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7 In the wild Extra practice

Vocabulary 2

1 * Match 1–6 to A–F and write the adjectives. 4 Zoe didn’t revise enough. She felt shy / worried before the test.
5 Zara starts speaking when you’re speaking. She’s very
1 friend B A ient
friendly / rude.
2 help ....... B ly
6 Nicole never goes swimming. She’s serious / afraid of water.
3 pat ....... C ious
7 Joe doesn’t say anything when he meets new people. He’s very
4 ser ....... D ite
patient / shy.
5 clev ....... E ful
6 pol ....... F er
3 *** Complete the sentences with the correct adjective.
1 friendly
1 A ........................ person always says please and thank you.
2 ........................
2 A ........................ person doesn’t mind waiting for things.
3 ........................
3 A ........................ person is nervous about meeting and speaking
4 ........................
to new people.
5 ........................
4 A ........................ person is intelligent and learns quickly.
6 ........................
5 A ........................ person isn’t afraid to do things that are difficult
or dangerous.
2 ** Choose the correct option.
6 A ........................ person doesn’t laugh a lot.
1 Hugo wasn’t nervous to climb the high mountain. He was
7 When a person is ........................, they feel shy because they have
very brave / polite.
done something silly.
2 Grace gets angry if the bus is a few minutes late. She’s
8 A ........................ person likes to do things for other people.
impatient / helpful.
3 Liam forgot his best friend’s birthday. He was clever / embarrassed.

Spectrum 2 Student’s Book Unit 7

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