
for the above three methods in relation with the protector
Ip, kA
height (installed above the highest point on ship mast), from
which it is clear that the LPCM greatly enhances the striking Fig. 3 Striking Distance, meter vs Ip, kA at h=30m and Z=5000m
distance of a protector compared to the other two
Fig. 3, shows the relation between the striking distance and
the leader peak current for the three mentioned methods at a
mast height of 30 meters and a cloud base altitude of 5000 m.
The values selected for the leader peak current are those

correspond to the protection levels I, II, III and IV with the
values 2.9, 5.4, 10.1 and 15.7 kA respectively [3]. The risk assessment factor, for all the above vessels,
It is shown that for almost all values of protection levels showed that lightning protection is needed. Moreover the
the LPCM shows an extensive increase of the striking distance price in EGP was calculated, based on a 0.5 m air terminal.
compared to both RSM and CVM methods. Apparently all The leader peak current is 5.4 kA and the thundercloud base is
Fig. 1, 2 and 3 show how much the striking distance is at height of 5000 m.
enhanced for a protector if the LPCM method is applied. The The striking distances for the three methods at each vessel
increase of striking distance results in less number of are calculated from (6), (7) and (9) and all the results are
protectors for the same given area. This will reflect on the summarized in the next few figures. Fig. 4, shows the results
economics of a reliable ship protection against lightning. obtained for the striking distances for each ship. Obviously,
the striking distance obtained from both RSM and CVM
methods for all types of ships are almost equal, except for the
The LPCM method was applied on a selected number of aircraft carrier, since the CVM method is related to the mast
naval and merchant ships, namely: The missile boat as a height and the aircraft carrier has the tallest mast among the
medium warship, frigate, destroyer, aircraft carrier and a above vessels. The striking distance obtained from the LPCM
cargo ship as a merchant ship [3] [6]. Length, (L), width, (W) method for all the studied ships is extremely greater than those
and mast height, (h) of each are used. Then, through the use of obtained from the other two methods, even for the aircraft
LPCM, the total horizontal protected distance is calculated carrier. The difference is about 20 to 30 meters for all vessel
and the number of needed rods, N will be calculated as: types which is a considerable figure when compared to vessel
N = L / 2d (10) length. The maximum differences between the results from
RSM and CVM for almost all vessel types are only ±10%,
A. Dimensions while the results from LPCM have differences that range
The selected vessels have the following dimensions (L * between +60% to +140% when compared to both RSM and
W * h) m: CVM.
1) Missile boat: (90 * 15 * 20) Fig. 5, shows the results obtained for the horizontal
2) Frigate: (145 * 20 * 26) protected distance for the three methods for each vessel type.
3) Destroyer: (194 * 27 * 32) Similarly, the values of the horizontal protected distance
4) Cargo Ship; (130 * 22 * 25) obtained from both RSM and CVM methods for any of the
5) Aircraft Carrier: (270 * 44 * 51) vessel types above are almost equal and are widely different
B. Risk Assessment
The risk assessment will be based on the following [7]:
1) Equivalent collective area, Ae which is calculated as: 50

Ae = LW + 6h( L + W ) + 9πh 2
ds, meter

(11) RSM
30 CVM
2) Lightning strike frequency, Nd and calculated as: LPCM
N d = Ae * N g * C1
3) Tolerable lightning frequency, Nc and calculated as:
N C = 1.5 *10 −3 /(C 2 * C 3 * C 4 * C 5 ) (13) Missile Boat Frigate Destroyer Cargo Ship Aircraft Carrier
4) Lightning flash density, Ng
5) Environmental coefficient, C1 Fig. 4 Striking Distance, meter vs Vessel Type at Ip=5.4kA, Z=5000 m
6) Structural coefficient, C2
7) Structural contents coefficient, C3 from those obtained from the LPCM method. The maximum
8) Structural occupancy coefficient, C4 differences between the results from RSM and CVM for
9) Lightning consequence coefficient, C5 almost all vessel types are only ±10% also, while the results
from LPCM have differences that range between +65% to
Lightning protection should be installed if Nd > Nc. Otherwise, +200% when compared to both RSM and CVM.
lightning protection is not needed. Fig. 6 shows the results obtained for the number of rods
In case of a marine ship the above coefficients will be selected for the three methods for each vessel type.
as follows: The number of rods for each of the vessels is almost the same
if RSM or CVM is used while for the LPCM, the number of
C1=2, isolated structure on a hilltop rods is almost about one half that of the above numbers, and
C2=2; flammable structure with a metallic roof consequently the total price for the installed rods is greatly
C3=3; exceptional value, flammable, computer or electronics reduced as shown in Fig. 7.
C4=3; difficult to evacuate or risk of panic Fig. 7 shows the results obtained for the cost in EGP for
C5=10; consequences to the environment the three methods for each vessel type.
And Ng = 7 [4] [7] [8].

The reduction in total cost of the installed rod(s) for -The line charge model uses the leader potential instead of the
almost all vessels, if the LPCM is applied, will range return stroke current.
between30% to 60% when compared to either RSM or CVM -The leader potential concept method combines both the line
methods. The cost of the lightning system will be greatly less. charge model and the rolling sphere concept in the design
-Ships and marine structures being the highest points
protruding out of the seas which are highly exposed to danger
from lightning strikes.
70 - The evaluation of lightning risk for a structure as well as the
striking distance parameters leads to numerous calculations.
Useful complete software had to be created. We constructed
this LPCM program which offers much better results than the
simplified calculations as well as plotting the striking distance.
d, meter

30 CVM It is not only useful as a training tool, but can be effectively
LPCM used for evaluating the protection system parameters and the
total price of the system. We verified also that our proposed
method has the best economical sound among the three given
Missile Boat Frigate Destroyer Cargo Ship Aircraft Carrier methods for almost all ships.
Vessel -A design uses the Leader Potential Concept Method shows
superiority above the other protection methods.
Fig. 5 Horizontal Protected Distance, meter vs Vessel Type at Ip=5.4kA, -The Leader Potential Concept Method can be used to design
Z=5000 m one of the most efficient and reliable ship protections against
lightning with minimum cost.
-Any comprehensive approach for protection should be site-
8 specific to attain maximum efficiencies.

No. of Rods


Missile Boat Frigate Destroyer Cargo Ship Aircraft Carrier
Fig. 8 Medium War Ship
Fig. 6 No. of Rods vs Vessel Type at Ip=5.4kA, Z=5000 m




Cost, EGP

300 CVM


Missile Boat Frigate Destroyer Cargo Ship Aircraft Carrier

Fig. 7 Cost, EGP vs Vessel Type at Ip=5.4kA, Z=5000 m

Fig. 9 Frigate

Fig. 10 Merchant Ship

Fig. 13 Graphical Interface of the LPCM computer program, step (1)

Fig. 11 Destroyer

Fig. 14 Graphical Interface of the LPCM computer program, step (2)

Fig. 12 Aircraft Carrier Fig. 15 Graphical Interface of the LPCM computer program, step (3)

Fig. 16 Graphical Interface of the LPCM computer program, step (4)

Fig. 17 Graphical Interface of the LPCM computer program, step (5)

[1] NOOA, "Facts about Lightning, Safety Tips for the Mariners", Fact sheet
Vol. 1, May 16, 2001.
[2] Ewen M. Thomson, Member, IEEE, "A Critical Assessment of the US
Code for Lightning Protection of Boats ", IEEE Transactions on
Electromagnetic Compatibility, Vol. 33, No. 2, May 1991.
[3] P.Y. Okyere, PhD and George Eduful, "Evaluation of Rolling Sphere
Method Using Leader Potential Concept: A Case Study", Proceedings of The
2006 IJME – INTERTECH Conference, Session: IT P501-124.
[4] Ahmed A. Hossam Eldin, Hesham B. Elrefaie and Ehab A.M. Omran,
"The Collection Volume Method for Lightning Protectors placement on Naval
Ships", IEEE-CEIDP Conference Oct., 2007, Canada
[5] Vladislav Mazur and Lothar H. Ruhnke "Determining Leader Potential in
Cloud-to-Ground Flashes", Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 29, 1601, 4
pp., 2002.
[6]Marine ship blueprints,
[7] Harger Lightning Protection, "Lightning Protection
[8]The World lightning Level Map,


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